项目概述:项目描述:进口动力煤, 点击查看>> 吨
Contact::Yang Lichao
联系电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
电子邮箱:wzyanglc@ 点击查看>>
Email:wzyanglc@ 点击查看>>
招标人地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门 (略)
Add.:Sinopec Building, No. 22 Chaoyangmen North Street, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing
Place of Implementation:Guangdong Province
To Obtain:On-line Download
Beginning of Selling prequalification documents:2022-08-04
Ending of Selling prequalification documents:2022-08-09
资格预审截止时间:2022-08-11 09:00
Time of prequalification Opening:2022-08-11 09:00
资格预审申请书递交方法:广东省广州市 (略) (略) 7层国际标会议室(纸质版1正6副)
Place of Bid:7 / F, NO.176 Shihua Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, China(1 original 6 copies)
Additional: For details, see the prequalification documents.
1) 所有潜在投标人均需在易派客平台 点击查看>> )上注册,填报基本信息(包括营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等),经审核通过后获得用户名和密码并登录平台(在易派客平台上已有用户名和密码的可直接登录)。在易派客上注册的“ (略) 商名称”必须与必联网上注册的“企业名称”一致,否则无法参与投标。
2) 投标人需在易派客平台 点击查看>> )上查找该项目的招标公告,点击购买标书,编辑报名信息,完成报名信息提交。详细查找方法建议致电相关客服人员:400-819-8786。待招标咨询人确认报名信息后,投标人即可支付标书费购买标书。
人民币付款方式:请在易派客平台 点击查看>> )或中国石化物资采购电子商务平台 点击查看>> )上在线支付标书费(不接受线下汇款)
美元付款方式:请按银行信息电汇标书 (略) (相关事项请先咨询招标机构)。
3) (本条仅针对线下美元支付标书费,如为在线人民币支付请忽略)保留中国石化物资采购电子商务平台标书费付款凭证,发送至招标联系人邮箱,审核通过回复邮件即报名成功。
4) 投标人在必联网或易派客平台上均可下载招标文件。
5) 投标保证金金额需以投标资料表上的要求为准。如需电汇投标保证金, (略) 信息可从易派客平台 点击查看>> )或中国石化物资采购电子商务平台 点击查看>> )上获取,详细查找方法建议致电相关客服人员:400-819-8786。如需开具银行保函或不可撤销的信用证,请先咨询招标机构。
1.1投标人类型Types of Bidder(s)
The Bidder shall be one of the following two types of enterprises and meet the corresponding require-
1.1.1 中国境外生产商(以下条件满足任意一项)
If the bidder is a coal manufacturer outside of China, the bidder shall meet any one of the following conditions:
Owning a coal mine with a Production Capacity of 10,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall providethe relevant documentation to prove theCoal Production Capacity; or
Being a shareholder of a coal mine with an Equity Production Capacity of 10,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall provide therelevant documentation for Equity Coal Production Capacity (Approved Production Capacity * Share Ratio).
1.1.2 中国境外流通商(以下条件必须同时满足)
If the bidder is a coal trader outside of China,
the bidder shall meet all of the following conditions:
(1) (略) (略) 是煤炭生产企业;
The Parent Company or Group Company of the Bidder shall be a coal production enterprise;
The Bidder shall have sales volume of more than 20,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons of coal in China from 2019 to 2021,in addition,the sales volume ofImported SteamCoal must more than 2,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons;
(3) (略) 供应的进口动力煤是从国外矿方采购的第一手资源,并提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall undertake that the Imported SteamCoal offered in this tendering is purchased directly from a Oversea Companiesminer, and shall provide a Letter of Undertakingsigned and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative;
1.2 投标人须提供在中国境外注册的商业登记证或其他中国境外注册证明文件。
The Bidder shall provide the business registration certificate registered outside of China or other certificationdocumentsregistered outside of China;
1.3 投标人须提供2019年至2021年三年的年度财务报表。
The Bidder shall provide the three years financial report from 2019 to 2021;
1.4 投标人须担保进口动力煤的五项微量元素指标符合中国海关要求,提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall guarantee that the test results of five trace elements [Mercury, Arsenic, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Fluorine]of Imported SteamCoaloffered in this tendering meet the requirements of China Customs, and provide a Letter of Undertaking signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative;
1.5 (略) 于被中国石化给予风险停用、 (略) 理期内。The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to risk suspension and/or default suspension by the SINOPEC;
1. (略) 于被责令停产停业、暂扣或者吊销许可证、暂扣或者吊销执照的情形;企业不存在进入清算程序,或者被宣告破产,或其他丧失履约能力的情形。须提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to suspend production and/or business, temporary suspension or revocation of any permit and/orlicense by the relevantauthorities. The company shall not be under liquidation procedure, declared bankrupt and/or other situation of losing capacity to perform. The letter of undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative; and
There was no major safety and/or environmental liability accident occurred related to the Bidder’s company from 2019 to 2021. The Letter of Undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative.
项目概述:项目描述:进口动力煤, 点击查看>> 吨
Contact::Yang Lichao
联系电话: 点击查看>>
Tel: 点击查看>>
电子邮箱:wzyanglc@ 点击查看>>
Email:wzyanglc@ 点击查看>>
招标人地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳门 (略)
Add.:Sinopec Building, No. 22 Chaoyangmen North Street, ChaoyangDistrict, Beijing
Place of Implementation:Guangdong Province
To Obtain:On-line Download
Beginning of Selling prequalification documents:2022-08-04
Ending of Selling prequalification documents:2022-08-09
资格预审截止时间:2022-08-11 09:00
Time of prequalification Opening:2022-08-11 09:00
资格预审申请书递交方法:广东省广州市 (略) (略) 7层国际标会议室(纸质版1正6副)
Place of Bid:7 / F, NO.176 Shihua Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, China(1 original 6 copies)
Additional: For details, see the prequalification documents.
1) 所有潜在投标人均需在易派客平台 点击查看>> )上注册,填报基本信息(包括营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证等),经审核通过后获得用户名和密码并登录平台(在易派客平台上已有用户名和密码的可直接登录)。在易派客上注册的“ (略) 商名称”必须与必联网上注册的“企业名称”一致,否则无法参与投标。
2) 投标人需在易派客平台 点击查看>> )上查找该项目的招标公告,点击购买标书,编辑报名信息,完成报名信息提交。详细查找方法建议致电相关客服人员:400-819-8786。待招标咨询人确认报名信息后,投标人即可支付标书费购买标书。
人民币付款方式:请在易派客平台 点击查看>> )或中国石化物资采购电子商务平台 点击查看>> )上在线支付标书费(不接受线下汇款)
美元付款方式:请按银行信息电汇标书 (略) (相关事项请先咨询招标机构)。
3) (本条仅针对线下美元支付标书费,如为在线人民币支付请忽略)保留中国石化物资采购电子商务平台标书费付款凭证,发送至招标联系人邮箱,审核通过回复邮件即报名成功。
4) 投标人在必联网或易派客平台上均可下载招标文件。
5) 投标保证金金额需以投标资料表上的要求为准。如需电汇投标保证金, (略) 信息可从易派客平台 点击查看>> )或中国石化物资采购电子商务平台 点击查看>> )上获取,详细查找方法建议致电相关客服人员:400-819-8786。如需开具银行保函或不可撤销的信用证,请先咨询招标机构。
1.1投标人类型Types of Bidder(s)
The Bidder shall be one of the following two types of enterprises and meet the corresponding require-
1.1.1 中国境外生产商(以下条件满足任意一项)
If the bidder is a coal manufacturer outside of China, the bidder shall meet any one of the following conditions:
Owning a coal mine with a Production Capacity of 10,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall providethe relevant documentation to prove theCoal Production Capacity; or
Being a shareholder of a coal mine with an Equity Production Capacity of 10,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons or more, and the Bidder shall provide therelevant documentation for Equity Coal Production Capacity (Approved Production Capacity * Share Ratio).
1.1.2 中国境外流通商(以下条件必须同时满足)
If the bidder is a coal trader outside of China,
the bidder shall meet all of the following conditions:
(1) (略) (略) 是煤炭生产企业;
The Parent Company or Group Company of the Bidder shall be a coal production enterprise;
The Bidder shall have sales volume of more than 20,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons of coal in China from 2019 to 2021,in addition,the sales volume ofImported SteamCoal must more than 2,000, 点击查看>> Metric Tons;
(3) (略) 供应的进口动力煤是从国外矿方采购的第一手资源,并提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall undertake that the Imported SteamCoal offered in this tendering is purchased directly from a Oversea Companiesminer, and shall provide a Letter of Undertakingsigned and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative;
1.2 投标人须提供在中国境外注册的商业登记证或其他中国境外注册证明文件。
The Bidder shall provide the business registration certificate registered outside of China or other certificationdocumentsregistered outside of China;
1.3 投标人须提供2019年至2021年三年的年度财务报表。
The Bidder shall provide the three years financial report from 2019 to 2021;
1.4 投标人须担保进口动力煤的五项微量元素指标符合中国海关要求,提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall guarantee that the test results of five trace elements [Mercury, Arsenic, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Fluorine]of Imported SteamCoaloffered in this tendering meet the requirements of China Customs, and provide a Letter of Undertaking signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative;
1.5 (略) 于被中国石化给予风险停用、 (略) 理期内。The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to risk suspension and/or default suspension by the SINOPEC;
1. (略) 于被责令停产停业、暂扣或者吊销许可证、暂扣或者吊销执照的情形;企业不存在进入清算程序,或者被宣告破产,或其他丧失履约能力的情形。须提供由法定代表人或授权代表签署并加盖公章的承诺书。
The Bidder shall not be in the situation of being ordered to suspend production and/or business, temporary suspension or revocation of any permit and/orlicense by the relevantauthorities. The company shall not be under liquidation procedure, declared bankrupt and/or other situation of losing capacity to perform. The letter of undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative; and
There was no major safety and/or environmental liability accident occurred related to the Bidder’s company from 2019 to 2021. The Letter of Undertaking shall be provided by the Bidder and it shall be signed and stamped by the legal representative or authorized representative.