1. Bidding Conditions:
1.1项目概况:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略) 为中外合资企业, (略) (略) 佳县榆佳工业园建立了一个电子及光伏新材料产业化项目。
1.1Project overview: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture, and has established an electronic and photovoltaic new material industrialized project in Industrial Park, Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province.
1.2 Source of funds: self-raised funds, have been implemented
1.3 Description of the Prepared Bidding Conditions: The project has been approved by [2014] No.542 of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission.
2. Bidding Content
2.1 Bidding No.:SCZF2023-ZB-0061/006(R)
2.2项目名称:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略) 再沸器管束及冷凝器采购
2.2 Project name: Procurement of reboiler tube bundle and condenser of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd.
2.3招标内容:本项目不划分标包,采购内容为:1台 DCS塔再沸器管束E-24001(包括封头)、1台硅烷塔再沸器管束E-26001(包括封头) 、1台急冷塔预冷凝器E-14004 、1台急冷塔冷凝器E-14003 、1台预闪蒸加热器管束E-12007(包括壳体),具体详见招标文件。
2.3Content:This project is not divided into bid packages. The procurement contents are: one DCS tower reboiler tube bundle E-24001, one silane tower reboiler tube bundle E-26001, one quench tower pre condenser E-14004, one quench tower condenser E-14003, and one pre flash heater tube bundle E-12007. See the bidding documents for details.
2.4项目实施地点: (略) 佳县榆佳工业园
2.4 Place of Implementation: Yu Jia Industrial Park in Jiaxian County, Yulin Shaanxi
2.5 Bidding Method: Public Bidding, Post-Qualification Evaluation
3. Qualification Requirements for the Bidder:
3.1The bidder shall be a legal person or other organization legally registered in the People’s Republic of China, a manufacturer capable of providing the goods and services required for this tender, and a valid business license;
3.2投标 (略) 场监督管理总局颁发的有效的特种设备生产许可证(压力容器制造)A2级及以上资质(含设计)(2019年6月1日前取得证书的单位,须提供有效的特种设备设计许可证(压力容器)A2级及以上资质和有效的特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)A2级及以上资质);
3.2The bidder has valid special equipment production license (pressure vessel manufacturing) Grade A2 or above qualification (including design) issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (units that have obtained the certificate before June 1, 2019, Valid special equipment design License (pressure vessel) Grade A2 or above qualification and valid special equipment manufacturing license (pressure vessel) Grade A2 or above qualification shall be provided;
3.3Bidders shall not be listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement on the "Credit China-China Enforcement Information Disclosure Network" http://**);
3.4Bidders can check on the "China Judgment Documents Network" http://**) that there is no record of bribery;
3.5The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a holding or management relationship, and shall not participate in the bidding of this project at the same time;
3.6Joint Bids: Not acceptable;
4. Acquisition of Bidding Document
4.1 Beginning and ending of selling Bidding Documents: from17:00,5/24, 2023 to 17:00 , 5/29 , 2023 (Beijing Time) ;
4.2 Access to tender documents: Those who wish to participate in the tender, please in the acquisition time (Beijing time, the same below) log on to the China Recruitment Joint Tender Procurement Network (hereinafter referred to as the platform, http://**) to download the electronic tender documents. Bidders shall give full consideration to the time required for platform registration, information inspection, data upload, bid acquisition confirmation and payment of fees, and bidders must complete the payment within the aforementioned acquisition period to ensure the successful purchase and download of tender documents before the deadline for the sale of tender documents.
4.3招标文件售价:1000 元人民币,售后不退。
4.3 Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 1000.00, once sold will not be returned.
4.4 Before the bidders log on to the platform for the first time, they must go to the platform to register for free, and the platform will check the consistency of the bidder registration information and the information provided by them. Registration is a one-time job. If necessary, you only need to change and improve the relevant information. After successful registration, you can participate in all the bidding projects published on the platform in a timely manner. After the platform is successfully registered, log in to the platform to truly and accurately improve user information, especially financial information, and apply for a CA digital certificate in a timely manner.(Beijing CA)
4.5投标人需要发票的,须通过平台“发票管理”模块进行操作。招标文件费用及邮购费发票由招标代理机构出具增值税电子普通发票,发送至投标人维护的电子邮箱。平台交易服务费发票由中招 (略) ( (略) )自动出具增值税电子普通发票,投标人可在支付后3个工作日内登*前述模块下载。非因招 (略) 原因,发票一经开具不予退换。
4.5 If the bidder needs an invoice, he or she must do so through the platform "Invoice Management" module. The tender document fee and mail order invoice shall be issued by the bidding agency with an electronic free text invoice of value-added tax and sent to the e-mail address maintained by the bidder. The invoice for the service fee for the platform transaction shall be automatically issued by Zhongzhong United Information Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Platform Company) for the electronic free text invoice of VALUE-added tax, and the bidder may log on to the above module within 3 working days after payment. The invoice shall not be refunded once issued, for reasons caused by the bidding agency or platform company.
4.6平台统一服务热线:010-*,(工作日9:00-12:00,13:30-17:00),平台将确保下载者的购买信 (略) 有关工作人员保密;如 (略) 工作人员联系咨询事宜,则视为下载者主动放弃信息保密的权利,平台公司将不承担任何责任。
4.6 Platform unified service hotline: 010-*, (working days 9: 00-12: 00, 13: 30-17: 00), the platform will ensure that the download information of the downloader is kept confidential to the relevant staff of the platform company before the bid opening; If the downloader takes the initiative to contact the staff of the platform company for consultation, it is deemed that the downloader has voluntarily waived the right to confidentiality of the information, and the platform company will not bear any responsibility.
4.7 Channels for raising objections: If potential bidders or other interested parties have objections to the bidding documents, they should raise them 10 days before the deadline for bidding, and send the objection documents with the official seal to the mailbox *@*q.com.
5、Submission of Bid Documents
5.1Deadline for submission of tender documents / opening time:2023,6/15,09: 00 (Beijing time)
5.2 Submission method:
Submission of electronic bidding documents: Bidders should use the bidding document production tool (free download from the China Unicom Joint Official Website) to prepare bid documents in accordance with the format and encrypt them with an electronic seal before the deadline. The encrypted bidding file is uploaded and saved. After the upload is successful, the system automatically generates the electronic receipt certificate, and the submission time is the electronic receipt certificate time.
The bidder shall complete the submission of bidding documents before the deadline for bidding specified in the bidding documents. The submission of bidding documents refers to the use of the "China Joint Venture Tendering and Procurement Platform" to complete the uploading of bidding documents before the deadline for submission of bids, and the submission of bidding documents that are not completed before the deadline for submission of bids shall be deemed to have been delivered overdue. In order to ensure that the bidding documents can be uploaded on time, it is recommended to upload the electronic bidding documents at least one day in advance.
纸质投标文件递交:请各投标人以邮寄的方式将密封的纸质版投标文件邮寄至招标代理机构(不接受到付)。邮件接收地点: (略) 雁塔区高新二路二号山西证券大厦21楼招标六部。
Submission of paper bidding documents: Each bidder is requested to mail the sealed paper version of the bidding documents to the bidding agency by mail (no payment is accepted). Location for receiving mail: Six Tenders on the 21st floor of Shanxi Securities Building, No. 2 Gaoxin Second Road, Yanta District, Xi"an, Shaanxi Province.
If the electronic bidding documents are not submitted on the "Zhongzhao Joint Tendering and Procurement Platform" before the deadline for bidding, it will be regarded as an invalid bid, and the tenderee will not accept it.
5.3开标地点及方式: (略) 高新二路山西证券大厦二十一层第八会议室,该项目为线上开标(中招联合招标采购平台http://**.cn),投标人无需到开标现场;项目采取服务器解密方式,投标人无需自行解密,届时服务器会自动进行解密。
5.3 Bid opening location and method: The eighth meeting room on the 21st floor of Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin 2nd Road, Xi"an City, this project is open for bidding online (http://**.cn), bidders do not need to go to bid opening On-site; the project adopts the server decryption method, and the bidder does not need to decrypt it by itself, and the server will automatically decrypt it at that time.
6. Supervision department
本招标项目的监督 (略) 工业和信息化厅。
The supervision department of this bidding project is the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.
7. Media for Bidding Announcement
本次招标公告同时在《 (略) 工业和信息化厅网》(http://**)、《陕西采购与招标网》(http://**)发布。
The bidding notice will be published on “http://**” 、“http://**”
8. Contact Details
招标人:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略)
Tenderer: haanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd.
地址: (略) 佳县榆佳工业园
Address: Yu Jia Industrial Park in Jiaxian County, Yulin Shaanxi
Contact: Ms. Zhang
Phone: 0912-*
Mailbox: jinying.*@*ttp://**
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agent: Shaanxi Provincial Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd
地址及邮编: (略) 高新二路山西证券大厦21楼招标六部,*
Address: Department 6, 21/F Shanxi Security Building, Gaoxin 2 Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi. *
联系人:夏花娟 杨晓义 Contact:XIAhuajuan YANGxiaoyi
电话: 029-* Tel: 029-*
电子邮箱:*@*q.com Email:*@*q.com
1. Bidding Conditions:
1.1项目概况:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略) 为中外合资企业, (略) (略) 佳县榆佳工业园建立了一个电子及光伏新材料产业化项目。
1.1Project overview: Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. is a Sino-foreign joint venture, and has established an electronic and photovoltaic new material industrialized project in Industrial Park, Jiaxian County, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province.
1.2 Source of funds: self-raised funds, have been implemented
1.3 Description of the Prepared Bidding Conditions: The project has been approved by [2014] No.542 of Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission.
2. Bidding Content
2.1 Bidding No.:SCZF2023-ZB-0061/006(R)
2.2项目名称:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略) 再沸器管束及冷凝器采购
2.2 Project name: Procurement of reboiler tube bundle and condenser of Shaanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd.
2.3招标内容:本项目不划分标包,采购内容为:1台 DCS塔再沸器管束E-24001(包括封头)、1台硅烷塔再沸器管束E-26001(包括封头) 、1台急冷塔预冷凝器E-14004 、1台急冷塔冷凝器E-14003 、1台预闪蒸加热器管束E-12007(包括壳体),具体详见招标文件。
2.3Content:This project is not divided into bid packages. The procurement contents are: one DCS tower reboiler tube bundle E-24001, one silane tower reboiler tube bundle E-26001, one quench tower pre condenser E-14004, one quench tower condenser E-14003, and one pre flash heater tube bundle E-12007. See the bidding documents for details.
2.4项目实施地点: (略) 佳县榆佳工业园
2.4 Place of Implementation: Yu Jia Industrial Park in Jiaxian County, Yulin Shaanxi
2.5 Bidding Method: Public Bidding, Post-Qualification Evaluation
3. Qualification Requirements for the Bidder:
3.1The bidder shall be a legal person or other organization legally registered in the People’s Republic of China, a manufacturer capable of providing the goods and services required for this tender, and a valid business license;
3.2投标 (略) 场监督管理总局颁发的有效的特种设备生产许可证(压力容器制造)A2级及以上资质(含设计)(2019年6月1日前取得证书的单位,须提供有效的特种设备设计许可证(压力容器)A2级及以上资质和有效的特种设备制造许可证(压力容器)A2级及以上资质);
3.2The bidder has valid special equipment production license (pressure vessel manufacturing) Grade A2 or above qualification (including design) issued by the State Administration for Market Regulation (units that have obtained the certificate before June 1, 2019, Valid special equipment design License (pressure vessel) Grade A2 or above qualification and valid special equipment manufacturing license (pressure vessel) Grade A2 or above qualification shall be provided;
3.3Bidders shall not be listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement on the "Credit China-China Enforcement Information Disclosure Network" http://**);
3.4Bidders can check on the "China Judgment Documents Network" http://**) that there is no record of bribery;
3.5The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units that have a holding or management relationship, and shall not participate in the bidding of this project at the same time;
3.6Joint Bids: Not acceptable;
4. Acquisition of Bidding Document
4.1 Beginning and ending of selling Bidding Documents: from17:00,5/24, 2023 to 17:00 , 5/29 , 2023 (Beijing Time) ;
4.2 Access to tender documents: Those who wish to participate in the tender, please in the acquisition time (Beijing time, the same below) log on to the China Recruitment Joint Tender Procurement Network (hereinafter referred to as the platform, http://**) to download the electronic tender documents. Bidders shall give full consideration to the time required for platform registration, information inspection, data upload, bid acquisition confirmation and payment of fees, and bidders must complete the payment within the aforementioned acquisition period to ensure the successful purchase and download of tender documents before the deadline for the sale of tender documents.
4.3招标文件售价:1000 元人民币,售后不退。
4.3 Price of Bidding Documents: RMB 1000.00, once sold will not be returned.
4.4 Before the bidders log on to the platform for the first time, they must go to the platform to register for free, and the platform will check the consistency of the bidder registration information and the information provided by them. Registration is a one-time job. If necessary, you only need to change and improve the relevant information. After successful registration, you can participate in all the bidding projects published on the platform in a timely manner. After the platform is successfully registered, log in to the platform to truly and accurately improve user information, especially financial information, and apply for a CA digital certificate in a timely manner.(Beijing CA)
4.5投标人需要发票的,须通过平台“发票管理”模块进行操作。招标文件费用及邮购费发票由招标代理机构出具增值税电子普通发票,发送至投标人维护的电子邮箱。平台交易服务费发票由中招 (略) ( (略) )自动出具增值税电子普通发票,投标人可在支付后3个工作日内登*前述模块下载。非因招 (略) 原因,发票一经开具不予退换。
4.5 If the bidder needs an invoice, he or she must do so through the platform "Invoice Management" module. The tender document fee and mail order invoice shall be issued by the bidding agency with an electronic free text invoice of value-added tax and sent to the e-mail address maintained by the bidder. The invoice for the service fee for the platform transaction shall be automatically issued by Zhongzhong United Information Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Platform Company) for the electronic free text invoice of VALUE-added tax, and the bidder may log on to the above module within 3 working days after payment. The invoice shall not be refunded once issued, for reasons caused by the bidding agency or platform company.
4.6平台统一服务热线:010-*,(工作日9:00-12:00,13:30-17:00),平台将确保下载者的购买信 (略) 有关工作人员保密;如 (略) 工作人员联系咨询事宜,则视为下载者主动放弃信息保密的权利,平台公司将不承担任何责任。
4.6 Platform unified service hotline: 010-*, (working days 9: 00-12: 00, 13: 30-17: 00), the platform will ensure that the download information of the downloader is kept confidential to the relevant staff of the platform company before the bid opening; If the downloader takes the initiative to contact the staff of the platform company for consultation, it is deemed that the downloader has voluntarily waived the right to confidentiality of the information, and the platform company will not bear any responsibility.
4.7 Channels for raising objections: If potential bidders or other interested parties have objections to the bidding documents, they should raise them 10 days before the deadline for bidding, and send the objection documents with the official seal to the mailbox *@*q.com.
5、Submission of Bid Documents
5.1Deadline for submission of tender documents / opening time:2023,6/15,09: 00 (Beijing time)
5.2 Submission method:
Submission of electronic bidding documents: Bidders should use the bidding document production tool (free download from the China Unicom Joint Official Website) to prepare bid documents in accordance with the format and encrypt them with an electronic seal before the deadline. The encrypted bidding file is uploaded and saved. After the upload is successful, the system automatically generates the electronic receipt certificate, and the submission time is the electronic receipt certificate time.
The bidder shall complete the submission of bidding documents before the deadline for bidding specified in the bidding documents. The submission of bidding documents refers to the use of the "China Joint Venture Tendering and Procurement Platform" to complete the uploading of bidding documents before the deadline for submission of bids, and the submission of bidding documents that are not completed before the deadline for submission of bids shall be deemed to have been delivered overdue. In order to ensure that the bidding documents can be uploaded on time, it is recommended to upload the electronic bidding documents at least one day in advance.
纸质投标文件递交:请各投标人以邮寄的方式将密封的纸质版投标文件邮寄至招标代理机构(不接受到付)。邮件接收地点: (略) 雁塔区高新二路二号山西证券大厦21楼招标六部。
Submission of paper bidding documents: Each bidder is requested to mail the sealed paper version of the bidding documents to the bidding agency by mail (no payment is accepted). Location for receiving mail: Six Tenders on the 21st floor of Shanxi Securities Building, No. 2 Gaoxin Second Road, Yanta District, Xi"an, Shaanxi Province.
If the electronic bidding documents are not submitted on the "Zhongzhao Joint Tendering and Procurement Platform" before the deadline for bidding, it will be regarded as an invalid bid, and the tenderee will not accept it.
5.3开标地点及方式: (略) 高新二路山西证券大厦二十一层第八会议室,该项目为线上开标(中招联合招标采购平台http://**.cn),投标人无需到开标现场;项目采取服务器解密方式,投标人无需自行解密,届时服务器会自动进行解密。
5.3 Bid opening location and method: The eighth meeting room on the 21st floor of Shanxi Securities Building, Gaoxin 2nd Road, Xi"an City, this project is open for bidding online (http://**.cn), bidders do not need to go to bid opening On-site; the project adopts the server decryption method, and the bidder does not need to decrypt it by itself, and the server will automatically decrypt it at that time.
6. Supervision department
本招标项目的监督 (略) 工业和信息化厅。
The supervision department of this bidding project is the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.
7. Media for Bidding Announcement
本次招标公告同时在《 (略) 工业和信息化厅网》(http://**)、《陕西采购与招标网》(http://**)发布。
The bidding notice will be published on “http://**” 、“http://**”
8. Contact Details
招标人:陕西有色天宏瑞 (略)
Tenderer: haanxi Non-Ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd.
地址: (略) 佳县榆佳工业园
Address: Yu Jia Industrial Park in Jiaxian County, Yulin Shaanxi
Contact: Ms. Zhang
Phone: 0912-*
Mailbox: jinying.*@*ttp://**
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
Bidding Agent: Shaanxi Provincial Procurement & Tendering Co., Ltd
地址及邮编: (略) 高新二路山西证券大厦21楼招标六部,*
Address: Department 6, 21/F Shanxi Security Building, Gaoxin 2 Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi. *
联系人:夏花娟 杨晓义 Contact:XIAhuajuan YANGxiaoyi
电话: 029-* Tel: 029-*
电子邮箱:*@*q.com Email:*@*q.com