宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿 用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目 - 国际招标公告
煤炭工业规 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2023-05-25在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1、招标条件 项目概况:本项目为宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目,项目已经批准实施,拟通过国际招标方式购置Φ38-Φ60热编冷焊闪光 对焊机设备1套。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:企业自筹,已落实。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:招标产品已获得进口论证审批,可以接受进口产品。
招标项目名称:宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目
项目实施地点:中国宁夏回族自治区 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序 号 产品名称 数 量 简要技术规格
备 注 1 Φ38-Φ60热编冷焊闪 光对焊机 1 焊接链环规格:Φ38mm~Φ60mm;
节距/焊接后链环内长:max210mm; 焊接链环外宽:max210mm;
锻造环外宽:max160mm; 最大顶锻 力:1100kN;
3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1.1投标人是响应招标、已在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。任何未在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投 标。
1.3与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的 法人或其他组织不得参加投标。
1.5单位负责人为同一人或者 存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目包投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。
1.7只有在法律上和财务 上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。
1.8投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国国际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:http://**)成功注册 (免费)。否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。
(1)投标人应为来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区的制造商或 代理商(销售代理机构),具备良好的商业信誉和健全的财务状况(须提供近三年财务报表:资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表),拥有完备的国内售后服务和技术支持体系,具有履行本项目合同所需的资金、 技术和管理实施能力(提供相应证明材料)。
(4)制造商须具 有ISO9001质量体系认证或国际有效认证(同等级的认证证明)证书彩色扫描件或复印件并加盖公章(证书应清晰可辨,持证主体应与投标人名称一致)。
(5)国内投标人须在投标截止时间前在“信用中国”网站 (www.creditchina .gov.cn)未被列入失信被执行人、税收违法黑名单中 (提供查询截图并加盖公章);
(6)国内投标人及其法人代表须在投标截止时间前在“中国执行信息公开网”网站http://**)未被 列入限制消费人员名单中(提供查询截图并加盖公章)
(8)未领购招标文件的潜在投标人不得参加投标; 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:2023-05-25 招标文件领购结束时间:2023-06-02 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:电子下载 招标文件领购地点: 招标文件售价:¥200/$28.26
5、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):2023-06-15 09:00 投标文件送达地点: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心 开标地点: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(http://**)或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(http://**)完成注册及信息核验。
7、联系方式 招标人:宁夏天地 (略) 地址: (略) 大武口区金工路1号 联系人:胡艳杰 联系方式 :*
招标代理机构:煤炭工业规 (略) 地址: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心 联系人:李嘉平 联系方式 :*
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 光大银行北京德胜门支行
账号(人民币): *87
Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. High-end Digital Manufacturing (Ningxia) Base Construction Minin g chain digital workshop equipment International Competitive bidding project
CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of I nternational Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on http://** on 2023-05-25.
1.Bidding Conditions Overview: This project is an international competitive bidding project for mining chain digital workshop equipment for high-end digital manufacturing (Ningxia) Base construction of Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. The project has been approved and implemented. It intends to purchase 1 equipment through international bidding. Source of Funds: The enterprise has raised funds by itself, which has been implemented. Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The bidding products have been approved for import demonstration and can be imported.
2.Bidding Content: Bidding No:4679-* Project Name:Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. High-end Digital Manufacturing (Ningxia) Base Construction Mining chain digital workshop equipment International Competitive bidding p roject Place of Implementation: No.1, Jingong Road, Dawukou District, Shizuishan City List of Products: N O. Product Name Qua ntity Main Technical Data Rem arks 1 Hot braided cold welding fl ash butt welder with Φ38-Φ 60 1 Welding chain ring specifications: Φ38mm ~ Φ60mm; Pitch/inner length of welded chain ring: max210mm; Outer width of welded chain ri ng: max210mm; Forging ring outer width: max160mm; Maximum top forging force: 1100kN; Transformer power: (at 50% transient load r ate) 1300kVA
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:1.1 The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent, and participated in the bid. Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid. 1.2 This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal perso ns or other organizations from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as "PRC") and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called "the eligible source countr ies/areas"), except as provided hereinafter. 1.3 Any legal person or other organization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate i n the bid. 1.4 Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or to prepare the bidding document is not allowed to participate i n the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bidder. 1.5 Different bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management should n ot participate in the bids for the same package, except for the case to form a joint venture to bid. 1.6 Any party to a joint ventureshall not, for thesame package,submit bid independently in its name or participat e in another joint venture. 1.7 The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tend eree or the Tendering Agent. 1.8 Bidders should successfully complete registration on http://** (hereinafter abb. as "the Website") prior to the deadline for submission of bids stipulated in th e bidding document. Otherwise, the bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by bidders. 2. Other qualification requirements for bidders: (1) The bidd er shall be a manufacturer or agent (sales agency) from the People"s Republic of China or countries or regions with normal trade contacts with the People"s Republic of China, with good business reputation an d sound financial position (financial statements for the last three years shall be provided: Balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement), complete domestic after-sales service and technical support system, and the capital, technology and management implementation ability required for the performance of the contract of the project (provide relevant certification materials). (2) If the bidder is the agent of th e bidding goods, the manufacturer of the bidding goods can no longer participate in the bidding of the project in its own name. (3) The manufacturer must have more than 5 years of manufacturing history of sim ilar products. (4) The manufacturer must have ISO9001 quality system certification or international valid certification (certification certificate of the same level) color scan or copy of the certificate and stamped w ith official seal (certificate should be clearly distinguishable, the subject of the certificate should be consistent with the name of the bidder). (5) The domestic bidder shall not be listed in the blacklist of persons s ubject to enforcement for trust-breaking and tax violations on the website of "Credit China" (http://**.cn) before the bidding deadline (provide the screenshot of inquiry and stamp the official seal); (6) the domestic bidder and its legal representative must be in the bidding deadline in the implementation of "China information network" web http://**) is not included in the limit consumption p ersonnel list (provide query screenshots and build official seal) (7) Letter of credit commitment (only applicable to overseas bidders, overseas bidders are not required to provide screenshots of the above three categories). (8) Potential bidders who have not obtained the bidding documents shall not participate in the bidding; Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2023-05-25 Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2023-06-02 Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-line Download Place: Price of Bidding Documents: ¥200/$28.26 Additional Instructions:
5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2023-06-15 09:00 Place of Bid:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing Place of Bid Opening:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on http://**.
7.Contact Details Purchasers:Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD Add.: No.1, Jingong Road, Dawukou District, Shizuishan City Contact:HU Yanjie Tel:* Bidding Agency:CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE Add.:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing Contact:LI Jiaping Tel :*
8.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB):China Everbright Bank Beijing Desengmen Sub-branch
Account NO.(RMB):*87
Account NO.(USD):
宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿 用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目 - 国际招标公告
煤炭工业规 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2023-05-25在中国国际招标网公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1、招标条件 项目概况:本项目为宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目,项目已经批准实施,拟通过国际招标方式购置Φ38-Φ60热编冷焊闪光 对焊机设备1套。 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:企业自筹,已落实。 项目已具备招标条件的说明:招标产品已获得进口论证审批,可以接受进口产品。
招标项目名称:宁夏天地 (略) 高端数字化制造(宁夏)基地建设矿用链条数字化车间设备国际竞争性招标项目
项目实施地点:中国宁夏回族自治区 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序 号 产品名称 数 量 简要技术规格
备 注 1 Φ38-Φ60热编冷焊闪 光对焊机 1 焊接链环规格:Φ38mm~Φ60mm;
节距/焊接后链环内长:max210mm; 焊接链环外宽:max210mm;
锻造环外宽:max160mm; 最大顶锻 力:1100kN;
3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:1.1投标人是响应招标、已在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件并参加投标竞争的法人或其他组织。任何未在招标人或招标机构处领购招标文件的法人或其他组织均不得参加投 标。
1.3与招标人存在利害关系可能影响招标公正性的 法人或其他组织不得参加投标。
1.5单位负责人为同一人或者 存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一招标项目包投标,共同组成联合体投标的除外。
1.7只有在法律上和财务 上独立、合法运作并独立于招标人和招标机构的供货人才能参加投标。
1.8投标人应当于招标文件载明的投标截止时间前在中国国际招标网(以下简称“招标网”,网址:http://**)成功注册 (免费)。否则,投标人将不能进入招标程序,由此产生的后果由其自行承担。
(1)投标人应为来自中华人民共和国或是与中华人民共和国有正常贸易往来的国家或地区的制造商或 代理商(销售代理机构),具备良好的商业信誉和健全的财务状况(须提供近三年财务报表:资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表),拥有完备的国内售后服务和技术支持体系,具有履行本项目合同所需的资金、 技术和管理实施能力(提供相应证明材料)。
(4)制造商须具 有ISO9001质量体系认证或国际有效认证(同等级的认证证明)证书彩色扫描件或复印件并加盖公章(证书应清晰可辨,持证主体应与投标人名称一致)。
(5)国内投标人须在投标截止时间前在“信用中国”网站 (www.creditchina .gov.cn)未被列入失信被执行人、税收违法黑名单中 (提供查询截图并加盖公章);
(6)国内投标人及其法人代表须在投标截止时间前在“中国执行信息公开网”网站http://**)未被 列入限制消费人员名单中(提供查询截图并加盖公章)
(8)未领购招标文件的潜在投标人不得参加投标; 是否接受联合体投标:不接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以
4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间:2023-05-25 招标文件领购结束时间:2023-06-02 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:电子下载 招标文件领购地点: 招标文件售价:¥200/$28.26
5、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间):2023-06-15 09:00 投标文件送达地点: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心 开标地点: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(http://**)或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(http://**)完成注册及信息核验。
7、联系方式 招标人:宁夏天地 (略) 地址: (略) 大武口区金工路1号 联系人:胡艳杰 联系方式 :*
招标代理机构:煤炭工业规 (略) 地址: (略) 西城区六铺炕二巷*6号中国煤炭科工集团招标代理服务中心 联系人:李嘉平 联系方式 :*
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): 光大银行北京德胜门支行
账号(人民币): *87
Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. High-end Digital Manufacturing (Ningxia) Base Construction Minin g chain digital workshop equipment International Competitive bidding project
CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of I nternational Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on http://** on 2023-05-25.
1.Bidding Conditions Overview: This project is an international competitive bidding project for mining chain digital workshop equipment for high-end digital manufacturing (Ningxia) Base construction of Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. The project has been approved and implemented. It intends to purchase 1 equipment through international bidding. Source of Funds: The enterprise has raised funds by itself, which has been implemented. Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The bidding products have been approved for import demonstration and can be imported.
2.Bidding Content: Bidding No:4679-* Project Name:Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD. High-end Digital Manufacturing (Ningxia) Base Construction Mining chain digital workshop equipment International Competitive bidding p roject Place of Implementation: No.1, Jingong Road, Dawukou District, Shizuishan City List of Products: N O. Product Name Qua ntity Main Technical Data Rem arks 1 Hot braided cold welding fl ash butt welder with Φ38-Φ 60 1 Welding chain ring specifications: Φ38mm ~ Φ60mm; Pitch/inner length of welded chain ring: max210mm; Outer width of welded chain ri ng: max210mm; Forging ring outer width: max160mm; Maximum top forging force: 1100kN; Transformer power: (at 50% transient load r ate) 1300kVA
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:1.1 The Bidder is legal person or other organization that has purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent, and participated in the bid. Any legal person or organization that has not purchased the bidding documents from the Tenderee or the Tendering Agent is not allowed to participate in the bid. 1.2 This Invitation for Bids is open to all legal perso ns or other organizations from within the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter abb. as "PRC") and all countries/areas which have regular trade relations with PRC (hereinafter called "the eligible source countr ies/areas"), except as provided hereinafter. 1.3 Any legal person or other organization that has conflict of interest with the Tenderee and may have impact on fairness of the bidding is not allowed to participate i n the bid. 1.4 Any legal person or other organization that has been entrusted to provide consulting service at the preliminary stage of the project or to prepare the bidding document is not allowed to participate i n the bid, nor to prepare bid documents or provide consulting service to the Bidder. 1.5 Different bidders that have the same person in charge or have the relationship of share-holding or management should n ot participate in the bids for the same package, except for the case to form a joint venture to bid. 1.6 Any party to a joint ventureshall not, for thesame package,submit bid independently in its name or participat e in another joint venture. 1.7 The Suppliers may participate in the bids only if they are legally and financially autonomous, if they operate under relevant law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the Tend eree or the Tendering Agent. 1.8 Bidders should successfully complete registration on http://** (hereinafter abb. as "the Website") prior to the deadline for submission of bids stipulated in th e bidding document. Otherwise, the bidders cannot enter into bidding procedures, and any consequence arisen thereafter shall be borne by bidders. 2. Other qualification requirements for bidders: (1) The bidd er shall be a manufacturer or agent (sales agency) from the People"s Republic of China or countries or regions with normal trade contacts with the People"s Republic of China, with good business reputation an d sound financial position (financial statements for the last three years shall be provided: Balance sheet, profit statement and cash flow statement), complete domestic after-sales service and technical support system, and the capital, technology and management implementation ability required for the performance of the contract of the project (provide relevant certification materials). (2) If the bidder is the agent of th e bidding goods, the manufacturer of the bidding goods can no longer participate in the bidding of the project in its own name. (3) The manufacturer must have more than 5 years of manufacturing history of sim ilar products. (4) The manufacturer must have ISO9001 quality system certification or international valid certification (certification certificate of the same level) color scan or copy of the certificate and stamped w ith official seal (certificate should be clearly distinguishable, the subject of the certificate should be consistent with the name of the bidder). (5) The domestic bidder shall not be listed in the blacklist of persons s ubject to enforcement for trust-breaking and tax violations on the website of "Credit China" (http://**.cn) before the bidding deadline (provide the screenshot of inquiry and stamp the official seal); (6) the domestic bidder and its legal representative must be in the bidding deadline in the implementation of "China information network" web http://**) is not included in the limit consumption p ersonnel list (provide query screenshots and build official seal) (7) Letter of credit commitment (only applicable to overseas bidders, overseas bidders are not required to provide screenshots of the above three categories). (8) Potential bidders who have not obtained the bidding documents shall not participate in the bidding; Joint Bids:NOT Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2023-05-25 Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2023-06-02 Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-line Download Place: Price of Bidding Documents: ¥200/$28.26 Additional Instructions:
5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2023-06-15 09:00 Place of Bid:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing Place of Bid Opening:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on http://**.
7.Contact Details Purchasers:Ningxia Tiandi Benniu Industrial Group Co., LTD Add.: No.1, Jingong Road, Dawukou District, Shizuishan City Contact:HU Yanjie Tel:* Bidding Agency:CCTEG COAL INDUSTRY PLANNING INSTITUTE Add.:Bidding Agent Service Center, China Coal Technology & Industry Group, No.6, Liupukang 2 Lane, Xicheng District, Beijing Contact:LI Jiaping Tel :*
8.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB):China Everbright Bank Beijing Desengmen Sub-branch
Account NO.(RMB):*87
Account NO.(USD):