





Release Date: November 13, 2023

受采购人委托, (略) (略) 就宁波诺*汉大学项目管理培训项目进行公开询比采购,现请有资格的供应商参加采购活动。本项目为非招标方式采购,不属于依法必须招标项目,也不属于政府采购项目。

Entrusted by the Purchaser, Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. is hereby conducting this open bid purchasing on The University of Nottingham NingboChina ProjectManagement Training Programme and qualified suppliers are now invited to participate in the procurement activities. This Project is a non-tender purchasing project, which is neither a subject-to-tender project according to law, nor a government purchasing project.


Project No.: NBITC-*XB(PA*)

二、项目基本概况:Project Overview:




Purchasing Content


Service period of this project



The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaProjectManagement Training Programme


December 2023 - November2024

三、供应商资格条件:Qualifications of Suppliers

1、 供应商应具有有效的营业执照(国内企业提供)。

The Supplier shall have a valid Business License (provided by domestic enterprises).

2、 供应商是由PeopleCert认证的培训机构。

The supplier Shallbe a PeopleCert certified training organization.

3、 供应商所提供的培训师应持有PeopleCert认证的Prince2 Foundation 项目管理认证及Prince2 Practitioner项目管理从业者级认证证书。

Thetrainerstoworkwithshouldhold Prince2 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner certificatesissuebyPeopleCert.


The Supplier should be able to provide training and administrative support in fluent English.


The joint venture is not acceptable for this Project.

四、采购文件的获取:Acquisition of Purchasing Document


The purchasing document shall be received from the purchasing agency for free, and the response document of those who have not received the purchasing document will be rejected.

采购文件获取期限:自采购公告发布之日起至2023年11月20日17时止(北京时间08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00,节假日除外)。

Acquisition period of the purchasing document: from the date of release of the purchasingannouncement to 17:00 on November 20, 2023 (08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00 Beijing time, excluding holidays).

我公司采购文件全部以电子文本形式获取;潜在供应商获 (略) 网站免费注册,成功后才能正常获取,注册程序详见网站首页要求,潜在供应商可通过网上或微信方式获取,网上方式获取: (略) 网站http://**,进入“非招标公告”栏查询到本项目后进行操作;微信方式获取:关注微信公众号“宁波国招”, (略) 网站首页公布的二维码。

All the purchasing documents of our company are obtained in electronic form; Potential suppliers need to register on our website for free before obtaining the bidding documents. The registration procedures can be found on the homepage of the website. The potential suppliers can get them online or via Wechat. Online access: please log in to our website at http://**, click "Tendering Announcement" to find the Project; Wechat access: follow the Wechat official account "Ningbo Guozhao", or scan the QR code published on the homepage of the website of our company.


Contact number for receiving bidding documents: 0574-*


Deadline for technical question submission: 17:00 on Nov 21 2023


Deadline for technical question answering: 16:00 on Nov 22 2023

五、响应文件递交的截止时间及地点:Deadline and Place for Submission of Response Document:


Deadline: at 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing time), all response documents should be submitted before the deadline. All the overdue response documents and that of those who do have not received the purchasing documents will be rejected.


In response to the pandemic prevention and control requirements, the bidding document can be submitted by any one of the following methods:


Method 1:If the tender documents are submitted on-site, the supplier shall appoint an authorized representative to deliver the tender documents to Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo by 13:30 2023 Nov 29.

方式二:允许供应商邮寄送达投标文件。供应商选择邮寄快递方式寄送投标文件的,投标文件包裹外包装上请注明联系人、联系电话等信息,以便代理机构作接收登记工作,供应商将投标文件以快递形式寄送到招标代理机构地址(邮寄地址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼8012室( (略) (略) ),收件人:姚露泽,联系电话:0574-*、*),请各供应商确保密封包装在邮寄过程中密封完好,因邮寄过程中的密封破损无法达到开标要求的,本代理机构和采购人概不负责。投标文件邮寄接收截止时间为2023年11月28日17时00分(以代理机构工作人员签收时间为准,如在规定时间内未收到投标文件,则作自动放弃投标处理,投标供应商自行考虑邮寄时间,邮寄过程中的所有风险均由供应商自行承担)。供应商在投标文件寄出后请及时与代理机构联系确保投标文件是否投递到位。

Method 2: the Supplier is allowed to send the bidding document by express. If the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by express delivery, the bidding document shall be indicated with the contact person, contact number and other information on the outer package so that the agency can receive and register the bidding document.The Supplier shall send the bidding document to the tender agency address (mailing address: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo (Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.), recipient: Yao Luze, Contact Number: 0574-*, *). Please ensure the intactness of the sealed package in the delivery, and the agency and Purchaser will not be responsible if the package fails to meet the bid opening requirements due to damage in the delivery. The deadline for mailing and receiving the bidding document is 17:00 on Nov 28, 2023 (subject to the signing time of the staff of the agency. If the bidding document is not received within the specified time, the bid will be automatically abandoned. The bidding supplier shall consider the mailing time by itself and undertake all the corresponding risks in the mailing process). After sending the bidding document, the Supplier should contact the agency in time to ensure whether the bidding document is delivered in place.


Method 3: if the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by mail, it should be sent to the mailbox of our company at *@*26.com by encrypted e-mail before the deadline for bidding (subject to the delivery time of the mail). All the overdue bidding documents will be rejected.


All the overdue negotiated response documents sent, delivered or mailed to the designated place or mailbox will not be accepted by the Purchaser.

六、响应文件开启时间和地点:Opening Time and Place of Response Document:


Opening time: 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing Time)


Opening place:Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo.



Suppliers headed by the same person, or suppliers with direct holding or management relationship shall not participate in the bid of the same Sub-project number.


Suppliers providing overall design, specifications or project management, supervision and testing services for the Project shall no longer participate in the bid of the Project.

3、评审过程中有关书面澄清、说明或者补正, (略) 通过以下电子邮箱进行收发。

The tender agency shall send and receive the relevant written clarifications, statements or supplements in the evaluation process through the following email.


Email: *@*26.com


The Supplier shall specify the email, fax number, and the contact number and Wechat account number of the legal representative or authorized representative for making clarifications, statements or supplements, and ensure smooth communication through these above mentioned contact means from the bid opening to the notification of the evaluation results. All the consequences affecting the Supplier in participating in the bid opening or clarifications, statements or supplements therefrom shall be undertaken by the Supplier itself.


Purchaser: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

地 址: (略) 泰康东路199号

Address: No.199, Taikang East Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Contact Person: Laura Mei


Tel.: 0574-*-8492

招标机构名称: (略) (略)

Tender Agency: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地 址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼012室

Add.: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo

邮 编:*

Postal Code: *

电 话:0574-*

Tel.: 0574-*

传 真:0574-*

Fax: 0574-*


Email: *@*26.com

联 系 人:陈若水 姚露泽 夏伟立

Contact Persons: Chen Ruoshui, Yao Luze, Xia Weili

八、本采购 (略) 政府采购网(http://**)(代发)、 (略) (略) 网(http://**)及相关权威网站上进行发布。This Tendering Announcement will be released on the purchasing website of the People"s Government of Ningbo Municipality (http://**) (on behalf), official website of Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. (http://**) and other relevant authority websites.



Release Date: November 13, 2023

受采购人委托, (略) (略) 就宁波诺*汉大学项目管理培训项目进行公开询比采购,现请有资格的供应商参加采购活动。本项目为非招标方式采购,不属于依法必须招标项目,也不属于政府采购项目。

Entrusted by the Purchaser, Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. is hereby conducting this open bid purchasing on The University of Nottingham NingboChina ProjectManagement Training Programme and qualified suppliers are now invited to participate in the procurement activities. This Project is a non-tender purchasing project, which is neither a subject-to-tender project according to law, nor a government purchasing project.


Project No.: NBITC-*XB(PA*)

二、项目基本概况:Project Overview:




Purchasing Content


Service period of this project



The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaProjectManagement Training Programme


December 2023 - November2024

三、供应商资格条件:Qualifications of Suppliers

1、 供应商应具有有效的营业执照(国内企业提供)。

The Supplier shall have a valid Business License (provided by domestic enterprises).

2、 供应商是由PeopleCert认证的培训机构。

The supplier Shallbe a PeopleCert certified training organization.

3、 供应商所提供的培训师应持有PeopleCert认证的Prince2 Foundation 项目管理认证及Prince2 Practitioner项目管理从业者级认证证书。

Thetrainerstoworkwithshouldhold Prince2 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner certificatesissuebyPeopleCert.


The Supplier should be able to provide training and administrative support in fluent English.


The joint venture is not acceptable for this Project.

四、采购文件的获取:Acquisition of Purchasing Document


The purchasing document shall be received from the purchasing agency for free, and the response document of those who have not received the purchasing document will be rejected.

采购文件获取期限:自采购公告发布之日起至2023年11月20日17时止(北京时间08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00,节假日除外)。

Acquisition period of the purchasing document: from the date of release of the purchasingannouncement to 17:00 on November 20, 2023 (08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00 Beijing time, excluding holidays).

我公司采购文件全部以电子文本形式获取;潜在供应商获 (略) 网站免费注册,成功后才能正常获取,注册程序详见网站首页要求,潜在供应商可通过网上或微信方式获取,网上方式获取: (略) 网站http://**,进入“非招标公告”栏查询到本项目后进行操作;微信方式获取:关注微信公众号“宁波国招”, (略) 网站首页公布的二维码。

All the purchasing documents of our company are obtained in electronic form; Potential suppliers need to register on our website for free before obtaining the bidding documents. The registration procedures can be found on the homepage of the website. The potential suppliers can get them online or via Wechat. Online access: please log in to our website at http://**, click "Tendering Announcement" to find the Project; Wechat access: follow the Wechat official account "Ningbo Guozhao", or scan the QR code published on the homepage of the website of our company.


Contact number for receiving bidding documents: 0574-*


Deadline for technical question submission: 17:00 on Nov 21 2023


Deadline for technical question answering: 16:00 on Nov 22 2023

五、响应文件递交的截止时间及地点:Deadline and Place for Submission of Response Document:


Deadline: at 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing time), all response documents should be submitted before the deadline. All the overdue response documents and that of those who do have not received the purchasing documents will be rejected.


In response to the pandemic prevention and control requirements, the bidding document can be submitted by any one of the following methods:


Method 1:If the tender documents are submitted on-site, the supplier shall appoint an authorized representative to deliver the tender documents to Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo by 13:30 2023 Nov 29.

方式二:允许供应商邮寄送达投标文件。供应商选择邮寄快递方式寄送投标文件的,投标文件包裹外包装上请注明联系人、联系电话等信息,以便代理机构作接收登记工作,供应商将投标文件以快递形式寄送到招标代理机构地址(邮寄地址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼8012室( (略) (略) ),收件人:姚露泽,联系电话:0574-*、*),请各供应商确保密封包装在邮寄过程中密封完好,因邮寄过程中的密封破损无法达到开标要求的,本代理机构和采购人概不负责。投标文件邮寄接收截止时间为2023年11月28日17时00分(以代理机构工作人员签收时间为准,如在规定时间内未收到投标文件,则作自动放弃投标处理,投标供应商自行考虑邮寄时间,邮寄过程中的所有风险均由供应商自行承担)。供应商在投标文件寄出后请及时与代理机构联系确保投标文件是否投递到位。

Method 2: the Supplier is allowed to send the bidding document by express. If the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by express delivery, the bidding document shall be indicated with the contact person, contact number and other information on the outer package so that the agency can receive and register the bidding document.The Supplier shall send the bidding document to the tender agency address (mailing address: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo (Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.), recipient: Yao Luze, Contact Number: 0574-*, *). Please ensure the intactness of the sealed package in the delivery, and the agency and Purchaser will not be responsible if the package fails to meet the bid opening requirements due to damage in the delivery. The deadline for mailing and receiving the bidding document is 17:00 on Nov 28, 2023 (subject to the signing time of the staff of the agency. If the bidding document is not received within the specified time, the bid will be automatically abandoned. The bidding supplier shall consider the mailing time by itself and undertake all the corresponding risks in the mailing process). After sending the bidding document, the Supplier should contact the agency in time to ensure whether the bidding document is delivered in place.


Method 3: if the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by mail, it should be sent to the mailbox of our company at *@*26.com by encrypted e-mail before the deadline for bidding (subject to the delivery time of the mail). All the overdue bidding documents will be rejected.


All the overdue negotiated response documents sent, delivered or mailed to the designated place or mailbox will not be accepted by the Purchaser.

六、响应文件开启时间和地点:Opening Time and Place of Response Document:


Opening time: 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing Time)


Opening place:Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo.



Suppliers headed by the same person, or suppliers with direct holding or management relationship shall not participate in the bid of the same Sub-project number.


Suppliers providing overall design, specifications or project management, supervision and testing services for the Project shall no longer participate in the bid of the Project.

3、评审过程中有关书面澄清、说明或者补正, (略) 通过以下电子邮箱进行收发。

The tender agency shall send and receive the relevant written clarifications, statements or supplements in the evaluation process through the following email.


Email: *@*26.com


The Supplier shall specify the email, fax number, and the contact number and Wechat account number of the legal representative or authorized representative for making clarifications, statements or supplements, and ensure smooth communication through these above mentioned contact means from the bid opening to the notification of the evaluation results. All the consequences affecting the Supplier in participating in the bid opening or clarifications, statements or supplements therefrom shall be undertaken by the Supplier itself.


Purchaser: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

地 址: (略) 泰康东路199号

Address: No.199, Taikang East Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Contact Person: Laura Mei


Tel.: 0574-*-8492

招标机构名称: (略) (略)

Tender Agency: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地 址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼012室

Add.: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo

邮 编:*

Postal Code: *

电 话:0574-*

Tel.: 0574-*

传 真:0574-*

Fax: 0574-*


Email: *@*26.com

联 系 人:陈若水 姚露泽 夏伟立

Contact Persons: Chen Ruoshui, Yao Luze, Xia Weili

八、本采购 (略) 政府采购网(http://**)(代发)、 (略) (略) 网(http://**)及相关权威网站上进行发布。This Tendering Announcement will be released on the purchasing website of the People"s Government of Ningbo Municipality (http://**) (on behalf), official website of Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. (http://**) and other relevant authority websites.




Release Date: November 13, 2023

受采购人委托, (略) (略) 就宁波诺*汉大学项目管理培训项目进行公开询比采购,现请有资格的供应商参加采购活动。本项目为非招标方式采购,不属于依法必须招标项目,也不属于政府采购项目。

Entrusted by the Purchaser, Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. is hereby conducting this open bid purchasing on The University of Nottingham NingboChina ProjectManagement Training Programme and qualified suppliers are now invited to participate in the procurement activities. This Project is a non-tender purchasing project, which is neither a subject-to-tender project according to law, nor a government purchasing project.


Project No.: NBITC-*XB(PA*)

二、项目基本概况:Project Overview:




Purchasing Content


Service period of this project



The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaProjectManagement Training Programme


December 2023 - November2024

三、供应商资格条件:Qualifications of Suppliers

1、 供应商应具有有效的营业执照(国内企业提供)。

The Supplier shall have a valid Business License (provided by domestic enterprises).

2、 供应商是由PeopleCert认证的培训机构。

The supplier Shallbe a PeopleCert certified training organization.

3、 供应商所提供的培训师应持有PeopleCert认证的Prince2 Foundation 项目管理认证及Prince2 Practitioner项目管理从业者级认证证书。

Thetrainerstoworkwithshouldhold Prince2 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner certificatesissuebyPeopleCert.


The Supplier should be able to provide training and administrative support in fluent English.


The joint venture is not acceptable for this Project.

四、采购文件的获取:Acquisition of Purchasing Document


The purchasing document shall be received from the purchasing agency for free, and the response document of those who have not received the purchasing document will be rejected.

采购文件获取期限:自采购公告发布之日起至2023年11月20日17时止(北京时间08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00,节假日除外)。

Acquisition period of the purchasing document: from the date of release of the purchasingannouncement to 17:00 on November 20, 2023 (08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00 Beijing time, excluding holidays).

我公司采购文件全部以电子文本形式获取;潜在供应商获 (略) 网站免费注册,成功后才能正常获取,注册程序详见网站首页要求,潜在供应商可通过网上或微信方式获取,网上方式获取: (略) 网站http://**,进入“非招标公告”栏查询到本项目后进行操作;微信方式获取:关注微信公众号“宁波国招”, (略) 网站首页公布的二维码。

All the purchasing documents of our company are obtained in electronic form; Potential suppliers need to register on our website for free before obtaining the bidding documents. The registration procedures can be found on the homepage of the website. The potential suppliers can get them online or via Wechat. Online access: please log in to our website at http://**, click "Tendering Announcement" to find the Project; Wechat access: follow the Wechat official account "Ningbo Guozhao", or scan the QR code published on the homepage of the website of our company.


Contact number for receiving bidding documents: 0574-*


Deadline for technical question submission: 17:00 on Nov 21 2023


Deadline for technical question answering: 16:00 on Nov 22 2023

五、响应文件递交的截止时间及地点:Deadline and Place for Submission of Response Document:


Deadline: at 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing time), all response documents should be submitted before the deadline. All the overdue response documents and that of those who do have not received the purchasing documents will be rejected.


In response to the pandemic prevention and control requirements, the bidding document can be submitted by any one of the following methods:


Method 1:If the tender documents are submitted on-site, the supplier shall appoint an authorized representative to deliver the tender documents to Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo by 13:30 2023 Nov 29.

方式二:允许供应商邮寄送达投标文件。供应商选择邮寄快递方式寄送投标文件的,投标文件包裹外包装上请注明联系人、联系电话等信息,以便代理机构作接收登记工作,供应商将投标文件以快递形式寄送到招标代理机构地址(邮寄地址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼8012室( (略) (略) ),收件人:姚露泽,联系电话:0574-*、*),请各供应商确保密封包装在邮寄过程中密封完好,因邮寄过程中的密封破损无法达到开标要求的,本代理机构和采购人概不负责。投标文件邮寄接收截止时间为2023年11月28日17时00分(以代理机构工作人员签收时间为准,如在规定时间内未收到投标文件,则作自动放弃投标处理,投标供应商自行考虑邮寄时间,邮寄过程中的所有风险均由供应商自行承担)。供应商在投标文件寄出后请及时与代理机构联系确保投标文件是否投递到位。

Method 2: the Supplier is allowed to send the bidding document by express. If the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by express delivery, the bidding document shall be indicated with the contact person, contact number and other information on the outer package so that the agency can receive and register the bidding document.The Supplier shall send the bidding document to the tender agency address (mailing address: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo (Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.), recipient: Yao Luze, Contact Number: 0574-*, *). Please ensure the intactness of the sealed package in the delivery, and the agency and Purchaser will not be responsible if the package fails to meet the bid opening requirements due to damage in the delivery. The deadline for mailing and receiving the bidding document is 17:00 on Nov 28, 2023 (subject to the signing time of the staff of the agency. If the bidding document is not received within the specified time, the bid will be automatically abandoned. The bidding supplier shall consider the mailing time by itself and undertake all the corresponding risks in the mailing process). After sending the bidding document, the Supplier should contact the agency in time to ensure whether the bidding document is delivered in place.


Method 3: if the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by mail, it should be sent to the mailbox of our company at *@*26.com by encrypted e-mail before the deadline for bidding (subject to the delivery time of the mail). All the overdue bidding documents will be rejected.


All the overdue negotiated response documents sent, delivered or mailed to the designated place or mailbox will not be accepted by the Purchaser.

六、响应文件开启时间和地点:Opening Time and Place of Response Document:


Opening time: 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing Time)


Opening place:Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo.



Suppliers headed by the same person, or suppliers with direct holding or management relationship shall not participate in the bid of the same Sub-project number.


Suppliers providing overall design, specifications or project management, supervision and testing services for the Project shall no longer participate in the bid of the Project.

3、评审过程中有关书面澄清、说明或者补正, (略) 通过以下电子邮箱进行收发。

The tender agency shall send and receive the relevant written clarifications, statements or supplements in the evaluation process through the following email.


Email: *@*26.com


The Supplier shall specify the email, fax number, and the contact number and Wechat account number of the legal representative or authorized representative for making clarifications, statements or supplements, and ensure smooth communication through these above mentioned contact means from the bid opening to the notification of the evaluation results. All the consequences affecting the Supplier in participating in the bid opening or clarifications, statements or supplements therefrom shall be undertaken by the Supplier itself.


Purchaser: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

地 址: (略) 泰康东路199号

Address: No.199, Taikang East Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Contact Person: Laura Mei


Tel.: 0574-*-8492

招标机构名称: (略) (略)

Tender Agency: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地 址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼012室

Add.: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo

邮 编:*

Postal Code: *

电 话:0574-*

Tel.: 0574-*

传 真:0574-*

Fax: 0574-*


Email: *@*26.com

联 系 人:陈若水 姚露泽 夏伟立

Contact Persons: Chen Ruoshui, Yao Luze, Xia Weili

八、本采购 (略) 政府采购网(http://**)(代发)、 (略) (略) 网(http://**)及相关权威网站上进行发布。This Tendering Announcement will be released on the purchasing website of the People"s Government of Ningbo Municipality (http://**) (on behalf), official website of Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. (http://**) and other relevant authority websites.



Release Date: November 13, 2023

受采购人委托, (略) (略) 就宁波诺*汉大学项目管理培训项目进行公开询比采购,现请有资格的供应商参加采购活动。本项目为非招标方式采购,不属于依法必须招标项目,也不属于政府采购项目。

Entrusted by the Purchaser, Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. is hereby conducting this open bid purchasing on The University of Nottingham NingboChina ProjectManagement Training Programme and qualified suppliers are now invited to participate in the procurement activities. This Project is a non-tender purchasing project, which is neither a subject-to-tender project according to law, nor a government purchasing project.


Project No.: NBITC-*XB(PA*)

二、项目基本概况:Project Overview:




Purchasing Content


Service period of this project



The University of Nottingham Ningbo ChinaProjectManagement Training Programme


December 2023 - November2024

三、供应商资格条件:Qualifications of Suppliers

1、 供应商应具有有效的营业执照(国内企业提供)。

The Supplier shall have a valid Business License (provided by domestic enterprises).

2、 供应商是由PeopleCert认证的培训机构。

The supplier Shallbe a PeopleCert certified training organization.

3、 供应商所提供的培训师应持有PeopleCert认证的Prince2 Foundation 项目管理认证及Prince2 Practitioner项目管理从业者级认证证书。

Thetrainerstoworkwithshouldhold Prince2 Foundation and Prince2 Practitioner certificatesissuebyPeopleCert.


The Supplier should be able to provide training and administrative support in fluent English.


The joint venture is not acceptable for this Project.

四、采购文件的获取:Acquisition of Purchasing Document


The purchasing document shall be received from the purchasing agency for free, and the response document of those who have not received the purchasing document will be rejected.

采购文件获取期限:自采购公告发布之日起至2023年11月20日17时止(北京时间08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00,节假日除外)。

Acquisition period of the purchasing document: from the date of release of the purchasingannouncement to 17:00 on November 20, 2023 (08:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00 Beijing time, excluding holidays).

我公司采购文件全部以电子文本形式获取;潜在供应商获 (略) 网站免费注册,成功后才能正常获取,注册程序详见网站首页要求,潜在供应商可通过网上或微信方式获取,网上方式获取: (略) 网站http://**,进入“非招标公告”栏查询到本项目后进行操作;微信方式获取:关注微信公众号“宁波国招”, (略) 网站首页公布的二维码。

All the purchasing documents of our company are obtained in electronic form; Potential suppliers need to register on our website for free before obtaining the bidding documents. The registration procedures can be found on the homepage of the website. The potential suppliers can get them online or via Wechat. Online access: please log in to our website at http://**, click "Tendering Announcement" to find the Project; Wechat access: follow the Wechat official account "Ningbo Guozhao", or scan the QR code published on the homepage of the website of our company.


Contact number for receiving bidding documents: 0574-*


Deadline for technical question submission: 17:00 on Nov 21 2023


Deadline for technical question answering: 16:00 on Nov 22 2023

五、响应文件递交的截止时间及地点:Deadline and Place for Submission of Response Document:


Deadline: at 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing time), all response documents should be submitted before the deadline. All the overdue response documents and that of those who do have not received the purchasing documents will be rejected.


In response to the pandemic prevention and control requirements, the bidding document can be submitted by any one of the following methods:


Method 1:If the tender documents are submitted on-site, the supplier shall appoint an authorized representative to deliver the tender documents to Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo by 13:30 2023 Nov 29.

方式二:允许供应商邮寄送达投标文件。供应商选择邮寄快递方式寄送投标文件的,投标文件包裹外包装上请注明联系人、联系电话等信息,以便代理机构作接收登记工作,供应商将投标文件以快递形式寄送到招标代理机构地址(邮寄地址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼8012室( (略) (略) ),收件人:姚露泽,联系电话:0574-*、*),请各供应商确保密封包装在邮寄过程中密封完好,因邮寄过程中的密封破损无法达到开标要求的,本代理机构和采购人概不负责。投标文件邮寄接收截止时间为2023年11月28日17时00分(以代理机构工作人员签收时间为准,如在规定时间内未收到投标文件,则作自动放弃投标处理,投标供应商自行考虑邮寄时间,邮寄过程中的所有风险均由供应商自行承担)。供应商在投标文件寄出后请及时与代理机构联系确保投标文件是否投递到位。

Method 2: the Supplier is allowed to send the bidding document by express. If the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by express delivery, the bidding document shall be indicated with the contact person, contact number and other information on the outer package so that the agency can receive and register the bidding document.The Supplier shall send the bidding document to the tender agency address (mailing address: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo (Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.), recipient: Yao Luze, Contact Number: 0574-*, *). Please ensure the intactness of the sealed package in the delivery, and the agency and Purchaser will not be responsible if the package fails to meet the bid opening requirements due to damage in the delivery. The deadline for mailing and receiving the bidding document is 17:00 on Nov 28, 2023 (subject to the signing time of the staff of the agency. If the bidding document is not received within the specified time, the bid will be automatically abandoned. The bidding supplier shall consider the mailing time by itself and undertake all the corresponding risks in the mailing process). After sending the bidding document, the Supplier should contact the agency in time to ensure whether the bidding document is delivered in place.


Method 3: if the Supplier chooses to send the bidding document by mail, it should be sent to the mailbox of our company at *@*26.com by encrypted e-mail before the deadline for bidding (subject to the delivery time of the mail). All the overdue bidding documents will be rejected.


All the overdue negotiated response documents sent, delivered or mailed to the designated place or mailbox will not be accepted by the Purchaser.

六、响应文件开启时间和地点:Opening Time and Place of Response Document:


Opening time: 13:30 on Nov 29, 2023 (Beijing Time)


Opening place:Conference Room 479, Administration Building, Nottingham University, Ningbo.



Suppliers headed by the same person, or suppliers with direct holding or management relationship shall not participate in the bid of the same Sub-project number.


Suppliers providing overall design, specifications or project management, supervision and testing services for the Project shall no longer participate in the bid of the Project.

3、评审过程中有关书面澄清、说明或者补正, (略) 通过以下电子邮箱进行收发。

The tender agency shall send and receive the relevant written clarifications, statements or supplements in the evaluation process through the following email.


Email: *@*26.com


The Supplier shall specify the email, fax number, and the contact number and Wechat account number of the legal representative or authorized representative for making clarifications, statements or supplements, and ensure smooth communication through these above mentioned contact means from the bid opening to the notification of the evaluation results. All the consequences affecting the Supplier in participating in the bid opening or clarifications, statements or supplements therefrom shall be undertaken by the Supplier itself.


Purchaser: University of Nottingham Ningbo China

地 址: (略) 泰康东路199号

Address: No.199, Taikang East Road, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China


Contact Person: Laura Mei


Tel.: 0574-*-8492

招标机构名称: (略) (略)

Tender Agency: Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地 址: (略) 江北区环城北路西段207弄19号世茂茂悦商业中心1号楼八楼012室

Add.: Room 8012, Floor 8, Building 1, Shimao Maoyue Business Center, No. 19, Lane 207, Huancheng North Road West Section, Jiangbei District, Ningbo

邮 编:*

Postal Code: *

电 话:0574-*

Tel.: 0574-*

传 真:0574-*

Fax: 0574-*


Email: *@*26.com

联 系 人:陈若水 姚露泽 夏伟立

Contact Persons: Chen Ruoshui, Yao Luze, Xia Weili

八、本采购 (略) 政府采购网(http://**)(代发)、 (略) (略) 网(http://**)及相关权威网站上进行发布。This Tendering Announcement will be released on the purchasing website of the People"s Government of Ningbo Municipality (http://**) (on behalf), official website of Ningbo International Tendering Co., Ltd. (http://**) and other relevant authority websites.






