


国家海上油气应急救援海南队装备购置项目水下井口溢油回收设备采购 Procurement of Freestanding riser system for the National Offshore Oil and Gas Emergency Rescue Hainan Team Equipment Procurement Project
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)
水下井口溢油回收设备用于海上石油钻井平台发生井喷失控事故时的水下井口溢油回收,主要作用是建立一条水下至水面的溢油回收通道。水下井口溢油回收设备的关键组件包括水下溢油回收系统、浮力块、水下管汇系统、处置管线。 Project Summary:Freestanding riser system is used for the recovery of oil spills from offshore oil drilling platforms in the event of uncontrolled blowout accidents. Its main function is to establish an underwater oil spill recovery channel to the water surface. Freestanding riser system includes critical component such as freestanding riser system, buoyancy block、underwater manifold、flexible riser.
已落实。Source of Funds: yes
申请人和其他利害关系人认为本次资格预审活动违反法律、法规和规章规定的,有权向有关行政监督部门投诉。 If the applicant and other interested parties believe that this pre-qualification activity violates the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, they have the right to complain to the relevant administrative supervision department.
中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统,中国招投标公共服务平台,中国 (略) 供应链数字化平台
1. 中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次) 标段
水下井口溢油回收设备关键组件包括:水下溢油回收系统、浮力块、水下管汇系统、处置管线,主要技术要求: 1)设计水深:不低于3000米;2)与井内液体接触部件的设计寿命:在水下含砂流体环境中连续工作六个月;3)水下溢油回收立管额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;4)处置管线额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;5)水下管汇额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;6)张力浮筒适用于海面以下50~300m区域;7)设计文件需要通过DNV或ABS审核。*方需获得DNV或ABS颁发的AiP (Approval in Principle)认证,并获得相应的证书;8)水下溢油回收立管、水下管汇、处置管线满足硫化氢介质:NACE MR0175或ISO 15156;9)水下井口溢油回收设备供货时需要取得船级社的产品证书(DNV、ABS、CCS、BV中选其一)。Freestanding riser system includes critical component such as freestanding riser system, buoyancy block、underwater manifold、flexible riser. The main technical requirements are:1)Design water depth: not less than 3000 meters; 2)Design life of components in contact with wellbore fluids: working continuously for six months in an underwater sand containing fluid environment;3)Freestanding riser Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;Freestanding riser diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";4)flexible riser Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;flexible riser diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";5)underwater manifold Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;underwater manifold diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";6)Tension float tanks are suitable for areas 50 to 300 meters below the sea surface. 7)The design documents need to be reviewed by DNV or ABS. The design documents need to obtain AiP (Approval in Principle) certification issued by DNV or ABS, and obtain the corresponding certificate;8)Freestanding riser、flexible riser、underwater manifold Meet the requirements of hydrogen sulfide medium: NACE MR0175 or ISO 15156; 9)When supplying freestanding riser system, it is necessary to obtain a product certificate from the classification society(Choose one of DNV、ABS、CCS、BV).
合同签订生效后不超过18个月 Not exceeding 18 months after the contract is signed and takes effect.
预估数量:1套,详细供货范围见第五章技术要求; Purchase quantity:1 set.Detailed supply scope can be found in Chapter 5 Technical Requirements.
3.1 营业执照要求:投标人具有合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照,投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。 (略) 的,应具有合法有效的营业执照和上级法人单位授权书,分公司与上级法人单位只可一家参与投标,同时参与投标的,投标均无效。Business license requirements: Bidders must have a legal and valid enterprise legal person business license, tax registration certificate, and organization code certificate, or a business license that combines all certificates and licenses. When bidding, scanned copies of the original documents must be provided (for future reference). If the bidder is a branch company, they should have a legal and valid business license and authorization letter from the superior legal entity. Only one branch company and the superior legal entity can participate in the bidding. If they participate in the bidding at the same time, the bidding is invalid.3.2 财务要求:投标人须提供经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的2021-2023年度财务会计报表,包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表,且须满足提供的2021-2023报表中:a.2021-2023年度平均资产负债率不高于100%;b.2021-2023年平均营业利润为正,投标人的成立时间少于规定年份的,应提供成立以来的财务会计报表,成立以来的年度平均资产负债率不高于100%,成立以来年度平均营业利润为正, (略) 的,应提供上级法人单位的经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的上述年度财务会计报表。The bidder shall provide financial and accounting statements for the years 2021-2023 audited by an accounting firm or auditing institution, including balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements, and shall meet the following requirements in the provided 2021-2023 statements: a. The average asset liability ratio for the years 2021-2023 shall not exceed 100%; b. The average operating profit from 2021 to 2023 is positive. If the bidder has been established for less than the specified year, they should provide financial and accounting statements since their establishment. The annual average asset liability ratio since establishment should not exceed 100%, and the annual average operating profit is positive. If the bidder is a branch, they should provide the financial and accounting statements of the higher-level legal entity audited by an accounting firm or auditing institution for the above-mentioned year.3.3 业绩要求:**日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投水下立管或水下管汇或吸力锚或张力浮筒的制造商应具有至少 1 套(水下立管、水下管汇、吸力锚、张力浮筒四项设备任一项即可)的供货业绩。投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1)销售合同复印件和 2)到货验收材料复印件。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、合同签署页(应有双方签字或盖章)、制造商名称、货物名称、到货验收材料。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现满足上述业绩要求的,均视为无效业绩。From January 1, 2018 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing), the manufacturer of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor or tension float tanks that the bidder tenders in should have at least one set of supply performance(Any one of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor ,tension float tanks, is sufficient). The bidders are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents. Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: 1) copies of sales contracts and 2) materials for acceptance upon arrival. The performance certification documents submitted by the applicant must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, contract signing page (with both parties" signed or seals), manufacturer"s name, goods name and arrival acceptance materials. Failure to submit performance proof documents, or failure to reflect the above performance requirements in the provided performance proof documents, shall be deemed as invalid performance.3.4 本项目允许水下井口溢油回收设备制造商或集成商或代理商参与投标,如果投标人为代理商,投标人应得到所投货物制造商同意其为本次投标提供水下井口溢油回收设备的合法正式授权书。一个制造商对同品牌相同型号的货物,只可授权委托一个代理商参加投标。投标人将被授权的货物再授权给其他投标人同时参与投标的,相关的所有投标将被拒绝。This project allows manufacturer, integrator, or agent of Freestanding riser system to participate in bidding, if the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization letter from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding. For goods of the same brand and the same model, a manufacturer may only authorize one agent to participate in the bidding. Where the bidder sublicenses the authorized goods to other bidders at the same time, all relevant bids will be rejected.3.5 投标人所投产品的制造商或集成商须同时具备有效的GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、GB/T45001(ISO45001)职业健康管理体系认证证书,国内认证机构签发的证书应可在中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会网站http://**)核实。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准。投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。The manufacturer or integrator of the bidder"s invested products shall also have valid GB/T19001 (ISO9001) quality system certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) environmental management system certification, GB/T45001(ISO45001) occupational health management system certification. Certificates issued by domestic certification bodies can be verified on the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China website http://**). If there are the latest system standards issued by relevant state departments, the latest system standards shall prevail. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided when bidding (for reference of the original).
**日 至 **日
请登录中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统(http://**)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。售后不退。如未在系统中领购招标文件,不可参加投标。The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System http://**) on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding Document(Please refer to the system homepage for the purchase process details).The purchase process must be operated throughout the system, and offline remittances will not be accepted. After successful payment of the bidding fee, the applicant can download the bidding documents from the system on their own. If the bidding documents have not been obtained in the system, one cannot participate in bidding.The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB200 , and it is non refundable after sales.
**日 09时00分
中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统。 CNOOC Procurement Operation System 。
所有的投标文件必须在投标文件递交截止时间前在线提交。Document submission method: Applicants should go through the CNOOC Procurement Operation System ( http://** )before the deadline for submitting the prequalification application documents.
**日 09时00分
投标人必须使用系统提供的投标文件制作软件(门户首页>下载专区)导入招标文件(如有招标文件澄清,须重新导入最后一次澄清文件)后编制投标文件。相关操作详见《中国海油供应链数字化平台-供应商用户操作手册》(门户首页>下载专区)。超过投标截止时间送达的投标文件,系统将予以拒收。Special Instructions: Bidders must use the bidding document production software provided by the system (portal homepage>download area) to import the bidding documents (if there are any clarifications in the bidding documents, the last clarification document must be re imported) before preparing the bidding documents. For detailed operations, please refer to the "China National Offshore Oil Corporation Supply Chain Digital Platform - Supplier User Operation Manual" (portal homepage>download section). Bid documents delivered beyond the bidding deadline will be rejected by the system. 中国海油严厉打击串通投标、弄虚作假等违法违规行为,每个招标项目均对投标人的文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址、IP地址、投标文件内容进行查验。请各投标人高度重视投标工作,在本单位办公所在地、使用办公IP下载招标文件并自行独立编制、上传投标文件。 出现不同投标人的“文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址”内容任何一项一致的,将直接视为“投标人相互串通投标”。 被认定为“属于投标人相互串通投标”“视为投标人相互串通投标”或“提供虚假投标资料”的供应商,将按照中国海油相关制度规定,对围标串标的投标人处于禁用两年及以上的处理,对提供虚假投标资料的投标人处于禁用一年及以上的处理,处理期内不能参与新的投标活动。 评标结束后投标人可以在中标候选人公示期间提出异议,进一步可通过投诉寻求行政救济,由行政监督部门做出认定。 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) strictly crack down on illegal and irregular activities such as collusion in bidding and fraud. Each bidding project checks the bidder"s file creation machine code, file creation identification code, bidding computer MAC address, IP address, and bidding document content. Bidders are requested to attach great importance to their bidding work, download the bidding documents using their office IP at their respective locations, and independently prepare and upload the bidding documents. If any of the contents of the "file creation machine code, file creation identification code, and bidding computer MAC address" of different bidders are consistent, it will be directly regarded as "collusion of bidders in bidding". Suppliers identified as "collusive bidding among bidders", "deemed as collusive bidding among bidders", or "providing false bidding information" will be subject to a two-year or more ban on bidders who engage in collusion bidding in accordance with relevant regulations of CNOOC, and a one-year or more ban on bidders who provide false bidding information. During the ban period, they will not be allowed to participate in new bidding activities. After the evaluation is completed, bidders can raise objections during the public announcement period of the winning bidder candidates, and further seek administrative remedies through complaints, which will be recognized by the administrative supervision department.
招标人:中海石油(中国) (略)
地 址: (略) 秀英区长滨三路6号
联 系 人:张珂
邮 编:*

招标代理机构:中化建 (略)
地 址: (略) 东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联 系 人:敖凤鸣
邮 编:*
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)-经评审的最低投标价法.pdf(点击查看) &nbsp供应商须知(点击查看) &nbsp
购买标书 提示:如已注册,请直接点击“购买标书”,如未注册,请先点击并完成供应商 注册
国家海上油气应急救援海南队装备购置项目水下井口溢油回收设备采购 Procurement of Freestanding riser system for the National Offshore Oil and Gas Emergency Rescue Hainan Team Equipment Procurement Project
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)
水下井口溢油回收设备用于海上石油钻井平台发生井喷失控事故时的水下井口溢油回收,主要作用是建立一条水下至水面的溢油回收通道。水下井口溢油回收设备的关键组件包括水下溢油回收系统、浮力块、水下管汇系统、处置管线。 Project Summary:Freestanding riser system is used for the recovery of oil spills from offshore oil drilling platforms in the event of uncontrolled blowout accidents. Its main function is to establish an underwater oil spill recovery channel to the water surface. Freestanding riser system includes critical component such as freestanding riser system, buoyancy block、underwater manifold、flexible riser.
已落实。Source of Funds: yes
申请人和其他利害关系人认为本次资格预审活动违反法律、法规和规章规定的,有权向有关行政监督部门投诉。 If the applicant and other interested parties believe that this pre-qualification activity violates the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, they have the right to complain to the relevant administrative supervision department.
中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统,中国招投标公共服务平台,中国 (略) 供应链数字化平台
1. 中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次) 标段
水下井口溢油回收设备关键组件包括:水下溢油回收系统、浮力块、水下管汇系统、处置管线,主要技术要求: 1)设计水深:不低于3000米;2)与井内液体接触部件的设计寿命:在水下含砂流体环境中连续工作六个月;3)水下溢油回收立管额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;4)处置管线额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;5)水下管汇额定工作压力不低于10000psi,通径不低于5-1/8”;6)张力浮筒适用于海面以下50~300m区域;7)设计文件需要通过DNV或ABS审核。*方需获得DNV或ABS颁发的AiP (Approval in Principle)认证,并获得相应的证书;8)水下溢油回收立管、水下管汇、处置管线满足硫化氢介质:NACE MR0175或ISO 15156;9)水下井口溢油回收设备供货时需要取得船级社的产品证书(DNV、ABS、CCS、BV中选其一)。Freestanding riser system includes critical component such as freestanding riser system, buoyancy block、underwater manifold、flexible riser. The main technical requirements are:1)Design water depth: not less than 3000 meters; 2)Design life of components in contact with wellbore fluids: working continuously for six months in an underwater sand containing fluid environment;3)Freestanding riser Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;Freestanding riser diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";4)flexible riser Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;flexible riser diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";5)underwater manifold Rated working pressure not less than 10000psi;underwater manifold diameter not less than 5-1/8 ";6)Tension float tanks are suitable for areas 50 to 300 meters below the sea surface. 7)The design documents need to be reviewed by DNV or ABS. The design documents need to obtain AiP (Approval in Principle) certification issued by DNV or ABS, and obtain the corresponding certificate;8)Freestanding riser、flexible riser、underwater manifold Meet the requirements of hydrogen sulfide medium: NACE MR0175 or ISO 15156; 9)When supplying freestanding riser system, it is necessary to obtain a product certificate from the ification society(Choose one of DNV、ABS、CCS、BV).
合同签订生效后不超过18个月 Not exceeding 18 months after the contract is signed and takes effect.
预估数量:1套,详细供货范围见第五章技术要求; Purchase quantity:1 set.Detailed supply scope can be found in Chapter 5 Technical Requirements.
3.1 营业执照要求:投标人具有合法有效的企业法人营业执照、税务登记证及组织机构代码证或证照合一的营业执照,投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。 (略) 的,应具有合法有效的营业执照和上级法人单位授权书,分公司与上级法人单位只可一家参与投标,同时参与投标的,投标均无效。Business license requirements: Bidders must have a legal and valid enterprise legal person business license, tax registration certificate, and organization code certificate, or a business license that combines all certificates and licenses. When bidding, scanned copies of the original documents must be provided (for future reference). If the bidder is a branch company, they should have a legal and valid business license and authorization letter from the superior legal entity. Only one branch company and the superior legal entity can participate in the bidding. If they participate in the bidding at the same time, the bidding is invalid.3.2 财务要求:投标人须提供经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的2021-2023年度财务会计报表,包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表,且须满足提供的2021-2023报表中:a.2021-2023年度平均资产负债率不高于100%;b.2021-2023年平均营业利润为正,投标人的成立时间少于规定年份的,应提供成立以来的财务会计报表,成立以来的年度平均资产负债率不高于100%,成立以来年度平均营业利润为正, (略) 的,应提供上级法人单位的经会计师事务所或审计机构审计的上述年度财务会计报表。The bidder shall provide financial and accounting statements for the years 2021-2023 audited by an accounting firm or auditing institution, including balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements, and shall meet the following requirements in the provided 2021-2023 statements: a. The average asset liability ratio for the years 2021-2023 shall not exceed 100%; b. The average operating profit from 2021 to 2023 is positive. If the bidder has been established for less than the specified year, they should provide financial and accounting statements since their establishment. The annual average asset liability ratio since establishment should not exceed 100%, and the annual average operating profit is positive. If the bidder is a branch, they should provide the financial and accounting statements of the higher-level legal entity audited by an accounting firm or auditing institution for the above-mentioned year.3.3 业绩要求:**日至投标截止日(以合同签署时间为准),投标人所投水下立管或水下管汇或吸力锚或张力浮筒的制造商应具有至少 1 套(水下立管、水下管汇、吸力锚、张力浮筒四项设备任一项即可)的供货业绩。投标人须按规定格式提交业绩表,并提交相关业绩证明文件。业绩证明文件包括但不限于:1)销售合同复印件和 2)到货验收材料复印件。投标人所提交的业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、合同签署页(应有双方签字或盖章)、制造商名称、货物名称、到货验收材料。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法体现满足上述业绩要求的,均视为无效业绩。From January 1, 2018 to the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing), the manufacturer of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor or tension float tanks that the bidder tenders in should have at least one set of supply performance(Any one of the freestanding riser, underwater manifold, suction anchor ,tension float tanks, is sufficient). The bidders are required to submit performance forms in the prescribed format and relevant performance certification documents. Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: 1) copies of sales contracts and 2) materials for acceptance upon arrival. The performance certification documents submitted by the applicant must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing time, contract signing page (with both parties" signed or seals), manufacturer"s name, goods name and arrival acceptance materials. Failure to submit performance proof documents, or failure to reflect the above performance requirements in the provided performance proof documents, shall be deemed as invalid performance.3.4 本项目允许水下井口溢油回收设备制造商或集成商或代理商参与投标,如果投标人为代理商,投标人应得到所投货物制造商同意其为本次投标提供水下井口溢油回收设备的合法正式授权书。一个制造商对同品牌相同型号的货物,只可授权委托一个代理商参加投标。投标人将被授权的货物再授权给其他投标人同时参与投标的,相关的所有投标将被拒绝。This project allows manufacturer, integrator, or agent of Freestanding riser system to participate in bidding, if the bidder is an agent, bidder shall obtain the legal and formal authorization letter from the manufacturer of the goods to provide the goods for this bidding. For goods of the same brand and the same model, a manufacturer may only authorize one agent to participate in the bidding. Where the bidder sublicenses the authorized goods to other bidders at the same time, all relevant bids will be rejected.3.5 投标人所投产品的制造商或集成商须同时具备有效的GB/T19001(ISO9001)质量体系认证证书、GB/T24001(ISO14001)环境管理体系认证证书、GB/T45001(ISO45001)职业健康管理体系认证证书,国内认证机构签发的证书应可在中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会网站http://**)核实。如果有国家相关部门发布的最新体系标准,以最新体系标准为准。投标时需提供原件扫描件(原件备查)。The manufacturer or integrator of the bidder"s invested products shall also have valid GB/T19001 (ISO9001) quality system certification, GB/T24001 (ISO14001) environmental management system certification, GB/T45001(ISO45001) occupational health management system certification. Certificates issued by domestic certification bodies can be verified on the Certification and Accreditation Administration of China website http://**). If there are the latest system standards issued by relevant state departments, the latest system standards shall prevail. The scanned copy of the original shall be provided when bidding (for reference of the original).
**日 至 **日
请登录中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统(http://**)的招标公告页面进行购买。首次登录必须先进行注册(免费),注册成功后,方可购买招标文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后,投标人可自行下载招标文件。售后不退。如未在系统中领购招标文件,不可参加投标。The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System http://**) on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding Document(Please refer to the system homepage for the purchase process details).The purchase process must be operated throughout the system, and offline remittances will not be accepted. After successful payment of the bidding fee, the applicant can download the bidding documents from the system on their own. If the bidding documents have not been obtained in the system, one cannot participate in bidding.The price of each set of bidding documents is RMB200 , and it is non refundable after sales.
**日 09时00分
中国 (略) 采办业务管理与交易系统。 CNOOC Procurement Operation System 。
所有的投标文件必须在投标文件递交截止时间前在线提交。Document submission method: Applicants should go through the CNOOC Procurement Operation System ( http://** )before the deadline for submitting the prequalification application documents.
**日 09时00分
投标人必须使用系统提供的投标文件制作软件(门户首页>下载专区)导入招标文件(如有招标文件澄清,须重新导入最后一次澄清文件)后编制投标文件。相关操作详见《中国海油供应链数字化平台-供应商用户操作手册》(门户首页>下载专区)。超过投标截止时间送达的投标文件,系统将予以拒收。Special Instructions: Bidders must use the bidding document production software provided by the system (portal homepage>download area) to import the bidding documents (if there are any clarifications in the bidding documents, the last clarification document must be re imported) before preparing the bidding documents. For detailed operations, please refer to the "China National Offshore Oil Corporation Supply Chain Digital Platform - Supplier User Operation Manual" (portal homepage>download section). Bid documents delivered beyond the bidding deadline will be rejected by the system. 中国海油严厉打击串通投标、弄虚作假等违法违规行为,每个招标项目均对投标人的文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址、IP地址、投标文件内容进行查验。请各投标人高度重视投标工作,在本单位办公所在地、使用办公IP下载招标文件并自行独立编制、上传投标文件。 出现不同投标人的“文件制作机器码、文件创建标识码和投标电脑MAC地址”内容任何一项一致的,将直接视为“投标人相互串通投标”。 被认定为“属于投标人相互串通投标”“视为投标人相互串通投标”或“提供虚假投标资料”的供应商,将按照中国海油相关制度规定,对围标串标的投标人处于禁用两年及以上的处理,对提供虚假投标资料的投标人处于禁用一年及以上的处理,处理期内不能参与新的投标活动。 评标结束后投标人可以在中标候选人公示期间提出异议,进一步可通过投诉寻求行政救济,由行政监督部门做出认定。 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) strictly crack down on illegal and irregular activities such as collusion in bidding and fraud. Each bidding project checks the bidder"s file creation machine code, file creation identification code, bidding computer MAC address, IP address, and bidding document content. Bidders are requested to attach great importance to their bidding work, download the bidding documents using their office IP at their respective locations, and independently prepare and upload the bidding documents. If any of the contents of the "file creation machine code, file creation identification code, and bidding computer MAC address" of different bidders are consistent, it will be directly regarded as "collusion of bidders in bidding". Suppliers identified as "collusive bidding among bidders", "deemed as collusive bidding among bidders", or "providing false bidding information" will be subject to a two-year or more ban on bidders who engage in collusion bidding in accordance with relevant regulations of CNOOC, and a one-year or more ban on bidders who provide false bidding information. During the ban period, they will not be allowed to participate in new bidding activities. After the evaluation is completed, bidders can raise objections during the public announcement period of the winning bidder candidates, and further seek administrative remedies through complaints, which will be recognized by the administrative supervision department.
招标人:中海石油(中国) (略)
地 址: (略) 秀英区长滨三路6号
联 系 人:张珂
邮 编:*

招标代理机构:中化建 (略)
地 址: (略) 东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联 系 人:敖凤鸣
邮 编:*
中海石油(中国) (略) 水下井口溢油回收设备采购(四次)-经评审的最低投标价法.pdf(点击查看) &nbsp供应商须知(点击查看) &nbsp
购买标书 提示:如已注册,请直接点击“购买标书”,如未注册,请先点击并完成供应商 注册


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