


Project for International Convention Center Urban Complex in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Tender Announcement for the Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering

日期:2024.9.30 Date: September 30, 2024

招标编号:JSTCC(略) Tender No.: JSTCC(略)

一、招标条件(Tender Conditions)

柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目降排水、基坑支护工程设计施工一体化项目已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金为自筹资金。招标人为JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.(汲郡堂 (略) )。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。The Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering for the International Convention Center Urban Complex Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia has been approved by the relevant project approval / verification / filing authority. The funding for this project is secured through self-raised funds. The tenderer is JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.. The project has now fulfilled the necessary conditions for tendering, and the process of public tendering is hereby initiated.

二、项目概况(Project Overview)

规模:柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目基地总用地面积约为11.(略)平方米。项目建筑功能为会议中心、商业、办公、酒店、空中别墅、游艇会所。本项目总建筑面积约为(略)平方米,是由1栋430米主楼、2栋336米副楼、裙房及周边建筑群组成 (略) 综合体。

Scale: The base land area of the International Convention Center Urban Complex Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia is approximately 117,000 square meters. This urban complex will feature a convention center, commercial spaces, offices, hotels, sky villas, and a yacht club, with a total construction area of around 980,000 square meters. It consists of a main tower reaching 430 meters, two auxiliary towers at 336 meters each, and surrounding facilities, establishing a super high-rise urban Complex.


柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目降排水、基坑支护工程设计施工一体化项目,具体要求见招标文件。本项目最高限价为(略)美金。

Scope: This tender project is categorized into one segment, specifically focusing on the Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering. Detailed requirements are outlined in the tender documents. The project has a maximum budget set at 52 million USD.

三、投标人资格要求(Bidder Qualification Requirements)

(1)投标人是响应招标、参加投标竞争的法人或者其他组织;The bidder must be a legal entity or other organization that responds to the tender and participates in the bidding competition.

(2) 投标人应具备如下资质要求;The bidder must meet the following qualification requirement.

(2.1) 投标人设计资质应不低于中国岩土工程(略)级资质;The bidder"s design credentials should meet or exceed Class A Geotechnical Engineering Credential in China.

(2.2) 投标人施工资质应具备中国地基基础工程专业承包一级资质;The bidder"s construction qualifications must meet Level 1 qualifications for foundation engineering contracting in China.

(3) 投标人(施工单位)应具备中国安全生产许可证且在有效期内;The bidder (construction unit) must possess a valid Chinese safety production license.

(4) 投标人拟投入设计负责人应为投标人(设计单位)在职人员且拥有中国国家注册土木工程师执业资格,同时具备岩土工程类专业高级及以上职称;The proposed design leader must be a current employee of the bidder (design unit) and hold a national registered civil engineer credential in China, along with a senior or higher professional title in geotechnical engineering.

(5) 投标人拟投入的施工负责人应为投标人(施工单位)在职人员且应具备中国国家一级注册建造师执业资格,具备安全生产考核合格证(B证);The proposed construction leader must be a current employee of the bidder (construction unit) and hold a national Class 1 Registered Constructor credential in China, along with a Safety Production Assessment Certificate (B Certificate).

(6)投标人拟投入安全员应为投标人(施工单位)在职人员且应具备中国安全生产考核合格证(C证);The proposed safety officer must be a current employee of the bidder (construction unit) and hold a Safety Production Assessment Certificate (C Certificate) in China.

(7)投标人应具备如下业绩要求:投标人应具备高度100米(含)以上建筑基坑支护业绩或高度100米(含)以上建筑基础工程施工业绩;The bidder must have performance records in foundation pit support or foundation engineering construction for buildings of 100 meters (inclusive) or higher.

(8)本项目接受联合体投标,联合体投标应满足如下要求;Joint bids are accepted for this project, subject to the following requirements.

(8.1) 联合体投标只限于两家联合,一家为设计单位,一家为施工单位,两家单位应签订联合体协议,明确联合体主体及双方工作分担;The joint bid is limited to two parties, one as the design unit and the other as the construction unit. Both parties must sign a joint agreement, clearly specifying the lead party and the division of responsibilities.

(8.2) 设计单位应满足上述针对设计单位所提要求,其中设计负责人应由设计单位派出;The design unit must meet the aforementioned requirements for design units, with the design leader proposed by the design unit.

(8.3) 施工单位应满足上述针对施工单位所提要求,其中施工负责人及安全员应由施工单位派出,施工单位应具备上述(7)款施工业绩要求;The construction unit must meet the aforementioned requirements for construction units, with the construction leader and safety officer proposed by the construction unit. The construction unit must also meet the performance requirements stated in all seven items mentioned above.

四、报名及招标文件的获取(Registration and Acquisition of Bidding Documents)

报名时间:投标人可于2024年9月30日12:00时(北京时间)至2024年10月9日24:00时(北京时间)期间报名。Registration Period: Bidders may register from 12:00 PM (Beijing Time) on September 30, 2024, to 12:00 AM (Beijing Time) on October 9, 2024.

报名方式:*@*q.com,时间以邮箱收到时间为准。报名函中列明投标人名称、联系人、联系电话、电子邮箱,报名函原件随后寄给招标代理。Registration Method: Bidders should scan and send the stamped registration letter to *@*q.com. The email"s receipt time will be used as the official registration time. The registration letter should include the bidder"s name, contact person, phone number, and email address. The original registration letter should be mailed to the tender agent afterward.

招标文件获取方式:报名截止后,将同时统一向报名单位以电子邮件的方式发送招标文件及相关资料。 Bidding Document Acquisition: After the registration deadline, the bidding documents and relevant materials will be sent via email to the registered units.

五、投标文件的递交(Submission of Bidding Documents)


Deadline: 9:30 AM (Beijing Time), November 1, 2024.

递交地点: (略) (略) (略) 360号新上海国际大厦6楼会议室

Location: Conference Room, 6th Floor, New Shanghai International Tower, 360 Pudong South Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai.

六、开标时间及地点(Bid Opening Time and Location)


Opening Time: 9:30 AM (Beijing Time), November 1, 2024.


Opening Location: Same as the submission location.


1. 此公告仅在中国 (略) (http://**)上发布,对 (略) 站转载并发布的非完整版或修改版公告,而导致误报名或无效报名的情形,招标人及招标代理机构不予承担责任:This announcement is only published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform http://**). The tenderer and tender agent are not responsible for any misregistration or invalid registration due to incomplete or modified announcements published by other websites.

2. 投标人请按招标文件要求选用合适的方式递交投标文件,无论采用何种方式,投标文件均必须在投标文件接收截止时间前送达指定地点:Bidders should submit the bidding documents as required by the bidding documents. Regardless of the method used, the bidding documents must be delivered to the designated location before the submission deadline.

3.本项目为境外项目,施工地点为境外,投标报价及结算货币为美元,投标人参与投标对此应有充分的了解,了解内容包括但不限于国内国际环境、当地风土人情、柬埔寨当地政策、出国务工政策要求、汇率风险等各种风险等:This is an overseas project, with the construction site located abroad. The bidding price and settlement currency are in U.S. dollars. Bidders should fully understand the relevant risks, including but not limited to the domestic and international contexts, local customs, Cambodian policies, overseas labor policies, exchange rate risks, etc.

4. 本次招标资格审查方式:资格后审;The qualification review for this tender will be conducted after the bid opening.

八、联系方式(Contact Information)

招标人:JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.(汲郡堂 (略) )

Tenderer: JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.

地址: (略) (略) 235-245号二号楼 15楼

Address: No. 235-245 Yunling East Road, Building 2, 15th Floor, Shanghai


Contact person: Mr. Xu Lianhua


Telephone Number: (略)



招标代理机构:江 (略)

Tendering Agency: Jiangsu Tendering Center Co., Ltd.

地址: (略) (略) (略) 118号16楼1605室

Address: 118 Zhenghe Middle Road, Room 1605, 16th Floor, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu


Contact Persons: Mr. Cui Jin, Mr. Jiang Jian


Phone Number: 025-(略) / (略)


Email: *@*q.com

Project for International Convention Center Urban Complex in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Tender Announcement for the Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering

日期:2024.9.30 Date: September 30, 2024

招标编号:JSTCC(略) Tender No.: JSTCC(略)

一、招标条件(Tender Conditions)

柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目降排水、基坑支护工程设计施工一体化项目已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金为自筹资金。招标人为JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.(汲郡堂 (略) )。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。The Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering for the International Convention Center Urban Complex Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia has been approved by the relevant project approval / verification / filing authority. The funding for this project is secured through self-raised funds. The tenderer is JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.. The project has now fulfilled the necessary conditions for tendering, and the process of public tendering is hereby initiated.

二、项目概况(Project Overview)

规模:柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目基地总用地面积约为11.(略)平方米。项目建筑功能为会议中心、商业、办公、酒店、空中别墅、游艇会所。本项目总建筑面积约为(略)平方米,是由1栋430米主楼、2栋336米副楼、裙房及周边建筑群组成 (略) 综合体。

Scale: The base land area of the International Convention Center Urban Complex Project in the Kingdom of Cambodia is approximately 117,000 square meters. This urban complex will feature a convention center, commercial spaces, offices, hotels, sky villas, and a yacht club, with a total construction area of around 980,000 square meters. It consists of a main tower reaching 430 meters, two auxiliary towers at 336 meters each, and surrounding facilities, establishing a super high-rise urban Complex.


柬埔寨王国国际 (略) 综合体项目降排水、基坑支护工程设计施工一体化项目,具体要求见招标文件。本项目最高限价为(略)美金。

Scope: This tender project is categorized into one segment, specifically focusing on the Integrated Design and Construction Project of Drainage Reduction and Foundation Pit Support Engineering. Detailed requirements are outlined in the tender documents. The project has a maximum budget set at 52 million USD.

三、投标人资格要求(Bidder Qualification Requirements)

(1)投标人是响应招标、参加投标竞争的法人或者其他组织;The bidder must be a legal entity or other organization that responds to the tender and participates in the bidding competition.

(2) 投标人应具备如下资质要求;The bidder must meet the following qualification requirement.

(2.1) 投标人设计资质应不低于中国岩土工程(略)级资质;The bidder"s design credentials should meet or exceed Class A Geotechnical Engineering Credential in China.

(2.2) 投标人施工资质应具备中国地基基础工程专业承包一级资质;The bidder"s construction qualifications must meet Level 1 qualifications for foundation engineering contracting in China.

(3) 投标人(施工单位)应具备中国安全生产许可证且在有效期内;The bidder (construction unit) must possess a valid Chinese safety production license.

(4) 投标人拟投入设计负责人应为投标人(设计单位)在职人员且拥有中国国家注册土木工程师执业资格,同时具备岩土工程类专业高级及以上职称;The proposed design leader must be a current employee of the bidder (design unit) and hold a national registered civil engineer credential in China, along with a senior or higher professional title in geotechnical engineering.

(5) 投标人拟投入的施工负责人应为投标人(施工单位)在职人员且应具备中国国家一级注册建造师执业资格,具备安全生产考核合格证(B证);The proposed construction leader must be a current employee of the bidder (construction unit) and hold a national Class 1 Registered Constructor credential in China, along with a Safety Production Assessment Certificate (B Certificate).

(6)投标人拟投入安全员应为投标人(施工单位)在职人员且应具备中国安全生产考核合格证(C证);The proposed safety officer must be a current employee of the bidder (construction unit) and hold a Safety Production Assessment Certificate (C Certificate) in China.

(7)投标人应具备如下业绩要求:投标人应具备高度100米(含)以上建筑基坑支护业绩或高度100米(含)以上建筑基础工程施工业绩;The bidder must have performance records in foundation pit support or foundation engineering construction for buildings of 100 meters (inclusive) or higher.

(8)本项目接受联合体投标,联合体投标应满足如下要求;Joint bids are accepted for this project, subject to the following requirements.

(8.1) 联合体投标只限于两家联合,一家为设计单位,一家为施工单位,两家单位应签订联合体协议,明确联合体主体及双方工作分担;The joint bid is limited to two parties, one as the design unit and the other as the construction unit. Both parties must sign a joint agreement, clearly specifying the lead party and the division of responsibilities.

(8.2) 设计单位应满足上述针对设计单位所提要求,其中设计负责人应由设计单位派出;The design unit must meet the aforementioned requirements for design units, with the design leader proposed by the design unit.

(8.3) 施工单位应满足上述针对施工单位所提要求,其中施工负责人及安全员应由施工单位派出,施工单位应具备上述(7)款施工业绩要求;The construction unit must meet the aforementioned requirements for construction units, with the construction leader and safety officer proposed by the construction unit. The construction unit must also meet the performance requirements stated in all seven items mentioned above.

四、报名及招标文件的获取(Registration and Acquisition of Bidding Documents)

报名时间:投标人可于2024年9月30日12:00时(北京时间)至2024年10月9日24:00时(北京时间)期间报名。Registration Period: Bidders may register from 12:00 PM (Beijing Time) on September 30, 2024, to 12:00 AM (Beijing Time) on October 9, 2024.

报名方式:*@*q.com,时间以邮箱收到时间为准。报名函中列明投标人名称、联系人、联系电话、电子邮箱,报名函原件随后寄给招标代理。Registration Method: Bidders should scan and send the stamped registration letter to *@*q.com. The email"s receipt time will be used as the official registration time. The registration letter should include the bidder"s name, contact person, phone number, and email address. The original registration letter should be mailed to the tender agent afterward.

招标文件获取方式:报名截止后,将同时统一向报名单位以电子邮件的方式发送招标文件及相关资料。 Bidding Document Acquisition: After the registration deadline, the bidding documents and relevant materials will be sent via email to the registered units.

五、投标文件的递交(Submission of Bidding Documents)


Deadline: 9:30 AM (Beijing Time), November 1, 2024.

递交地点: (略) (略) (略) 360号新上海国际大厦6楼会议室

Location: Conference Room, 6th Floor, New Shanghai International Tower, 360 Pudong South Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai.

六、开标时间及地点(Bid Opening Time and Location)


Opening Time: 9:30 AM (Beijing Time), November 1, 2024.


Opening Location: Same as the submission location.


1. 此公告仅在中国 (略) (http://**)上发布,对 (略) 站转载并发布的非完整版或修改版公告,而导致误报名或无效报名的情形,招标人及招标代理机构不予承担责任:This announcement is only published on the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform http://**). The tenderer and tender agent are not responsible for any misregistration or invalid registration due to incomplete or modified announcements published by other websites.

2. 投标人请按招标文件要求选用合适的方式递交投标文件,无论采用何种方式,投标文件均必须在投标文件接收截止时间前送达指定地点:Bidders should submit the bidding documents as required by the bidding documents. Regardless of the method used, the bidding documents must be delivered to the designated location before the submission deadline.

3.本项目为境外项目,施工地点为境外,投标报价及结算货币为美元,投标人参与投标对此应有充分的了解,了解内容包括但不限于国内国际环境、当地风土人情、柬埔寨当地政策、出国务工政策要求、汇率风险等各种风险等:This is an overseas project, with the construction site located abroad. The bidding price and settlement currency are in U.S. dollars. Bidders should fully understand the relevant risks, including but not limited to the domestic and international contexts, local customs, Cambodian policies, overseas labor policies, exchange rate risks, etc.

4. 本次招标资格审查方式:资格后审;The qualification review for this tender will be conducted after the bid opening.

八、联系方式(Contact Information)

招标人:JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.(汲郡堂 (略) )

Tenderer: JIJUNTANG International Investment Group Co., Ltd.

地址: (略) (略) 235-245号二号楼 15楼

Address: No. 235-245 Yunling East Road, Building 2, 15th Floor, Shanghai


Contact person: Mr. Xu Lianhua


Telephone Number: (略)



招标代理机构:江 (略)

Tendering Agency: Jiangsu Tendering Center Co., Ltd.

地址: (略) (略) (略) 118号16楼1605室

Address: 118 Zhenghe Middle Road, Room 1605, 16th Floor, Gulou District, Nanjing, Jiangsu


Contact Persons: Mr. Cui Jin, Mr. Jiang Jian


Phone Number: 025-(略) / (略)


Email: *@*q.com



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