食堂餐饮服务招标项目的潜在投标 (略) (略) 获取招标文件,并于2025年01月08日 09:30(北京时间)前递交投标文件。
Potential bidders for Canteen catering service should obtain the tender documents from http://**)and submit the bid document before 08th 01 2025 at 09.30am(Beijing time) .
Project No.: (略)(略)-(略)
Project Name: Canteen catering service
Budget No.: 1525-(略)
Budget Amount(Yuan): (略)(国库资金:(略)元;自筹资金:0元)
Maximum Price(Yuan): -
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name: Canteen catering service
Quantity: 1
Budget Amount(Yuan): (略).00
Brief specification description or basic overview of the project: Provide satisfactory, safe, and reliable basic catering for about 300 staff members (three meals a day on working days. Breakfast: :00-9:00, Lunch: 11:15-13:00, Dinner: 17:30-8:30) as well as other services
The Contract Period: one year
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: (1) Implementation of reserved quota measures to increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in government procurement and support SME: This project is not exclusively for SMEs. (2) Support for prison enterprises and welfare units for the disabled, treating them as small and micro enterprises.s should provide the "SME Declaration Letter" as required.
2)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单
(1)供应商须根据《 (略) 政府采购供应商信息库及诚信档案管理办法》已进行登记并成为会员供应商。
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: (1) Suppliers must register and become member suppliers according to the "anghai Government Procurement Supplier Information Library and Integrity Archives Management Measures". (2) Different suppliers with the same unit head or direct controlling and managing relationships shall not participate the same contract item government procurement activities. (3) This project contract shall not be transferred or subcontracted. (4) This project is not exclusively for small medium-sized enterprises; (5) This project does not accept joint bids.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 2024年12月13日 until 20th 12 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
地点: (略) (略)
Place: www.http://**.cn
To Obtain: Online Purchase
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0
提交投标文件截止时间:2025年01月08日 09:30(北京时间)
Deadline date submission of bids: 08th 01 2025 at 09.30am(Beijing Time)
投标地点:电子投标文件上传至上海 (略) (www.http://**.cn),纸质投标文件 (略) (略) 1200号11楼第四会议室。
Place of submission of bid documents: The electronic tender documents are uploaded to the Shanghai Government Procurement Network (www.http://**.cn), and the paper tender documents are submitted the fourth meeting room on the 11th floor of 1200 Yan"an Road East, Shanghai.
开标时间:2025年01月08日 09:30
Time of Bid Opening: 2025-01-08 09:30:00
开标地点:在上海 (略) (www.http://**.cn)开标
Place of Bid Opening: The tender opening will be held on the Shanghai Government Procurement Network (www.http://**.cn).
5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice.
1、本次 (略) 上投标方式,投标人应根据有关规定和方法, (略) (略) (略) 站上海 (略) (http://**)(简称: (略) )电子招投标系统提交。供应商应注意及 (略) (略) 上信息的更新,因供应商自身原因未及时获取更新信息而导致的后果将由供应商自行承担。
1. This bid submission shall be made online. Bidders shall submit their bids on the electronic bidding and tendering system of the Shanghai Governmenturement Information Management Platform http://**) (hereinafter referred to as: Electronic Procurement Platform) in accordance with the regulations and methods. Suppliers should pay attention to the timely browsing of information updates on the Shanghai Government Procurement Cloud Platform. The consequences of not timely obtaining the updated due to the supplier"s own reasons shall be borne by the supplier.
名 称: (略) 张江科学城建设管理办公室(本部)
Name: Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City Construction Management Office (Headquarters)
地 址: (略) (略) (略) 1158号3号楼
Address: No. 1158, Zhangdong Road, Building 3, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact: [EN-采购人联系人]
Contact Information: 021-(略)
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海上咨 (略)
Name: Shanghai Shangzi Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) (略) 1200号11楼
11th Floor, No. 1200 Yan"an East Road, Shanghai
Contact Information: (略)
(c)Project Contact
Contact: 陈俊
电 话:(略)
Tel: (略)
食堂餐饮服务招标项目的潜在投标 (略) (略) 获取招标文件,并于2025年01月08日 09:30(北京时间)前递交投标文件。
Potential bidders for Canteen catering service should obtain the tender documents from http://**)and submit the bid document before 08th 01 2025 at 09.30am(Beijing time) .
Project No.: (略)(略)-(略)
Project Name: Canteen catering service
Budget No.: 1525-(略)
Budget Amount(Yuan): (略)(国库资金:(略)元;自筹资金:0元)
Maximum Price(Yuan): -
Procurement Requirements:
Package Name: Canteen catering service
Quantity: 1
Budget Amount(Yuan): (略).00
Brief specification description or basic overview of the project: Provide satisfactory, safe, and reliable basic catering for about 300 staff members (three meals a day on working days. Breakfast: :00-9:00, Lunch: 11:15-13:00, Dinner: 17:30-8:30) as well as other services
The Contract Period: one year
Joint Bids: (NO)Available.
(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: (1) Implementation of reserved quota measures to increase the share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in government procurement and support SME: This project is not exclusively for SMEs. (2) Support for prison enterprises and welfare units for the disabled, treating them as small and micro enterprises.s should provide the "SME Declaration Letter" as required.
2)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法失信主体、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单
(1)供应商须根据《 (略) 政府采购供应商信息库及诚信档案管理办法》已进行登记并成为会员供应商。
(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: (1) Suppliers must register and become member suppliers according to the "anghai Government Procurement Supplier Information Library and Integrity Archives Management Measures". (2) Different suppliers with the same unit head or direct controlling and managing relationships shall not participate the same contract item government procurement activities. (3) This project contract shall not be transferred or subcontracted. (4) This project is not exclusively for small medium-sized enterprises; (5) This project does not accept joint bids.
(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";
(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;
(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;
Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 2024年12月13日 until 20th 12 2024.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)
地点: (略) (略)
Place: www.http://**.cn
To Obtain: Online Purchase
Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0
提交投标文件截止时间:2025年01月08日 09:30(北京时间)
Deadline date submission of bids: 08th 01 2025 at 09.30am(Beijing Time)
投标地点:电子投标文件上传至上海 (略) (www.http://**.cn),纸质投标文件 (略) (略) 1200号11楼第四会议室。
Place of submission of bid documents: The electronic tender documents are uploaded to the Shanghai Government Procurement Network (www.http://**.cn), and the paper tender documents are submitted the fourth meeting room on the 11th floor of 1200 Yan"an Road East, Shanghai.
开标时间:2025年01月08日 09:30
Time of Bid Opening: 2025-01-08 09:30:00
开标地点:在上海 (略) (www.http://**.cn)开标
Place of Bid Opening: The tender opening will be held on the Shanghai Government Procurement Network (www.http://**.cn).
5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice.
1、本次 (略) 上投标方式,投标人应根据有关规定和方法, (略) (略) (略) 站上海 (略) (http://**)(简称: (略) )电子招投标系统提交。供应商应注意及 (略) (略) 上信息的更新,因供应商自身原因未及时获取更新信息而导致的后果将由供应商自行承担。
1. This bid submission shall be made online. Bidders shall submit their bids on the electronic bidding and tendering system of the Shanghai Governmenturement Information Management Platform http://**) (hereinafter referred to as: Electronic Procurement Platform) in accordance with the regulations and methods. Suppliers should pay attention to the timely browsing of information updates on the Shanghai Government Procurement Cloud Platform. The consequences of not timely obtaining the updated due to the supplier"s own reasons shall be borne by the supplier.
名 称: (略) 张江科学城建设管理办公室(本部)
Name: Shanghai Zhangjiang Science City Construction Management Office (Headquarters)
地 址: (略) (略) (略) 1158号3号楼
Address: No. 1158, Zhangdong Road, Building 3, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact: [EN-采购人联系人]
Contact Information: 021-(略)
(b)Procurement Agency
名 称:上海上咨 (略)
Name: Shanghai Shangzi Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) (略) 1200号11楼
11th Floor, No. 1200 Yan"an East Road, Shanghai
Contact Information: (略)
(c)Project Contact
Contact: 陈俊
电 话:(略)
Tel: (略)