Recruitment of Real Estate Service Brokers for the Full Lease of Overseas Properties
Bidding Announcement
日 期:2024年12月18日
Date:December 18 , 2024
安 (略) (略) (以下简称招标代理机构)受招标人委托,对下列服务进行国际竞争性公开招标。现邀请合格的投标人参加投标。
Anhui Sunshine Procurement Service Platform Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Tendering Agent) is entrusted by the Tenderer to conduct an international competitive public bidding for the following services. Qualified bidders are now invited to participate in the bidding.
Project Name: Recruitment of Real Estate Service Brokers for the Full Lease of Overseas Properties
Project Overview: The Tenderer intends to lease the office building and adjacent vacant land as a whole
3.物业概况:本境外物业位于美国纽约曼哈 (略) 西44街7-15号,紧邻第五大道,物业总占地面积700.21平方米(7537平方英尺),由一栋写字楼和一块相邻空地组成。其中写字楼占地面积约467.40平方米(5037平方英尺),为12层建筑,总面积约6003.49平方米(*平方英尺);相邻空地占地面积约232.26平方米(2500平方英尺)。
Property Overview: This overseas property is located at 7-15 West 44th Street, Midtown Manhattan, New York, USA, adjacent to Fifth Avenue. The total land area is 700.21 ㎡ (7,537 sq ft), consisting of an office building and an adjacent vacant lot. The office building covers approximately 467.40 ㎡ (5,037 sq ft) and is a 12-story structure with a total area of about * ㎡ (64,621 sq ft). The adjacent vacant lot covers approximately 232.26 ㎡ (2,500 sq ft).
Qualifications of Bidders:
4.1具备有效的营业许可执照和能够在境外物业所在地( (略) )执业的地产服务经纪人资质证书或其他相应证明材料;
4.1 Have a valid business license and a real estate service broker qualification certificate, or other corresponding documentation, that allows practice in the location of the overseas property (New York City, USA);
4.2须具有至少3项在境外物业所在地( (略) )的类似租赁业绩(提供业绩清单)。
4.2 Must have at least 3 similar leasing performance records in the location of the overseas property (New York City, USA) (provide a list of achievements).
Media of Bidding Announcement Release:
本次招标公告同时在安徽省招标 (略) (http://**)、安徽省产权交 (略) (http://**)、安徽新华发行(集团) (略) 官网(http://**)、中国 (略) (http://**)发布。
The Bidding Announcement is also published on the Anhui Provincial Tendering and Bidding Information Network http://**), the official website of Anhui Property Rights Exchange Center http://**), the official website of Anhui Xinhua Publishing (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd. (http://**), and the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://**).
Time for Applying for Bidding Documents:
From 9:00 December 18, 2024 to 17:00 January 6, 2025(Beijing time)
From 20:00 December 17, 2024 to 4:00 January 6, 2025(US Eastern Time)
How to Apply for Bidding Documents:
Potential bidders interested in participating can obtain the bidding documents online via email.
Deadline for Submitting Bids / Bid Opening Time:
By 8:00 January 16, 2025 (Beijing Time)
By 19:00 January 15, 2025 (US Eastern Time)
Submit via encrypted email. Bids received after the deadline or that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.
招标代理机构名称:安 (略) (略)
Name of the Tendering Agent: Anhui Sunshine Procurement Service Platform Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) 徽州大 (略) 交口高速滨湖时代广场G1栋
Address: Building G1, Binhu Times Square, Expressway, Intersection of Huizhou Avenue and Yandun Road, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China
联 系 人:夏海倩
Contact person: Haiqian Xia
电 话:+86 */+86 *
TEL:+86 */+86 *
电 子 信 箱:*@*q.com
E– mail: *@*q.com
Recruitment of Real Estate Service Brokers for the Full Lease of Overseas Properties
Bidding Announcement
日 期:2024年12月18日
Date:December 18 , 2024
安 (略) (略) (以下简称招标代理机构)受招标人委托,对下列服务进行国际竞争性公开招标。现邀请合格的投标人参加投标。
Anhui Sunshine Procurement Service Platform Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Tendering Agent) is entrusted by the Tenderer to conduct an international competitive public bidding for the following services. Qualified bidders are now invited to participate in the bidding.
Project Name: Recruitment of Real Estate Service Brokers for the Full Lease of Overseas Properties
Project Overview: The Tenderer intends to lease the office building and adjacent vacant land as a whole
3.物业概况:本境外物业位于美国纽约曼哈 (略) 西44街7-15号,紧邻第五大道,物业总占地面积700.21平方米(7537平方英尺),由一栋写字楼和一块相邻空地组成。其中写字楼占地面积约467.40平方米(5037平方英尺),为12层建筑,总面积约6003.49平方米(*平方英尺);相邻空地占地面积约232.26平方米(2500平方英尺)。
Property Overview: This overseas property is located at 7-15 West 44th Street, Midtown Manhattan, New York, USA, adjacent to Fifth Avenue. The total land area is 700.21 ㎡ (7,537 sq ft), consisting of an office building and an adjacent vacant lot. The office building covers approximately 467.40 ㎡ (5,037 sq ft) and is a 12-story structure with a total area of about * ㎡ (64,621 sq ft). The adjacent vacant lot covers approximately 232.26 ㎡ (2,500 sq ft).
Qualifications of Bidders:
4.1具备有效的营业许可执照和能够在境外物业所在地( (略) )执业的地产服务经纪人资质证书或其他相应证明材料;
4.1 Have a valid business license and a real estate service broker qualification certificate, or other corresponding documentation, that allows practice in the location of the overseas property (New York City, USA);
4.2须具有至少3项在境外物业所在地( (略) )的类似租赁业绩(提供业绩清单)。
4.2 Must have at least 3 similar leasing performance records in the location of the overseas property (New York City, USA) (provide a list of achievements).
Media of Bidding Announcement Release:
本次招标公告同时在安徽省招标 (略) (http://**)、安徽省产权交 (略) (http://**)、安徽新华发行(集团) (略) 官网(http://**)、中国 (略) (http://**)发布。
The Bidding Announcement is also published on the Anhui Provincial Tendering and Bidding Information Network http://**), the official website of Anhui Property Rights Exchange Center http://**), the official website of Anhui Xinhua Publishing (Group) Holdings Co., Ltd. (http://**), and the China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http://**).
Time for Applying for Bidding Documents:
From 9:00 December 18, 2024 to 17:00 January 6, 2025(Beijing time)
From 20:00 December 17, 2024 to 4:00 January 6, 2025(US Eastern Time)
How to Apply for Bidding Documents:
Potential bidders interested in participating can obtain the bidding documents online via email.
Deadline for Submitting Bids / Bid Opening Time:
By 8:00 January 16, 2025 (Beijing Time)
By 19:00 January 15, 2025 (US Eastern Time)
Submit via encrypted email. Bids received after the deadline or that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.
招标代理机构名称:安 (略) (略)
Name of the Tendering Agent: Anhui Sunshine Procurement Service Platform Co., Ltd.
地 址: (略) 徽州大 (略) 交口高速滨湖时代广场G1栋
Address: Building G1, Binhu Times Square, Expressway, Intersection of Huizhou Avenue and Yandun Road, Hefei City, Anhui Province, China
联 系 人:夏海倩
Contact person: Haiqian Xia
电 话:+86 */+86 *
TEL:+86 */+86 *
电 子 信 箱:*@*q.com
E– mail: *@*q.com