1.项目名称:2 (略) 马来 (略) 研发楼改造家具采购项目Project Name: Chery International Company"s R&D Building Renovation Furniture Procurement Project in Shah Alam, Malaysia
2.项目概况与采购范围Project Overview and Procurement Scope
2.1项目概况Project Overview
2 (略) 马来 (略) 研发楼改造家具采购项目
Furniture Procurement Project for the Renovation of Chery International"s R&D Building in Shah Alam, Malaysia in 2025
2.2采购范围2.2 Procurement Scope
Bottom floor: conference table, office desk, office chair, coffee table, round table;
Lobby floor: conference table, office desk, camping table, office chair, functional chair;
First floor: conference table, conference chair, office desk, office chair, sofa, soundproof cabin;
;Third floor: conference table, conference chair, office desk, office chair, sofa, soundproof cabin;
Cafeteria: dining tables and chairs.
3.技术要求Technical requirements
Please refer to the specific procurement documents issued
4.供应商资质要求Supplier qualification requirements
Must have corresponding business scope/qualifications/licenses, registered capital not less than 5 million yuan and complete corresponding paid in, and have been established for no less than 2 years
Enterprises registered within the territory of the People"s Republic of China, with the ability to independently assume civil liability and independent legal personality;
Bidders must possess independent legal personality and the ability to bear civil liability;
The bidder has a good business reputation and a sound financial accounting system, and has no adverse business behavior;
The bidder has the necessary overseas engineering construction capabilities to fulfill the contract;
4.6投标人及法定代表人、股东未正 (略) 列为失信被执行人 (略) 限制高消费;
The bidder, legal representative, and shareholders are not currently listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the people"s court or restricted from high consumption by the people"s court;
The bidder is not being classified as having abnormal business operations by administrative authorities;
4.8本 (略) 报名;
This procurement does not accept registration from affiliated companies;
This procurement does not accept joint venture registration.
5.报名要求Registration requirements
5.1报名方式Registration method
5.1.1凡有意参加报名的供应商,请 (略) (略) (http://**),注册成功后(以接收注册成功短信为准),请直接登 (略) (略) 进行投标报名,《供应商操作手册》 (略) 网站首页“ (略) ”栏查看, (略) 后,在采购执行-我的项目-我要参与点击“加入收藏”在我的收藏里查看项目,并按本项目报名资料要求上传相关报名资料,未按照此方式报名的,视作无效报名;报名前,请办理数字安全证书(CA锁)并和登录账户绑定,以免影响后续投标工作;
For suppliers who are interested in participating in the registration, please visit the Chery Group Procurement Service Platform( http://** )After successful registration (subject to receiving the registration success SMS), please log in directly to the Chery Group Procurement Service Platform for bidding registration. The "Supplier Operation Manual" can be viewed in the "Service Zone" column on the platform website homepage. After successful registration and login to the platform, click "Add to Favorites" in the Procurement Execution - My Projects - I Want to Participate section to view the project in my favorites, and upload relevant registration materials according to the requirements of this project registration information. Failure to register in this way will be considered invalid registration; Before registration, please apply for a digital security certificate (CA lock) and bind it to your login account to avoid affecting subsequent bidding work
5.1. (略) 完成注册的,请及时联系在线客服或致电0553-*。
If you are unable to complete registration on the procurement platform, please contact our online customer service or call 0553-* in a timely manner.
5.2报名截止时间:registration deadline 2025-01-17 23:59。
5.3报名资料Registration Information
按照以下所列内容, (略) 上传完整资料的原件扫描件,如资料不全,我方将视为不合格,应提交的资料包含但不限于以下内容:
According to the following content, upload the original scanned copy of complete information on the group procurement service platform. If the information is incomplete, we will consider it as unqualified. The materials that should be submitted include but are not limited to the following:
Enterprise business documents: Business license (three certificates in one);
Bid Authorization Letter: Authorization Letter from the Legal Representative, along with a copy of the Legal Representative"s ID card and a copy of the Entrusting Party"s ID card, stamped with the official seal;
5.3.3资质证书;Qualification certificate;
Proof of similar project performance and supporting materials;
Enterprise Overview and Performance Capability Explanation;
5.3. (略) 投标方投标行为承诺书(http://**登录后首页界面“常用文件”栏-“供应商投标行为相关文件”下载打印签章);
Chery Group Bidder"s Bid Commitment Letter( http://** After logging in, go to the "Common Files" column on the homepage and download, print, and sign the "Supplier Bidding Behavior Related Documents";
5.3.7投标承诺书;Bid Commitment Letter;
5.3.8财务报表资料。Financial statement data.
Note: Registration materials must be submitted before the registration deadline, and will not be accepted after the deadline.
6.采购文件的获取Acquisition of procurement documents
6.1资格初审:报名截止后,将对所有报名单位进行资格初审,初审合格后购买采购文件;Qualification preliminary review: After the registration deadline, all registered units will undergo qualification preliminary review. After passing the preliminary review, procurement documents will be purchased;
6.2采购文件每套售价0元,售后不退,采购方向投标方开具6%增值税专用发票(咨询服务类),请按11.1条标书费缴纳方式进行缴纳, (略) 订单开票自行申请并下载。The price of each set of procurement documents is 0 yuan, and after-sales service is non refundable. The purchaser shall issue a 6% value-added tax special invoice (for consulting services) to the bidder. Please pay the bid fee according to the payment method specified in Article 11.1. To issue an invoice, please apply and download it yourself from the platform for order invoicing.
7.投标保证金Bid Security
7.1在获取采购文件(标书)后,还需缴纳人民币0元投标保证金(不接受任何私人名义缴纳费用,请按11.2条投标保证金缴纳方式进行缴纳);After obtaining the procurement documents (bid), a bid security deposit of RMB 0 is also required (no personal fees are accepted, please pay according to the bid security deposit payment method in Article 11.2);
7.2项目定标后,未中标人如在投标过程中不存在本协议7.3条约定的违约情形及违反法律法规规定的情形,投标保证金无 (略) 退还,退还到账时间一般为7个工作日以内,具体根据招标人财务计划安排;After the project is awarded, if the unsuccessful bidder does not have any breach of contract or violation of laws and regulations as stipulated in Article 7.3 of this agreement during the bidding process, the bid security deposit will be fully refunded without interest, and the refund time is generally within 7 working days, depending on the financial plan of the tenderer;
7.3投标人在投标过程中,提供虚假信息和承诺,围/串标、恶意投标、中途撤回投标、招标人告知中标人中标后放弃中标、拒绝签订合同或提出额外的签订条件,招标人均有权没收全部投标保证金,并要求投标人承担包括但不限于招标人重新寻找替代供应商支付的费用、替代供应商投标价格与投标人价格差价作为招标人的损失赔偿。During the bidding process, if a bidder provides false information and promises, colludes with bidders, maliciously bids, withdraws bids midway, abandons the bid after being informed by the tenderer that the winning bidder has won the bid, refuses to sign the contract, or proposes additional signing conditions, the tenderer has the right to confiscate all bid security deposits and demand that the bidder bear the costs including but not limited to the tenderer"s search for alternative suppliers and the price difference between the alternative supplier"s bid price and the bidder"s price as compensation for the tenderer"s losses.
8.履约保证金performance bond
本项目确定中标人后,中标人须向合同*方缴纳人民币0元履约保证金,合同履行完毕且合同履行期间未发生违约等情况,*方将无息全额退还履约保证金。After determining the winning bidder for this project, the winning bidder shall pay a performance bond of RMB 0 to the contracting party A. If the contract is fully performed and there is no breach of contract during the performance period, the contracting party shall refund the performance bond in full without interest.
9.发布的媒介Media for publication
本次信息发布只 (略) (略) 网页及奇瑞招标/瑞鲸科技微信公众号上发布,其他媒体转载无效。This information release is only published on the website of Chery Group"s procurement service platform and Chery Tendering/Ruijing Technology WeChat official account, and other media reprints are invalid.
10.联系方式contact information
地址: (略) (略) 张家山街道名铸置业广场A座26-27层Address: 26-27th floors, Building A, Mingzhu Real Estate Plaza, Zhangjiashan Street, Jinghu District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province
商务内容咨询:李威 Business Content Consultation: Li Wei
mobile phone:*
技术内容咨询:Mr. robin Technical content consultation: Mr. robin
mobile phone:019 212 9761
11.投标缴费信息Bid payment information
11.1标书费缴纳方式:Payment method for bid fee:
(略) 内相应标段生成的支付二维码, (略) 银进行支付。According to the payment QR code generated for the corresponding section within the procurement service platform, payment can be made by scanning the code or using online banking.
11.2投标保证金缴纳方式:Payment method for bid security deposit:
(略) 内相应标段生成的收款专属保证金账号,通过银行转账方式支付。According to the dedicated deposit account generated for the corresponding section within the procurement service platform, payment will be made through bank transfer.
12.争议解决Dispute Resolution
投标方和招标人在招投标过程中所引起的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,协商不成时,任何一方均应向招标方所 (略) 提起诉讼。Any disputes arising between the bidding party and the tenderer during the bidding process shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the two parties. If consultation fails, either party shall file a lawsuit with the people"s court where the tenderer is located.
注:无论报名结果如何,供应商自行承担所有与参加报名活动有关的全部费用。Note: Regardless of the registration result, the supplier shall bear all expenses related to participating in the registration activity on their own.
奇 (略) 阳光监督、合规投诉/举报方式:Chery Holdings Group Sunshine Supervision and Compliance Complaint/Reporting Methods
阳光监督:Sunshine supervision:
合规投诉:Compliance complaint:
瑞鲸(安徽) (略)
1.项目名称:2 (略) 马来 (略) 研发楼改造家具采购项目Project Name: Chery International Company"s R&D Building Renovation Furniture Procurement Project in Shah Alam, Malaysia
2.项目概况与采购范围Project Overview and Procurement Scope
2.1项目概况Project Overview
2 (略) 马来 (略) 研发楼改造家具采购项目
Furniture Procurement Project for the Renovation of Chery International"s R&D Building in Shah Alam, Malaysia in 2025
2.2采购范围2.2 Procurement Scope
Bottom floor: conference table, office desk, office chair, coffee table, round table;
Lobby floor: conference table, office desk, camping table, office chair, functional chair;
First floor: conference table, conference chair, office desk, office chair, sofa, soundproof cabin;
;Third floor: conference table, conference chair, office desk, office chair, sofa, soundproof cabin;
Cafeteria: dining tables and chairs.
3.技术要求Technical requirements
Please refer to the specific procurement documents issued
4.供应商资质要求Supplier qualification requirements
Must have corresponding business scope/qualifications/licenses, registered capital not less than 5 million yuan and complete corresponding paid in, and have been established for no less than 2 years
Enterprises registered within the territory of the People"s Republic of China, with the ability to independently assume civil liability and independent legal personality;
Bidders must possess independent legal personality and the ability to bear civil liability;
The bidder has a good business reputation and a sound financial accounting system, and has no adverse business behavior;
The bidder has the necessary overseas engineering construction capabilities to fulfill the contract;
4.6投标人及法定代表人、股东未正 (略) 列为失信被执行人 (略) 限制高消费;
The bidder, legal representative, and shareholders are not currently listed as dishonest persons subject to enforcement by the people"s court or restricted from high consumption by the people"s court;
The bidder is not being ified as having abnormal business operations by administrative authorities;
4.8本 (略) 报名;
This procurement does not accept registration from affiliated companies;
This procurement does not accept joint venture registration.
5.报名要求Registration requirements
5.1报名方式Registration method
5.1.1凡有意参加报名的供应商,请 (略) (略) (http://**),注册成功后(以接收注册成功短信为准),请直接登 (略) (略) 进行投标报名,《供应商操作手册》 (略) 网站首页“ (略) ”栏查看, (略) 后,在采购执行-我的项目-我要参与点击“加入收藏”在我的收藏里查看项目,并按本项目报名资料要求上传相关报名资料,未按照此方式报名的,视作无效报名;报名前,请办理数字安全证书(CA锁)并和登录账户绑定,以免影响后续投标工作;
For suppliers who are interested in participating in the registration, please visit the Chery Group Procurement Service Platform( http://** )After successful registration (subject to receiving the registration success SMS), please log in directly to the Chery Group Procurement Service Platform for bidding registration. The "Supplier Operation Manual" can be viewed in the "Service Zone" column on the platform website homepage. After successful registration and login to the platform, click "Add to Favorites" in the Procurement Execution - My Projects - I Want to Participate section to view the project in my favorites, and upload relevant registration materials according to the requirements of this project registration information. Failure to register in this way will be considered invalid registration; Before registration, please apply for a digital security certificate (CA lock) and bind it to your login account to avoid affecting subsequent bidding work
5.1. (略) 完成注册的,请及时联系在线客服或致电0553-*。
If you are unable to complete registration on the procurement platform, please contact our online customer service or call 0553-* in a timely manner.
5.2报名截止时间:registration deadline 2025-01-17 23:59。
5.3报名资料Registration Information
按照以下所列内容, (略) 上传完整资料的原件扫描件,如资料不全,我方将视为不合格,应提交的资料包含但不限于以下内容:
According to the following content, upload the original scanned copy of complete information on the group procurement service platform. If the information is incomplete, we will consider it as unqualified. The materials that should be submitted include but are not limited to the following:
Enterprise business documents: Business license (three certificates in one);
Bid Authorization Letter: Authorization Letter from the Legal Representative, along with a copy of the Legal Representative"s ID card and a copy of the Entrusting Party"s ID card, stamped with the official seal;
5.3.3资质证书;Qualification certificate;
Proof of similar project performance and supporting materials;
Enterprise Overview and Performance Capability Explanation;
5.3. (略) 投标方投标行为承诺书(http://**登录后首页界面“常用文件”栏-“供应商投标行为相关文件”下载打印签章);
Chery Group Bidder"s Bid Commitment Letter( http://** After logging in, go to the "Common Files" column on the homepage and download, print, and sign the "Supplier Bidding Behavior Related Documents";
5.3.7投标承诺书;Bid Commitment Letter;
5.3.8财务报表资料。Financial statement data.
Note: Registration materials must be submitted before the registration deadline, and will not be accepted after the deadline.
6.采购文件的获取Acquisition of procurement documents
6.1资格初审:报名截止后,将对所有报名单位进行资格初审,初审合格后购买采购文件;Qualification preliminary review: After the registration deadline, all registered units will undergo qualification preliminary review. After passing the preliminary review, procurement documents will be purchased;
6.2采购文件每套售价0元,售后不退,采购方向投标方开具6%增值税专用发票(咨询服务类),请按11.1条标书费缴纳方式进行缴纳, (略) 订单开票自行申请并下载。The price of each set of procurement documents is 0 yuan, and after-sales service is non refundable. The purchaser shall issue a 6% value-added tax special invoice (for consulting services) to the bidder. Please pay the bid fee according to the payment method specified in Article 11.1. To issue an invoice, please apply and download it yourself from the platform for order invoicing.
7.投标保证金Bid Security
7.1在获取采购文件(标书)后,还需缴纳人民币0元投标保证金(不接受任何私人名义缴纳费用,请按11.2条投标保证金缴纳方式进行缴纳);After obtaining the procurement documents (bid), a bid security deposit of RMB 0 is also required (no personal fees are accepted, please pay according to the bid security deposit payment method in Article 11.2);
7.2项目定标后,未中标人如在投标过程中不存在本协议7.3条约定的违约情形及违反法律法规规定的情形,投标保证金无 (略) 退还,退还到账时间一般为7个工作日以内,具体根据招标人财务计划安排;After the project is awarded, if the unsuccessful bidder does not have any breach of contract or violation of laws and regulations as stipulated in Article 7.3 of this agreement during the bidding process, the bid security deposit will be fully refunded without interest, and the refund time is generally within 7 working days, depending on the financial plan of the tenderer;
7.3投标人在投标过程中,提供虚假信息和承诺,围/串标、恶意投标、中途撤回投标、招标人告知中标人中标后放弃中标、拒绝签订合同或提出额外的签订条件,招标人均有权没收全部投标保证金,并要求投标人承担包括但不限于招标人重新寻找替代供应商支付的费用、替代供应商投标价格与投标人价格差价作为招标人的损失赔偿。During the bidding process, if a bidder provides false information and promises, colludes with bidders, maliciously bids, withdraws bids midway, abandons the bid after being informed by the tenderer that the winning bidder has won the bid, refuses to sign the contract, or proposes additional signing conditions, the tenderer has the right to confiscate all bid security deposits and demand that the bidder bear the costs including but not limited to the tenderer"s search for alternative suppliers and the price difference between the alternative supplier"s bid price and the bidder"s price as compensation for the tenderer"s losses.
8.履约保证金performance bond
本项目确定中标人后,中标人须向合同*方缴纳人民币0元履约保证金,合同履行完毕且合同履行期间未发生违约等情况,*方将无息全额退还履约保证金。After determining the winning bidder for this project, the winning bidder shall pay a performance bond of RMB 0 to the contracting party A. If the contract is fully performed and there is no breach of contract during the performance period, the contracting party shall refund the performance bond in full without interest.
9.发布的媒介Media for publication
本次信息发布只 (略) (略) 网页及奇瑞招标/瑞鲸科技微信公众号上发布,其他媒体转载无效。This information release is only published on the website of Chery Group"s procurement service platform and Chery Tendering/Ruijing Technology WeChat official account, and other media reprints are invalid.
10.联系方式contact information
地址: (略) (略) 张家山街道名铸置业广场A座26-27层Address: 26-27th floors, Building A, Mingzhu Real Estate Plaza, Zhangjiashan Street, Jinghu District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province
商务内容咨询:李威 Business Content Consultation: Li Wei
mobile phone:*
技术内容咨询:Mr. robin Technical content consultation: Mr. robin
mobile phone:019 212 9761
11.投标缴费信息Bid payment information
11.1标书费缴纳方式:Payment method for bid fee:
(略) 内相应标段生成的支付二维码, (略) 银进行支付。According to the payment QR code generated for the corresponding section within the procurement service platform, payment can be made by scanning the code or using online banking.
11.2投标保证金缴纳方式:Payment method for bid security deposit:
(略) 内相应标段生成的收款专属保证金账号,通过银行转账方式支付。According to the dedicated deposit account generated for the corresponding section within the procurement service platform, payment will be made through bank transfer.
12.争议解决Dispute Resolution
投标方和招标人在招投标过程中所引起的争议,双方应通过友好协商解决,协商不成时,任何一方均应向招标方所 (略) 提起诉讼。Any disputes arising between the bidding party and the tenderer during the bidding process shall be resolved through friendly consultation between the two parties. If consultation fails, either party shall file a lawsuit with the people"s court where the tenderer is located.
注:无论报名结果如何,供应商自行承担所有与参加报名活动有关的全部费用。Note: Regardless of the registration result, the supplier shall bear all expenses related to participating in the registration activity on their own.
奇 (略) 阳光监督、合规投诉/举报方式:Chery Holdings Group Sunshine Supervision and Compliance Complaint/Reporting Methods
阳光监督:Sunshine supervision:
合规投诉:Compliance complaint:
瑞鲸(安徽) (略)