为积极践行全球文明倡议,弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,夯实推动构建人类命运共同体的人文基础,促进文明交流互鉴, (略) 发起设立兰花奖。兰花奖涵盖文化相关领域,表彰奖励全球范围内致力于中华文化国际交流,对促进文明交流互鉴作出突出贡献的外籍人士(或机构)。兰花奖评选表彰工作坚持专业、权威、公正、公开的原则。
(略) 现就开展第二届兰花奖参评对象征集工作有关事项公告如下:
主办单位: (略)
第二届兰花奖获奖名额共10个。其中,终身荣誉奖1个,杰出成就奖3个,友好使者奖6个。 (略) 为获奖对象颁发证书、奖杯和奖金。终身荣誉奖、杰出成就奖、友好使者奖三个类别奖金分别为每人(个)*元、*元、*元人民币(均为税后)。
外籍人士(或机构)可通过自荐形式向兰花 (略) 提交参评材料,另附2位相关领域权威人士的书面推荐意见。
参评材料由兰花 (略) 受理。请在本公 (略) 下载并填写第二届兰花奖参评对象信息登记表,在有效时间内通过电子邮件发送全部参评材料 (略) 邮箱:*@*ttp://**,*@*。 邮件主题命名格式为:国别/地区+参评对象姓名+奖项类别。截止日期为2025年2月17日,逾期不受理。
1. 参评对象信息登记表(WORD格式);
2. 参评对象信息登记表单位盖章或个人签名扫描件(PDF格式);
4. 个人证件照、工作照、生活照,机构相关电子版照片3-5张(每张不小于 800K);
5. 个人参评需提供本人护照首页,机构参评需提供资质证明及机构法人护照首页(JPG 或PDF 格式);
6. 个人推荐或自荐参评,需提供推荐信签字扫描件(PDF格式);
7. 3分钟简介视频(非必选项)。
(略) 组建由中外籍专家组成的评委会,开展评选工作,并对获奖者进行表彰。评选结果在 (略) 网站公示。获奖名单在颁奖典礼上公布。
七、 (略) 联系方式
朱迪秋 +86-010-*
张子昕 +86-010-*
传 真:+86-010-*
邮 箱:*@*ttp://**
地 址: (略) (略) 百万庄大街24号
Announcement on the Selection ofthe Second Orchid Awards
The Orchid Awards (hereinafter referred to as “the Awards”) are established by China International Communications Group (CICG), with a view to implementing the Global Civilization Initiative, promoting the common values of humanity of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom,consolidating the cultural foundation for building a global community of shared future, and facilitating exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The Awards cover cultural sectors and are awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) worldwide that have been committed to the promotion of Chinese culture, and have made significant contributions to promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The Awards select winners guided by the principles of professionalism, credibility, fairness and openness.
As the collection of entry forms for the Second Orchid Awards has begun, the relevant information is provided as follows:
I. Organization
Host: China International Communications Group
Organizer: China Center for International Communication Development
II. Categories and Quotas
The Awards shall be given to foreign nationals (or organizations) worldwide in three categories, namely Lifetime Honorary Award, Outstanding Achievement Award and Friendship Envoy Award, and based on achievements, contributions and international influence.
A. Lifetime Honorary Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals with high prestige and solid international reputations who have been committed to the development and progress of human civilization and made significant contributions to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.
B. Outstanding Achievement Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) with widespread global reputation and demonstrating commitment to promoting Chinese culture through outstanding contributions and prominent achievements.
C. Friendship Envoy Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) that facilitate cultural exchanges and cooperation and promote people-to-people exchanges through innovative and unique contributions in relevant fields.
The Second Orchid Awards will be presented to 10 foreign nationals (or organizations), with 1 being awarded the Lifetime Honorary Award, 3 the Outstanding Achievement Award, and 6 the Friendship Envoy Award. Certificates, trophies and cash awards will be presented to award winners by CICG. The cash awards for the Lifetime Honorary Award, Outstanding Achievement Award and Friendship Envoy Award shall be RMB300,000, RMB200,000 and RMB100,000 (all after tax) respectively, for each individual (or organization).
III. Eligibility
Potential candidates are expected to:
1. Demonstrate global vision and authentic love for humanity, uphold the common values of humanity, and act on the vision of a global community of shared future;
2. Work in cultural sectors, including but not limited to literature, art, film and television, publishing, translation, education, science and technology, health, media, folk culture, digital culture, and international cultural exchanges;
3. Actively engage in promoting Chinese culture, make representative, marked and leading achievements in related fields, and demonstrate certain international influence;
4. Previous Orchid Awards winners are ineligible to be candidates for 3 years.
IV. Participation
1. Recommendation
A. Recommendation by an organization
Relevant institutions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations in cultural sectors, Chinese embassies and consulates abroad, foreign embassies and consulates in China are all eligible to recommend potential candidates.
B. Recommendation by previous winners
The previous winners are eligible to recommend no more than 1 candidate by submitting documents with written recommendations.
2. Self-Recommendation
Foreign nationals (or organizations) can perform self-recommendation by submitting application documents with written recommendations from 2 authoritative sources in relevant fields.
V. Submission
Application documents shall be submitted to the Orchid Awards Secretariat. Please download and fill out the entry form in the attachment of this announcement. All documents should be submitted to *@* or *@*ttp://** by February 17, 2025. Please name the email in the format of “country/region + name + award category”. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Required documents include:
1. Entry form (WORD format);
2. Scanned copy of the entry form stamped by the recommending organization or signed by the applicant performing self-recommendation(PDF format);
3. Description of major achievements in Chinese and English (800-1000 words, in WORD format);
4. 3-5 electronic copies (no less than 800K each) of ID, work and daily life photos, or those can reflect the achievements of the organization;
5. Individuals are required to provide the front page of a passport, and organizations are required to provide the organization’s incorporation documents and the front page of the passport of the legal representative (JPG or PDF format);
6. Scanned copies of the signed recommendation letters are required for self-recommended applicants and those recommended by previous winners (PDF format);
7. A 3-minute introduction video (optional).
VI. Winners
CICG will organize an Expert Committee consisting of Chinese and foreign professionals to select winners. The list of winners shall be disclosed on the official website of CICG and shall be officially announced at an awarding ceremony.
Ⅶ. Contact Information
Zhu Diqiu + 86-010-*
Zhang Zixin +86-010-*
Fax: + 86-010-*
*@*, *@*ttp://**
Address: No. 24 Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
China International Communications Group
January 16, 2025
为积极践行全球文明倡议,弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,夯实推动构建人类命运共同体的人文基础,促进文明交流互鉴, (略) 发起设立兰花奖。兰花奖涵盖文化相关领域,表彰奖励全球范围内致力于中华文化国际交流,对促进文明交流互鉴作出突出贡献的外籍人士(或机构)。兰花奖评选表彰工作坚持专业、权威、公正、公开的原则。
(略) 现就开展第二届兰花奖参评对象征集工作有关事项公告如下:
主办单位: (略)
第二届兰花奖获奖名额共10个。其中,终身荣誉奖1个,杰出成就奖3个,友好使者奖6个。 (略) 为获奖对象颁发证书、奖杯和奖金。终身荣誉奖、杰出成就奖、友好使者奖三个类别奖金分别为每人(个)*元、*元、*元人民币(均为税后)。
外籍人士(或机构)可通过自荐形式向兰花 (略) 提交参评材料,另附2位相关领域权威人士的书面推荐意见。
参评材料由兰花 (略) 受理。请在本公 (略) 下载并填写第二届兰花奖参评对象信息登记表,在有效时间内通过电子邮件发送全部参评材料 (略) 邮箱:*@*ttp://**,*@*。 邮件主题命名格式为:国别/地区+参评对象姓名+奖项类别。截止日期为2025年2月17日,逾期不受理。
1. 参评对象信息登记表(WORD格式);
2. 参评对象信息登记表单位盖章或个人签名扫描件(PDF格式);
4. 个人证件照、工作照、生活照,机构相关电子版照片3-5张(每张不小于 800K);
5. 个人参评需提供本人护照首页,机构参评需提供资质证明及机构法人护照首页(JPG 或PDF 格式);
6. 个人推荐或自荐参评,需提供推荐信签字扫描件(PDF格式);
7. 3分钟简介视频(非必选项)。
(略) 组建由中外籍专家组成的评委会,开展评选工作,并对获奖者进行表彰。评选结果在 (略) 网站公示。获奖名单在颁奖典礼上公布。
七、 (略) 联系方式
朱迪秋 +86-010-*
张子昕 +86-010-*
传 真:+86-010-*
邮 箱:*@*ttp://**
地 址: (略) (略) 百万庄大街24号
Announcement on the Selection ofthe Second Orchid Awards
The Orchid Awards (hereinafter referred to as “the Awards”) are established by China International Communications Group (CICG), with a view to implementing the Global Civilization Initiative, promoting the common values of humanity of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom,consolidating the cultural foundation for building a global community of shared future, and facilitating exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The Awards cover cultural sectors and are awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) worldwide that have been committed to the promotion of Chinese culture, and have made significant contributions to promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. The Awards select winners guided by the principles of professionalism, credibility, fairness and openness.
As the collection of entry forms for the Second Orchid Awards has begun, the relevant information is provided as follows:
I. Organization
Host: China International Communications Group
Organizer: China Center for International Communication Development
II. Categories and Quotas
The Awards shall be given to foreign nationals (or organizations) worldwide in three categories, namely Lifetime Honorary Award, Outstanding Achievement Award and Friendship Envoy Award, and based on achievements, contributions and international influence.
A. Lifetime Honorary Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals with high prestige and solid international reputations who have been committed to the development and progress of human civilization and made significant contributions to promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.
B. Outstanding Achievement Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) with widespread global reputation and demonstrating commitment to promoting Chinese culture through outstanding contributions and prominent achievements.
C. Friendship Envoy Award
The Award shall be awarded to foreign nationals (or organizations) that facilitate cultural exchanges and cooperation and promote people-to-people exchanges through innovative and unique contributions in relevant fields.
The Second Orchid Awards will be presented to 10 foreign nationals (or organizations), with 1 being awarded the Lifetime Honorary Award, 3 the Outstanding Achievement Award, and 6 the Friendship Envoy Award. Certificates, trophies and cash awards will be presented to award winners by CICG. The cash awards for the Lifetime Honorary Award, Outstanding Achievement Award and Friendship Envoy Award shall be RMB300,000, RMB200,000 and RMB100,000 (all after tax) respectively, for each individual (or organization).
III. Eligibility
Potential candidates are expected to:
1. Demonstrate global vision and authentic love for humanity, uphold the common values of humanity, and act on the vision of a global community of shared future;
2. Work in cultural sectors, including but not limited to literature, art, film and television, publishing, translation, education, science and technology, health, media, folk culture, digital culture, and international cultural exchanges;
3. Actively engage in promoting Chinese culture, make representative, marked and leading achievements in related fields, and demonstrate certain international influence;
4. Previous Orchid Awards winners are ineligible to be candidates for 3 years.
IV. Participation
1. Recommendation
A. Recommendation by an organization
Relevant institutions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations in cultural sectors, Chinese embassies and consulates abroad, foreign embassies and consulates in China are all eligible to recommend potential candidates.
B. Recommendation by previous winners
The previous winners are eligible to recommend no more than 1 candidate by submitting documents with written recommendations.
2. Self-Recommendation
Foreign nationals (or organizations) can perform self-recommendation by submitting application documents with written recommendations from 2 authoritative sources in relevant fields.
V. Submission
Application documents shall be submitted to the Orchid Awards Secretariat. Please download and fill out the entry form in the attachment of this announcement. All documents should be submitted to *@* or *@*ttp://** by February 17, 2025. Please name the email in the format of “country/region + name + award category”. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Required documents include:
1. Entry form (WORD format);
2. Scanned copy of the entry form stamped by the recommending organization or signed by the applicant performing self-recommendation(PDF format);
3. Description of major achievements in Chinese and English (800-1000 words, in WORD format);
4. 3-5 electronic copies (no less than 800K each) of ID, work and daily life photos, or those can reflect the achievements of the organization;
5. Individuals are required to provide the front page of a passport, and organizations are required to provide the organization’s incorporation documents and the front page of the passport of the legal representative (JPG or PDF format);
6. Scanned copies of the signed recommendation letters are required for self-recommended applicants and those recommended by previous winners (PDF format);
7. A 3-minute introduction video (optional).
VI. Winners
CICG will organize an Expert Committee consisting of Chinese and foreign professionals to select winners. The list of winners shall be disclosed on the official website of CICG and shall be officially announced at an awarding ceremony.
Ⅶ. Contact Information
Zhu Diqiu + 86-010-*
Zhang Zixin +86-010-*
Fax: + 86-010-*
*@*, *@*ttp://**
Address: No. 24 Baiwanzhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
China International Communications Group
January 16, 2025