


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG#
Project name:紧固件、材料及杂品
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet
Released by:Supply Engineering Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-02-28 00:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
LED照明灯 220V 120W 请按型号规格采购亚明品牌灯具。 10 ?????? 冯佶#
不锈钢黄油嘴 G1/4,纽扣式平头 30 ?????? 冯佶
两端环眼柔性吊带 3T3M 6 ?????? 冯佶
柔性吊带 5T-6M 请按型号规格采购通体环形周长为12米的5吨柔性吊带。 4 ?????? 冯佶
机械设备用气动黄油枪 连接口1/4" 油枪尾部可万向调节,连接口为内螺纹1/4",含可拆卸式耐压防爆油管。 5 ?????? 冯佶
尼龙圆柱销 M29.5*78 24 ?????? 吕文#
圆柱销 ?8x40 DIN7 20 ?????? 刘大伟#
PVC镂空隔水地垫 厚度6mm,宽度1米 200 ?????? 马君阳#
钢丝绳拉紧器 M14,P级见图片 10 ?????? 刘杰#
输送带粘合剂 GDL-958(快干型),每公斤一小桶 千克 3 ?????? 闫征#
输送带粘合剂 100g/瓶 固化剂405,与GDL-958配套使用 500 ?????? 闫征
数显千分尺 0-25 2 ?????? 厉瑞艳 #
六角头螺栓 规格:M20*55 8.8级 配弹垫平垫螺母。 100 ?????? 邢文浩#
六角头螺栓 规格:M22*100 8.8级 配弹垫平垫螺母。 100 ?????? 邢文浩
碱性电池 金霸王 5号 20 ?????? 吕仕伟#
碱性电池 金霸王 7号 20 ?????? 吕仕伟
充电电池 采购“倍量5号锂电池1.5v 3400mWh(含电池盒)” 30 ?????? 吕仕伟
充电电池 采购“倍量7号锂电池1.5v 555mWh(含电池盒)” 20 ?????? 吕仕伟
柔性吊带 10T*10M 2 ?????? 吕文
环眼柔性吊带 20T-5m 4 ?????? 吕文
切割片 125×1.2×22mm 品牌:利虎,绿色 200 ?????? 巴忠晶#
生料带 26mm*0.1mm 巨联牌 品牌:潜水艇 (绿色 工程专用) 20 ?????? 吕文
纽扣电池 sony-3V CR2032 (直径20.30mm,厚度3.0mm) 20 ?????? 王宇#
钢丝绳(两头均加铸头) 要求采购巨力钢丝绳,1、破断拉力不小于1333KN,做533KN静拉力试验,做完试验后对浇铸接头进行磁粉探伤。2、长度为自然状态下的长度。3、锚具表 (略) 理,销轴端盖表面涂蓝漆。4、两端浇铸接头方向相差90度5、钢丝绳下料前进行预拉伸。6、股喷油加绳涂油。 3 ?????? 吕文 Φ42ZBB35W*K7-1960,39.3米(两头均加铸头)

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG#
Project name:紧固件、材料及杂品
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet
Released by:Supply Engineering Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-02-28 00:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
LED照明灯 220V 120W 请按型号规格采购亚明品牌灯具。 10 ?????? 冯佶#
不锈钢黄油嘴 G1/4,纽扣式平头 30 ?????? 冯佶
两端环眼柔性吊带 3T3M 6 ?????? 冯佶
柔性吊带 5T-6M 请按型号规格采购通体环形周长为12米的5吨柔性吊带。 4 ?????? 冯佶
机械设备用气动黄油枪 连接口1/4" 油枪尾部可万向调节,连接口为内螺纹1/4",含可拆卸式耐压防爆油管。 5 ?????? 冯佶
尼龙圆柱销 M29.5*78 24 ?????? 吕文#
圆柱销 ?8x40 DIN7 20 ?????? 刘大伟#
PVC镂空隔水地垫 厚度6mm,宽度1米 200 ?????? 马君阳#
钢丝绳拉紧器 M14,P级见图片 10 ?????? 刘杰#
输送带粘合剂 GDL-958(快干型),每公斤一小桶 千克 3 ?????? 闫征#
输送带粘合剂 100g/瓶 固化剂405,与GDL-958配套使用 500 ?????? 闫征
数显千分尺 0-25 2 ?????? 厉瑞艳 #
六角头螺栓 规格:M20*55 8.8级 配弹垫平垫螺母。 100 ?????? 邢文浩#
六角头螺栓 规格:M22*100 8.8级 配弹垫平垫螺母。 100 ?????? 邢文浩
碱性电池 金霸王 5号 20 ?????? 吕仕伟#
碱性电池 金霸王 7号 20 ?????? 吕仕伟
充电电池 采购“倍量5号锂电池1.5v 3400mWh(含电池盒)” 30 ?????? 吕仕伟
充电电池 采购“倍量7号锂电池1.5v 555mWh(含电池盒)” 20 ?????? 吕仕伟
柔性吊带 10T*10M 2 ?????? 吕文
环眼柔性吊带 20T-5m 4 ?????? 吕文
切割片 125×1.2×22mm 品牌:利虎,绿色 200 ?????? 巴忠晶#
生料带 26mm*0.1mm 巨联牌 品牌:潜水艇 (绿色 工程专用) 20 ?????? 吕文
纽扣电池 sony-3V CR2032 (直径20.30mm,厚度3.0mm) 20 ?????? 王宇#
钢丝绳(两头均加铸头) 要求采购巨力钢丝绳,1、破断拉力不小于1333KN,做533KN静拉力试验,做完试验后对浇铸接头进行磁粉探伤。2、长度为自然状态下的长度。3、锚具表 (略) 理,销轴端盖表面涂蓝漆。4、两端浇铸接头方向相差90度5、钢丝绳下料前进行预拉伸。6、股喷油加绳涂油。 3 ?????? 吕文 Φ42ZBB35W*K7-1960,39.3米(两头均加铸头)






