


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:环保工况用电监控设备维保服务
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet industry
Released by:???安全环保部???

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-03-05 17:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
/ 环保工况用电设备运维服务 / 1 ???安全环保部??? 对全厂31个生产及治理设施用电监控模块、 (略) 关进行维护。价格为1年维保的价格;供方需具有电力设备维护的资质;应定期到现场进行巡检、维护,要求做好记录; (略) 数据传输情况,异常时及 (略) 理;按《大气固定污染源工况用电监控技术规范》(DB12/T 1256-2023)要求进行维保; (略) (略) 、技术规范、*方要求开展工作。

, (略) ,天津

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:环保工况用电监控设备维保服务
project type:Open procurement
Issued by:Cold rolled sheet industry
Released by:???安全环保部???

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Registration deadline:2025-03-05 17:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
/ 环保工况用电设备运维服务 / 1 ???安全环保部??? 对全厂31个生产及治理设施用电监控模块、 (略) 关进行维护。价格为1年维保的价格;供方需具有电力设备维护的资质;应定期到现场进行巡检、维护,要求做好记录; (略) 数据传输情况,异常时及 (略) 理;按《大气固定污染源工况用电监控技术规范》(DB12/T 1256-2023)要求进行维保; (略) (略) 、技术规范、*方要求开展工作。

, (略) ,天津





