本招标项目 (略) 项目行政文控技术服务项目(第二次)招标人为 (略) ,招标项目资金来自企业自筹。该项目已具备招标条件,现对 (略) 项目行政文控技术服务项目(第二次)进行公开招标。
序号 | 岗位名称 | 最高限价 | 预计工时数 | ||
2025年 | 2026年 | 合计 | |||
1 | 项目行政文控-A级 | (略)/小时(含税) | 0 | 9984 | 9984 |
2 | 项目行政文控-B级 | (略)/小时(含税) | (略) | (略) | (略) |
服务地点: (略) 。
3.1中华人民共和国境内依法注册成立,具有独立承担民事责任的能力。(分支机构参与投标的, (略) 的唯一投标授权,授权书明确投标人的权限范围,并提交独立法人有效的营业执照或法人登记证书复印件与分支机构的营业执照或登记证书复印件)
3.4投标人须提供不少于3个满足招标人A级岗位要求和不少于10个满足招标人B级岗位要求的人员的名单及简历(岗位要求详见公告附件《岗位说明书》),并承诺对所提供简历的真实性和唯一性负责,且已征询相应人员意愿,在合同签订后即可按招标人要求进行面试招聘流程,除特殊原因经招标人书面同意外不得随意更换面试人员。(提供承诺函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)
3.6投标人未被列入“信用中国”网站(http://**.cn)以下任意名单之一:①失信被执行人;②重大税收违法失信主体;③政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单。投标人在最近三年内(【2022】年【1】月【1】日至投标文件递交的截止时间)没有贪污贿赂罪记录的(以“中国 (略) ”为准)(以评审当日招标代理查询为准,同时对查询记录和证据截图或下载存档)
3.7单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标段的采购或者没有划分标段的同一项目的采购(提供声明函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)。
3.8投标人在招标人 (略) 供应商/承包商 (略) 于禁用状态。(提供声明函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)
4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 2025 年 2 月 28 日至 2025 年 3 月 7 日,每日上午9:00时至12:00时,下午14:00时至17:00时(北京时间,下同),须将以下资料以扫描件形式(同时注明报名项目、联系人和联系方式)*@*ttp://**,待审核通过方可进行汇款,并将转账凭证回传,招标代理机构在收到全部资料后发出电子招标文件。
4.2 招标文件售价500元,售后不退。
单位名称: (略) 广东分公司
银行全称:中国 (略) (略) 中路支行
5.1 投标文件递交的时间为2025年 3 月 18 日9时30分-10时00分。
5.2 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2025年 3 月 18 日10时00分, (略) (略) (略) 5019号佳兆业中心601房。
5.3 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人或招标代理机构将予以拒收。
本次招标公告在中国 (略) 上发布。
招 标 人: (略) | 招标代理机构: (略) |
地 址: (略) 高栏 (略) (略) 99号 | 地 址: (略) (略) (略) 5019号佳兆业中心601房 |
邮 编:(略) | 邮 编:(略) |
联 系 人:林汝慧 | 联 系 人:杨文哲、李骏天 |
电 话:/ | 电 话:020-(略) |
传 真:/ | 传 真:020-(略) |
电子邮件:/ | 电子邮件:*@*ttp://** |
Attachment 1 Job Description
Project Admin& DC – Level A
一、工作职责/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
负责项目行政后勤服务和文档控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control. |
2、职务说明/ Responsibilities
序号 NO. | 工作任务的内容 Contents |
1 | 对项目经理负责; Reports to project manager; |
2 | 项目组成员的行政后勤服务与支持,包括但不限于新员工及访客入场申请,办公室及IT设备申请,餐食、车辆申请及安排,维修申请,办公用品及消耗品采购发放登记、会议室预定、项目组领导加班申请、出差申请及其他审批文件的跑签跟踪等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 | 项目组各种文件、通知、信函等的上传、下达、登记、保存和归档; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document registration, storage and filing; |
4 | 项目文件翻译,项目组领导日常沟通翻译(如项目有需要); Project document translation, daily work communication interpretation for project leaders (if necessary); |
5 | 协助项目重大仪式、大型会议及集体活动的组织策划; Assist the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
6 | 负责按照文控体系要求进行项目文件资料的收集、发放、登记、保管、归档、移交等管理工作,包括文件和图纸打印、盖章、上传下载、下发和项目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
7 | 项目行政后勤各项费用的核算、确认,包括但不限于订餐费、车辆费用、桶装水&瓶装水、邮寄费、图文印刷费、办公室租赁费等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
8 | 完成领导临时交办的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
项目 Items | 必备要求 Requirements | 期望要求 Preference | |
知识要求Academic Requirement | 学历要求 Education | 全日制大专及以上学历 College degree or above | |
专业及资格 Major & professional qualifications | 行政管理、文秘、中文、英语等相关专业 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors | ||
相关知识 Related knowledge | 熟悉项目行政文控工作内容、具备文书写作和文控系统操作能力;电脑office软件操作熟练,能够快速进行文件排版、数据统计、报告制作等;具备英语口译、书面翻译知识和技能, 英语口语能满足日常沟通和工作需求,书面读、写、翻译顺畅; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; Proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; English interpretation and translation knowledge and skills, oral English can meet daily communication and work needs, and can read, write and translate English documents smoothly. | ||
经验要求 Experience | 3年以上项目行政文控、英语翻译工作经验 More than 3 years admin and DC work experience, English interpretation and translation experience | 同类国际项目行政文控、秘书、翻译工作经验 Project admin and DC, secretary, translator experience in international projects in same industry | |
能力要求 Capabilities | 具有较强的理解判断、语言表达和沟通协调能力,可独立完成日常工作;获得计算机二级或其他计算机等级证书;英语获得CET-4及以上证书。 Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained computer Level 2 or other related certificates; obtained CET-4 or above certificates. | 获得CET-6或以上证书者优先考虑 Those who obtained CET-6 or above certificates are preferred. | |
个性要求 Character | 细心、耐心、有责任心; Careful, patient and responsible; | ||
素质要求 Ethics | 品行端正、为人正直、爱岗敬业、廉洁自律、 原则性强,有亲和力;良好的保密意识 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. | ||
其他要求 Other | 身体健康 Healthy |
三、工作条件/ Work Conditions
工作地点 Work Location | 珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具设备 Working Facilities | 计算机 Computer |
工作环境 Working Environment | 室内 Indoor |
工作时间特征 Working Hours | 正常上班,根据工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |
Project Admin& DC-Level B
一、工作职责/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
负责项目行政后勤服务和文档控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control |
2、职务说明/ Responsibilities
序号 NO. | 工作任务的内容 Contents |
1 | 对项目经理负责; Reports to project manager; |
2 | 项目组成员的行政后勤服务与支持,包括但不限于新员工及访客入场申请,办公室及IT设备申请,餐食、车辆申请及安排,维修申请,办公用品及消耗品采购发放登记、会议室预定、项目组领导加班申请、出差申请及其他审批文件的跑签跟踪等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 | 项目组各种文件、通知、信函等的上传、下达、登记、保存和归档; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document registration, storage and filing; |
4 | 协助项目重大仪式、大型会议及集体活动的组织策划; Assist the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
5 | 负责按照文控体系要求进行项目文件资料的收集、发放、登记、保管、归档、移交等管理工作,包括文件和图纸打印、盖章、上传下载、下发和项目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
6 | 项目行政后勤各项费用的核算、确认,包括但不限于订餐费、车辆费用、桶装水&瓶装水、邮寄费、图文印刷费、办公室租赁费等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
7 | 完成领导临时交办的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
项目 Items | 必备要求 Requirements | 期望要求 Preference | |
知识要求Academic Requirement | 学历要求 Education | 大专及以上学历 College degree or above | |
专业及资格 Major & professional qualifications | 行政管理、文秘、中文、英语等相关专业 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors | ||
相关知识 Related knowledge | 熟悉项目行政文控工作内容、具备文书写作和文控系统操作能力;电脑office软件操作熟练,能够快速进行文件排版、数据统计、报告制作等; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; | ||
经验要求 Experience | 有1年以上项目行政文控或相关工作经验;应届毕业生如果在校期间表现优异且满足项目需求,也可以考虑。 1 year or above working experience of project admin and document control or related; new college graduates, if performed well during school and meet project needs, can also be considered. | 同行业或同类项目行政文控、秘书工作经验。 Project admin and DC or secretary working experience in same industry. | |
能力要求 Capabilities | 具有较强的理解判断、语言表达和沟通协调能力,可独立完成日常工作; 获得计算机二级或其他计算机等级证书; Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained computer Level 2 or other related certificates; | ||
个性要求 Character | 细心、耐心、有责任心; Careful, patient and responsible; | ||
素质要求 Ethics | 品行端正、为人正直、爱岗敬业、廉洁自律、 原则性强,有亲和力;良好的保密意识 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. | ||
其他要求 Other | 身体健康 Healthy |
三、工作条件/ Work Conditions
工作地点 Work Location | 珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具设备 Working Facilities | 计算机 Computer |
工作环境 Working Environment | 室内 Indoor |
工作时间特征 Working Hours | 正常上班,根据工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |
本招标项目 (略) 项目行政文控技术服务项目(第二次)招标人为 (略) ,招标项目资金来自企业自筹。该项目已具备招标条件,现对 (略) 项目行政文控技术服务项目(第二次)进行公开招标。
序号 | 岗位名称 | 最高限价 | 预计工时数 | ||
2025年 | 2026年 | 合计 | |||
1 | 项目行政文控-A级 | (略)/小时(含税) | 0 | 9984 | 9984 |
2 | 项目行政文控-B级 | (略)/小时(含税) | (略) | (略) | (略) |
服务地点: (略) 。
3.1中华人民共和国境内依法注册成立,具有独立承担民事责任的能力。(分支机构参与投标的, (略) 的唯一投标授权,授权书明确投标人的权限范围,并提交独立法人有效的营业执照或法人登记证书复印件与分支机构的营业执照或登记证书复印件)
3.4投标人须提供不少于3个满足招标人A级岗位要求和不少于10个满足招标人B级岗位要求的人员的名单及简历(岗位要求详见公告附件《岗位说明书》),并承诺对所提供简历的真实性和唯一性负责,且已征询相应人员意愿,在合同签订后即可按招标人要求进行面试招聘流程,除特殊原因经招标人书面同意外不得随意更换面试人员。(提供承诺函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)
3.6投标人未被列入“信用中国”网站(http://**.cn)以下任意名单之一:①失信被执行人;②重大税收违法失信主体;③政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单。投标人在最近三年内(【2022】年【1】月【1】日至投标文件递交的截止时间)没有贪污贿赂罪记录的(以“中国 (略) ”为准)(以评审当日招标代理查询为准,同时对查询记录和证据截图或下载存档)
3.7单位负责人为同一人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加同一标段的采购或者没有划分标段的同一项目的采购(提供声明函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)。
3.8投标人在招标人 (略) 供应商/承包商 (略) 于禁用状态。(提供声明函,格式详见第六章 投标文件格式)
4.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 2025 年 2 月 28 日至 2025 年 3 月 7 日,每日上午9:00时至12:00时,下午14:00时至17:00时(北京时间,下同),须将以下资料以扫描件形式(同时注明报名项目、联系人和联系方式)*@*ttp://**,待审核通过方可进行汇款,并将转账凭证回传,招标代理机构在收到全部资料后发出电子招标文件。
4.2 招标文件售价500元,售后不退。
单位名称: (略) 广东分公司
银行全称:中国 (略) (略) 中路支行
5.1 投标文件递交的时间为2025年 3 月 18 日9时30分-10时00分。
5.2 投标文件递交的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为2025年 3 月 18 日10时00分, (略) (略) (略) 5019号佳兆业中心601房。
5.3 逾期送达的、未送达指定地点的或者不按照招标文件要求密封的投标文件,招标人或招标代理机构将予以拒收。
本次招标公告在中国 (略) 上发布。
招 标 人: (略) | 招标代理机构: (略) |
地 址: (略) 高栏 (略) (略) 99号 | 地 址: (略) (略) (略) 5019号佳兆业中心601房 |
邮 编:(略) | 邮 编:(略) |
联 系 人:林汝慧 | 联 系 人:杨文哲、李骏天 |
电 话:/ | 电 话:020-(略) |
传 真:/ | 传 真:020-(略) |
电子邮件:/ | 电子邮件:*@*ttp://** |
Attachment 1 Job Description
Project Admin& DC – Level A
一、工作职责/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
负责项目行政后勤服务和文档控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control. |
2、职务说明/ Responsibilities
序号 NO. | 工作任务的内容 Contents |
1 | 对项目经理负责; Reports to project manager; |
2 | 项目组成员的行政后勤服务与支持,包括但不限于新员工及访客入场申请,办公室及IT设备申请,餐食、车辆申请及安排,维修申请,办公用品及消耗品采购发放登记、会议室预定、项目组领导加班申请、出差申请及其他审批文件的跑签跟踪等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 | 项目组各种文件、通知、信函等的上传、下达、登记、保存和归档; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document registration, storage and filing; |
4 | 项目文件翻译,项目组领导日常沟通翻译(如项目有需要); Project document translation, daily work communication interpretation for project leaders (if necessary); |
5 | 协助项目重大仪式、大型会议及集体活动的组织策划; Assist the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
6 | 负责按照文控体系要求进行项目文件资料的收集、发放、登记、保管、归档、移交等管理工作,包括文件和图纸打印、盖章、上传下载、下发和项目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
7 | 项目行政后勤各项费用的核算、确认,包括但不限于订餐费、车辆费用、桶装水&瓶装水、邮寄费、图文印刷费、办公室租赁费等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
8 | 完成领导临时交办的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
项目 Items | 必备要求 Requirements | 期望要求 Preference | |
知识要求Academic Requirement | 学历要求 Education | 全日制大专及以上学历 College degree or above | |
专业及资格 Major & professional qualifications | 行政管理、文秘、中文、英语等相关专业 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors | ||
相关知识 Related knowledge | 熟悉项目行政文控工作内容、具备文书写作和文控系统操作能力;电脑office软件操作熟练,能够快速进行文件排版、数据统计、报告制作等;具备英语口译、书面翻译知识和技能, 英语口语能满足日常沟通和工作需求,书面读、写、翻译顺畅; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; Proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; English interpretation and translation knowledge and skills, oral English can meet daily communication and work needs, and can read, write and translate English documents smoothly. | ||
经验要求 Experience | 3年以上项目行政文控、英语翻译工作经验 More than 3 years admin and DC work experience, English interpretation and translation experience | 同类国际项目行政文控、秘书、翻译工作经验 Project admin and DC, secretary, translator experience in international projects in same industry | |
能力要求 Capabilities | 具有较强的理解判断、语言表达和沟通协调能力,可独立完成日常工作;获得计算机二级或其他计算机等级证书;英语获得CET-4及以上证书。 Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained computer Level 2 or other related certificates; obtained CET-4 or above certificates. | 获得CET-6或以上证书者优先考虑 Those who obtained CET-6 or above certificates are preferred. | |
个性要求 Character | 细心、耐心、有责任心; Careful, patient and responsible; | ||
素质要求 Ethics | 品行端正、为人正直、爱岗敬业、廉洁自律、 原则性强,有亲和力;良好的保密意识 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. | ||
其他要求 Other | 身体健康 Healthy |
三、工作条件/ Work Conditions
工作地点 Work Location | 珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具设备 Working Facilities | 计算机 Computer |
工作环境 Working Environment | 室内 Indoor |
工作时间特征 Working Hours | 正常上班,根据工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |
Project Admin& DC-Level B
一、工作职责/ Responsibilities
1、工作摘要/ Summary
负责项目行政后勤服务和文档控制工作 Responsible for all project admin work and document control |
2、职务说明/ Responsibilities
序号 NO. | 工作任务的内容 Contents |
1 | 对项目经理负责; Reports to project manager; |
2 | 项目组成员的行政后勤服务与支持,包括但不限于新员工及访客入场申请,办公室及IT设备申请,餐食、车辆申请及安排,维修申请,办公用品及消耗品采购发放登记、会议室预定、项目组领导加班申请、出差申请及其他审批文件的跑签跟踪等; Provide admin and logistics service and support for project team, including but not limited to entry application for new employees and visitors, office room and IT equipment application, meal and transport application and arrangement, maintenance application, office supplies and consumables purchase and issue, meeting room booking, overtime work application for project managers, travel requisition, documents approval related work, etc. |
3 | 项目组各种文件、通知、信函等的上传、下达、登记、保存和归档; Convey and transfer project documents, notices and letters to related recipients, document registration, storage and filing; |
4 | 协助项目重大仪式、大型会议及集体活动的组织策划; Assist the organizing and planning of project ceremonies, conferences and collective activities; |
5 | 负责按照文控体系要求进行项目文件资料的收集、发放、登记、保管、归档、移交等管理工作,包括文件和图纸打印、盖章、上传下载、下发和项目完工文件的整理移交等; Responsible for documents and materials collection, releasing, registering, keeping, filing and transferring according to document control procedures, including document and drawing printing, stamping, uploading and downloading, releasing, sorting out and transferring of project as-built documents; |
6 | 项目行政后勤各项费用的核算、确认,包括但不限于订餐费、车辆费用、桶装水&瓶装水、邮寄费、图文印刷费、办公室租赁费等; Reviewing and confirming project admin and logistics related costs, including but not limited to meal costs, transport costs, barreled and bottled water costs, postage, printing fee, and office rentals. |
7 | 完成领导临时交办的其他工作; Responsible for other work tasks assigned by project leaders; |
项目 Items | 必备要求 Requirements | 期望要求 Preference | |
知识要求Academic Requirement | 学历要求 Education | 大专及以上学历 College degree or above | |
专业及资格 Major & professional qualifications | 行政管理、文秘、中文、英语等相关专业 Administrative management, secretary, Chinese, English and other related majors | ||
相关知识 Related knowledge | 熟悉项目行政文控工作内容、具备文书写作和文控系统操作能力;电脑office软件操作熟练,能够快速进行文件排版、数据统计、报告制作等; Familiar with project admin and document control work, document draft and document control system operation ability; proficiency in Microsoft office software, can edit documents, data statistics and prepare reports quickly; | ||
经验要求 Experience | 有1年以上项目行政文控或相关工作经验;应届毕业生如果在校期间表现优异且满足项目需求,也可以考虑。 1 year or above working experience of project admin and document control or related; new college graduates, if performed well during school and meet project needs, can also be considered. | 同行业或同类项目行政文控、秘书工作经验。 Project admin and DC or secretary working experience in same industry. | |
能力要求 Capabilities | 具有较强的理解判断、语言表达和沟通协调能力,可独立完成日常工作; 获得计算机二级或其他计算机等级证书; Strong understanding and language expression ability, good communication and coordination skills and can work independently; obtained computer Level 2 or other related certificates; | ||
个性要求 Character | 细心、耐心、有责任心; Careful, patient and responsible; | ||
素质要求 Ethics | 品行端正、为人正直、爱岗敬业、廉洁自律、 原则性强,有亲和力;良好的保密意识 Good conduct, man of integrity, honesty and self-discipline, easy-going; strong sense of confidentiality. | ||
其他要求 Other | 身体健康 Healthy |
三、工作条件/ Work Conditions
工作地点 Work Location | 珠海 Zhuhai |
使用工具设备 Working Facilities | 计算机 Computer |
工作环境 Working Environment | 室内 Indoor |
工作时间特征 Working Hours | 正常上班,根据工作需要加班 Normal working hours with overtime on as-needed basis |