




2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目招标项目的潜在投标 (略) (略) 获取招标文件,并于2025年03月31日 10:00(北京时间)前递交投标文件。

Potential bidders for 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project should obtain the tender documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network)and submit the bid document before 31th 03 2025 at 10.00am(Beijing time) .

1. Basic Information


Project No.: **-*

项目名称:2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目

Project Name: 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project


Budget No.: 1525-*


Budget Amount(Yuan): *(国库资金:*元;自筹资金:0元)


Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for *.00 Yuan,


Procurement Requirements:

包名称:2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目

Package Name: 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project


Quantity: 1


Budget Amount(Yuan): *.00

简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍、用途: (略) 拟举办“2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动”,感谢为 (略) 经济发展做出突出贡献的企业。此次针对该活动的策划与执行,购买第三方服务,内容包括主视觉设计、视频制作、平面设计与制作、主持人邀请、节目安排、会场搭建布置(含舞台、LED屏、灯光音响)、流程执行、摄影摄像等。(详见招标文件第三部分-服务需求书)。

Brief specification description or basic overview of the project: Pudong New Area plans to hold the "2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Appreciation Activity" to thank the enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to the economic development of Pudong New Area. For the planning and execution of this event, third-party services were purchased, including main visual design, video production, graphic design and production, host invitation, program arrangement, venue setup (including stage, LED screen, lighting and sound), process execution, photography and videography, etc. (See Part III - Service Requirements Specification in the bidding documents for details).


The Contract Period: The contract will be signed until June 30, 2025


Joint Bids: (NO)Available.

2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder


(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";


(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: This procurement project implements the policies and regulations of government procurement on encouraging and supporting innovation, green development, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and welfare enterprises.


(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: 3. Potential bidders who provide overall design, specification preparation or project management, supervision, testing and other services for the procurement project shall not participate in the procurement activities of the project; 4. The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different potential bidders with direct holding and management relationships, and shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract; 5. Subcontracting is not allowed in this project; 6.This project is specifically aimed at procurement for small, medium, and micro enterprises.


(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";

(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;

(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;

3. Acquisition of Tender Documents


Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 2025年03月04日 until 11th 03 2025.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)

地点: (略) (略)

Place: www.http://**.cn


To Obtain: Online Purchase


Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0

4. Bid Submission

提交投标文件截止时间:2025年03月31日 10:00(北京时间)

Deadline date submission of bids: 31th 03 2025 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)

投标地点:上海 (略) (http://**)

Place of submission of bid documents: Shanghai Government Procurement Network http://**)

开标时间:2025年03月31日 10:00

Time of Bid Opening: 2025-03-31 10:00:00

开标地点: (略) (略) (略) 406号华鑫中心4幢1楼

Place of Bid Opening: 1st Floor, Building 4, Huaxin Center, No. 406 Guilin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

5. Notice Period


5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice.

6. Other Supplementary Matters

开标所需携带其他材料:提供投标文件正本一份、副本四份(纸质文件)并密封,须与上传的电子投标文件内容一致,如果上传的电子投标文件与纸质投标文件存在差异,以上传的电子投标文件为准,纸质文件仅作备查使用,不作为评审依据,届时请投标人的法定代表人或其授权的投标人代表持投标时所使用的CA证书和可 (略) 的笔记本电脑出席开标会。

Bid opening needs to carry other materials: provide the original of the bidding documents, four copies (paper documents) and sealed, must be consistent with the content of the uploaded electronic bidding documents, if the uploaded electronic bidding documents and paper bidding documents are different, the uploaded electronic bidding documents shall prevail, paper documents are only for future reference, not as a basis for evaluation, then the legal representative of the bidder or its authorized bidder representative with the CA certificate used in the bidding and a laptop computer with wireless Internet access to attend the bid opening meeting.


This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is reserved as a whole

7. Contact Details



名 称: (略) (略) 商务委员会(本部)

Name: Shanghai Pudong New Area Commission of Commerce (Headquarters)

地 址: (略) (略) 世纪大道2001号

Address: 2001 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai


Contact: [EN-采购人联系人]


Contact Information: *


(b)Procurement Agency

名 称: (略)

Name: Shanghai Xintou Construction Co., Ltd

地 址: (略) (略) (略) 406号华鑫中心4幢1楼

Address: 1st Floor, Building 4, Huaxin Center, No. 406 Guilin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai


Contact Information: *、*、*


(c)Project Contact


Contact: Wei Changchang、Yao Chenying

电 话:*、*、*

Tel: *、*、*

The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.



2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目招标项目的潜在投标 (略) (略) 获取招标文件,并于2025年03月31日 10:00(北京时间)前递交投标文件。

Potential bidders for 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project should obtain the tender documents from (Shanghai Municipal Government Procurement Network)and submit the bid document before 31th 03 2025 at 10.00am(Beijing time) .

1. Basic Information


Project No.: **-*

项目名称:2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目

Project Name: 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project


Budget No.: 1525-*


Budget Amount(Yuan): *(国库资金:*元;自筹资金:0元)


Maximum Price(Yuan): Package No.1 for *.00 Yuan,


Procurement Requirements:

包名称:2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动策划与执行项目

Package Name: 2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Commendation Activity Planning and Implementation Project


Quantity: 1


Budget Amount(Yuan): *.00

简要规格描述或项目基本概况介绍、用途: (略) 拟举办“2025年 (略) 经济突出贡献企业答谢活动”,感谢为 (略) 经济发展做出突出贡献的企业。此次针对该活动的策划与执行,购买第三方服务,内容包括主视觉设计、视频制作、平面设计与制作、主持人邀请、节目安排、会场搭建布置(含舞台、LED屏、灯光音响)、流程执行、摄影摄像等。(详见招标文件第三部分-服务需求书)。

Brief specification description or basic overview of the project: Pudong New Area plans to hold the "2025 Pudong New Area Economic Outstanding Contribution Enterprise Appreciation Activity" to thank the enterprises that have made outstanding contributions to the economic development of Pudong New Area. For the planning and execution of this event, third-party services were purchased, including main visual design, video production, graphic design and production, host invitation, program arrangement, venue setup (including stage, LED screen, lighting and sound), process execution, photography and videography, etc. (See Part III - Service Requirements Specification in the bidding documents for details).


The Contract Period: The contract will be signed until June 30, 2025


Joint Bids: (NO)Available.

2. Qualification Requirements for Bidder


(a)Meet the provisions of Article 22 of the "Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";


(b)Qualification requirements to be met to implement government procurement policies: This procurement project implements the policies and regulations of government procurement on encouraging and supporting innovation, green development, and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and welfare enterprises.


(c)Specific qualification requirements for this program: 3. Potential bidders who provide overall design, specification preparation or project management, supervision, testing and other services for the procurement project shall not participate in the procurement activities of the project; 4. The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different potential bidders with direct holding and management relationships, and shall not participate in government procurement activities under the same contract; 5. Subcontracting is not allowed in this project; 6.This project is specifically aimed at procurement for small, medium, and micro enterprises.


(i)Comply with the provisions of Article 22 of the"Government Procurement Law of the People"s Republic of China";

(ii)未被“信用中国”(http://**.cn)、中国 (略) (http://**.cn)列入失信被执行人、重大税收违法案件当事人名单、政府采购严重违法失信行为记录名单;

(ii)Not included in the list of dishonest persons subject to enforcement, the list of parties to major tax violation cases, or the list of records of serious illegal and dishonestacts in government procurement by "Credit China" (http://**.cn), China Government Procurement Network (http://**.cn) ;

3. Acquisition of Tender Documents


Time: Tender documents may be obtained between 00:00:00am to 23:59:59pm from 2025年03月04日 until 11th 03 2025.(Beijing time, excluding statutory holidays)

地点: (略) (略)

Place: www.http://**.cn


To Obtain: Online Purchase


Price of Tender Documents(Yuan): 0

4. Bid Submission

提交投标文件截止时间:2025年03月31日 10:00(北京时间)

Deadline date submission of bids: 31th 03 2025 at 10.00am(Beijing Time)

投标地点:上海 (略) (http://**)

Place of submission of bid documents: Shanghai Government Procurement Network http://**)

开标时间:2025年03月31日 10:00

Time of Bid Opening: 2025-03-31 10:00:00

开标地点: (略) (略) (略) 406号华鑫中心4幢1楼

Place of Bid Opening: 1st Floor, Building 4, Huaxin Center, No. 406 Guilin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

5. Notice Period


5 business days from the date of publication of this tender notice.

6. Other Supplementary Matters

开标所需携带其他材料:提供投标文件正本一份、副本四份(纸质文件)并密封,须与上传的电子投标文件内容一致,如果上传的电子投标文件与纸质投标文件存在差异,以上传的电子投标文件为准,纸质文件仅作备查使用,不作为评审依据,届时请投标人的法定代表人或其授权的投标人代表持投标时所使用的CA证书和可 (略) 的笔记本电脑出席开标会。

Bid opening needs to carry other materials: provide the original of the bidding documents, four copies (paper documents) and sealed, must be consistent with the content of the uploaded electronic bidding documents, if the uploaded electronic bidding documents and paper bidding documents are different, the uploaded electronic bidding documents shall prevail, paper documents are only for future reference, not as a basis for evaluation, then the legal representative of the bidder or its authorized bidder representative with the CA certificate used in the bidding and a laptop computer with wireless Internet access to attend the bid opening meeting.


This project is a reserved procurement share procurement project, and the reserved procurement share measure is reserved as a whole

7. Contact Details



名 称: (略) (略) 商务委员会(本部)

Name: Shanghai Pudong New Area Commission of Commerce (Headquarters)

地 址: (略) (略) 世纪大道2001号

Address: 2001 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai


Contact: [EN-采购人联系人]


Contact Information: *


(b)Procurement Agency

名 称: (略)

Name: Shanghai Xintou Construction Co., Ltd

地 址: (略) (略) (略) 406号华鑫中心4幢1楼

Address: 1st Floor, Building 4, Huaxin Center, No. 406 Guilin Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai


Contact Information: *、*、*


(c)Project Contact


Contact: Wei Changchang、Yao Chenying

电 话:*、*、*

Tel: *、*、*

The English translation of this document is for reference only, and the Chinese version shall be authentic and prevail in case of dispute.





