


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG#
Project name:3月份公司用办公杂品询价一(长协)
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Delong steel
Released by:Materials and Spare Parts Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2025-03-14 12:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
# 一次性帽子头套 双筋条形帽 22寸绿色 1000 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 卷筒卫生纸 品牌:猫王 规格:105mm*110mm(四层);10卷/提 50 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 平口黑垃圾袋 河北产100*110cm 30 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 洁厕灵 威猛先生 5合1洁厕灵(淡雅清新)600g洁厕灵 除臭 去味 去渍 12 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 立顿绿茶 立顿 80包绿茶铝箔独立包装 2 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 立顿红茶 立顿 80包红茶铝箔独立包装 2 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 纸抽 规格:长23cm,宽12CM,高9.5CM,定制六个德龙图案,带抽纸 500 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 洁柔抽纸 洁柔(C&S)金尊抽纸 3层100抽面巾纸 240 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 地毯 商用地垫,大面积防滑,走廊酒店地毯,条纹灰色,宽1.5米,PVC胶底 30 ???行政科??? 唐斌
# 地毯 商用地毯,大面积防滑,条纹红色,宽1.5米。 50 ???行政科??? 韩建坤
# 地毯 材质:拉绒针织手工地毯,尺寸:2.37m*1.87m 2 ???办公室???
# 地毯 材质:拉绒针织手工地毯,尺寸:1.74m*2.12m 2 ???办公室???


I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG#
Project name:3月份公司用办公杂品询价一(长协)
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Delong steel
Released by:Materials and Spare Parts Department

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:2025-03-14 12:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

Title Relevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

Title Relevant documents

、Target information

material code material name specification and model Unit of measurement purchase quantity used by Requirement note
# 一次性帽子头套 双筋条形帽 22寸绿色 1000 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 卷筒卫生纸 品牌:猫王 规格:105mm*110mm(四层);10卷/提 50 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 平口黑垃圾袋 河北产100*110cm 30 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 洁厕灵 威猛先生 5合1洁厕灵(淡雅清新)600g洁厕灵 除臭 去味 去渍 12 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 立顿绿茶 立顿 80包绿茶铝箔独立包装 2 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 立顿红茶 立顿 80包红茶铝箔独立包装 2 ???行政科??? 张玉丽
# 纸抽 规格:长23cm,宽12CM,高9.5CM,定制六个德龙图案,带抽纸 500 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 洁柔抽纸 洁柔(C&S)金尊抽纸 3层100抽面巾纸 240 ???行政科??? 郭莎莎
# 地毯 商用地垫,大面积防滑,走廊酒店地毯,条纹灰色,宽1.5米,PVC胶底 30 ???行政科??? 唐斌
# 地毯 商用地毯,大面积防滑,条纹红色,宽1.5米。 50 ???行政科??? 韩建坤
# 地毯 材质:拉绒针织手工地毯,尺寸:2.37m*1.87m 2 ???办公室???
# 地毯 材质:拉绒针织手工地毯,尺寸:1.74m*2.12m 2 ???办公室???






