



InternationalCall for Proposals of Architectural Design for

SanyaInternational Art Harbor


Announcementon Prequalification

建设中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) ,是落实三亚市第八次党代会关于“六个标杆” (略) 署的重要举措,以及三亚市“十四五”期间发展文化产业和提升公共文化服务水平的重大安排。为高标准、高质量规划建设中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) ,打造新时代城市滨海会客厅和全球城市卓越水岸,特举办此次方案征集工作。

The construction of InternationalCultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center of Hainan, China and Sanya Cultureand Art Center is an important initiative to implement the construction and deploymentof "six benchmarks" at the 8th Party Congress of Sanya, as well as amajor step to develop cultural industry and improve the standard of public culturalservices of Sanya City during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. TheCall for Proposals is hereby held with the purpose to plan and construct theInternational Cultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center of Hainan, China andSanya Culture and Art Center of high standards and high quality, and to createa coastal living room in the city for the new era and a remarkable waterfront asan international city.


The Call for Proposals will be carriedout in an open call manner, by inviting design institutions at home and abroadwith rich experiences in similar projects to apply for prequalification. Thefirst step will determine 8 applicants through Review for Qualifications(prequalification), and in the second step, the applicants who have passed theReview for Qualifications will propose the design schemes according to therequirements of the documents of the Call.

一、项目概况I. Project Brief


(I) Project Name: Callfor Proposals of Architectural Design for Sanya International Art Harbor


(II) Project Location andConstruction Scale

1.项目地点:三亚文化商务区(空间设计范围)位于三亚湾凤凰海岸南端,三亚河口区域,北至渔港街, (略) , (略) 。三亚国际艺术港(建筑设计范围)位于三亚文化商务区YGHA01-01-04/07/09地块。

1. Projectlocation: Sanya Culture and Business District (scope of space design) islocated at the Southern tip of Fenghuang Coast of Sanya Bay, Sanya estuaryarea, with its Northern boundary at Yugang Street, Southern boundary atJiangang Road and Eastern boundary at Shengli Road. Sanya International ArtHarbor (scope of architectural design) is located at YGHA01-01-04/07/09 plotsin Sanya Culture and Business District.

2.用地面积:三亚文化商务区范围 点击查看>> 公顷,其中可开发建设用地面积 点击查看>> 公顷。三亚国际艺术港用地约5.8公顷。

2. Land area:Sanya Culture and Business District covers an area of 点击查看>> hectares, of which 点击查看>> hectares is available for development and construction. SanyaInternational Art Harbor covers a land area of about 5.8 hectares.

3.建设内容:三亚国际艺术港的主要功能为中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) 。中国海南国际文物 (略) 包含展览展示、文物艺术品交易、艺术品机构办公和文物艺术品库房等功能。三 (略) 包含歌剧厅、多功能厅及其他配套功能。三亚文化商务区将以三亚国际艺术港为核心,复合开发文化艺术、商务办公、滨海商业、高端酒店、休闲娱乐、公共绿地、码头等功能,通过整体打造,发展成为三亚文化艺术的地标性区域和重要的城市滨水公共空间。具体建设内容以征集文件中的设计任务书为准。

3. Contents ofConstruction: The main functions of Sanya International Art Harbor include International Cultural Relics andArtworks Trading Center of Hainan, China and Sanya Culture and Art Center. The International Cultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center ofHainan, China is featured with functions of exhibition and display, culturalrelics and artworks trading, offices for organizations of artworks and culturalrelics and artworks warehouse, etc. Sanya Culture and Art Center includes operahall, multi-function hall and other ancillary functions. With SanyaInternational Art Harbor as the core, Sanya Culture and Business District willcompose of the functions of culture and art, business office, bayfrontcommerce, high-end hotels, leisure and entertainment, public green space,wharf, etc., and evolve into a iconic area of Sanya culture and art and animportant urban waterfront public space in an integrated approach. The specificconstruction contents shall be subject to the design book in the documents ofthe Call.

4.建筑面积:三亚文化商务区建筑面积 点击查看>> 万平方米(计容),三亚国际艺术港建筑面积8.7万平方米(计容)。

4. Buildingarea: Sanya Culture and Business District covers a building area of 409,000square meters (by Floor Area Ratio Method), and Sanya International Art Harborcovers a building area of 87,000 square meters (by Floor Area Ratio Method).


5. Buildingheight: The building height of the iconic tower in Sanya Culture and BusinessDistrict shall not exceed 220m. The building height of Sanya International ArtHarbor shall not be greater than 24m, with some parts not exceeding 35m.According to the requirements of the scheme, exception of the height limit canbe allowed, but in principle, the building height shall not be pursued toreflect any landmark significance.


(III) Method of Call: InternationalOpen Call


(IV) Contents of Design


1. Space Designof Sanya Culture and Business District: Based on the research of industrypositioning, ecological and cultural orientations of Fenghuang coast andsurrounding the estuary area, the design contents of Sanya Culture and BusinessDistrict are put forward, such as industry and function planning, module form,architectural style, underground and above-ground space, public space, andtraffic flow dynamic scheme, etc.

2.三亚国际艺术港建筑方案设计:包括用地红线范围内的总平面图设计、建筑设计、 (略) 、流线组织、重要空间的室内设计、室外景观设计等设计内容。

2. The architectural design of Sanya International ArtHarbor includes: the general floor plan design, architectural design,functional layout, traffic dynamics organization, interior design of importantspaces, outdoor landscape design and other design contents within the red-linedboundary of land use.


(V)Cycle of Design: The turnaroundperiod of design at the Proposal Phase is 89 days. It is planned to release thedocuments of the Call on May 27, 2022 (Beijing time, the same hereinafter), andApplicants shall submit deliverables on August 24, 2022.


(VI)Method of Review for Qualifications: Limited number of applicants permitted. The numberof Applicants for such Call (including Consortium Applicants) is limited to 8.


(VII)Prizes: 3 winningawards.


(VIII) Sponsor: SanyaMunicipal People’s Government

(九)承办单位:三亚中央 (略)

(IX)Undertaker: Sanya Central Business DistrictAdministration

(十)组织单位:北京科 (略)

(X)Organizer: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.


(XI) Contacts

北京科 (略)

BeijingScience Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.

地址:北京市海淀区万泉庄万柳 (略) 楼

Address: Building No.6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu,Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing


Post Code: 点击查看>>


Contact Persons: Wang Jing, Wei An"ni, Xing Yu

电话:86-(0)10- 点击查看>> /5131/5837/5125/5831/5137转299/811

Tel: 86-(0)10- 点击查看>> /5131/5837/5125/5831/5137 ext.299/811

电子邮箱: @@@ 63.com

E-mail: @@@ 63.com

二、应征申请人资格条件II. Eligibilityand Qualifications of Applicants


(I) The Applicant shall be a legalentity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a projectconsortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated inaccordance with laws.

(二)中华人民共和国境内的设计机构须具有建筑行业(建筑工程)设计 点击查看>> 级资质或建筑行业设计 点击查看>> 级资质或工程设计综合 点击查看>> 级资质;中华人民共和国境外的设计 (略) 在国颁发的从事建筑设计的相应资格。港澳台设计机构的资格要求应参照境外设计机构资格要求的规定。

(II) The Applicant (design institution)within the territory of the People"s Republic of China shall be at leastcertified with one of the following: Grade A qualification for design in thearchitectural industry (architectural engineering) or Grade A qualification fordesign in the architectural industry or Comprehensive Grade A qualification forengineering design; the Applicant (design institution) outside the territory ofthe People"s Republic of China shall hold corresponding qualifications issuedby governmental authorities in its residence country or region for engaging inarchitectural design. The requirements of qualifications for designinstitutions from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan shall refer to the requirementsof qualifications for design institutions outside the territory of the People’sRepublic of China.


(III) The abovedesign institutions with corresponding credentials/qualifications can apply forprequalification individually, or can form a consortium to apply forprequalification, but the design institutions applying for prequalification inthe capacity of a consortium shall specify the lead partner and theirrespective responsibilities of each partner by a Consortium Agreement. Anypartner of the Consortium shall neither individually apply for prequalificationin its own capacity, nor concurrently apply for the Prequalification as apartner of another Consortium in the Proposal Project.


(IV) The Applicant shall have had designexperiences similar in functions and nature to the Proposal Project.

(五)应征申请人参加本次活动的设计人员应是其机构正式在册人员,首席设计师必须由应征申请人单位中主持过类似项目(剧院、音乐厅、 (略) 、美术馆或其他文化公共建筑等)的设计师担任。

(V) The designers who are going to takepart in the Call must be incumbent officially documented employees of theApplicant. The Chief Designer must have experience in leading comparable designprojects (theater, concert hall, art trading center, art gallery or othercultural public buildings, etc.) at the Applicant.


Note: Except for partners of aConsortium, the Applicants in the Call shall not constitute or bear anyaffiliations.


Any Applicant who meets the aforesaidcriteria may sign up and register with the Organizer and obtainprequalification documents from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 13:30 to 16:00 inthe afternoon each day, from May 6, 2022 to May 18, 2022.

三、征集活动时间安排III. Timetableof the Call


(I) Prequalification Phase (May 6,2022~May26,2022)

2022年5月6日~5月18日 报名、获取资格预审文件

May 6-May 18,2022 Sign up and register, obtainprequalification documents

2022年5月20日16:00前 应征申请人先行通过电子邮件递交资格预审申请 (略) 分

Prior to 16: 00, May 20, 2022The Applicant is required to submitthose forms in the application documents for prequalification by email first

2022年5月23日12:00前 应征申请人递交资格预审申请的文本文件(1正1副) (略) 申请文件的电子文件(2套)

Prior to 12:00, May 23,2022TheApplicant is required to submit textual documents in the application documentsfor prequalification (1 original and 1 copy) and electronic files of allapplication documents(2 sets)

2022年5月25日17:00前 完成资格预审评审并向入围的应征人发出应征邀请函

Prior to 17:00, May 25, 2022Completion of prequalification reviewand invitations will be sent to finalists

2022年5月26日12:00前 应征人以电子邮件的方式确认参加应征并提交踏勘人员名单

Prior to 12:00, May 26, 2022The Applicant shall confirm by emailto participate in the Application and submit the list of site survey personnel


(II) Proposal PhaseDesign Phase(May 27,2022~August 24, 2022)

2022年5月27日~5月30日 应征人提交应征确认函原件、交纳应征保证金(金额)及领取征集文件

May 27 to May30, 2022,Submission of originalConfirmation Letter and payment of deposit (amount) for the application by theApplicant and obtaining of the documents of the Call.

2022年5月31日 项目介绍会、现场踏勘(三亚)

May 31, 2022 Project briefing, site survey(Sanya)

2022年6月21日 项目中期汇报(第一次)

June 21, 2022Project Interim Report (FirstRound)

2022年8月24日 应征人递交应征成果

August 24, 2022 Submission of deliverables by theApplicant


The date and time givenabove is scheduled date and time and may be subject to

changes until further notice.


WarmTip: Foreign applicants should get visas ready in advance for key staff memberswho will take responsibility for the Proposal Project, so that they will beable to arrive in Sanya for the project briefing and site as scheduled afterbeing shortlisted. In principle, the Chief Designer from the Applicant must bepresent for site survey. Nevertheless, if such presence in the site survey cannot be realized due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a written explanation to theSponsor shall be made in advance.

四、资格预审 (略) IV. Websites forRelease of the Announcement

本公告在中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )、中国政府采购网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚市 (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚中央 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚市自然 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )、北京科 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )同时发布。

The Announcementwill be published on China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ), China government procurement website(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of The People"s Government of Sanya City(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Sanya CentralBusiness DistrictAdministration (http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Sanya Municipal Bureau ofNatural Resources and Planning(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Beijing Science Park Auction &Tender Co., Ltd. (http:/ 点击查看>> ).

另外,本公告有关信息还将在三亚中央 (略) (略) 、三亚市自然 (略) (略) 、北京科 (略) (略) 及三亚日报上进行刊登。

In addition, the relevant information ofthis Announcement will also be publishedon the WeChat Official Account of Sanya Central Business DistrictAdministration, of Sanya Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, theWeChat Official Account of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., L 点击查看>> Sanya Daily.

五、资格预审文件的获取V. Obtaining ofPrequalification Documents

应征申请人请于2022年5月6日至2022年5月18日,每天上午9时00分至11时30分,下午13时30分至16时00分在组织单位报名登记, (略) (http://www.bk 点击查看>> /)上免费下载资格预审文件。只有符合条件,并在组织单位报名登记的应征申请人才能获得下载资格预审文件的密码,正式参加资格预审。

The Applicant shall sign up and registerwith the Organizer from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30a.m, from 13:30 to 16:00 in theafternoon each day, from May 6,2022 to May 18,2022, and download theprequalification documents from its website(http:/ 点击查看>> )for free. Only those Applicants thatmeet criteria and have signed up and registered with the Organizer will receivea password for downloading prequalification documents and be eligible forprequalification.

报名登记的程序:①在 (略) 上下载报名表;②填写报名表后,将底稿(doc格式)及加盖单位印章的扫描件(pdf格式)以电子邮件的方式发回;③组织单位确认应征申请人的报名资格并进行登记。

Signup and Registration steps: ① The Applicant downloads the registrationform from the website of the Organizer; ②The Applicant completes the registrationform and returns the original document (in doc format) and a scanned copyaffixed with the company seal (in pdf format) to the Organizer by email; ③ the Organizer confirms the eligibilityof the Applicant and gets it registered.

六、资格预审申请文件的递交时间VI. Submission Deadline of ApplicationDocuments for Prequalification

应征申请人请于2022年5月20日16时00分前,将资格预审申请 (略) 分(doc格式)先行通过电子邮件的方式发送给组织单位,并请于2022年5月23日12时00分前将资格预审申请文件的文本文件(1正1副)及电子文件(2套)送交组织单位。

The Applicant isrequired to send those forms (in doc format) in the application documents forprequalification to the Organizer by email first prior to 16:00 on May 20,2022,and then submit textual documents in the application documents forprequalification (1 original and 1 copy) and electronic files (2 sets) to theOrganizer no later than 12:00 on May 23,2022.

七、应征补偿费及奖项的设置VII.Compensations and Prizes for Application


(I) Theapplicants who have submitted proper proposals will receive a compensation ofRMB 1,200,000 (inclusive of various taxes or levies payable both inside andoutside China). However, the Undertaker will not pay any compensation to anyApplicant that has failed to submit a proposal within the specified deadline orthat has submitted a proposal that is considered unacceptable in light of therequirements of the documents of the Call or that has been disqualified.


(II) TheEvaluation Committee of the design proposals will select three winners from thesubmissions. The three winning Applicants shall optimize and deepen theirdesign deliverables according to the detailed design requirements of theSponsor (Undertaker). The compensation for detailed design is RMB 1.5 million/Applicant(inclusive of various taxes or levies payable inside and outside China).


(III) The threewinners who have won the prize shall further deepen their own design proposalsand submit them to the Sponsor for review. The Sponsor may choose one of theproposals to determine the awarded candidate. The awarded bidder"s design feewill be equal to the amount after deducting RMB 1.5 million, the detaileddesign fee already paid.



(I) The deadlinefor submission of design deliverables in this Call is August 24,2022.


(II) IntellectualProperty Rights


1. The Applicantowns the authorship (copyright) of the design proposal. With the writtenpermission of the Sponsor (Undertaker), the Applicant may comment on anddisplay the proposal works for Application via media communications, trademagazines, publications or by other means. The Applicant shall not use thedesign proposals for any project other than this project herein.

2.应征人应保证 (略) 设计文件在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。如果其应征人的设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术 (略) (略) 赔偿责任应由应征人承担。

2. The Applicantshall ensure that all design documents submitted do not and will not infringethe IPR (intellectual property rights) (including but not limited to copyrightand patent rights), proprietary technologies or business secrets of otherswithin or outside the People’s Republic of China. If the design documents ofthe Applicant use or include IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secretsof others, the Applicant shall have already obtained legitimate, valid andsufficient authorization from the right holders. The Applicant shall take allliabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPR orproprietary technologies or trade secrets of others.

3. 主办单位(承办单位)拥有应征设计方案的使用权,可对应征设计方案汇编、印刷、出版和展览,可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示、宣传应征作品。主办单位(承办单位)有权在项目的规划和设计中或在设计方案调整综合时, (略) 分使用应征设计方案的内容,也可以对应征设计方案进行修改。未经应征人书面同意,主办单位(承办单位)不得将应征设计方案用于本次方案征集项目范围以外的其他建设项目。

3. The Sponsor(Undertaker) has the right of use over the design proposals submitted by allApplicants, may also compile, print, publish and exhibit the design proposals,or comment on, display and publicize the proposal works for Application viamedia communications, trade magazines, publications or by other means. TheSponsor (Undertaker) has the right to use any design proposal in its entiretyor partially in the planning and design of the Proposal Project or inmodification or consolidation of the design proposals, or to revise any designproposal. Without the written consent of the Applicant, the Sponsor(Undertaker) shall use the design proposals for other construction projectsbeyond the scope of the project in this Call.

4.联合体应征人合作完成的设计方案,其知识产权由联合 (略) 有。

4. The intellectualproperty rights of the design proposals completed by the Consortium Applicantsshall be jointly owned by the Consortium partners.

(三)本次征 (略) 有文件及往来信函均应使用中文书写。

(III) All documents andcorrespondences related to the Call shall be written in Chinese.

(四) (略) 获的应征补偿费或深化费用的税金(含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费)和在咨询过程中发生的一切费用自理。

(IV) Any taxesimposed on the compensations for applications or for detailed design paid tothe Applicant (inclusive of any taxes or levies payable inside and outsideChina) and any costs arising from the consulting shall be borne by theApplicant.

(五)参加本次活动的应征申请人均被视为承 (略) 有条款。

(V) Byparticipating in the Call, the Applicant is deemed to have acknowledged andaccepted all terms and conditions contained in the Announcement herein.


(VI) The SanyaMunicipal People"s Government reserves the right of interpretation of theAnnouncement.

(七)本次征集活动本身及与本次活动 (略) 适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民共和国的法律和法规。

(VII) The Callper se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the lawsand regulations of the People’s Republic of China.


Sponsor: Sanya Municipal People’s Government

承办单位:三亚中央 (略)

Undertaker: Sanya Central Business District Administration

组织单位:北京科 (略)

Organizer:Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.



InternationalCall for Proposals of Architectural Design for

SanyaInternational Art Harbor


Announcementon Prequalification

建设中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) ,是落实三亚市第八次党代会关于“六个标杆” (略) 署的重要举措,以及三亚市“十四五”期间发展文化产业和提升公共文化服务水平的重大安排。为高标准、高质量规划建设中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) ,打造新时代城市滨海会客厅和全球城市卓越水岸,特举办此次方案征集工作。

The construction of InternationalCultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center of Hainan, China and Sanya Cultureand Art Center is an important initiative to implement the construction and deploymentof "six benchmarks" at the 8th Party Congress of Sanya, as well as amajor step to develop cultural industry and improve the standard of public culturalservices of Sanya City during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period. TheCall for Proposals is hereby held with the purpose to plan and construct theInternational Cultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center of Hainan, China andSanya Culture and Art Center of high standards and high quality, and to createa coastal living room in the city for the new era and a remarkable waterfront asan international city.


The Call for Proposals will be carriedout in an open call manner, by inviting design institutions at home and abroadwith rich experiences in similar projects to apply for prequalification. Thefirst step will determine 8 applicants through Review for Qualifications(prequalification), and in the second step, the applicants who have passed theReview for Qualifications will propose the design schemes according to therequirements of the documents of the Call.

一、项目概况I. Project Brief


(I) Project Name: Callfor Proposals of Architectural Design for Sanya International Art Harbor


(II) Project Location andConstruction Scale

1.项目地点:三亚文化商务区(空间设计范围)位于三亚湾凤凰海岸南端,三亚河口区域,北至渔港街, (略) , (略) 。三亚国际艺术港(建筑设计范围)位于三亚文化商务区YGHA01-01-04/07/09地块。

1. Projectlocation: Sanya Culture and Business District (scope of space design) islocated at the Southern tip of Fenghuang Coast of Sanya Bay, Sanya estuaryarea, with its Northern boundary at Yugang Street, Southern boundary atJiangang Road and Eastern boundary at Shengli Road. Sanya International ArtHarbor (scope of architectural design) is located at YGHA01-01-04/07/09 plotsin Sanya Culture and Business District.

2.用地面积:三亚文化商务区范围 点击查看>> 公顷,其中可开发建设用地面积 点击查看>> 公顷。三亚国际艺术港用地约5.8公顷。

2. Land area:Sanya Culture and Business District covers an area of 点击查看>> hectares, of which 点击查看>> hectares is available for development and construction. SanyaInternational Art Harbor covers a land area of about 5.8 hectares.

3.建设内容:三亚国际艺术港的主要功能为中国海南国际文物 (略) 和三 (略) 。中国海南国际文物 (略) 包含展览展示、文物艺术品交易、艺术品机构办公和文物艺术品库房等功能。三 (略) 包含歌剧厅、多功能厅及其他配套功能。三亚文化商务区将以三亚国际艺术港为核心,复合开发文化艺术、商务办公、滨海商业、高端酒店、休闲娱乐、公共绿地、码头等功能,通过整体打造,发展成为三亚文化艺术的地标性区域和重要的城市滨水公共空间。具体建设内容以征集文件中的设计任务书为准。

3. Contents ofConstruction: The main functions of Sanya International Art Harbor include International Cultural Relics andArtworks Trading Center of Hainan, China and Sanya Culture and Art Center. The International Cultural Relics and Artworks Trading Center ofHainan, China is featured with functions of exhibition and display, culturalrelics and artworks trading, offices for organizations of artworks and culturalrelics and artworks warehouse, etc. Sanya Culture and Art Center includes operahall, multi-function hall and other ancillary functions. With SanyaInternational Art Harbor as the core, Sanya Culture and Business District willcompose of the functions of culture and art, business office, bayfrontcommerce, high-end hotels, leisure and entertainment, public green space,wharf, etc., and evolve into a iconic area of Sanya culture and art and animportant urban waterfront public space in an integrated approach. The specificconstruction contents shall be subject to the design book in the documents ofthe Call.

4.建筑面积:三亚文化商务区建筑面积 点击查看>> 万平方米(计容),三亚国际艺术港建筑面积8.7万平方米(计容)。

4. Buildingarea: Sanya Culture and Business District covers a building area of 409,000square meters (by Floor Area Ratio Method), and Sanya International Art Harborcovers a building area of 87,000 square meters (by Floor Area Ratio Method).


5. Buildingheight: The building height of the iconic tower in Sanya Culture and BusinessDistrict shall not exceed 220m. The building height of Sanya International ArtHarbor shall not be greater than 24m, with some parts not exceeding 35m.According to the requirements of the scheme, exception of the height limit canbe allowed, but in principle, the building height shall not be pursued toreflect any landmark significance.


(III) Method of Call: InternationalOpen Call


(IV) Contents of Design


1. Space Designof Sanya Culture and Business District: Based on the research of industrypositioning, ecological and cultural orientations of Fenghuang coast andsurrounding the estuary area, the design contents of Sanya Culture and BusinessDistrict are put forward, such as industry and function planning, module form,architectural , underground and above-ground space, public space, andtraffic flow dynamic scheme, etc.

2.三亚国际艺术港建筑方案设计:包括用地红线范围内的总平面图设计、建筑设计、 (略) 、流线组织、重要空间的室内设计、室外景观设计等设计内容。

2. The architectural design of Sanya International ArtHarbor includes: the general floor plan design, architectural design,functional layout, traffic dynamics organization, interior design of importantspaces, outdoor landscape design and other design contents within the red-linedboundary of land use.


(V)Cycle of Design: The turnaroundperiod of design at the Proposal Phase is 89 days. It is planned to release thedocuments of the Call on May 27, 2022 (Beijing time, the same hereinafter), andApplicants shall submit deliverables on August 24, 2022.


(VI)Method of Review for Qualifications: Limited number of applicants permitted. The numberof Applicants for such Call (including Consortium Applicants) is limited to 8.


(VII)Prizes: 3 winningawards.


(VIII) Sponsor: SanyaMunicipal People’s Government

(九)承办单位:三亚中央 (略)

(IX)Undertaker: Sanya Central Business DistrictAdministration

(十)组织单位:北京科 (略)

(X)Organizer: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.


(XI) Contacts

北京科 (略)

BeijingScience Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.

地址:北京市海淀区万泉庄万柳 (略) 楼

Address: Building No.6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu,Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing


Post Code: 点击查看>>


Contact Persons: Wang Jing, Wei An"ni, Xing Yu

电话:86-(0)10- 点击查看>> /5131/5837/5125/5831/5137转299/811

Tel: 86-(0)10- 点击查看>> /5131/5837/5125/5831/5137 ext.299/811

电子邮箱: @@@ 63.com

E-mail: @@@ 63.com

二、应征申请人资格条件II. Eligibilityand Qualifications of Applicants


(I) The Applicant shall be a legalentity that has been legally incorporated in accordance with laws or a projectconsortium composed of legal entities that have been legally incorporated inaccordance with laws.

(二)中华人民共和国境内的设计机构须具有建筑行业(建筑工程)设计 点击查看>> 级资质或建筑行业设计 点击查看>> 级资质或工程设计综合 点击查看>> 级资质;中华人民共和国境外的设计 (略) 在国颁发的从事建筑设计的相应资格。港澳台设计机构的资格要求应参照境外设计机构资格要求的规定。

(II) The Applicant (design institution)within the territory of the People"s Republic of China shall be at leastcertified with one of the following: Grade A qualification for design in thearchitectural industry (architectural engineering) or Grade A qualification fordesign in the architectural industry or Comprehensive Grade A qualification forengineering design; the Applicant (design institution) outside the territory ofthe People"s Republic of China shall hold corresponding qualifications issuedby governmental authorities in its residence country or region for engaging inarchitectural design. The requirements of qualifications for designinstitutions from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan shall refer to the requirementsof qualifications for design institutions outside the territory of the People’sRepublic of China.


(III) The abovedesign institutions with corresponding credentials/qualifications can apply forprequalification individually, or can form a consortium to apply forprequalification, but the design institutions applying for prequalification inthe capacity of a consortium shall specify the lead partner and theirrespective responsibilities of each partner by a Consortium Agreement. Anypartner of the Consortium shall neither individually apply for prequalificationin its own capacity, nor concurrently apply for the Prequalification as apartner of another Consortium in the Proposal Project.


(IV) The Applicant shall have had designexperiences similar in functions and nature to the Proposal Project.

(五)应征申请人参加本次活动的设计人员应是其机构正式在册人员,首席设计师必须由应征申请人单位中主持过类似项目(剧院、音乐厅、 (略) 、美术馆或其他文化公共建筑等)的设计师担任。

(V) The designers who are going to takepart in the Call must be incumbent officially documented employees of theApplicant. The Chief Designer must have experience in leading comparable designprojects (theater, concert hall, art trading center, art gallery or othercultural public buildings, etc.) at the Applicant.


Note: Except for partners of aConsortium, the Applicants in the Call shall not constitute or bear anyaffiliations.


Any Applicant who meets the aforesaidcriteria may sign up and register with the Organizer and obtainprequalification documents from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 13:30 to 16:00 inthe afternoon each day, from May 6, 2022 to May 18, 2022.

三、征集活动时间安排III. Timetableof the Call


(I) Prequalification Phase (May 6,2022~May26,2022)

2022年5月6日~5月18日 报名、获取资格预审文件

May 6-May 18,2022 Sign up and register, obtainprequalification documents

2022年5月20日16:00前 应征申请人先行通过电子邮件递交资格预审申请 (略) 分

Prior to 16: 00, May 20, 2022The Applicant is required to submitthose forms in the application documents for prequalification by email first

2022年5月23日12:00前 应征申请人递交资格预审申请的文本文件(1正1副) (略) 申请文件的电子文件(2套)

Prior to 12:00, May 23,2022TheApplicant is required to submit textual documents in the application documentsfor prequalification (1 original and 1 copy) and electronic files of allapplication documents(2 sets)

2022年5月25日17:00前 完成资格预审评审并向入围的应征人发出应征邀请函

Prior to 17:00, May 25, 2022Completion of prequalification reviewand invitations will be sent to finalists

2022年5月26日12:00前 应征人以电子邮件的方式确认参加应征并提交踏勘人员名单

Prior to 12:00, May 26, 2022The Applicant shall confirm by emailto participate in the Application and submit the list of site survey personnel


(II) Proposal PhaseDesign Phase(May 27,2022~August 24, 2022)

2022年5月27日~5月30日 应征人提交应征确认函原件、交纳应征保证金(金额)及领取征集文件

May 27 to May30, 2022,Submission of originalConfirmation Letter and payment of deposit (amount) for the application by theApplicant and obtaining of the documents of the Call.

2022年5月31日 项目介绍会、现场踏勘(三亚)

May 31, 2022 Project briefing, site survey(Sanya)

2022年6月21日 项目中期汇报(第一次)

June 21, 2022Project Interim Report (FirstRound)

2022年8月24日 应征人递交应征成果

August 24, 2022 Submission of deliverables by theApplicant


The date and time givenabove is scheduled date and time and may be subject to

changes until further notice.


WarmTip: Foreign applicants should get visas ready in advance for key staff memberswho will take responsibility for the Proposal Project, so that they will beable to arrive in Sanya for the project briefing and site as scheduled afterbeing shortlisted. In principle, the Chief Designer from the Applicant must bepresent for site survey. Nevertheless, if such presence in the site survey cannot be realized due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a written explanation to theSponsor shall be made in advance.

四、资格预审 (略) IV. Websites forRelease of the Announcement

本公告在中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )、中国政府采购网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚市 (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚中央 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )、三亚市自然 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )、北京科 (略) 网站(http:/ 点击查看>> )同时发布。

The Announcementwill be published on China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ), China government procurement website(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of The People"s Government of Sanya City(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Sanya CentralBusiness DistrictAdministration (http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Sanya Municipal Bureau ofNatural Resources and Planning(http:/ 点击查看>> ), website of Beijing Science Park Auction &Tender Co., Ltd. (http:/ 点击查看>> ).

另外,本公告有关信息还将在三亚中央 (略) (略) 、三亚市自然 (略) (略) 、北京科 (略) (略) 及三亚日报上进行刊登。

In addition, the relevant information ofthis Announcement will also be publishedon the WeChat Official Account of Sanya Central Business DistrictAdministration, of Sanya Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, theWeChat Official Account of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., L 点击查看>> Sanya Daily.

五、资格预审文件的获取V. Obtaining ofPrequalification Documents

应征申请人请于2022年5月6日至2022年5月18日,每天上午9时00分至11时30分,下午13时30分至16时00分在组织单位报名登记, (略) (http://www.bk 点击查看>> /)上免费下载资格预审文件。只有符合条件,并在组织单位报名登记的应征申请人才能获得下载资格预审文件的密码,正式参加资格预审。

The Applicant shall sign up and registerwith the Organizer from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30a.m, from 13:30 to 16:00 in theafternoon each day, from May 6,2022 to May 18,2022, and download theprequalification documents from its website(http:/ 点击查看>> )for free. Only those Applicants thatmeet criteria and have signed up and registered with the Organizer will receivea password for downloading prequalification documents and be eligible forprequalification.

报名登记的程序:①在 (略) 上下载报名表;②填写报名表后,将底稿(doc格式)及加盖单位印章的扫描件(pdf格式)以电子邮件的方式发回;③组织单位确认应征申请人的报名资格并进行登记。

Signup and Registration steps: ① The Applicant downloads the registrationform from the website of the Organizer; ②The Applicant completes the registrationform and returns the original document (in doc format) and a scanned copyaffixed with the company seal (in pdf format) to the Organizer by email; ③ the Organizer confirms the eligibilityof the Applicant and gets it registered.

六、资格预审申请文件的递交时间VI. Submission Deadline of ApplicationDocuments for Prequalification

应征申请人请于2022年5月20日16时00分前,将资格预审申请 (略) 分(doc格式)先行通过电子邮件的方式发送给组织单位,并请于2022年5月23日12时00分前将资格预审申请文件的文本文件(1正1副)及电子文件(2套)送交组织单位。

The Applicant isrequired to send those forms (in doc format) in the application documents forprequalification to the Organizer by email first prior to 16:00 on May 20,2022,and then submit textual documents in the application documents forprequalification (1 original and 1 copy) and electronic files (2 sets) to theOrganizer no later than 12:00 on May 23,2022.

七、应征补偿费及奖项的设置VII.Compensations and Prizes for Application


(I) Theapplicants who have submitted proper proposals will receive a compensation ofRMB 1,200,000 (inclusive of various taxes or levies payable both inside andoutside China). However, the Undertaker will not pay any compensation to anyApplicant that has failed to submit a proposal within the specified deadline orthat has submitted a proposal that is considered unacceptable in light of therequirements of the documents of the Call or that has been disqualified.


(II) TheEvaluation Committee of the design proposals will select three winners from thesubmissions. The three winning Applicants shall optimize and deepen theirdesign deliverables according to the detailed design requirements of theSponsor (Undertaker). The compensation for detailed design is RMB 1.5 million/Applicant(inclusive of various taxes or levies payable inside and outside China).


(III) The threewinners who have won the prize shall further deepen their own design proposalsand submit them to the Sponsor for review. The Sponsor may choose one of theproposals to determine the awarded candidate. The awarded bidder"s design feewill be equal to the amount after deducting RMB 1.5 million, the detaileddesign fee already paid.



(I) The deadlinefor submission of design deliverables in this Call is August 24,2022.


(II) IntellectualProperty Rights


1. The Applicantowns the authorship (copyright) of the design proposal. With the writtenpermission of the Sponsor (Undertaker), the Applicant may comment on anddisplay the proposal works for Application via media communications, trademagazines, publications or by other means. The Applicant shall not use thedesign proposals for any project other than this project herein.

2.应征人应保证 (略) 设计文件在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。如果其应征人的设计文件使用或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术 (略) (略) 赔偿责任应由应征人承担。

2. The Applicantshall ensure that all design documents submitted do not and will not infringethe IPR (intellectual property rights) (including but not limited to copyrightand patent rights), proprietary technologies or business secrets of otherswithin or outside the People’s Republic of China. If the design documents ofthe Applicant use or include IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secretsof others, the Applicant shall have already obtained legitimate, valid andsufficient authorization from the right holders. The Applicant shall take allliabilities for any compensations arising from infringement upon IPR orproprietary technologies or trade secrets of others.

3. 主办单位(承办单位)拥有应征设计方案的使用权,可对应征设计方案汇编、印刷、出版和展览,可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示、宣传应征作品。主办单位(承办单位)有权在项目的规划和设计中或在设计方案调整综合时, (略) 分使用应征设计方案的内容,也可以对应征设计方案进行修改。未经应征人书面同意,主办单位(承办单位)不得将应征设计方案用于本次方案征集项目范围以外的其他建设项目。

3. The Sponsor(Undertaker) has the right of use over the design proposals submitted by allApplicants, may also compile, print, publish and exhibit the design proposals,or comment on, display and publicize the proposal works for Application viamedia communications, trade magazines, publications or by other means. TheSponsor (Undertaker) has the right to use any design proposal in its entiretyor partially in the planning and design of the Proposal Project or inmodification or consolidation of the design proposals, or to revise any designproposal. Without the written consent of the Applicant, the Sponsor(Undertaker) shall use the design proposals for other construction projectsbeyond the scope of the project in this Call.

4.联合体应征人合作完成的设计方案,其知识产权由联合 (略) 有。

4. The intellectualproperty rights of the design proposals completed by the Consortium Applicantsshall be jointly owned by the Consortium partners.

(三)本次征 (略) 有文件及往来信函均应使用中文书写。

(III) All documents andcorrespondences related to the Call shall be written in Chinese.

(四) (略) 获的应征补偿费或深化费用的税金(含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费)和在咨询过程中发生的一切费用自理。

(IV) Any taxesimposed on the compensations for applications or for detailed design paid tothe Applicant (inclusive of any taxes or levies payable inside and outsideChina) and any costs arising from the consulting shall be borne by theApplicant.

(五)参加本次活动的应征申请人均被视为承 (略) 有条款。

(V) Byparticipating in the Call, the Applicant is deemed to have acknowledged andaccepted all terms and conditions contained in the Announcement herein.


(VI) The SanyaMunicipal People"s Government reserves the right of interpretation of theAnnouncement.

(七)本次征集活动本身及与本次活动 (略) 适用的法律和法规仅为中华人民共和国的法律和法规。

(VII) The Callper se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the lawsand regulations of the People’s Republic of China.


Sponsor: Sanya Municipal People’s Government

承办单位:三亚中央 (略)

Undertaker: Sanya Central Business District Administration

组织单位:北京科 (略)

Organizer:Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.






