《 (略) 商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询》即将启动,现面向全球优秀设计机构开放预报名参赛意向登记,正式公告预计将于六月上旬发布。本次国际咨询旨在汇聚全球智慧与先进理念,征集兼具创意性、实施性与宝安特色的商务大道策划及城市设计方案。
International Consultationfor the Commercial AvenuePlanningand Urban Design of Bao"an Chuangye Roadwill be launched. Pre-registration is now open to outstanding design institutions all over the world. The official announcement will be released inearly June. This consultation aims to collect intelligence and advanced concepts, and solicit proposals for Commercial Avenue planning and urban designthat are creative, practical and with Bao"an characteristics.
1.项目背景 Background
深圳市第七届人大二次会议政府工作报告中指出:深圳需实施扩大内需战略,增强畅通国内国际双循环功能,加大高质量投资力度、打 (略) 城市、建 (略) 城市;需深入实施文化强市战略,不断提升城市文化影响力,打造全国文明典范城市、 (略) 城市,世界级旅游目的地城市;同时应壮大消费新业态、新模式,新引进设立知名品牌首店、旗舰店、新概念店,发展定制消费、时尚消费、体验消费。
The work report fromSecond Session of the Seventh National People"s Congressof Shenzhen pointed out that Shenzhen needs to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, improve both domestic and international economic cycle, increase high quality investment, make Shenzhen an international center for commercial and business. Besides, it is necessary to strengthen the city by continuously improving the cultural influence, and build a city that is national civilized model, regional culture center, and international tourist attraction. At the same time, Shenzhen should explore new forms of consumption and new model including bringing more well-known brands and advanced concept stores, developing various consumption such as customized, fashion and experience.
宝安区第七次党代会明确了宝安未来五年以打造世界级先进制造业高地为总抓手,奋力建 (略) 会主义先行示范区标杆城区,实现世界级先进制造城、国际化湾区滨海城、高品质民生幸福城的发展目标。未来五年宝安必将乘势而上、跨越发展,奠定身居湾区之心、挺立湾区之巅、引领湾区之先的坚实基础。
The 7thCongressof CPCof Bao"an clarified that in the next five years, Bao"an will focus on improvingits manufacture industries and become theleading district withsocialism with Chinese characteristics. The foundamental goal for Bao"an is to build an advanced coastal city with world-class manufacturing industries and high-qulaity living environment. We believe inthe next five years, Bao"an will take advantage of the momentum and lead the development of the whole bay area with a steady foundation.
本次国际咨 (略) 沿线及周边先进制造业与商业服务业的现实基础,多元的城市文化生活资源以及优越的区位条件,把握前海扩区、新安纳入深圳都市核心区的机遇, (略) 沿线地区建设成为集中展现宝安城市繁华与创新力量的商务大道; (略) 为轴,探索智能制造业和现代服务业在城市空间中的创新复合,打造生产、生活、生态高度融合的示范城区,成为国际一流、湾区标杆的新样本,并带动周边地区发展,构建连续的城市活力片区。
This consultation proposes to have the commercial avenue built along Chuangye Roadconsidering the existing foundation advanced manufacturing and commercial service, diversified urban cultures and superior location of this area.Besides, as Xin"an Subdistrict has been included into the metropolis core area of Shenzhen with the expanding of Qianhai district, there will be more opportunitiesfor the area along Chuangye Road. We propose to take Chuangye Road as the axis exploring the new way of combining intelligent manufacturing and modern service industries, building a leading urban spaces integrating producing, living and sustainability. This will make Bao’an district become a world-class coastal city, and then help develop the surrounding areas for a continuous urban vitality area.
2.项目区位 Location
(略) 位 (略) ,东临南山高新区,前海扩区后,新安成为宝安-前海共筑国家级战略主战场的首要抓手。 (略) 沿线片区 (略) 区、尖岗山新兴产业聚集地的重要城市发展轴,地理位置优越,产业基础良好。沿线汇聚了 点击查看>> 方城、海雅缤纷城、中洲商业π mall等大型商业, (略) 区、腾讯未来科技城、 (略) 基地等重大发展平台。交通体系内畅外达,107国道和宝安大道贯穿该片区,未来轨道交通将呈 (略) ,随着深中通道、深珠通道、西丽枢纽、前海枢纽等 点击查看>> 续建成,也将极大加快该片区深度融入 (略) ,为宝安未来发展注入新的驱动力。
Xin"an Subdistrict is located in the south of Bao"an District, and is adjacent to Nanshan High-tech Zone in the east. After the expansion of Qianhai District, Xin"an has become an important area for Bao"anand Qianhai to build an na 点击查看>> area along Chuangye Road is an important urban development axis connecting the Bao"an Central District and the emerging industry area of Jiangangshan. It has an advantageous geographical location and a good industrial 点击查看>> are large businesses such as Uniwalk, HaiYa Mega Mall, and π mall nearby. Besides, this area is close to major development platforms such as Bao"an Central District, Tencent Future Technology City, andLiuxiandong Headquarters Base. The transportation systemhere is excellent: NationalHighway107and Bao"an Avenuerun through the area. In the future, the railtransportation network and completion of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Shenzhen-Zhuhai Corridor, Xili Hub, Qianhai Hub, etcwill helpsthe integration of the area into the development pattern of the Bay Area, providingnew driving forces into the future development of Bao"an.
项目区位示意图Project Location
现状主要商业设施分布示意图Large business distribution
Scanthe QR code below, or visit the link to view the panoramic aerial photography of the current situation of the site:
3.设计范围 Design Areas
统筹城市设计范围:面积约为 点击查看>> 平方公里, (略) ,东 (略) , (略) 两侧约1~1.5千米范围内的带状区域。
核心城市设计范围:面积约为5.3平方公里, (略) ,东 (略) , (略) 两侧约500米范围的带状区域,包含灵芝公园、新安公园、新安广场和新圳河等重要的公共空间和尖岗山产业园片区,同 (略) 风貌亟需 (略) (略) 房。
This international consultation includes two scopes: the overall urban design and core district urban design.
For overall urban design: The area is about 点击查看>> sqkm. It starts from Haixiu Road in the southwest and ends at Liuxian 3rd Road in the northeast. It is a strip area within a range of about 1 to 1.5 kilometers offset from both sides of Chuangye Road.
For core district urban design: The area is about 5.3 sqkm. It starts from Xinhu Road in the southwest and ends at Liuxian 3rd Road in the northeast. It is a strip area of about 500 meters offset from both sides of Chuangye Road, including some important public spaces such as Lingzhi Park, Xin"an Park, Xin"an Square, Xinzhen River and the Jiangangshan Industrial Park. This area also covers many old communities and factories that need to be renovated.
设计范围Design Areas
4.工作内容 Work Description
本次国际咨询将立足于“前海+宝安”区块联动、“旧城+新城”缝合共生、“智造+服务”创新复合、“商业+商务”多元共生的工作目标, (略) 沿线打造为“对话世界、国际一流、湾区标杆”的商务大道。本次国际咨询包括以下四方面重点工作:
商业产业策划:探索现代服务业与智能制造业的融合,研究片区商业产业发展定位及方向,对商业商务业态、模式、规模等进行分析, (略) 、空间模式、运营等方面的建议。
交通组织优化:建立与总体定位与开发规模相匹配的综合交通体系,考虑107国道两侧的便捷联系, (略) 点周边的地上地下一体化开发、与商业业态的组合关系。
在充分考虑上述四方面内容后,提出具体的城市设计控制指引、存量空间再发展指引、规划 (略) 径等具体的设计指引,指导后期建设。
This international consultation will work on building an international, world-class and benchmark district in the bay area along Chuangye Road. The work will be based on goals of linkingQianhai district andBao"andistrict, stitching and symbiosisof old and new urban areas, innovation and compoundingof intelligent manufacturing and services, and multi-dimensional symbiosisof business. Thus, this international consultation includes the following four key tasks:
Commerce and industry planning:Explore the integration of modern service industry and intelligent manufacturing industry, study the direction of the commerce and industry development in the area, analyze the commercial business format, model, scale, etc., and put forward suggestions on business layout, space mode, operation, etc.
Arranging public spaces: Overall planning of public spacesin the area, optimizing the existing public space elements such asboth sides of the Commercial Avenue, Xinzhen River, Xin"an Park, Lingzhi Park, Chuangye Interchange, and areas along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway. The design for public spaces should combine with commercial planningto establish a high-quality environment.
Integration of old and new urban areas: Pay attention to the history, culture, residents and urban features of both old and new urban areas, promote the integration and coexistence of them to enhance the image of the city.
Optimization of transportation organization: Establish a comprehensive transportation system that matches the overall positioning and development scale, taking into account the convenient connections on both sides of National Highway 107. The areas closed to railway station should be developed as an integrated spaces both above and underground and combined with the commercial formats.
With above four aspects considered, applicants should put up specific design guidelines including guidelines for urban design, existing places redevelopment, planning implementation strategies.
5.报名要求 Registration Requirements
3. (略) 成员须由城市规划与设计、商业策划、建筑及景观设计等多专业人员构成。
1. Interested applicantsmust be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations. Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.
2.There are no requirements on qualification for registration. Any domestic and foreign institutions or consortium who are familiar with China"s conditions, have comprehensive urban design research capabilities and practical experience, and have urban district-level business planning experience are encouraged to register.
3. The design team must be composed of professionals in urban planning and design, business planning, architecture and landscape design.
4. Registration by a consortiumcomprising no more than three members is allowed, provided that the leading party and the internal division of responsibilities are specified in a legally-bindingconsortium agreement. No member of a consortium is allowed to register twice either independently or by joining another consortium.
6.评审规则 Rules
资格预审阶段: (略) 资信、公司相关业绩(空间规划设计及商业策划方面)、团队实力及概念提案,由主办方依法组建资格预审委员会,评选出5家资格预审阶段入围单位(无排序),及2家备选单位(有排序)进入方案设计阶段。
The International Consultation is open for registration, and will include two stages: "pre-qualification" and "design & evaluation".
For Pre-qualification stage:The credit document, related experience (design and planning for urban spaces, and business planning), abilities of team and concept proposal will be reviewed by the Pre-qualification Review Jury. Five non-ranking teams and two ranked teams on wait-list will be selected for next stage.
For design & evaluationstage: The proposal submitted by final-listed five teams will be reviewed and ranked by the Scheme Review Jury. There will be corresponding rewards for the winning teams.
7.预报名登记 Pre-registration
本次国际咨询正式公告预计将于六月上旬发布,欢迎 (略) 进行预报名登记。请扫描下方二维码或访问下方链接,填写预报名信息:
The official announcement of this international consultation will be released in early June. Interested teams are welcome to pre-register. Please scan the QR code below or visit the link below to fill in the pre-registration information.
8.联系咨询 Contact
承办方:深圳市规划 (略) (略)
联系方式:叶工,(+86) 点击查看>> / (+86) 点击查看>>
Host:People"s Government of Bao"an District, Shenzhen
Co-organizer: Bao"an Administration of Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
Contact information:Mr. Ye, (+86) 点击查看>> / (+86) 点击查看>>
(Beijing time, Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)
9.特别提醒 Reminder
预报名表不作为正式报名提交资料,且不作为正式报名依据。本次国际 (略) (略) 内容最终以正式公告为准。
The pre-registration form does not serve as a formal registration submission or abasisfor formal registration. All the contents involved in the pre-announcement of the international consultation will be subject to the official announcement.
《 (略) 商务大道策划及城市设计国际咨询》即将启动,现面向全球优秀设计机构开放预报名参赛意向登记,正式公告预计将于六月上旬发布。本次国际咨询旨在汇聚全球智慧与先进理念,征集兼具创意性、实施性与宝安特色的商务大道策划及城市设计方案。
International Consultationfor the Commercial AvenuePlanningand Urban Design of Bao"an Chuangye Roadwill be launched. Pre-registration is now open to outstanding design institutions all over the world. The official announcement will be released inearly June. This consultation aims to collect intelligence and advanced concepts, and solicit proposals for Commercial Avenue planning and urban designthat are creative, practical and with Bao"an characteristics.
1.项目背景 Background
深圳市第七届人大二次会议政府工作报告中指出:深圳需实施扩大内需战略,增强畅通国内国际双循环功能,加大高质量投资力度、打 (略) 城市、建 (略) 城市;需深入实施文化强市战略,不断提升城市文化影响力,打造全国文明典范城市、 (略) 城市,世界级旅游目的地城市;同时应壮大消费新业态、新模式,新引进设立知名品牌首店、旗舰店、新概念店,发展定制消费、时尚消费、体验消费。
The work report fromSecond Session of the Seventh National People"s Congressof Shenzhen pointed out that Shenzhen needs to implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, improve both domestic and international economic cycle, increase high quality investment, make Shenzhen an international center for commercial and business. Besides, it is necessary to strengthen the city by continuously improving the cultural influence, and build a city that is national civilized model, regional culture center, and international tourist attraction. At the same time, Shenzhen should explore new forms of consumption and new model including bringing more well-known brands and advanced concept stores, developing various consumption such as customized, fashion and experience.
宝安区第七次党代会明确了宝安未来五年以打造世界级先进制造业高地为总抓手,奋力建 (略) 会主义先行示范区标杆城区,实现世界级先进制造城、国际化湾区滨海城、高品质民生幸福城的发展目标。未来五年宝安必将乘势而上、跨越发展,奠定身居湾区之心、挺立湾区之巅、引领湾区之先的坚实基础。
The 7thCongressof CPCof Bao"an clarified that in the next five years, Bao"an will focus on improvingits manufacture industries and become theleading district withsocialism with Chinese characteristics. The foundamental goal for Bao"an is to build an advanced coastal city with world- manufacturing industries and high-qulaity living environment. We believe inthe next five years, Bao"an will take advantage of the momentum and lead the development of the whole bay area with a steady foundation.
本次国际咨 (略) 沿线及周边先进制造业与商业服务业的现实基础,多元的城市文化生活资源以及优越的区位条件,把握前海扩区、新安纳入深圳都市核心区的机遇, (略) 沿线地区建设成为集中展现宝安城市繁华与创新力量的商务大道; (略) 为轴,探索智能制造业和现代服务业在城市空间中的创新复合,打造生产、生活、生态高度融合的示范城区,成为国际一流、湾区标杆的新样本,并带动周边地区发展,构建连续的城市活力片区。
This consultation proposes to have the commercial avenue built along Chuangye Roadconsidering the existing foundation advanced manufacturing and commercial service, diversified urban cultures and superior location of this area.Besides, as Xin"an Subdistrict has been included into the metropolis core area of Shenzhen with the expanding of Qianhai district, there will be more opportunitiesfor the area along Chuangye Road. We propose to take Chuangye Road as the axis exploring the new way of combining intelligent manufacturing and modern service industries, building a leading urban spaces integrating producing, living and sustainability. This will make Bao’an district become a world- coastal city, and then help develop the surrounding areas for a continuous urban vitality area.
2.项目区位 Location
(略) 位 (略) ,东临南山高新区,前海扩区后,新安成为宝安-前海共筑国家级战略主战场的首要抓手。 (略) 沿线片区 (略) 区、尖岗山新兴产业聚集地的重要城市发展轴,地理位置优越,产业基础良好。沿线汇聚了 点击查看>> 方城、海雅缤纷城、中洲商业π mall等大型商业, (略) 区、腾讯未来科技城、 (略) 基地等重大发展平台。交通体系内畅外达,107国道和宝安大道贯穿该片区,未来轨道交通将呈 (略) ,随着深中通道、深珠通道、西丽枢纽、前海枢纽等 点击查看>> 续建成,也将极大加快该片区深度融入 (略) ,为宝安未来发展注入新的驱动力。
Xin"an Subdistrict is located in the south of Bao"an District, and is adjacent to Nanshan High-tech Zone in the east. After the expansion of Qianhai District, Xin"an has become an important area for Bao"anand Qianhai to build an na 点击查看>> area along Chuangye Road is an important urban development axis connecting the Bao"an Central District and the emerging industry area of Jiangangshan. It has an advantageous geographical location and a good industrial 点击查看>> are large businesses such as Uniwalk, HaiYa Mega Mall, and π mall nearby. Besides, this area is close to major development platforms such as Bao"an Central District, Tencent Future Technology City, andLiuxiandong Headquarters Base. The transportation systemhere is excellent: NationalHighway107and Bao"an Avenuerun through the area. In the future, the railtransportation network and completion of Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Shenzhen-Zhuhai Corridor, Xili Hub, Qianhai Hub, etcwill helpsthe integration of the area into the development pattern of the Bay Area, providingnew driving forces into the future development of Bao"an.
项目区位示意图Project Location
现状主要商业设施分布示意图Large business distribution
Scanthe QR code below, or visit the link to view the panoramic aerial photography of the current situation of the site:
3.设计范围 Design Areas
统筹城市设计范围:面积约为 点击查看>> 平方公里, (略) ,东 (略) , (略) 两侧约1~1.5千米范围内的带状区域。
核心城市设计范围:面积约为5.3平方公里, (略) ,东 (略) , (略) 两侧约500米范围的带状区域,包含灵芝公园、新安公园、新安广场和新圳河等重要的公共空间和尖岗山产业园片区,同 (略) 风貌亟需 (略) (略) 房。
This international consultation includes two scopes: the overall urban design and core district urban design.
For overall urban design: The area is about 点击查看>> sqkm. It starts from Haixiu Road in the southwest and ends at Liuxian 3rd Road in the northeast. It is a strip area within a range of about 1 to 1.5 kilometers offset from both sides of Chuangye Road.
For core district urban design: The area is about 5.3 sqkm. It starts from Xinhu Road in the southwest and ends at Liuxian 3rd Road in the northeast. It is a strip area of about 500 meters offset from both sides of Chuangye Road, including some important public spaces such as Lingzhi Park, Xin"an Park, Xin"an Square, Xinzhen River and the Jiangangshan Industrial Park. This area also covers many old communities and factories that need to be renovated.
设计范围Design Areas
4.工作内容 Work Description
本次国际咨询将立足于“前海+宝安”区块联动、“旧城+新城”缝合共生、“智造+服务”创新复合、“商业+商务”多元共生的工作目标, (略) 沿线打造为“对话世界、国际一流、湾区标杆”的商务大道。本次国际咨询包括以下四方面重点工作:
商业产业策划:探索现代服务业与智能制造业的融合,研究片区商业产业发展定位及方向,对商业商务业态、模式、规模等进行分析, (略) 、空间模式、运营等方面的建议。
交通组织优化:建立与总体定位与开发规模相匹配的综合交通体系,考虑107国道两侧的便捷联系, (略) 点周边的地上地下一体化开发、与商业业态的组合关系。
在充分考虑上述四方面内容后,提出具体的城市设计控制指引、存量空间再发展指引、规划 (略) 径等具体的设计指引,指导后期建设。
This international consultation will work on building an international, world- and benchmark district in the bay area along Chuangye Road. The work will be based on goals of linkingQianhai district andBao"andistrict, stitching and symbiosisof old and new urban areas, innovation and compoundingof intelligent manufacturing and services, and multi-dimensional symbiosisof business. Thus, this international consultation includes the following four key tasks:
Commerce and industry planning:Explore the integration of modern service industry and intelligent manufacturing industry, study the direction of the commerce and industry development in the area, analyze the commercial business format, model, scale, etc., and put forward suggestions on business layout, space mode, operation, etc.
Arranging public spaces: Overall planning of public spacesin the area, optimizing the existing public space elements such asboth sides of the Commercial Avenue, Xinzhen River, Xin"an Park, Lingzhi Park, Chuangye Interchange, and areas along the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway. The design for public spaces should combine with commercial planningto establish a high-quality environment.
Integration of old and new urban areas: Pay attention to the history, culture, residents and urban features of both old and new urban areas, promote the integration and coexistence of them to enhance the image of the city.
Optimization of transportation organization: Establish a comprehensive transportation system that matches the overall positioning and development scale, taking into account the convenient connections on both sides of National Highway 107. The areas closed to railway station should be developed as an integrated spaces both above and underground and combined with the commercial formats.
With above four aspects considered, applicants should put up specific design guidelines including guidelines for urban design, existing places redevelopment, planning implementation strategies.
5.报名要求 Registration Requirements
3. (略) 成员须由城市规划与设计、商业策划、建筑及景观设计等多专业人员构成。
1. Interested applicantsmust be independent legal entities or partnerships or other organizations. Individual or teams of individuals will not be accepted.
2.There are no requirements on qualification for registration. Any domestic and foreign institutions or consortium who are familiar with China"s conditions, have comprehensive urban design research capabilities and practical experience, and have urban district-level business planning experience are encouraged to register.
3. The design team must be composed of professionals in urban planning and design, business planning, architecture and landscape design.
4. Registration by a consortiumcomprising no more than three members is allowed, provided that the leading party and the internal division of responsibilities are specified in a legally-bindingconsortium agreement. No member of a consortium is allowed to register twice either independently or by joining another consortium.
6.评审规则 Rules
资格预审阶段: (略) 资信、公司相关业绩(空间规划设计及商业策划方面)、团队实力及概念提案,由主办方依法组建资格预审委员会,评选出5家资格预审阶段入围单位(无排序),及2家备选单位(有排序)进入方案设计阶段。
The International Consultation is open for registration, and will include two stages: "pre-qualification" and "design & evaluation".
For Pre-qualification stage:The credit document, related experience (design and planning for urban spaces, and business planning), abilities of team and concept proposal will be reviewed by the Pre-qualification Review Jury. Five non-ranking teams and two ranked teams on wait-list will be selected for next stage.
For design & evaluationstage: The proposal submitted by final-listed five teams will be reviewed and ranked by the Scheme Review Jury. There will be corresponding rewards for the winning teams.
7.预报名登记 Pre-registration
本次国际咨询正式公告预计将于六月上旬发布,欢迎 (略) 进行预报名登记。请扫描下方二维码或访问下方链接,填写预报名信息:
The official announcement of this international consultation will be released in early June. Interested teams are welcome to pre-register. Please scan the QR code below or visit the link below to fill in the pre-registration information.
8.联系咨询 Contact
承办方:深圳市规划 (略) (略)
联系方式:叶工,(+86) 点击查看>> / (+86) 点击查看>>
Host:People"s Government of Bao"an District, Shenzhen
Co-organizer: Bao"an Administration of Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality
Contact information:Mr. Ye, (+86) 点击查看>> / (+86) 点击查看>>
(Beijing time, Monday to Friday 9:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00)
9.特别提醒 Reminder
预报名表不作为正式报名提交资料,且不作为正式报名依据。本次国际 (略) (略) 内容最终以正式公告为准。
The pre-registration form does not serve as a formal registration submission or abasisfor formal registration. All the contents involved in the pre-announcement of the international consultation will be subject to the official announcement.