


20 (略) 知识产权保护状况

  2023年,广东坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真学习贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中全会精神,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于全面加强知识产权保护工作的重要指示精神和视察广东重要讲话、重要指示精神, (略) 委“1310”具体部署, (略) 政府工作要求,大力实施《知识产权强国建设纲要(2021—2035年)》《关于强化知识产权保护的意见》和《“十四五”国家知识产权保护和运用规划》,统筹推进知识产权战略实施工作,加强知识产权法治保障,完善知识产权全链条保护机制,加快推进知识产权强 (略) 和国际一流湾区 (略) 建设。


  加强统筹谋划。 (略) 委、省政府高度重视知识产权保护工作,黄 (略) 委常委会会议上明确要求从全局和战略的高度深化认识,坚持以建设知识产权强 (略) 为牵引,全面加强知识产权保护工作,为贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展提供有力保障。省政府召开常务会议研究部署知识产权工作,会同国家知识产权局召开共建国际一流湾区 (略) 推进大会和建设国家知识产权保护示范区动员部署会议。召开中新广州知识城综合改革工作会议,省政府与国家知识产权局联合印发《中新广州知识城深化知识产权运用和保护综合改革试验实施方案(2023—2027年)》,推动构建国际一流的知识产权生态示范系统。

  强化法治保障。建立健全以知识产权综合立法为统领,以专利、版权、地理标志、技术秘密等单行立法为支撑的地方性法规体系。制定印发《 (略) 知识产权保护条例(释义)》《 (略) 地理标志条例(释义)》,组织出版《〈 (略) 版权条例〉导读与释义》,推动知识产权地方性法规落地见效。省司法厅印发《2023年普法工作计划和普法责任清单》, (略) 政府立法基层联系点开展立法宣讲衔接普法工作。 (略) 制定发布全国首例涉数据司法政策性文件《关于强化数据要素知识产权司法保护服务数字经济高质量发展的意见》。

  加强典型示范。省市场监管局(知识产权局)与广州、深 (略) 共建综合型 (略) ,与河源、梅州、 (略) 共建特色型 (略) ,在 (略) 推动建设一批知识产权强县。全省累计获批10个国家知识产权强国建设 (略) 、21个强县建设试点示范县、8个强国建设试点示范园区。广州、 (略) 入选首批国家知识产权保护示范区建设、全国首批知识产权公共服务标准化 (略) 。 (略) (略) 首批进入国家知识产权局数据知识产权地方试点名单并通过验收。全省建设4个全国商业秘密保护创新试点地区、16个“黄金内湾商业秘密保护创新工程”先行区,1个涉外商业秘密保护基地。深圳前海智慧版权创 (略) 通过国家版权局“区块链+版权”特色领域创新应用试点终期评估。

  服务湾区发展。 (略) 场监管局(知识产权局)与澳门经济及科技发展局签署《粤澳知识产权合作协议(2023—2025年)》,与香港知识产权署加快落实合作项目,累计开展粤港、粤澳合作项目410项。联合港、澳知识产权部门举办“第五届粤港澳大湾区知识产权交易博览会暨国际地理标志产品交易博览会”“第五届粤港澳大湾区高价值专利培育布局大赛”“首届粤港澳大湾区(广东)高价值商标品牌培育大赛”,首次在香港举办亚洲知识产权营商论坛“粤港澳大湾区分论坛”,成功举办粤港知识产权与中小企业发展(惠州)研讨会,“深圳-香港-广州”科技集群创新指数继续位居全球第二。联合香港知识产权署在内地设置17个“香港特别行政区知识产权问询点”,在港设立“内地知识产权业务咨询邮箱”。支持横琴粤澳深度合作区和前海深港现代服务业合作区打造粤港澳大湾区知识产权创造、保护和运用生态示范区,广州南沙建设知识产权“一平台、三中心”,推动深圳河套加快建立更高水平的知识产权保护制度。


  充分发挥知识产权审判职能作用。2023年, (略) 新收各类知识产权案件9.1万件,审结各类知识产权案件9.5万件,调撤5.3万件,调撤率为57.4%。其中,广州 (略) 共新收1.40万件,审结1.42万件,包括各类专利权纠纷案件1.12万件,涉外涉港澳台案件426件。全省共有62件知识产权案件适用惩罚性赔偿严惩侵权,全年最高判赔数额达3.17亿元。4件案例入选2022 (略) 10大知识产权案件和50件知识产权典型案例,3件案例入选 (略) 2023年指导性案例。

  持续加强知识产权检察工作。2023年,全省检察机关共批捕侵犯知识产权犯罪案件800件1156人,起诉1155件2061人。加强知识产权民事诉讼精准监督。全省检察机关共受理知识产权民事监督案件577件, (略) 发送再审检察建议498件、抗诉3件。全省检察机关共立案办理知识产权领域公益诉讼案件30件。1件案 (略) 知识产权战略实施工作部际联席会议办公室发布的知识产权强国建设第二批典型案例;2件案例入选最 (略) 知识产权保护典型案例。

  严厉打击侵犯知识产权犯罪。全省公安机关深入开展“昆仑2023”“蓝剑”等专项行动,将侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪纳入“夏季行动”“1+N”“鹰击”等专项行动打击重点,严厉打击各类涉民生假冒伪劣犯罪,全力维护群众和企业合法权益。2 (略) 共立侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1926起,破案1678起,打掉窝点1648个,抓获犯罪嫌疑人4870名。


  持续加强知识产权行政执法。省市场监管局(知识产权局)印发《关于进一步加强新时代知识产权保护执法和业务指导工作的通知》,开展2023民生领域案件查办“铁拳”行动、护航2 (略) 场知识产权行政保护专项行动、“清源”地理标志保护等专项行动,查处知识产权行政处罚案件4005宗,移送司法机关184宗。广东3宗案件入选2022年度全国知识产权行政保护典型案例,1宗知识产 (略) 场监管总局今年公布的知识产权执法典型案件。成功承办2023年侵权假冒伪劣商品全国统一销毁行动主会场活动,全省统一销毁行动合计销毁侵权假冒伪劣商品1379.9吨,货值3.8亿元。 (略) 场综合执法部门办结案件2432件。开展农资打假专项行动,立案查处违法案件1762宗,移送司法机关121宗。广东2个案例入选农业农村部的全国农业综合行政执法“稳粮保供”10个典型案例。全面部署林业植物新品种权保护执法专项行动,共开展执法行动300余次。 (略) 两级行政执法综合数据主题库,推动知识产权领域执法部门上线应用“粤执法”,全省已有473家涉知识产权领域执法单位、2.5万余名执法人员上线应用“粤执法”,累计办案4419宗。

  大力加强行政裁决工作。全省办理专利侵权纠纷案件9686件,其中裁决类1344宗,出具维权意见类8342宗。印发《 (略) 场监督管理局知识产权行政保护技术调查官管理办法》,依托国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作广东中心办理专利侵权判定咨询意见129宗。累计4项专利侵权纠纷行政裁决示范建设试点工作经验被国家知识产权局复制推广。

  强化版权执法监管。全省共立案查办侵犯版权案件286宗。 (略) 线电影版权保护专项行动、青少年版权保护季行动、“剑网2023”专项行动和“清朗·杭州亚运会和亚残运会网络环境整治”专项行动。广东2个案例入选国家青少年版权保护季专项行动发布的第一批典型案例。

  强化知识产权海关执法。省内海关开展“龙腾2023” 、出口转运货物 “净网行动”、寄递渠道“蓝网行动”等知识产权保护专项执法行动,开展杭州亚运会和亚残运会知识产权保护专项行动。 (略) 内海关实际查扣侵权商品15766批次、数量3314万件,货值超人民币2亿元。海关总署广 (略) 内海关与香港、澳门海关共同开展3次知识产权海关保护联合执法行动, (略) 内海关共查获涉嫌侵权货物2825批次,合计220万件。

  强化重点领域知识产权服务保障。开展杭州亚运会和亚残运会知识产权保护宣传354次,处理案件线索10条。3 (略) 场已获批作为国家级知识产权 (略) 场培育对象。 (略) 内大型平台企业贯彻《电子商务平台知识产权管理》国家标准。高标准完成第133届、第134届广交会知识产权保护相关工作,支持广交会承接开展国家知识产权局专利权评价报告电商共享试点工作。


  健全知识产权协同保护体系。 (略) 知识产权战略实施工作联席会议机制作用,推动落实《关于强化广东知识产权协同保护的备忘录》相关工作。 (略) 等15家单位联合签署《关于对侵犯知识产权严重失信行为加强信用监管工作的合作备忘录》。持续深化知识产权“三合一”改革, (略) 、 (略) 、省公安厅建立知识产权刑事司法保护联席会议制度。 (略) 2023年调撤率创近5年来新高。广州 (略) 与广 (略) 市场监管局建立“行政调解+司法确认”机制。累计建成13家国家级知识产权保护中心或快维中心、 (略) 分中心、 (略) 县级维权援助机构和217个工作站,全年共受理预审请求4.78万件,受理知识产权保护维权相关案件1.16万件。

  深化跨区域保护协作。 (略) 知识产权保护协作活动,签订《关 (略) 市知识产权行政保护联盟优化全国创新 (略) 场合作备忘录》。 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 签署《关于构建知识产权司法保护协作机制的框架协议》,“N+4+2”粤港澳司法规则入选广东自贸试验区最佳制度创新案例。 (略) 公检法联签文件,采取“刑事管辖跟随民事、行政管辖走”原则, (略) “三审合一”机制改革相衔接。

  健全知识产权纠纷多元化解机制。 (略) 级知识产权维权援助地方标准,建设集纠纷调解、仲裁在线、公证在线等九大功能于一体的“ (略) 知识产权维权援助公共服务平台”。 (略) 等11家单位共建知识产权协同保护智能服务一体化平台,省市场监管局(知识产权局)、广州 (略) 共建广东知识产权纠纷调解中心,诉前成功调解案件3887件。全省建成133个知识产权人民调解组织,全年办理知识产权案件5500件。2 (略) 11家仲裁机构共受理知识产权仲裁案件576件,标的额7.7亿元。2023年广州仲裁委“多措并举提升知识产权仲裁国际化、智能化、数字化水平” (略) 知识产权强国建设典型案例。广州仲裁委ODR平台解决涉外纠纷案例入选司法部年度仲裁工作三大指导案例、商务部30个“外贸新业态优秀实践案例”。推动健全“技术调查官+技术顾问+技术专家”多元技术事实查明机制,技术调查室共参与办理案件2283件。创新推出“产业链+公证”“互联网+公证”服务新模式,以及“云上公证”平台、“存证通”“云邮通”等信息化产品。全省公证机构共办理知识产权公证4万余件。 (略) 罗湖公证处《全国首例“众包内容分发网络”知识产权维权公证》入选2022年度中国公证十大典型案例。






  开展关键核心技术攻关。采用“揭榜制”“赛马制”“业主制”等多元化方式,以芯片设计和制造、工业软件和显示制造装备等战略专项和重大专项为引领,培育一批原创型、基础型专利。 (略) 基础研究十年“卓粤”计划,2023年广东基础与应用基础研究“旗舰”重大项目,着力提升广东基础研究原始创新能力。

  加快制造业创新体系建设。共培育 (略) 级制造业创新中心, (略) (略) 的创新中心布局,覆盖新一代电子信息、高端装备等17个战略性产业集群。获批5家国家级制造业创新中心,数量全国第一;培育 (略) 级企业技术中心,累计培育国家技术创新示范企业64家。

  大力推动科技创新平台建设。构建以鹏城实验室、广州实验室为引领,以省实验室、国家重点实验室、省重点实验室、联合实验室为支撑的高水平多层次实验室体系。推动建设粤港澳大湾区国家技术创新中心和2家领域类国家技术创新中心。推 (略) 级新型研发机构高质量发展,新型研发机构服务企业数达2.3万家,成果转化收入达到593.96亿元。

  推动创新主体知识产权质量提升。累计建设高价值专利培育布局中心455家,组织开展创新管理知识产权标准实施试点, (略) 首批开展试点企业865家。全省拥有国家优势示范企业总数达到1243家,国家知识产权试点示范高校10家。



  全面推进专利转化运用。实施专利转化专项行动计划(2021—2023年), (略) 均出台专利转化专项相关配套政策。全省建成43个知识产权协同运营中心。推广专利开放许可,建设1+N专利开放许可试点信息发布平台。全省累计达成专利开放许可5468件次,许可总金额1291万元。初步建成高校科技成果转化专家库、技术需求库和供应链库。6所高校以第一完成单位获得第二十四届中国专利奖14项,获奖总数位居全国第二。

  加强知识产权成果转化平台建设。建设“智汇+智能制造技术众包平台”,搭建中小企业创新成果线上推广平台和线下展示服务网点,建设线下示范点15个,成果对接数量达3300项以上。依托深圳证券交易所建立深交所科技成果与知识产权交易中心,为科技成果和知识产权交易、转移转化提供一站式服务。省卫生健康委等10部门 (略) 共建提 (略) 临床研究和成果转化能力试点。

  运用地理标志助力乡村振兴。创新举办地理标志产品广货手信节,促成线下展销直接交易额达1126万元。印发《 (略) 发展地理标志产业实施方案》,遴选产生首批 (略) 地理标志培育产品。累计获批地理标志保护产品163个,地理标志专用标志合法使用人1463家,10件地理标志入选中欧地理标志互认互保名单,建设6个国家地理标志产品保护示范区。




  优化知识产权公共服务体系。 (略) 级综合性知识产权公共服务机构20家,2家机构获批备案国家知识产权信息公共服务网点,3家机构获批筹建世界知识产权组织技术与创新支持中心(TISC)。全省累计布局建设技术与创新支持中心6家、高校知识产权信息服务中心6家、国家知识产权信息公共服务网点10家。

  提升知识产权信息数据供给能力。正式上线运行粤港澳知识产权大数据综合服务平台,集成15类知识产权大数据资源,88个专题数据库,收录全球专利数据达到1.66亿条,商标数据9400多万件。完善欧盟商标查询系统建设,累计加工入库欧盟商标数据234万件。在“粤商通”APP上线“搜专利”“查商标”等功能,累计提供移动端专利和商标检索超40万次。 (略) 数据知识产权存证登记平台,为创新主体提供数据知识产权存证登记、公示、发证等服务,截至2023年底,平台共接收数据知识产权登记申请并颁发证书96项。


  培育和发展知识产权服务业。完成2022、2023两个年度专利代理师考试工作并新增深圳考点,广东考点各科到考率及平均到考率均居全国第一。广州开发区、 (略) 福田区成功获批知识产权服务业高质量集聚发展示范区, (略) 越秀区获批知识产权服务业高质量集聚发展试验区。新增2家外国专利代理机构获批在广州开发区设立常驻代表机构。截至2023年底,全省共拥有专利代理机构及分支机构1362家,执业专利代理师4781人;累计重新备案的商标代理机构7571家。



  构建全方位海外知识产权保护工作格局。在世界知识产权组织总干事见证下, (略) 与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)仲裁与调解中心签订《加强知识产权领域替代性争议解决交流与合作协议》。率先开展知识产权保护公益服务机构海外布点,相继在俄罗斯、德国、美国设立海外知识产权保护服务工作站,已收集提供252条海外知识产权信息资讯、提供公益咨询服务上百次。举办第二届珠江国际贸易论坛“知识产权保护和贸易高质量发展”主题论坛,中国海事仲裁委员会、 (略) 贸促会、 (略) 港务局、广州开发区管理委员会共同签署《战略合作框架协议》,共同推动在广州成立中国海事仲裁委员会大湾区仲裁中心(华南分会)。承办中欧知识产权工作组第25次会议广州圆桌会。

  加强海外知识产权纠纷应对指导。 (略) 知识产权保护中心获批国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导地方分中心。国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导中心广东、深圳、佛山分中心开展海外知识产权纠纷应对指导,为50家跨境电商企业提供海外知识产权风险排查和专利自由实施报告,累计为500余家涉案企业提供“一对一”应对指导,取得积极成效的案件达107件。在2022年国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导中心地方分中心考核中, (略) 3家分中心位列前十,深圳分中心位列第一。发布《广东企业海外知识产权纠纷信息简报》。




  营造浓厚知识产权人文社会氛围。广泛开展“4?26知识产权宣传周”活动,发布《20 (略) 知识产权保护状况》白皮书,知识产权“十大事件”“十大亮点”“知识产权基层改革创新举措”和知识产权行政保护系列典型案例,营造广东知识产权文化氛围。 (略) 连续14年发布《 (略) 知识产权司法保护状况》白皮书,评选发布20 (略) 法院知识产权十大案件,取得良好社会反响。

  建设知识产权人才队*。实施第七批“广东特支计划”知识产权平台工作,遴选知识产权领军人才和知识产权青年拔尖人才。 (略) 贸促会与中国贸促会商法中心联 (略) 合规师培训示范基地,培养知识产权等合规专业人才。强化高校知识产权学科专业建设,培养具备知识产权专业知识的人才。广东设立知识产权专业的高校有6个,知识产权专业在校本科生978人;全省高校共建立 (略) 6个,依托华南理工大学、深圳大学建设国家知识产权培训(广东)基地2个。加强知识产权人才培养,联合举办“第三届粤港澳大湾区知识产权人才发展大会”。


  In 2023, Guangdong consistently followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully studied and implemented the guiding principles from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on comprehensively http://** intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and the guiding principles from the important speeches and instructions during his inspection tour of Guangdong, fully implemented the “1310” Development Scheme proposed by the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and complied with the work requirements of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government in vigorously implementing thePlan for the Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country(2021-2035), the Directive Calling forIntensified Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and the National Plan for Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period. In particular, the province coordinated implementation of the IPR strategy, http://** the law-based IPR protection, improved the whole-chain IPR protection mechanism, and stepped up the effort in making Guangdong into a demonstration province for the country’s IP power and a world-class IP province within the Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area).

  I. High-Level Overall Planning and Promotion of IPR Protection

  The overall planning for IP has been http://** Both the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government attached great importance to IPR protection. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, emphasized that IPR must be viewed from an overall and strategic perspective and Guangdong must adhere to the guidance of developing a demonstration province for the country’s IP power, comprehensively strengthen the IPR protection to ensure the implementation of new development philosophy, the creation of a new development pattern, and the promotion of high-quality development. The provincial government convened executive meetings to study and deploy IP-related work, and held conferences with the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), to jointly promote Guangdong’s development of world-class GBA (the Greater Bay Area) IP province and building of national IPR protection demonstration area. The work conference was convened for the comprehensive reform of the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. The Guangdong Provincial People’s Government and CNIPA jointly issued the Implementation Plan for http://** PilotReform of Application and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (2023-2027)to promote the construction of a world-class IPR ecosystem demonstration system.

  Legal support for IPR has been enhanced. The province has established a local legal system guided by comprehensive legislation on IPR and supported by separate legislation on patents, copyrights, geographical indications, technology secrets and others. The province issued the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on IPR Protection and the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Geographical Indication (GI), and published the Introduction and Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Copyright to promote the implementation of local IPR regulations. The Department of Justice of Guangdong issued the 2023 Plan and Rehttp://** List for Improving Legal Awareness, and collaborated with the government’s legislative outreach offices to raise public awareness of legislation and law. The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province issued the country’s first data-related judicial policy document on http://** judicial protection of data elements IPR to serve high-quality development of digital economy.

  Exemplary demonstrations of IP have been reinforced. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) worked with 10 cities including Guangzhou and Shenzhen regarding to jointly develop city’s comprehensive IPR strength, worked with Heyuan, Meizhou, and Zhanjiang to jointly develop specialized cities with IPR strength,and promoted the construction of IPR counties. The province has 10 national IPR pilot demonstration cities, 21 IPR pilot demonstration counties, and 8 IPR pilot demonstration zones. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were included in the first batch of national demonstration cities for IPR protection and the first batch of national pilot cities for the construction of http://** IPR public services. Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City were among the first batch to be included in the CNIPA’s list of local pilots for data IPR protection and passed the acceptance inspection. The province has built 4 national pilot zones for commercial secret protection innovation, 16 pilot zones for the Golden Inner Bay Trade Secret Protection Innovation Program, and 1 foreign-related trade secret protection base. Shenzhen Qianhai Research Institute for Intelligent Copyright Innovation and Development passed the final evaluation by National Copyright Administration of China as a pilot specialized at “blockchain + copyright” innovative application.

  IP serves the development of the Greater Bay Area. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) signed the Guangdong-Macao IPR Cooperation Agreement (2023-2025)with the Economic and Technological Development Bureau of Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and worked with the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to accelerate the implementation of co-operation programs. A total of 410 Guangdong-Hong Kong, Guangdong-Macao co-operation programs were held. IP authorities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao hosted the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Intellectual Property Trade Expo and International Geographical Indications Products Trade Expo, the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-value Patent Portfolio Layout Competition, and the 1st Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) High-value Trademark and Brand Cultivation Competition. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Sub-forum of the Business of IP Asia Forum was held in Hong Kong for the first time. The Guangdong/Hong Kong Intellectual Property (IP) and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Seminar was held in Huizhou. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology Cluster has been ranked second in the Global Innovation Index for four straight years. Guangdong launched 17 enquiry points for Hong Kong SAR IP business, and Hong Kong set up electronic mailbox for handling enquiry for IP business in Chinese mainland. The province supported the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in building demonstration zones for the ecosystem of the IPR creation, protection and application, supported Nansha, Guangzhou in building “one platform and three centers” for IPR and facilitated the development of a higher-level IPR protection system in Shenzhen Hetao.

  II. Strict Judicial Protection for IPR

  Guangdong has fully leveraged the role of judicial function in IPR. In 2023, 91,000 IP cases were accepted and 95,000 cases were concluded by courts in the province. 53,000 cases were withdrawn through mediation, with a withdraw rate of 57.4%. Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court alone accepted 14,000 cases and concluded 14,200 cases, including 11,200 patent dispute cases and 426 foreign/Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan-related cases. 62 intellectual property cases in the province were subject to punitive damages, with the highest awarded damages of 317 million yuan. Four cases of Guangdong were included in the 2022 Top 10 IPR Protection Cases and Top 50 Typical Cases of IPR Protection from Courts. Three cases of Guangdong were included in the 2023 Guiding Cases released by the Supreme People’s Court of China.

  Law-based procuratorial functions in IPR protection have been http://** In 2023, prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong approved to arrest 1,156 suspects in 800 IPR infringement cases, and prosecuted 2,061 suspects in 1,155 IPR infringement cases. Guangdong http://** targeted supervision of IPR civil litigation. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong accepted 577 cases of civil IPR case supervision, delivered procuratorial advice of retrial of 498 IP related cases to the courts, and lodged protest in 3 IP related cases. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong filed and handled 30 cases of IPR-related public interest litigation. The province contributed 1 case to the second batch of Typical Cases of Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country issued by the Office of Inter-departmental Joint Meeting on the Implementation of National IP Strategy of the State Council of China, and 2 cases to the Typical Cases of IPR Protection issued by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China.

  IPR infringement crime has been cracked down upon. The police of the province have carried out special actions such as “Kunlun 2023” and “Blue Sword”. Crimes of IPR infringement and of production and sale of counterfeit and Shoddy Products were the key targets of the “Summer Action”, “1+N” and “Eagle Strike” and other special actions. The police cracked down on all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy crimes related to people’s livelihood and made every effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the public and enterprises. In 2023, 1,926 cases of IPR infringement were filed, 1,678 cases were solved, 1,648 criminal dens were destroyed, and 4,870 criminal suspects were arrested in the province.

  III. Enhancement of IPR Administrative Protection

  Administrative law enforcement for IPR protection has been http://** Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Law Enforcement and Business Guidance of IPR Protection in the New Era, carried out special actions such as the 2023 “Iron Fist” action to investigate and handle cases in the field of people’s livelihood, the “Escort 2023” special action for the administrative protection of IPR in key markets, and the “Qingyuan” action for geographical indication protection, which investigated and handled 4,005 IPR-related administrative penalty cases, and transferred 184 cases to judicial organs. Guangdong contributed 3 cases to the 2022 Typical Cases of IPR Administrative Protection, and 1 case to the State Administration for Market Regulation’s Typical Cases of IPR Law Enforcement this year. Guangdong successfully held the main venue of the 2023 National Unified Action to Destroy Infringing, Counterfeit, and Shoddy Goods, in which the province destroyed 1,379.9 tons of infringing, counterfeit and shoddy goods with a value of 380 million yuan. The province’s cultural market law enforcement authorities handled and concluded 2,432 relevant cases. The province launched special actions against counterfeiting of agricultural materials, with 1,762 cases investigated and 121 cases transferred to judicial authorities according to the law. Guangdong contributed 2 cases to the Top 10 Typical Cases of National Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement in Agriculture for “Stable Food Supply” by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. The province comprehensively deployed special law enforcement action for the protection of new varieties of forestry plants, and carried out over 300 law enforcement actions. The province accelerated the construction of databases for comprehensive administrative law enforcement at both provincial and municipal levels, and promoted the APP of “Guangdong Law Enforcement” for IPR law enforcement. In particular, 473 IPR law enforcement authorities and more than 25,000 law enforcement officers in Guangdong used the “Guangdong Law Enforcement” app handling a total of 4,419 cases.

  Administrative adjudication has been vigorously http://** The province handled 9,686 cases of patent infringement disputes, with administrative ruling on 1,344 cases and administrative opinions on 8,342 cases. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation issued The Measures for the Management of IPR Administrative Protection Technical Investigators. The Patent Examination Cooperation Guangdong Center of the Patent Office, CNIPA handled 129 patent infringement determination consultation opinions. Four cases of pilot demonstration construction for administrative adjudication on patent infringement disputes in Guangdong Province were promoted by CNIPA.

  Administrative law enforcement and regulation for copyright has been http://** The province filed and investigated a total of 286 copyright infringement cases; carried out special action for the movie copyright protection at cinemas, the youth copyright protection action, the “Jianwang 2023” special action, and the “Qinglang special action for internet environment improvement for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games”, and contributed 2 cases to the first batch of typical cases released by the National Youth Copyright Protection Seasonal Special Action.

  Cuhttp://** for IPR protection has been http://** The customs in Guangdong carried out a series of special actions for IPR protection, such as the “Longteng Action 2023”, the “Jingwang Action”,“Lanwang Action” on exported goods, transshipment and posting goods, as well as special action of customs protection on IPR for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games. In 2023, customs in Guangdong seized 15,766 batches of infringing goods, with the quantity of 33.14 million items and the value of more than 200 million yuan. The Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) and the customs of Hong Kong and Macao jointly launched 3 special actions of customs protection of IPR, with 2,825 batches of 2.2 million items of IPR-infringing goods seized.

  IPR protection in key areas has been http://** Guangdong conducted 354 publicity campaigns on IPR protection for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, and handled 10 related case clues. Three commodity trading markets in the province were approved to be cultivated as national http://** markets for IPR protection. Guangdong facilitated major platform enterprises in to implement the national standard – the Intellectual Property Protection and Management for E-commerce Platforms. High-standard IPR protection was deployed for the 133rd and 134th sessions of China Import and Export Fair (the Canton Fair). Guangdong supported Canton Fair in undertaking CNIPA’s pilot program of patent evaluation reports sharing for e-commerce platforms.

  IV. All-round Promotion of Coordinated IPR Protection

  The coordinated IPR protection mechanism has been improved. The province gave full play to the role of the Guangdong Provincial Joint Conference on Intellec

20 (略) 知识产权保护状况

  2023年,广东坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真学习贯彻落实党的二十大和二十届二中全会精神,深入贯彻落实习近平总书记关于全面加强知识产权保护工作的重要指示精神和视察广东重要讲话、重要指示精神, (略) 委“1310”具体部署, (略) 政府工作要求,大力实施《知识产权强国建设纲要(2021—2035年)》《关于强化知识产权保护的意见》和《“十四五”国家知识产权保护和运用规划》,统筹推进知识产权战略实施工作,加强知识产权法治保障,完善知识产权全链条保护机制,加快推进知识产权强 (略) 和国际一流湾区 (略) 建设。


  加强统筹谋划。 (略) 委、省政府高度重视知识产权保护工作,黄 (略) 委常委会会议上明确要求从全局和战略的高度深化认识,坚持以建设知识产权强 (略) 为牵引,全面加强知识产权保护工作,为贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展提供有力保障。省政府召开常务会议研究部署知识产权工作,会同国家知识产权局召开共建国际一流湾区 (略) 推进大会和建设国家知识产权保护示范区动员部署会议。召开中新广州知识城综合改革工作会议,省政府与国家知识产权局联合印发《中新广州知识城深化知识产权运用和保护综合改革试验实施方案(2023—2027年)》,推动构建国际一流的知识产权生态示范系统。

  强化法治保障。建立健全以知识产权综合立法为统领,以专利、版权、地理标志、技术秘密等单行立法为支撑的地方性法规体系。制定印发《 (略) 知识产权保护条例(释义)》《 (略) 地理标志条例(释义)》,组织出版《〈 (略) 版权条例〉导读与释义》,推动知识产权地方性法规落地见效。省司法厅印发《2023年普法工作计划和普法责任清单》, (略) 政府立法基层联系点开展立法宣讲衔接普法工作。 (略) 制定发布全国首例涉数据司法政策性文件《关于强化数据要素知识产权司法保护服务数字经济高质量发展的意见》。

  加强典型示范。省市场监管局(知识产权局)与广州、深 (略) 共建综合型 (略) ,与河源、梅州、 (略) 共建特色型 (略) ,在 (略) 推动建设一批知识产权强县。全省累计获批10个国家知识产权强国建设 (略) 、21个强县建设试点示范县、8个强国建设试点示范园区。广州、 (略) 入选首批国家知识产权保护示范区建设、全国首批知识产权公共服务标准化 (略) 。 (略) (略) 首批进入国家知识产权局数据知识产权地方试点名单并通过验收。全省建设4个全国商业秘密保护创新试点地区、16个“黄金内湾商业秘密保护创新工程”先行区,1个涉外商业秘密保护基地。深圳前海智慧版权创 (略) 通过国家版权局“区块链+版权”特色领域创新应用试点终期评估。

  服务湾区发展。 (略) 场监管局(知识产权局)与澳门经济及科技发展局签署《粤澳知识产权合作协议(2023—2025年)》,与香港知识产权署加快落实合作项目,累计开展粤港、粤澳合作项目410项。联合港、澳知识产权部门举办“第五届粤港澳大湾区知识产权交易博览会暨国际地理标志产品交易博览会”“第五届粤港澳大湾区高价值专利培育布局大赛”“首届粤港澳大湾区(广东)高价值商标品牌培育大赛”,首次在香港举办亚洲知识产权营商论坛“粤港澳大湾区分论坛”,成功举办粤港知识产权与中小企业发展(惠州)研讨会,“深圳-香港-广州”科技集群创新指数继续位居全球第二。联合香港知识产权署在内地设置17个“香港特别行政区知识产权问询点”,在港设立“内地知识产权业务咨询邮箱”。支持横琴粤澳深度合作区和前海深港现代服务业合作区打造粤港澳大湾区知识产权创造、保护和运用生态示范区,广州南沙建设知识产权“一平台、三中心”,推动深圳河套加快建立更高水平的知识产权保护制度。


  充分发挥知识产权审判职能作用。2023年, (略) 新收各类知识产权案件9.1万件,审结各类知识产权案件9.5万件,调撤5.3万件,调撤率为57.4%。其中,广州 (略) 共新收1.40万件,审结1.42万件,包括各类专利权纠纷案件1.12万件,涉外涉港澳台案件426件。全省共有62件知识产权案件适用惩罚性赔偿严惩侵权,全年最高判赔数额达3.17亿元。4件案例入选2022 (略) 10大知识产权案件和50件知识产权典型案例,3件案例入选 (略) 2023年指导性案例。

  持续加强知识产权检察工作。2023年,全省检察机关共批捕侵犯知识产权犯罪案件800件1156人,起诉1155件2061人。加强知识产权民事诉讼精准监督。全省检察机关共受理知识产权民事监督案件577件, (略) 发送再审检察建议498件、抗诉3件。全省检察机关共立案办理知识产权领域公益诉讼案件30件。1件案 (略) 知识产权战略实施工作部际联席会议办公室发布的知识产权强国建设第二批典型案例;2件案例入选最 (略) 知识产权保护典型案例。

  严厉打击侵犯知识产权犯罪。全省公安机关深入开展“昆仑2023”“蓝剑”等专项行动,将侵犯知识产权和制售伪劣商品犯罪纳入“夏季行动”“1+N”“鹰击”等专项行动打击重点,严厉打击各类涉民生假冒伪劣犯罪,全力维护群众和企业合法权益。2 (略) 共立侵犯知识产权犯罪案件1926起,破案1678起,打掉窝点1648个,抓获犯罪嫌疑人4870名。


  持续加强知识产权行政执法。省市场监管局(知识产权局)印发《关于进一步加强新时代知识产权保护执法和业务指导工作的通知》,开展2023民生领域案件查办“铁拳”行动、护航2 (略) 场知识产权行政保护专项行动、“清源”地理标志保护等专项行动,查处知识产权行政处罚案件4005宗,移送司法机关184宗。广东3宗案件入选2022年度全国知识产权行政保护典型案例,1宗知识产 (略) 场监管总局今年公布的知识产权执法典型案件。成功承办2023年侵权假冒伪劣商品全国统一销毁行动主会场活动,全省统一销毁行动合计销毁侵权假冒伪劣商品1379.9吨,货值3.8亿元。 (略) 场综合执法部门办结案件2432件。开展农资打假专项行动,立案查处违法案件1762宗,移送司法机关121宗。广东2个案例入选农业农村部的全国农业综合行政执法“稳粮保供”10个典型案例。全面部署林业植物新品种权保护执法专项行动,共开展执法行动300余次。 (略) 两级行政执法综合数据主题库,推动知识产权领域执法部门上线应用“粤执法”,全省已有473家涉知识产权领域执法单位、2.5万余名执法人员上线应用“粤执法”,累计办案4419宗。

  大力加强行政裁决工作。全省办理专利侵权纠纷案件9686件,其中裁决类1344宗,出具维权意见类8342宗。印发《 (略) 场监督管理局知识产权行政保护技术调查官管理办法》,依托国家知识产权局专利局专利审查协作广东中心办理专利侵权判定咨询意见129宗。累计4项专利侵权纠纷行政裁决示范建设试点工作经验被国家知识产权局复制推广。

  强化版权执法监管。全省共立案查办侵犯版权案件286宗。 (略) 线电影版权保护专项行动、青少年版权保护季行动、“剑网2023”专项行动和“清朗·杭州亚运会和亚残运会网络环境整治”专项行动。广东2个案例入选国家青少年版权保护季专项行动发布的第一批典型案例。

  强化知识产权海关执法。省内海关开展“龙腾2023” 、出口转运货物 “净网行动”、寄递渠道“蓝网行动”等知识产权保护专项执法行动,开展杭州亚运会和亚残运会知识产权保护专项行动。 (略) 内海关实际查扣侵权商品15766批次、数量3314万件,货值超人民币2亿元。海关总署广 (略) 内海关与香港、澳门海关共同开展3次知识产权海关保护联合执法行动, (略) 内海关共查获涉嫌侵权货物2825批次,合计220万件。

  强化重点领域知识产权服务保障。开展杭州亚运会和亚残运会知识产权保护宣传354次,处理案件线索10条。3 (略) 场已获批作为国家级知识产权 (略) 场培育对象。 (略) 内大型平台企业贯彻《电子商务平台知识产权管理》国家标准。高标准完成第133届、第134届广交会知识产权保护相关工作,支持广交会承接开展国家知识产权局专利权评价报告电商共享试点工作。


  健全知识产权协同保护体系。 (略) 知识产权战略实施工作联席会议机制作用,推动落实《关于强化广东知识产权协同保护的备忘录》相关工作。 (略) 等15家单位联合签署《关于对侵犯知识产权严重失信行为加强信用监管工作的合作备忘录》。持续深化知识产权“三合一”改革, (略) 、 (略) 、省公安厅建立知识产权刑事司法保护联席会议制度。 (略) 2023年调撤率创近5年来新高。广州 (略) 与广 (略) 市场监管局建立“行政调解+司法确认”机制。累计建成13家国家级知识产权保护中心或快维中心、 (略) 分中心、 (略) 县级维权援助机构和217个工作站,全年共受理预审请求4.78万件,受理知识产权保护维权相关案件1.16万件。

  深化跨区域保护协作。 (略) 知识产权保护协作活动,签订《关 (略) 市知识产权行政保护联盟优化全国创新 (略) 场合作备忘录》。 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 签署《关于构建知识产权司法保护协作机制的框架协议》,“N+4+2”粤港澳司法规则入选广东自贸试验区最佳制度创新案例。 (略) 公检法联签文件,采取“刑事管辖跟随民事、行政管辖走”原则, (略) “三审合一”机制改革相衔接。

  健全知识产权纠纷多元化解机制。 (略) 级知识产权维权援助地方标准,建设集纠纷调解、仲裁在线、公证在线等九大功能于一体的“ (略) 知识产权维权援助公共服务平台”。 (略) 等11家单位共建知识产权协同保护智能服务一体化平台,省市场监管局(知识产权局)、广州 (略) 共建广东知识产权纠纷调解中心,诉前成功调解案件3887件。全省建成133个知识产权人民调解组织,全年办理知识产权案件5500件。2 (略) 11家仲裁机构共受理知识产权仲裁案件576件,标的额7.7亿元。2023年广州仲裁委“多措并举提升知识产权仲裁国际化、智能化、数字化水平” (略) 知识产权强国建设典型案例。广州仲裁委ODR平台解决涉外纠纷案例入选司法部年度仲裁工作三大指导案例、商务部30个“外贸新业态优秀实践案例”。推动健全“技术调查官+技术顾问+技术专家”多元技术事实查明机制,技术调查室共参与办理案件2283件。创新推出“产业链+公证”“互联网+公证”服务新模式,以及“云上公证”平台、“存证通”“云邮通”等信息化产品。全省公证机构共办理知识产权公证4万余件。 (略) 罗湖公证处《全国首例“众包内容分发网络”知识产权维权公证》入选2022年度中国公证十大典型案例。






  开展关键核心技术攻关。采用“揭榜制”“赛马制”“业主制”等多元化方式,以芯片设计和制造、工业软件和显示制造装备等战略专项和重大专项为引领,培育一批原创型、基础型专利。 (略) 基础研究十年“卓粤”计划,2023年广东基础与应用基础研究“旗舰”重大项目,着力提升广东基础研究原始创新能力。

  加快制造业创新体系建设。共培育 (略) 级制造业创新中心, (略) (略) 的创新中心布局,覆盖新一代电子信息、高端装备等17个战略性产业集群。获批5家国家级制造业创新中心,数量全国第一;培育 (略) 级企业技术中心,累计培育国家技术创新示范企业64家。

  大力推动科技创新平台建设。构建以鹏城实验室、广州实验室为引领,以省实验室、国家重点实验室、省重点实验室、联合实验室为支撑的高水平多层次实验室体系。推动建设粤港澳大湾区国家技术创新中心和2家领域类国家技术创新中心。推 (略) 级新型研发机构高质量发展,新型研发机构服务企业数达2.3万家,成果转化收入达到593.96亿元。

  推动创新主体知识产权质量提升。累计建设高价值专利培育布局中心455家,组织开展创新管理知识产权标准实施试点, (略) 首批开展试点企业865家。全省拥有国家优势示范企业总数达到1243家,国家知识产权试点示范高校10家。



  全面推进专利转化运用。实施专利转化专项行动计划(2021—2023年), (略) 均出台专利转化专项相关配套政策。全省建成43个知识产权协同运营中心。推广专利开放许可,建设1+N专利开放许可试点信息发布平台。全省累计达成专利开放许可5468件次,许可总金额1291万元。初步建成高校科技成果转化专家库、技术需求库和供应链库。6所高校以第一完成单位获得第二十四届中国专利奖14项,获奖总数位居全国第二。

  加强知识产权成果转化平台建设。建设“智汇+智能制造技术众包平台”,搭建中小企业创新成果线上推广平台和线下展示服务网点,建设线下示范点15个,成果对接数量达3300项以上。依托深圳证券交易所建立深交所科技成果与知识产权交易中心,为科技成果和知识产权交易、转移转化提供一站式服务。省卫生健康委等10部门 (略) 共建提 (略) 临床研究和成果转化能力试点。

  运用地理标志助力乡村振兴。创新举办地理标志产品广货手信节,促成线下展销直接交易额达1126万元。印发《 (略) 发展地理标志产业实施方案》,遴选产生首批 (略) 地理标志培育产品。累计获批地理标志保护产品163个,地理标志专用标志合法使用人1463家,10件地理标志入选中欧地理标志互认互保名单,建设6个国家地理标志产品保护示范区。




  优化知识产权公共服务体系。 (略) 级综合性知识产权公共服务机构20家,2家机构获批备案国家知识产权信息公共服务网点,3家机构获批筹建世界知识产权组织技术与创新支持中心(TISC)。全省累计布局建设技术与创新支持中心6家、高校知识产权信息服务中心6家、国家知识产权信息公共服务网点10家。

  提升知识产权信息数据供给能力。正式上线运行粤港澳知识产权大数据综合服务平台,集成15类知识产权大数据资源,88个专题数据库,收录全球专利数据达到1.66亿条,商标数据9400多万件。完善欧盟商标查询系统建设,累计加工入库欧盟商标数据234万件。在“粤商通”APP上线“搜专利”“查商标”等功能,累计提供移动端专利和商标检索超40万次。 (略) 数据知识产权存证登记平台,为创新主体提供数据知识产权存证登记、公示、发证等服务,截至2023年底,平台共接收数据知识产权登记申请并颁发证书96项。


  培育和发展知识产权服务业。完成2022、2023两个年度专利代理师考试工作并新增深圳考点,广东考点各科到考率及平均到考率均居全国第一。广州开发区、 (略) 福田区成功获批知识产权服务业高质量集聚发展示范区, (略) 越秀区获批知识产权服务业高质量集聚发展试验区。新增2家外国专利代理机构获批在广州开发区设立常驻代表机构。截至2023年底,全省共拥有专利代理机构及分支机构1362家,执业专利代理师4781人;累计重新备案的商标代理机构7571家。



  构建全方位海外知识产权保护工作格局。在世界知识产权组织总干事见证下, (略) 与世界知识产权组织(WIPO)仲裁与调解中心签订《加强知识产权领域替代性争议解决交流与合作协议》。率先开展知识产权保护公益服务机构海外布点,相继在俄罗斯、德国、美国设立海外知识产权保护服务工作站,已收集提供252条海外知识产权信息资讯、提供公益咨询服务上百次。举办第二届珠江国际贸易论坛“知识产权保护和贸易高质量发展”主题论坛,中国海事仲裁委员会、 (略) 贸促会、 (略) 港务局、广州开发区管理委员会共同签署《战略合作框架协议》,共同推动在广州成立中国海事仲裁委员会大湾区仲裁中心(华南分会)。承办中欧知识产权工作组第25次会议广州圆桌会。

  加强海外知识产权纠纷应对指导。 (略) 知识产权保护中心获批国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导地方分中心。国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导中心广东、深圳、佛山分中心开展海外知识产权纠纷应对指导,为50家跨境电商企业提供海外知识产权风险排查和专利自由实施报告,累计为500余家涉案企业提供“一对一”应对指导,取得积极成效的案件达107件。在2022年国家海外知识产权纠纷应对指导中心地方分中心考核中, (略) 3家分中心位列前十,深圳分中心位列第一。发布《广东企业海外知识产权纠纷信息简报》。




  营造浓厚知识产权人文社会氛围。广泛开展“4?26知识产权宣传周”活动,发布《20 (略) 知识产权保护状况》白皮书,知识产权“十大事件”“十大亮点”“知识产权基层改革创新举措”和知识产权行政保护系列典型案例,营造广东知识产权文化氛围。 (略) 连续14年发布《 (略) 知识产权司法保护状况》白皮书,评选发布20 (略) 法院知识产权十大案件,取得良好社会反响。

  建设知识产权人才队*。实施第七批“广东特支计划”知识产权平台工作,遴选知识产权领军人才和知识产权青年拔尖人才。 (略) 贸促会与中国贸促会商法中心联 (略) 合规师培训示范基地,培养知识产权等合规专业人才。强化高校知识产权学科专业建设,培养具备知识产权专业知识的人才。广东设立知识产权专业的高校有6个,知识产权专业在校本科生978人;全省高校共建立 (略) 6个,依托华南理工大学、深圳大学建设国家知识产权培训(广东)基地2个。加强知识产权人才培养,联合举办“第三届粤港澳大湾区知识产权人才发展大会”。


  In 2023, Guangdong consistently followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, faithfully studied and implemented the guiding principles from the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on comprehensively http://** intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and the guiding principles from the important speeches and instructions during his inspection tour of Guangdong, fully implemented the “1310” Development Scheme proposed by the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, and complied with the work requirements of the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government in vigorously implementing thePlan for the Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country(2021-2035), the Directive Calling forIntensified Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, and the National Plan for Protection and Application of Intellectual Property Rights for the 14th Five-Year Plan Period. In particular, the province coordinated implementation of the IPR strategy, http://** the law-based IPR protection, improved the whole-chain IPR protection mechanism, and stepped up the effort in making Guangdong into a demonstration province for the country’s IP power and a world- IP province within the Greater Bay Area (Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area).

  I. High-Level Overall Planning and Promotion of IPR Protection

  The overall planning for IP has been http://** Both the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee and the Guangdong Provincial People’s Government attached great importance to IPR protection. Huang Kunming, Secretary of the CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, emphasized that IPR must be viewed from an overall and strategic perspective and Guangdong must adhere to the guidance of developing a demonstration province for the country’s IP power, comprehensively strengthen the IPR protection to ensure the implementation of new development philosophy, the creation of a new development pattern, and the promotion of high-quality development. The provincial government convened executive meetings to study and deploy IP-related work, and held conferences with the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), to jointly promote Guangdong’s development of world- GBA (the Greater Bay Area) IP province and building of national IPR protection demonstration area. The work conference was convened for the comprehensive reform of the China-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. The Guangdong Provincial People’s Government and CNIPA jointly issued the Implementation Plan for http://** PilotReform of Application and Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City (2023-2027)to promote the construction of a world- IPR ecosystem demonstration system.

  Legal support for IPR has been enhanced. The province has established a local legal system guided by comprehensive legislation on IPR and supported by separate legislation on patents, copyrights, geographical indications, technology secrets and others. The province issued the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on IPR Protection and the Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Geographical Indication (GI), and published the Introduction and Interpretation of Regulations of Guangdong on Copyright to promote the implementation of local IPR regulations. The Department of Justice of Guangdong issued the 2023 Plan and Rehttp://** List for Improving Legal Awareness, and collaborated with the government’s legislative outreach offices to raise public awareness of legislation and law. The High People’s Court of Guangdong Province issued the country’s first data-related judicial policy document on http://** judicial protection of data elements IPR to serve high-quality development of digital economy.

  Exemplary demonstrations of IP have been reinforced. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) worked with 10 cities including Guangzhou and Shenzhen regarding to jointly develop city’s comprehensive IPR strength, worked with Heyuan, Meizhou, and Zhanjiang to jointly develop specialized cities with IPR strength,and promoted the construction of IPR counties. The province has 10 national IPR pilot demonstration cities, 21 IPR pilot demonstration counties, and 8 IPR pilot demonstration zones. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were included in the first batch of national demonstration cities for IPR protection and the first batch of national pilot cities for the construction of http://** IPR public services. Guangdong Province and Shenzhen City were among the first batch to be included in the CNIPA’s list of local pilots for data IPR protection and passed the acceptance inspection. The province has built 4 national pilot zones for commercial secret protection innovation, 16 pilot zones for the Golden Inner Bay Trade Secret Protection Innovation Program, and 1 foreign-related trade secret protection base. Shenzhen Qianhai Research Institute for Intelligent Copyright Innovation and Development passed the final evaluation by National Copyright Administration of China as a pilot specialized at “blockchain + copyright” innovative application.

  IP serves the development of the Greater Bay Area. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) signed the Guangdong-Macao IPR Cooperation Agreement (2023-2025)with the Economic and Technological Development Bureau of Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, and worked with the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to accelerate the implementation of co-operation programs. A total of 410 Guangdong-Hong Kong, Guangdong-Macao co-operation programs were held. IP authorities of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao hosted the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Intellectual Property Trade Expo and International Geographical Indications Products Trade Expo, the 5th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area High-value Patent Portfolio Layout Competition, and the 1st Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (Guangdong) High-value Trademark and Brand Cultivation Competition. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Sub-forum of the Business of IP Asia Forum was held in Hong Kong for the first time. The Guangdong/Hong Kong Intellectual Property (IP) and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Seminar was held in Huizhou. The Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology Cluster has been ranked second in the Global Innovation Index for four straight years. Guangdong launched 17 enquiry points for Hong Kong SAR IP business, and Hong Kong set up electronic mailbox for handling enquiry for IP business in Chinese mainland. The province supported the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone in building demonstration zones for the ecosystem of the IPR creation, protection and application, supported Nansha, Guangzhou in building “one platform and three centers” for IPR and facilitated the development of a higher-level IPR protection system in Shenzhen Hetao.

  II. Strict Judicial Protection for IPR

  Guangdong has fully leveraged the role of judicial function in IPR. In 2023, 91,000 IP cases were accepted and 95,000 cases were concluded by courts in the province. 53,000 cases were withdrawn through mediation, with a withdraw rate of 57.4%. Guangzhou Intellectual Property Court alone accepted 14,000 cases and concluded 14,200 cases, including 11,200 patent dispute cases and 426 foreign/Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan-related cases. 62 intellectual property cases in the province were subject to punitive damages, with the highest awarded damages of 317 million yuan. Four cases of Guangdong were included in the 2022 Top 10 IPR Protection Cases and Top 50 Typical Cases of IPR Protection from Courts. Three cases of Guangdong were included in the 2023 Guiding Cases released by the Supreme People’s Court of China.

  Law-based procuratorial functions in IPR protection have been http://** In 2023, prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong approved to arrest 1,156 suspects in 800 IPR infringement cases, and prosecuted 2,061 suspects in 1,155 IPR infringement cases. Guangdong http://** targeted supervision of IPR civil litigation. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong accepted 577 cases of civil IPR case supervision, delivered procuratorial advice of retrial of 498 IP related cases to the courts, and lodged protest in 3 IP related cases. Prosecutorial bodies of Guangdong filed and handled 30 cases of IPR-related public interest litigation. The province contributed 1 case to the second batch of Typical Cases of Construction of an Intellectual Property Power Country issued by the Office of Inter-departmental Joint Meeting on the Implementation of National IP Strategy of the State Council of China, and 2 cases to the Typical Cases of IPR Protection issued by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China.

  IPR infringement crime has been cracked down upon. The police of the province have carried out special actions such as “Kunlun 2023” and “Blue Sword”. Crimes of IPR infringement and of production and sale of counterfeit and Shoddy Products were the key targets of the “Summer Action”, “1+N” and “Eagle Strike” and other special actions. The police cracked down on all kinds of counterfeit and shoddy crimes related to people’s livelihood and made every effort to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the public and enterprises. In 2023, 1,926 cases of IPR infringement were filed, 1,678 cases were solved, 1,648 criminal dens were destroyed, and 4,870 criminal suspects were arrested in the province.

  III. Enhancement of IPR Administrative Protection

  Administrative law enforcement for IPR protection has been http://** Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation (Guangdong Intellectual Property Administration) issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Law Enforcement and Business Guidance of IPR Protection in the New Era, carried out special actions such as the 2023 “Iron Fist” action to investigate and handle cases in the field of people’s livelihood, the “Escort 2023” special action for the administrative protection of IPR in key markets, and the “Qingyuan” action for geographical indication protection, which investigated and handled 4,005 IPR-related administrative penalty cases, and transferred 184 cases to judicial organs. Guangdong contributed 3 cases to the 2022 Typical Cases of IPR Administrative Protection, and 1 case to the State Administration for Market Regulation’s Typical Cases of IPR Law Enforcement this year. Guangdong successfully held the main venue of the 2023 National Unified Action to Destroy Infringing, Counterfeit, and Shoddy Goods, in which the province destroyed 1,379.9 tons of infringing, counterfeit and shoddy goods with a value of 380 million yuan. The province’s cultural market law enforcement authorities handled and concluded 2,432 relevant cases. The province launched special actions against counterfeiting of agricultural materials, with 1,762 cases investigated and 121 cases transferred to judicial authorities according to the law. Guangdong contributed 2 cases to the Top 10 Typical Cases of National Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement in Agriculture for “Stable Food Supply” by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. The province comprehensively deployed special law enforcement action for the protection of new varieties of forestry plants, and carried out over 300 law enforcement actions. The province accelerated the construction of databases for comprehensive administrative law enforcement at both provincial and municipal levels, and promoted the APP of “Guangdong Law Enforcement” for IPR law enforcement. In particular, 473 IPR law enforcement authorities and more than 25,000 law enforcement officers in Guangdong used the “Guangdong Law Enforcement” app handling a total of 4,419 cases.

  Administrative adjudication has been vigorously http://** The province handled 9,686 cases of patent infringement disputes, with administrative ruling on 1,344 cases and administrative opinions on 8,342 cases. Guangdong Administration for Market Regulation issued The Measures for the Management of IPR Administrative Protection Technical Investigators. The Patent Examination Cooperation Guangdong Center of the Patent Office, CNIPA handled 129 patent infringement determination consultation opinions. Four cases of pilot demonstration construction for administrative adjudication on patent infringement disputes in Guangdong Province were promoted by CNIPA.

  Administrative law enforcement and regulation for copyright has been http://** The province filed and investigated a total of 286 copyright infringement cases; carried out special action for the movie copyright protection at cinemas, the youth copyright protection action, the “Jianwang 2023” special action, and the “Qinglang special action for internet environment improvement for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games”, and contributed 2 cases to the first batch of typical cases released by the National Youth Copyright Protection Seasonal Special Action.

  Cuhttp://** for IPR protection has been http://** The customs in Guangdong carried out a series of special actions for IPR protection, such as the “Longteng Action 2023”, the “Jingwang Action”,“Lanwang Action” on exported goods, transshipment and posting goods, as well as special action of customs protection on IPR for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games. In 2023, customs in Guangdong seized 15,766 batches of infringing goods, with the quantity of 33.14 million items and the value of more than 200 million yuan. The Guangdong Sub-Administration of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) and the customs of Hong Kong and Macao jointly launched 3 special actions of customs protection of IPR, with 2,825 batches of 2.2 million items of IPR-infringing goods seized.

  IPR protection in key areas has been http://** Guangdong conducted 354 publicity campaigns on IPR protection for the Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Para Games, and handled 10 related case clues. Three commodity trading markets in the province were approved to be cultivated as national http://** markets for IPR protection. Guangdong facilitated major platform enterprises in to implement the national standard – the Intellectual Property Protection and Management for E-commerce Platforms. High-standard IPR protection was deployed for the 133rd and 134th sessions of China Import and Export Fair (the Canton Fair). Guangdong supported Canton Fair in undertaking CNIPA’s pilot program of patent evaluation reports sharing for e-commerce platforms.

  IV. All-round Promotion of Coordinated IPR Protection

  The coordinated IPR protection mechanism has been improved. The province gave full play to the role of the Guangdong Provincial Joint Conference on Intellec







