[项目名称] 《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训
贷款号/信用号/赠款号:P 点击查看>>
任务标题: (略) 市联合配送组织模式绿色货运示范项目研究
中华人民共和国已经从全球环境基金( (略) 管理)获得 * 笔赠款,用于全球环境基金赠款中国货运系统高效绿色发展制度体系构建项目, (略) 分赠款资金用于《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训(合同编号:CFT/CS-3-Weifang)的合格支付,此任务由GEF高效绿色货运项目潍 (略) 负责具体实施。
《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训内容包括:围绕《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果做整体宣传规划。主要选择 * 种宣传渠道:线上平台、车体广告、线下宣讲培训会议。 * 种宣传渠道相互配合,步调统 * ,达到最佳效果(具体见附件:任务大纲)
本项目预计将于 * 年1月开始,并于 * 年6月底完成。 (略) (略) 现邀请符合要求的经营范围含有宣传或广告服务业务的企业(“意向企业”)表达其对提供服务的兴趣。有兴趣的宣传、广告服务企业应提供相关信息,证 (略) (略) 需的资格和相关经验。入围标准如下,入围阶段将不会评选关键专家。
1) (略) 会组织。
2)在过去的 * 年中,意向企业在宣传、推广、培训和其他类似项目方面具有经验。
3)项目经理 (略) 过许多类似的项目,具有丰富的项目经验,并且能够参与整个项目。
4)意向企业在提交意向书时演示线上平台的功能,演示功能内容应包含:首页推广展示、发布宣传培训类消息、设置宣传报道专题及平台用户数量展示,并提前录制 * 份U盘视频演示文件,提交意向书时提交。内容时长不超过3分钟,视频格式为MP4。
请提交意向书的意向企业注意 * 年7月( * 年 * 月和 * 年8月修订)(《采购条例》) (略) 《 IPF借款人采购条例》第 * 节第3. * 、3. * 和3. * 段。 (略) 的利益冲突政策。此外,请参阅以下有关与此作业相关的利益冲突的特定信息:
不得聘请 (略) 任何对其他客户的义务相冲突的工作,或者 (略) (略) 借款人最大利益的地位的工作。在不限制上述 * 般性的前提下,不得在以下情况下聘用意向企业:
(1)借款人委托其提供货物, (略) 服务的意向企业;
项目服务(或直接或间接控制,由 (略) 共同控制的分支机构)将被取消提供由这些货物, (略) 服务产生或与之 (略) 服务的资格;
(2)被借款人委托为项目的准备 (略) 服务的公司( (略) 直接或间接控制,受其控制或受 (略) ),将取消其随 (略) 服务有关或与之直接相关的货物, (略) 服务的资格。本规定不适 (略) 总承包或设计建造合同规定的 (略) (顾问,承包商或供应商);
(3)就其性质而言,不得雇用该意向企业(包括人员和分顾问)或由该意向企业直接或间接控制,受其控制或与 (略) 从事与意向企业的其他任务有利益冲突的任何任务;
(4)不得雇用与借款人, (略) (略) * 部分受款人的专业职员有密切业务或家庭关系的意向企业(包括其专家,其他人员和分顾问)直接或间接涉 (略) 分的财务或代表借款人或 (略) 事的任何其他方:
3)除非在整个选择过 (略) 过 (略) 可以接受的方式解决了由这种关系引起的冲突,否则可能无法授予合同监督权。
意向企业之间不可 (略) 分包协议的形式联合起来以加强其资质。意向企业的 (略) 采购指南中基于意向企业资历(CQS)的 (略) 。
(略) 市绿色货运示 (略) 授权 (略) (略) (略) 意向企业在 * 日 * 时 * 分前( (略) 时间)通过以下方式(亲自,邮寄,传真,电子邮件)将意向书送达到 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东街 * 号金鼎华府 * 号写字楼 * 室。
代理机构: (略) (略)
联系人: * 文彬
地址: (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东街 点击查看>> 号写字楼 * 室
邮政编码: 点击查看>>
电话: 点击查看>>
《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训任务"Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Model"Publicity and training tasks of the research results * .宣传背景与意义随着现代物流业的发展,城市物流 (略) 市经 (略) 、社会可持续发展的重要基础。城 (略) 市物流系统 (略) 分, (略) 市物流业、 (略) 市其他产业的发展同样具有举足轻重的作用。
(略) 市绿色货 (略) 市共同配送组织模式研究作为其中的子项目之 * 。 (略) (略) 根据本市实际现状, (略) 以 (略) 门的支持下,构建符合 (略) 市 (略) 市配送模式,发展思路是:以物流发展相关规划为指导,坚持系统化、灵活性、可持续原则,以实现缓解交通压力、 (略) 市效率、优化配送模式、 (略) 需求的“和谐交通、和谐配送”为目标,构建通畅、高效、绿色、 (略) 市配送模式。通过推进 (略) 市绿色货 (略) 市共 (略) 市的创建,将 (略) 市打 (略) 市配 (略) 市,逐步 (略) 市共同配送组织模式, (略) 业的可持续发展。
One. Publicity background and significanceWith the development of the modern logistics industry, the urban logistics system has become an important foundation for the high-quality operation of the urban economy and the sustainable social develo 点击查看>> a main part of the urban logistics system, urban distribution also plays an important role in promoting the urban logistics industry and supporting the development of other industries in the city.
Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project Research of Urban Common Distribution Organization Model serves as one of the 点击查看>> g transportation bureau according to the actual situation of the city, with the support of the world bank and other relevant departments, to meet the overall development of weifang urban distribution mode, development idea is: logistics development planning, adhere to the principle of systematization, flexibility, sustainability, in order to alleviate traffic pressure, improve urban efficiency, optimize the distribution mode, meet the market demand "harmonious transportation, harmonious distribution" as the goal, build a smooth, efficient, green, convenient urban distribution mode.By promoting the establishment of urban joint distribution pilot city of Weifang green freight demonstration project, Weifang city will be built into a national urban distribution project demonstration city, gradually improve the urban joint distribution organization mode of Weifang city, and realize the sustainable development of the industry.
* .宣传目标首先将《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果向 (略) 业、从 (略) (略) 普及和宣传。
其次号召货运企业 (略) 门 * 起共 (略) 市配送模式,加强配送车辆标准化建设, (略) 市需求的同时,有效控制车辆规模,推动交通管制法制化发展,形成集约高效、绿色智能、安全可靠、 (略) 市配 (略) 络。
为创建 “高效、绿色、集约、智能”的绿色货运-城市共 (略) 市做好宣传保障。
Two.Publicity objectivesFirst of all, the research results of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Mode" were popularized and publicized to Weifang freight industry, practitioners and relevant departments.
Second called for freight enterprises and traffic management department jointly optimize weifang urban distribution mode, strengthen the construction of distribution vehicles, meet the urban demand at the same time, effectively control the vehicle scale, promote the development of traffic control legalization, form an intensive and efficient, green intelligent, safe, reliable and economical urban distribution infrastructure network.
To create a "highly efficient, green, intensive, intelligent" green freight-urban joint distribution pilot city to do a good job of publicity and guarantee.
* .宣传培训任务大纲围绕《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果做整体宣传规划。
主要选择 * 种宣传渠道:线上平台、车体广告、线下宣讲培训会议。
* 种宣传渠道相互配合,步调统 * ,达到最佳效果。
①线 (略) 分
属性 | 用户量 | 活跃度 | 功能 |
本地政府主导权威平台 | 用户数不低于 * 万 | 月活不低于 * 万 | 具有开设专栏、信息推送、活动报名功能 |
项目 | 内容 | 备注 | |
前期预热 | 通知推送 | 对研究成果内容和线下会议通知向用户推送 | |
报名通道 | (略) 地报名、数据统计、入场验票等 | ||
开设项目报道专栏 | 项目成果软文宣传 | 《城市货运配送运力估算模型》 | |
《 (略) 市货运配送采集方法及报表制度》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆样本配置方案》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆减排措施》 | |||
《配送运力投放及更新化策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市 (略) 方案》 | |||
《城市货运能耗排放数据分析和减排策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》总报告 | |||
项目全流程 跟踪报道 | 根据项目推进情况及时更新报道, (略) 推送 | ||
线下宣传会跟踪报道 | 对线下会 (略) 前期宣传和会中报道及会后总结盘点报道,并完成内容推送 |
② (略) 分
项目 | 内容 | 备注 |
车体广告宣传 | 选择货运企业的箱式货运车辆张贴车体宣传广告 | 数量: * 辆 尺寸:4.2米 |
③线下 (略) 分
项目 | 内容 | 备注 | |
宣讲培训会 | 场次及范围 | (略) (略) (略) | 分时间段推进 |
参与对象 | 行业专家、 (略) 门领导及货运从业者 | ||
参加人数 | 每场会议参加人数 * | ||
时间 | 3个月 | * * .6 | |
宣讲培训内容 | 《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》总报告 | ||
《城市货运能耗排放数据分析和减排策略》报告 | |||
《配送运力投放及更新化策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆减排措施》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆样本配置方案》 | |||
专家及主管领 (略) 业主题演讲 |
Make the overall publicity plan around the research results of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Model".
Three main choices are publicity channels: online platform, car body advertising, and offline publicity and training meetings.
The three publicity channels cooperate with each other, unified steps, to achieve the best results.
① online platform publicity section
Platform requirements
attribute | Number of users | vitality | function |
Local governments dominate the authoritative platform | Users are no less than 1 million | Monthly life is no less than * , * yuan | It has the function of opening column, information push and activity registration |
concrete content
project | content | remarks | |
Pre-preheat | Notice push | Push the content of research results and offline conference notification to users | |
Registration channel | Realize the regional site registration, data statistics, admission and ticket inspection, etc | ||
Open a project report column | Soft text publicity of the project results | Estimated Model of Urban Freight Distribution Capacity | |
Weifang City Freight Distribution Collection Method and Report System | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Sample Configuration Plan" | |||
Weifang Logistics Vehicle emission Reduction Measures | |||
Report on the Delivery Capacity Delivery and Update Strategy | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Traffic Plan" | |||
Urban Freight Energy Consumption Emission Data Analysis and Emission Reduction Strategy report | |||
General report of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Joint Distribution Organization Model" | |||
The whole process of the project Follow up the report | Update the report timely according to the progress of the project, and push the content | ||
Offline publicity will follow up and reports | The preliminary publicity of offline meetings will be conducted and reported during the meeting and inventory reported after the meeting, and complete the content push |
② bodyBody Advertising section
project | content | remarks |
Car body advertising | Select the box freight vehicle of the freight enterprise to post the car body advertising | Quantity: * vehicles Size: 4.2 m |
③ offline publicity and training meeting section
project | content | remarks | |
Presentation training meeting | Session and scope | Two games in the main urban area and 3 games in counties are 5 | Promote it in time |
Participating objects | Industry experts, competent department leaders and freight practitioners | ||
number of entries | Each number of participants was * | ||
time | Three months | * * .6 | |
Present training content | General report of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Joint Distribution Organization Model" | ||
Urban Freight Energy Consumption Emission Data Analysis and Emission Reduction Strategy report | |||
Report on the Delivery Capacity Delivery and Update Strategy | |||
Weifang Logistics Vehicle emission Reduction Measures | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Sample Configuration Plan" | |||
Experts and supervisors of the leadership of the logistics and freight industry keynote speech |
时间 | 主要工作 | 任务目标 |
第1阶段 (前期准备) | ? 成立 (略) 及分工 确定责任人 ? 建立项目进度表 工作事项落实到人 ? 设计和策划(物料设计、宣传内容制作) ? 预定、考察、 (略) 地 ? 制定会议流程及内容 ? 宣传 (略) 媒体平台选定 ? 制定前期宣传方案 ? 做好前期物料准备 | ü 完成前期各种资料物流准备工作 ü (略) 地选定 ü 确定好宣传内容 ü 制定好会议全流程内容 |
第2阶段 (具体实施) | ? 参与货运企业车贴广告张贴 ? 发布活动通知并开设课题专栏,对活动全流程跟踪报道 ? 通知被邀请媒体人活动时间表,保证活动当天到位 ? 根据日程邀约参会领导及嘉宾 ? 会场布置、搭建、设备调试 ? 活动保障按流程办好会议的同时,做好受邀领导嘉宾的协调沟通、接待安顿工作。 ? (略) (略) 报道 ? (略) 疫情防控预案和安保工作 | ü 做好活动宣传工作 ü 按时日程保质保量完成会议召开 ü 顺利按时间日程完成宣讲会的召开 |
第3阶段 (验收评估) | ? 每场活动后复盘 找出问题 进 * 步提升和改进 ? (略) 的宣传报道 ? (略) 宣传推广资料以便验收 | ü 优化提升 ü (略) 有资料 |
time | ground work | task object |
Stage 1 (previous preparation) | ? Set up a project working team and the brision of labor to determine the responsible person ? Establish the project schedule work matters to implement to the people ? Design and planning (material design, publicity content production) ? Schedule, investigate, and determine the activity site ? Develop the meeting process and content ? Selection of publicity and cooperation media platform ? Formulate the preliminary publicity plan ? Prepare the preliminary materials | ü Complete the preliminary preparation work of various data and logistics ü Complete the activity site selection ü Determine the publicity content ü Formulate the whole process content of the meeting well |
Stage 2 (Specific implementation) | ? Participate in the freight enterprise car paste advertising post ? Publish the activity notice and open the topic column to follow up and report the whole process of the activity ? Notice the invited media person event schedule, to ensure that the event is in place on that day ? Invite the meeting leaders and guests according to the schedule ? Venue layout, construction and equipment debugging ? The activity ensures that while running the meeting well according to the process, and do a good job of coordination, communication, reception and settlement of the invited leaders and guests. ? Make a good job of the venue record and on-site report ? We will make epidemic prevention and control plans and security work at the venue | ü Do a good job in activities publicity work ü Complete the meeting on time with the schedule with quality and quantity ü Successfully completed the publicity conference according to the time schedule |
Stage 3 (Acceptance assessment) | ? After each activity, we will find out the problem to further improve and improve ? Do a good job in each publicity and report ? Organize out all publicity and promotion materials for acceptance | ü Optimize and improve ü Save all the information well |
[项目名称] 《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训
贷款号/信用号/赠款号:P 点击查看>>
任务标题: (略) 市联合配送组织模式绿色货运示范项目研究
中华人民共和国已经从全球环境基金( (略) 管理)获得 * 笔赠款,用于全球环境基金赠款中国货运系统高效绿色发展制度体系构建项目, (略) 分赠款资金用于《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训(合同编号:CFT/CS-3-Weifang)的合格支付,此任务由GEF高效绿色货运项目潍 (略) 负责具体实施。
《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训内容包括:围绕《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果做整体宣传规划。主要选择 * 种宣传渠道:线上平台、车体广告、线下宣讲培训会议。 * 种宣传渠道相互配合,步调统 * ,达到最佳效果(具体见附件:任务大纲)
本项目预计将于 * 年1月开始,并于 * 年6月底完成。 (略) (略) 现邀请符合要求的经营范围含有宣传或广告服务业务的企业(“意向企业”)表达其对提供服务的兴趣。有兴趣的宣传、广告服务企业应提供相关信息,证 (略) (略) 需的资格和相关经验。入围标准如下,入围阶段将不会评选关键专家。
1) (略) 会组织。
2)在过去的 * 年中,意向企业在宣传、推广、培训和其他类似项目方面具有经验。
3)项目经理 (略) 过许多类似的项目,具有丰富的项目经验,并且能够参与整个项目。
4)意向企业在提交意向书时演示线上平台的功能,演示功能内容应包含:首页推广展示、发布宣传培训类消息、设置宣传报道专题及平台用户数量展示,并提前录制 * 份U盘视频演示文件,提交意向书时提交。内容时长不超过3分钟,视频格式为MP4。
请提交意向书的意向企业注意 * 年7月( * 年 * 月和 * 年8月修订)(《采购条例》) (略) 《 IPF借款人采购条例》第 * 节第3. * 、3. * 和3. * 段。 (略) 的利益冲突政策。此外,请参阅以下有关与此作业相关的利益冲突的特定信息:
不得聘请 (略) 任何对其他客户的义务相冲突的工作,或者 (略) (略) 借款人最大利益的地位的工作。在不限制上述 * 般性的前提下,不得在以下情况下聘用意向企业:
(1)借款人委托其提供货物, (略) 服务的意向企业;
项目服务(或直接或间接控制,由 (略) 共同控制的分支机构)将被取消提供由这些货物, (略) 服务产生或与之 (略) 服务的资格;
(2)被借款人委托为项目的准备 (略) 服务的公司( (略) 直接或间接控制,受其控制或受 (略) ),将取消其随 (略) 服务有关或与之直接相关的货物, (略) 服务的资格。本规定不适 (略) 总承包或设计建造合同规定的 (略) (顾问,承包商或供应商);
(3)就其性质而言,不得雇用该意向企业(包括人员和分顾问)或由该意向企业直接或间接控制,受其控制或与 (略) 从事与意向企业的其他任务有利益冲突的任何任务;
(4)不得雇用与借款人, (略) (略) * 部分受款人的专业职员有密切业务或家庭关系的意向企业(包括其专家,其他人员和分顾问)直接或间接涉 (略) 分的财务或代表借款人或 (略) 事的任何其他方:
3)除非在整个选择过 (略) 过 (略) 可以接受的方式解决了由这种关系引起的冲突,否则可能无法授予合同监督权。
意向企业之间不可 (略) 分包协议的形式联合起来以加强其资质。意向企业的 (略) 采购指南中基于意向企业资历(CQS)的 (略) 。
(略) 市绿色货运示 (略) 授权 (略) (略) (略) 意向企业在 * 日 * 时 * 分前( (略) 时间)通过以下方式(亲自,邮寄,传真,电子邮件)将意向书送达到 (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 东街 * 号金鼎华府 * 号写字楼 * 室。
代理机构: (略) (略)
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《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果宣传培训任务"Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Model"Publicity and training tasks of the research results * .宣传背景与意义随着现代物流业的发展,城市物流 (略) 市经 (略) 、社会可持续发展的重要基础。城 (略) 市物流系统 (略) 分, (略) 市物流业、 (略) 市其他产业的发展同样具有举足轻重的作用。
(略) 市绿色货 (略) 市共同配送组织模式研究作为其中的子项目之 * 。 (略) (略) 根据本市实际现状, (略) 以 (略) 门的支持下,构建符合 (略) 市 (略) 市配送模式,发展思路是:以物流发展相关规划为指导,坚持系统化、灵活性、可持续原则,以实现缓解交通压力、 (略) 市效率、优化配送模式、 (略) 需求的“和谐交通、和谐配送”为目标,构建通畅、高效、绿色、 (略) 市配送模式。通过推进 (略) 市绿色货 (略) 市共 (略) 市的创建,将 (略) 市打 (略) 市配 (略) 市,逐步 (略) 市共同配送组织模式, (略) 业的可持续发展。
One. Publicity background and significanceWith the development of the modern logistics industry, the urban logistics system has become an important foundation for the high-quality operation of the urban economy and the sustainable social develo 点击查看>> a main part of the urban logistics system, urban distribution also plays an important role in promoting the urban logistics industry and supporting the development of other industries in the city.
Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project Research of Urban Common Distribution Organization Model serves as one of the 点击查看>> g transportation bureau according to the actual situation of the city, with the support of the world bank and other relevant departments, to meet the overall development of weifang urban distribution mode, development idea is: logistics development planning, adhere to the principle of systematization, flexibility, sustainability, in order to alleviate traffic pressure, improve urban efficiency, optimize the distribution mode, meet the market demand "harmonious transportation, harmonious distribution" as the goal, build a smooth, efficient, green, convenient urban distribution mode.By promoting the establishment of urban joint distribution pilot city of Weifang green freight demonstration project, Weifang city will be built into a national urban distribution project demonstration city, gradually improve the urban joint distribution organization mode of Weifang city, and realize the sustainable development of the industry.
* .宣传目标首先将《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果向 (略) 业、从 (略) (略) 普及和宣传。
其次号召货运企业 (略) 门 * 起共 (略) 市配送模式,加强配送车辆标准化建设, (略) 市需求的同时,有效控制车辆规模,推动交通管制法制化发展,形成集约高效、绿色智能、安全可靠、 (略) 市配 (略) 络。
为创建 “高效、绿色、集约、智能”的绿色货运-城市共 (略) 市做好宣传保障。
Two.Publicity objectivesFirst of all, the research results of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Mode" were popularized and publicized to Weifang freight industry, practitioners and relevant departments.
Second called for freight enterprises and traffic management department jointly optimize weifang urban distribution mode, strengthen the construction of distribution vehicles, meet the urban demand at the same time, effectively control the vehicle scale, promote the development of traffic control legalization, form an intensive and efficient, green intelligent, safe, reliable and economical urban distribution infrastructure network.
To create a "highly efficient, green, intensive, intelligent" green freight-urban joint distribution pilot city to do a good job of publicity and guarantee.
* .宣传培训任务大纲围绕《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》研究成果做整体宣传规划。
主要选择 * 种宣传渠道:线上平台、车体广告、线下宣讲培训会议。
* 种宣传渠道相互配合,步调统 * ,达到最佳效果。
①线 (略) 分
属性 | 用户量 | 活跃度 | 功能 |
本地政府主导权威平台 | 用户数不低于 * 万 | 月活不低于 * 万 | 具有开设专栏、信息推送、活动报名功能 |
项目 | 内容 | 备注 | |
前期预热 | 通知推送 | 对研究成果内容和线下会议通知向用户推送 | |
报名通道 | (略) 地报名、数据统计、入场验票等 | ||
开设项目报道专栏 | 项目成果软文宣传 | 《城市货运配送运力估算模型》 | |
《 (略) 市货运配送采集方法及报表制度》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆样本配置方案》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆减排措施》 | |||
《配送运力投放及更新化策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市 (略) 方案》 | |||
《城市货运能耗排放数据分析和减排策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》总报告 | |||
项目全流程 跟踪报道 | 根据项目推进情况及时更新报道, (略) 推送 | ||
线下宣传会跟踪报道 | 对线下会 (略) 前期宣传和会中报道及会后总结盘点报道,并完成内容推送 |
② (略) 分
项目 | 内容 | 备注 |
车体广告宣传 | 选择货运企业的箱式货运车辆张贴车体宣传广告 | 数量: * 辆 尺寸:4.2米 |
③线下 (略) 分
项目 | 内容 | 备注 | |
宣讲培训会 | 场次及范围 | (略) (略) (略) | 分时间段推进 |
参与对象 | 行业专家、 (略) 门领导及货运从业者 | ||
参加人数 | 每场会议参加人数 * | ||
时间 | 3个月 | * * .6 | |
宣讲培训内容 | 《 (略) 市绿色货运示范项目-城市共同配送组织模式》总报告 | ||
《城市货运能耗排放数据分析和减排策略》报告 | |||
《配送运力投放及更新化策略》报告 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆减排措施》 | |||
《 (略) 市物流车辆样本配置方案》 | |||
专家及主管领 (略) 业主题演讲 |
Make the overall publicity plan around the research results of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Common Distribution Organization Model".
Three main choices are publicity channels: online platform, car body advertising, and offline publicity and training meetings.
The three publicity channels cooperate with each other, unified steps, to achieve the best results.
① online platform publicity section
Platform requirements
attribute | Number of users | vitality | function |
Local governments dominate the authoritative platform | Users are no less than 1 million | Monthly life is no less than * , * yuan | It has the function of opening column, information push and activity registration |
concrete content
project | content | remarks | |
Pre-preheat | Notice push | Push the content of research results and offline conference notification to users | |
Registration channel | Realize the regional site registration, data statistics, admission and ticket inspection, etc | ||
Open a project report column | Soft text publicity of the project results | Estimated Model of Urban Freight Distribution Capacity | |
Weifang City Freight Distribution Collection Method and Report System | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Sample Configuration Plan" | |||
Weifang Logistics Vehicle emission Reduction Measures | |||
Report on the Delivery Capacity Delivery and Update Strategy | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Traffic Plan" | |||
Urban Freight Energy Consumption Emission Data Analysis and Emission Reduction Strategy report | |||
General report of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Joint Distribution Organization Model" | |||
The whole process of the project Follow up the report | Update the report timely according to the progress of the project, and push the content | ||
Offline publicity will follow up and reports | The preliminary publicity of offline meetings will be conducted and reported during the meeting and inventory reported after the meeting, and complete the content push |
② bodyBody Advertising section
project | content | remarks |
Car body advertising | Select the box freight vehicle of the freight enterprise to post the car body advertising | Quantity: * vehicles Size: 4.2 m |
③ offline publicity and training meeting section
project | content | remarks | |
Presentation training meeting | Session and scope | Two games in the main urban area and 3 games in counties are 5 | Promote it in time |
Participating objects | Industry experts, competent department leaders and freight practitioners | ||
number of entries | Each number of participants was * | ||
time | Three months | * * .6 | |
Present training content | General report of "Weifang Green Freight Demonstration Project-Urban Joint Distribution Organization Model" | ||
Urban Freight Energy Consumption Emission Data Analysis and Emission Reduction Strategy report | |||
Report on the Delivery Capacity Delivery and Update Strategy | |||
Weifang Logistics Vehicle emission Reduction Measures | |||
Weifang City Logistics Vehicle Sample Configuration Plan" | |||
Experts and supervisors of the leadership of the logistics and freight industry keynote speech |
时间 | 主要工作 | 任务目标 |
第1阶段 (前期准备) | ? 成立 (略) 及分工 确定责任人 ? 建立项目进度表 工作事项落实到人 ? 设计和策划(物料设计、宣传内容制作) ? 预定、考察、 (略) 地 ? 制定会议流程及内容 ? 宣传 (略) 媒体平台选定 ? 制定前期宣传方案 ? 做好前期物料准备 | ü 完成前期各种资料物流准备工作 ü (略) 地选定 ü 确定好宣传内容 ü 制定好会议全流程内容 |
第2阶段 (具体实施) | ? 参与货运企业车贴广告张贴 ? 发布活动通知并开设课题专栏,对活动全流程跟踪报道 ? 通知被邀请媒体人活动时间表,保证活动当天到位 ? 根据日程邀约参会领导及嘉宾 ? 会场布置、搭建、设备调试 ? 活动保障按流程办好会议的同时,做好受邀领导嘉宾的协调沟通、接待安顿工作。 ? (略) (略) 报道 ? (略) 疫情防控预案和安保工作 | ü 做好活动宣传工作 ü 按时日程保质保量完成会议召开 ü 顺利按时间日程完成宣讲会的召开 |
第3阶段 (验收评估) | ? 每场活动后复盘 找出问题 进 * 步提升和改进 ? (略) 的宣传报道 ? (略) 宣传推广资料以便验收 | ü 优化提升 ü (略) 有资料 |
time | ground work | task object |
Stage 1 (previous preparation) | ? Set up a project working team and the brision of labor to determine the responsible person ? Establish the project schedule work matters to implement to the people ? Design and planning (material design, publicity content production) ? Schedule, investigate, and determine the activity site ? Develop the meeting process and content ? Selection of publicity and cooperation media platform ? Formulate the preliminary publicity plan ? Prepare the preliminary materials | ü Complete the preliminary preparation work of various data and logistics ü Complete the activity site selection ü Determine the publicity content ü Formulate the whole process content of the meeting well |
Stage 2 (Specific implementation) | ? Participate in the freight enterprise car paste advertising post ? Publish the activity notice and open the topic column to follow up and report the whole process of the activity ? Notice the invited media person event schedule, to ensure that the event is in place on that day ? Invite the meeting leaders and guests according to the schedule ? Venue layout, construction and equipment debugging ? The activity ensures that while running the meeting well according to the process, and do a good job of coordination, communication, reception and settlement of the invited leaders and guests. ? Make a good job of the venue record and on-site report ? We will make epidemic prevention and control plans and security work at the venue | ü Do a good job in activities publicity work ü Complete the meeting on time with the schedule with quality and quantity ü Successfully completed the publicity conference according to the time schedule |
Stage 3 (Acceptance assessment) | ? After each activity, we will find out the problem to further improve and improve ? Do a good job in each publicity and report ? Organize out all publicity and promotion materials for acceptance | ü Optimize and improve ü Save all the information well |