(略) 河,是 (略) 区的“母亲河”,发源于梧桐山, (略) 段干流长度约 * 公里,流 (略) 6个街道, (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 城、 (略) 老墟镇、 (略) (略) 中心重点片区,是 (略) 市流域面积最大的河流,也是唯 * * 条自南向北、自西向东流向的河流, (略) 中心建设的核心潜力区。
As the mother river of Longgang District, Longgang River rises in Wutong Mountain, with the main stream within Longgang of about * km long, flowing through the 6 sub-districts in eastern Longgang, and connecting the key areas in the eastern center such as Universiade New Town, Baolong Technology City, Longgang Central City, Longgang Laoxu Town, and International Low Carbon City. It is the river with the largest drainage area and the only river flowing from south to north and west to east in Shenzhen City, and marks a core potential area in the eastern center construction in the future.
(略) 河生态本底资源好,沿线土地再开发潜力大,河道综合整治稳步推进,文化、科技、创新等各项资源要素初步聚集。但是目前 (略) 河也存在空间割裂,滨河 (略) 市功能联系弱;生态品质低,河道岸线缺乏统 * 设计,生态功能及景观特征未能凸显;滨水活力不足,山、河、城、文等资源缺乏有机整合,区域功能单 * ;文化风貌滞后,河流沿线现状建设混杂,未体现客家文化特色等问题。
Longgang River possesses good ecological background resources and big redevelopment potential of land along the river, with the watercourse comprehensive renovation advanced steadily and culture, technology and innovation resource elements, etc. gathering. However, Longgang River also has problems such as fragmented space, weak ties between riverside open space and urban functions, low ecological quality, lack of unified design of river shoreline, failure to highlight ecological functions and landscape features, insufficient waterfront vitality, lack of organic integration of mountain, river, city, and culture resources, etc., single area functions, lagging cultural features, mixed construction along the river at present, and failure to reflect Hakka cultural characteristics.
为充分发挥 (略) 河的战略价值,给 (略) 区市民提供 * 个亲近自然、休憩 (略) 市公共空间,由 (略) 市 (略) 区人民政府主 (略) ,旨在引进境内外高 (略) ,以创新性设计理念,提出适合 (略) 市发展思路和土地开发模式,对 (略) 河“ * 河两岸”的整体开发、空间重塑、文化再造、产 (略) 高水平规划设计,打造集“科技、创新、文化、生态”于 * 体的国际化滨水空间和“ (略) 活力发展带”,塑造 * 条有故事、有灵魂的 (略) 河。
In order to bring into fully play the strategic value of Longgang River and provide citizens of Longgang District with quality urban public space for getting close to nature and recreation, this international consulting hosted by Shenzhen Longgang District People’s Government aims to introduce domestic and foreign high-level design teams to propose urban development ideas and land development models for the line along Longgang River by using innovative design philosophies, conduct high-level planning and design of overall development, space reshaping, cultural rebuilding, and industrial agglomeration, etc. on both sides of Longgang River, and build international waterfront space and “dynamic development belt of eastern center” that integrate technology, innovation, culture and ecology, to shape Longgang River with stories and soul.
* 、咨询内容
I. Consulting Contents
(略) (略) 主要包括2个层次:
The consulting contents mainly includes 2 parts:
* 是 (略) 市设计范围,包括对 (略) 河约 * 公里长的干流两侧约1公里范围内(总面积约 * 平方公里)开展沿线 (略) 市设计;
Firstly, the overall conceptual urban design, with the scope including the about 1km range (with a total area of about * km2) on both sides of the about * km-long main stream of Longgang River;
* 是重点区段详细设计,整合 (略) 河沿线已有规划,结合 (略) 市设计 (略) 岗河的现状条件,选取1个重点区段(1个约 * 公顷的核 (略) 在1公里长的河段)编制重点区段详细设计。
Secondly, detailed urban design of key section: to prepare the detailed design for the selected 1 key section (1 core plot of about * ha and the reach of 1km long where the plot is located) by integrating the existing planning along Longgang River and in combination with the overall conceptual urban design and existing conditions of Longgang River.
* 、预报名方式
II. Method of Pre-application
(略) 采用公开报名的方式,要求境内外机构组建联合体参加,其中境内 (略) 乡规划编制 * 级或以上资质。联合体成员不超过3家,各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合 (略) 活动。有类似设 (略) 将优先考虑。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
This consulting is open to the world and requires Chinese and overseas corporations to participate as joint groups, wherein, corporation in China are required to have grade-A qualification for preparation of urban and rural planning or above. A joint group shall consist of no more than 3 members, and each member of the group shall not further apply alone or repeatedly participate by joining another group with other design corporations. Teams with design experience in similar projects enjoy certain priority. Applications from inbriduals or teams of inbriduals will not be accepted.
有意向报名的设计机构可填写预报名信息表(详见附件2), (略) 信息发送至各预报名单位的邮箱。
The interested design corporations can fill out the pre-application form (see Attachment 2 for the details). Information of the official consulting announcement will be sent to e-mails of the pre-applying agencies when it is ready.
* 、咨询方式
III. Way of Inquiry
欢迎有意向的设计机 (略) 活动的相关准备工作,敬请关注后续信息!
Interested design corporations are welcome to conduct relevant preparations for the consulting activity in advance. Please pay attention to the subsequent information!
(略) 为准, (略) 。
The consulting content of this project is subject to the final consulting announcement which is scheduled to be released in early July.
咨询电话:温小姐 点击查看>>
Contact person: Ms. Wen, 点击查看>>
附件:1.城 (略) 的范围图
2.预报名信息表— (略) 市 (略) 河 (略) (略)
1. Fig. Urban Design Scope
2. Pre-Application Form—International Consulting
on the Urban Design for the Dynamic Development Belt of Shenzhen Longgang River
(略) 市规划 (略) (略)
* 日
Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality(Administration of Longgang)
June * , *
(略) 河,是 (略) 区的“母亲河”,发源于梧桐山, (略) 段干流长度约 * 公里,流 (略) 6个街道, (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 城、 (略) 老墟镇、 (略) (略) 中心重点片区,是 (略) 市流域面积最大的河流,也是唯 * * 条自南向北、自西向东流向的河流, (略) 中心建设的核心潜力区。
As the mother river of Longgang District, Longgang River rises in Wutong Mountain, with the main stream within Longgang of about * km long, flowing through the 6 sub-districts in eastern Longgang, and connecting the key areas in the eastern center such as Universiade New Town, Baolong Technology City, Longgang Central City, Longgang Laoxu Town, and International Low Carbon City. It is the river with the largest drainage area and the only river flowing from south to north and west to east in Shenzhen City, and marks a core potential area in the eastern center construction in the future.
(略) 河生态本底资源好,沿线土地再开发潜力大,河道综合整治稳步推进,文化、科技、创新等各项资源要素初步聚集。但是目前 (略) 河也存在空间割裂,滨河 (略) 市功能联系弱;生态品质低,河道岸线缺乏统 * 设计,生态功能及景观特征未能凸显;滨水活力不足,山、河、城、文等资源缺乏有机整合,区域功能单 * ;文化风貌滞后,河流沿线现状建设混杂,未体现客家文化特色等问题。
Longgang River possesses good ecological background resources and big redevelopment potential of land along the river, with the watercourse comprehensive renovation advanced steadily and culture, technology and innovation resource elements, etc. gathering. However, Longgang River also has problems such as fragmented space, weak ties between riverside open space and urban functions, low ecological quality, lack of unified design of river shoreline, failure to highlight ecological functions and landscape features, insufficient waterfront vitality, lack of organic integration of mountain, river, city, and culture resources, etc., single area functions, lagging cultural features, mixed construction along the river at present, and failure to reflect Hakka cultural characteristics.
为充分发挥 (略) 河的战略价值,给 (略) 区市民提供 * 个亲近自然、休憩 (略) 市公共空间,由 (略) 市 (略) 区人民政府主 (略) ,旨在引进境内外高 (略) ,以创新性设计理念,提出适合 (略) 市发展思路和土地开发模式,对 (略) 河“ * 河两岸”的整体开发、空间重塑、文化再造、产 (略) 高水平规划设计,打造集“科技、创新、文化、生态”于 * 体的国际化滨水空间和“ (略) 活力发展带”,塑造 * 条有故事、有灵魂的 (略) 河。
In order to bring into fully play the strategic value of Longgang River and provide citizens of Longgang District with quality urban public space for getting close to nature and recreation, this international consulting hosted by Shenzhen Longgang District People’s Government aims to introduce domestic and foreign high-level design teams to propose urban development ideas and land development models for the line along Longgang River by using innovative design philosophies, conduct high-level planning and design of overall development, space reshaping, cultural rebuilding, and industrial agglomeration, etc. on both sides of Longgang River, and build international waterfront space and “dynamic development belt of eastern center” that integrate technology, innovation, culture and ecology, to shape Longgang River with stories and soul.
* 、咨询内容
I. Consulting Contents
(略) (略) 主要包括2个层次:
The consulting contents mainly includes 2 parts:
* 是 (略) 市设计范围,包括对 (略) 河约 * 公里长的干流两侧约1公里范围内(总面积约 * 平方公里)开展沿线 (略) 市设计;
Firstly, the overall conceptual urban design, with the scope including the about 1km range (with a total area of about * km2) on both sides of the about * km-long main stream of Longgang River;
* 是重点区段详细设计,整合 (略) 河沿线已有规划,结合 (略) 市设计 (略) 岗河的现状条件,选取1个重点区段(1个约 * 公顷的核 (略) 在1公里长的河段)编制重点区段详细设计。
Secondly, detailed urban design of key section: to prepare the detailed design for the selected 1 key section (1 core plot of about * ha and the reach of 1km long where the plot is located) by integrating the existing planning along Longgang River and in combination with the overall conceptual urban design and existing conditions of Longgang River.
* 、预报名方式
II. Method of Pre-application
(略) 采用公开报名的方式,要求境内外机构组建联合体参加,其中境内 (略) 乡规划编制 * 级或以上资质。联合体成员不超过3家,各方不得再单独以自己名义,或者与另外的设计机构组成联合 (略) 活动。有类似设 (略) 将优先考虑。不接受个人及个人组合的报名。
This consulting is open to the world and requires Chinese and overseas corporations to participate as joint groups, wherein, corporation in China are required to have grade-A qualification for preparation of urban and rural planning or above. A joint group shall consist of no more than 3 members, and each member of the group shall not further apply alone or repeatedly participate by joining another group with other design corporations. Teams with design experience in similar projects enjoy certain priority. Applications from inbriduals or teams of inbriduals will not be accepted.
有意向报名的设计机构可填写预报名信息表(详见附件2), (略) 信息发送至各预报名单位的邮箱。
The interested design corporations can fill out the pre-application form (see Attachment 2 for the details). Information of the official consulting announcement will be sent to e-mails of the pre-applying agencies when it is ready.
* 、咨询方式
III. Way of Inquiry
欢迎有意向的设计机 (略) 活动的相关准备工作,敬请关注后续信息!
Interested design corporations are welcome to conduct relevant preparations for the consulting activity in advance. Please pay attention to the subsequent information!
(略) 为准, (略) 。
The consulting content of this project is subject to the final consulting announcement which is scheduled to be released in early July.
咨询电话:温小姐 点击查看>>
Contact person: Ms. Wen, 点击查看>>
附件:1.城 (略) 的范围图
2.预报名信息表— (略) 市 (略) 河 (略) (略)
1. Fig. Urban Design Scope
2. Pre-Application Form—International Consulting
on the Urban Design for the Dynamic Development Belt of Shenzhen Longgang River
(略) 市规划 (略) (略)
* 日
Urban Planning Land and Resources Commission of Shenzhen Municipality(Administration of Longgang)
June * , *
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