开标记录内容 | 开标记录表 Record of Bid Opening | 贷款编号Loan No.: | 4219-PRC | 招标编号Bid No.: | 0703-(略) | 项目名称Project Name: | 亚洲开发银行贷款山东省济宁西部全域供排水一体化项目 Shandong West Jining Water Supply and Drainage Integration Program | 合同号Contract No.: | WW-C06 | 合同名称Contract Name: | 镇 (略) 理 (略) 建设工程 Civil works, goods provision and installation for new township wastewater treatment system | 以下投标于2024年12月20日上午9:00(北京时间)截止时间前收到,并于当天上午9:00公开开标和宣读。 The following bids were received before the deadline fixed on December 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m.(Beijing Time) and were publicly opened and read at 9:00 a.m. on the same date. | 编号 Bidder’s No. | 投标人名称 Name of Bidder | 投标保证金(人民币) Bid Security (CNY) | 投标价格(人民币) Bid Price (CNY) | 折扣 Discount | 投标人代表签字 Signature of the Bidder | 1 | 山东 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 55,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 2 | 重庆对外建设(集团)有限公司 | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 72,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 3 | 山东 (略) 、 (略) 政四 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 98,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 4 | 安徽 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 69,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 5 | 水发(北京) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 66,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 6 | 江苏 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 57,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 7 | 广西 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 58,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 8 | (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 64,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 9 | 青岛 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 60,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 10 | (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 62,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 11 | (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 53,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 12 | (略) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 88,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 13 | 河南 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 60,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 14 | (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 59,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 15 | 菏泽城建 (略) (略) (略) 联合体 | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 66,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 16 | (略) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 61,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 17 | 中节能国祯 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 61,(略) | 折扣后金额58,(略) Discount Amount is CNY 58,(略) |
| 18 | 浙 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 65,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 19 | 中国建 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 66,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 20 | 北京鑫大禹 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 68,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 21 | 石家庄 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 57,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 22 | 中京 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函复印件 Copy of Bank Guarantee | 53,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 23 | 河 (略) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 60,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 24 | (略) 、 (略) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 58,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 25 | 江西 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 78,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 26 | (略) (略) 、沈阳 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 83,(略) | 有,序号一“单项工程投标报价(A)”和序号二“计日工(B)”清单均下浮18.7%,单价同比例下浮。 The price for individual project price (A) and calculated day-work (B) are both decreased by 18.7% and the itemised schedule of prices are also applied the same percentage. |
| 27 | (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行保函Bank Guarantee | 64,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 28 | (略) (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 80,(略) | 有,序号一“单项工程投标报价(A)”中清单均下浮18.4%,单价同比例下浮。 The price for individual project price (A) is decreased by 18.4% and the itemised schedule of prices are also applied the same percentage. |
| 29 | 航天凯天 (略) | (略)元 CNY 800,000 银行电汇Bank Transfer | 63,(略) | 无 No Discount |
| 1.下列投标人代表参加了公开的开标会议,并随附一份签到表作为本记录的附件。 The following bidders’ representatives attended the public opening of bids and a copy of the attendance sheet is attached as an annexure of this record. 序号 Serial No. | 姓名 Name | 职务 Designation | 投标人代表 Bidder’s representative | 1 | 王华聪 Wang Huacong | 经理 Manager | 投标人1号 Bidder No.1 | 2 | 余俊佑 Yu Junyou | 经理 Manager | 投标人2号 Bidder No.2 | 3 | 兑清华 Dui Qinghua | 经理 Manager | 投标人3号 Bidder No.3 | 4 | 王 岩 Wang Yan | 经理 Manager | 投标人4号 Bidder No.4 | 5 | 安晶晶 An Jingjing | 职员 Staff | 投标人5号 Bidder No.5 | 6 | 唐 勇 Tang Yong | 员工 Staff | 投标人6号 Bidder No.6 | 7 | 闫秋霞 Yan Qiuxia | 经理 Manager | 投标人7号 Bidder No.7 | 8 | 郭 涛 Guo Tao | 部长 Department Director | 投标人8号 Bidder No.8 | 9 | 孙倩倩 Sun Qianqian | 员工 Staff | 投标人9号 Bidder No.9 | 10 | 陈镜霏 Chen Jingfei | 员工 Staff | 投标人10号 Bidder No.10 | 11 | 田广生 Tian Guangsheng | 经理 Manager | 投标人11号 Bidder No.11 | 12 | 初丽丽 Chu Lili | 员工 Staff | 投标人12号 Bidder No.12 | 13 | 和海波 He Haibo | 经理 Manager | 投标人13号 Bidder No.13 | 14 | 张超俊 Zhang Chaojun | 经理 Manager | 投标人14号 Bidder No.14 | 15 | 孔 永 Kong Yong | 项目经理 Project Manager | 投标人15号 Bidder No.15 | 16 | 孙稳堂 Sun Wentang | 授权委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人16号 Bidder No.16 | 17 | 栾稳祖 Luan Wenzu | 授权委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人17号 Bidder No.17 | 18 | 孔万江 Kong Wanjiang | 授权委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人18号 Bidder No.18 | 19 | 焦 清 Jiao Qing | 授权委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人19号 Bidder No.19 | 20 | 王嘉乐 Wang Jiale | 委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人20号 Bidder No.20 | 21 | 王志丽 Wang Zhili | 授权委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人21号 Bidder No.21 | 22 | 万瑞俊 Wan Ruijun | 委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人22号 Bidder No.22 | 23 | 李 强 Li Qiang | 委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人23号 Bidder No.23 | 24 | 邓立军 Deng Lijun | 法人 Legal Person | 投标人24号 Bidder No.24 | 25 | 陶茂程 Tao Maocheng | 委托人 Authorised Person | 投标人25号 Bidder No.25 | 26 | 龚智涛 Gong Zhitao | 经理 Manager | 投标人26号 Bidder No.26 | 27 | 蒋 垒 Jiang Lei | 经理 Manager | 投标人27号 Bidder No.27 | 28 | 陈 浩 Chen Hao | 经理 Manager | 投标人28号 Bidder No.28 | 29 | 钟红敏 Zhong Hongmin | 副总经理 Deputy Manager | 投标人29号 Bidder No.29 | 2.开标期间发生的事项: Matters Transpiring During the Opening of Bids: 在投标截止时间前共收到29份投标文件,密封情况完好。 Before the deadline for submission of bids, there were twenty-nine (29) bidders submitted the bid documents, and the sealing conditions of all bids are acceptable. 投标人18号-浙 (略) 递交了调价函,但其投标函中折扣部分标注为“/”,因此视为无折扣。 投标人22号-中京 (略) 未提交银行保函原件。 投标人24号- (略) 、 (略) (略) 提交的投标函未经授权代表签字。 Bidder No.18 [Zhejiang Province Environment Engineering Co., Ltd.] provided the price adjustment letter however the discount in bid letter marked “/”, therefore, the discount letter cannot be accepted; Moreover, Bidder No.22 [Zhongjing Construction Group Co., Ltd.] failed to submit the original bank guarantee; Meanwhile, the bid letter provided by bidder No.24 [Wuhu Yingang Construction Co., Ltd and Qingdao Yishui Engineering Co., Ltd] has no signature of the authorised person entrusted by the legal person. 3.唱标和文件签字于2024年12月20日上午11:00(北京时间)结束。 The detailed information has shown on the bid opening sheets above. Reading and Signing of Documents Ended at 11.00 a.m,December 20, 2024.