


发布日期: 点击查看>> * : *


  1. 招标条件 Tender conditions
    因肯尼亚内罗毕快速路项目施工需要,现需采购沥青 * 批,建设资金已落实, (略) 采购条件, (略) 。
    Due to the construction needs of the Nairobi Expressway Project in Kenya, a batch of bitumen is now required to be purchased. The construction funds have been confirmed. The project has the conditions for bidding and procurement, and the public bidding is now going on.
    2. (略) 内容

2.1 肯尼亚内罗毕快速路项目位于肯尼亚首都内罗毕市区,途经乔莫肯 (略) 和内罗毕中央商务区域,全长 * . * 公里, (略) 承担K0+ * -K * + * 段共长 * . * km施工,设计时速 * 公里,东环互通至南环互通段采用双向 * 车道 * .6m路基标准宽度,其余路段均采用双向 * 车道 * .6m宽A级道路标准。
2.1:Kenya Nairobi Expressway Project is located in the urban area of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, passing Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Nairobi Central Business District, with a total length of * . * kilometers, of which our department undertakes the construction of the K0+ * -K * + * section with a total length of * . * km.With a speed of * kilometers per hour, the two-way six-lane roadbed standard width of * .6m is adopted for the section from the East Ring Road Interchange to the South Ring Road Interchange, and the two-way four-lane * .6m wide A-class road standard is adopted for the remaining sections.
2.2 招标内容:沥青合计 * 5吨, (略) 文件物资采购报价表。
2.2 Bidding content: Asphalt totals * , * tons. For detailed specifications, please refer to the material procurement quotation table in the bidding documents.
3.投标人资格要求Bidder qualification requirements
3.1 The bidder shall have the independent legal entity and a permanent business address.
3.2 The bidder shall be able to offer Bitumen which meet the technical requirements list on clause 2
3.3 A joint tender is not acceptable.
本次资格审查采取资格后 (略) ,未通过业主资格审查的投标人,招标人有权否决其投标,投标人参与投标的视为认同本条款。
This qualification review is conducted in the form of post-qualification review. For bidders who have not passed the qualification review of the owner, the tenderer has the right to reject their bids, and bidders participating in the bidding shall be deemed to agree with this clause
5.投标人注册Bidder registration
投标人须为中国交建物资采购信息系统(http:/ 点击查看>> )注册通过的中国 (略) 的合格供应商。
The bidder must be a qualified supplier of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. registered with the China Communications Construction Material Purchasing Information System (http:/ 点击查看>> ).
6.招标文件的获取Obtaining bidding documents
6.1获取招标文件方式:凡有意参加投标者,点击参与投标后,请于 * 年 2月 * 日 * : * 前在http:/ 点击查看>> d. (略) 页中确认(报名)参与投标,取得投标资格。自行在中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(http:/ 点击查看>> )下载招标文件。
6.1 Method of obtaining bidding documents: Anyone who is interested in participating in the bidding, after clicking Participate in the bidding, please confirm (register) to participate in the bidding and obtain the bid before * : * on February * , * quali 点击查看>> ad the bidding documents from the China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information System (http:/ 点击查看>> ).
6. (略) 文件不采用邮购方式发售。
6.2 The bidding documents for this bidding will not be sold by mail order.
7.投标文件的递交Submission of tender documents
7.1本次招标不接受纸质版投标文件,投标文件线上递交时间为: * 年 2 月 * 日 * 时 * 分开始,递交投标文件的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为: * 年 3月 3日 * 时 * 分;开标时间为 * 年 3 月3日 * 时 * 分。
7.1 Paper-based bidding documents are not accepted for this bidding. The online submission time of bidding documents will start at * : * on February * , * . The deadline for submission of bidding documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is: * At * : * on March 3; the bid opening time is at * : * on March 3, * .
7.2 投标文件递交平台为中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(网址:http:/ 点击查看>> 或http:/ 点击查看>> )。上传截止时间为: * 年 3月 3日 * 时 * 分。
7.2 The bidding document submission platform is the China Communications Construction Materials Purchase Management Information System (website: http:/ 点击查看>> or http:/ 点击查看>> ).The deadline for uploading is * : * on March 3, * .
7.3 投标人在线上投标时须将编制好的投标文件正本逐页签字盖章后扫描成PDF格式上传到中国交建物资采购管理信息系统。未在投标截止时间前按时递交和上传的投标文件,招标人将不予受理。
7.3 When bidding online, bidders must scan the prepared original bid documents, signed and sealed page by page, into PDF format, and upload them to the China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information Sy 点击查看>> ees will not accept bid documents that are not submitted and uploaded on time before the deadline for bidding.
8.公告媒体Announcement media
中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(网址:http:/ 点击查看>>
China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information System (website: http:/ 点击查看>> )
9.监督机构Supervisory agency
监督机构名称: (略)
Supervisory agency name: Audit and Supervision Department
Contact: Zhao Jing

1道路石油沥青 * / * mm桶装内罗毕ICD交货,散装 (略) 交货 * 0
2乳化沥青 PA-1 *

发布日期: 点击查看>> * : *


  1. 招标条件 Tender conditions
    因肯尼亚内罗毕快速路项目施工需要,现需采购沥青 * 批,建设资金已落实, (略) 采购条件, (略) 。
    Due to the construction needs of the Nairobi Expressway Project in Kenya, a batch of bitumen is now required to be purchased. The construction funds have been confirmed. The project has the conditions for bidding and procurement, and the public bidding is now going on.
    2. (略) 内容

2.1 肯尼亚内罗毕快速路项目位于肯尼亚首都内罗毕市区,途经乔莫肯 (略) 和内罗毕中央商务区域,全长 * . * 公里, (略) 承担K0+ * -K * + * 段共长 * . * km施工,设计时速 * 公里,东环互通至南环互通段采用双向 * 车道 * .6m路基标准宽度,其余路段均采用双向 * 车道 * .6m宽A级道路标准。
2.1:Kenya Nairobi Expressway Project is located in the urban area of Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, passing Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Nairobi Central Business District, with a total length of * . * kilometers, of which our department undertakes the construction of the K0+ * -K * + * section with a total length of * . * km.With a speed of * kilometers per hour, the two-way six-lane roadbed standard width of * .6m is adopted for the section from the East Ring Road Interchange to the South Ring Road Interchange, and the two-way four-lane * .6m wide A- road standard is adopted for the remaining sections.
2.2 招标内容:沥青合计 * 5吨, (略) 文件物资采购报价表。
2.2 Bidding content: Asphalt totals * , * tons. For detailed specifications, please refer to the material procurement quotation table in the bidding documents.
3.投标人资格要求Bidder qualification requirements
3.1 The bidder shall have the independent legal entity and a permanent business address.
3.2 The bidder shall be able to offer Bitumen which meet the technical requirements list on clause 2
3.3 A joint tender is not acceptable.
本次资格审查采取资格后 (略) ,未通过业主资格审查的投标人,招标人有权否决其投标,投标人参与投标的视为认同本条款。
This qualification review is conducted in the form of post-qualification review. For bidders who have not passed the qualification review of the owner, the tenderer has the right to reject their bids, and bidders participating in the bidding shall be deemed to agree with this clause
5.投标人注册Bidder registration
投标人须为中国交建物资采购信息系统(http:/ 点击查看>> )注册通过的中国 (略) 的合格供应商。
The bidder must be a qualified supplier of China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. registered with the China Communications Construction Material Purchasing Information System (http:/ 点击查看>> ).
6.招标文件的获取Obtaining bidding documents
6.1获取招标文件方式:凡有意参加投标者,点击参与投标后,请于 * 年 2月 * 日 * : * 前在http:/ 点击查看>> d. (略) 页中确认(报名)参与投标,取得投标资格。自行在中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(http:/ 点击查看>> )下载招标文件。
6.1 Method of obtaining bidding documents: Anyone who is interested in participating in the bidding, after clicking Participate in the bidding, please confirm (register) to participate in the bidding and obtain the bid before * : * on February * , * quali 点击查看>> ad the bidding documents from the China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information System (http:/ 点击查看>> ).
6. (略) 文件不采用邮购方式发售。
6.2 The bidding documents for this bidding will not be sold by mail order.
7.投标文件的递交Submission of tender documents
7.1本次招标不接受纸质版投标文件,投标文件线上递交时间为: * 年 2 月 * 日 * 时 * 分开始,递交投标文件的截止时间(投标截止时间,下同)为: * 年 3月 3日 * 时 * 分;开标时间为 * 年 3 月3日 * 时 * 分。
7.1 Paper-based bidding documents are not accepted for this bidding. The online submission time of bidding documents will start at * : * on February * , * . The deadline for submission of bidding documents (bidding deadline, the same below) is: * At * : * on March 3; the bid opening time is at * : * on March 3, * .
7.2 投标文件递交平台为中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(网址:http:/ 点击查看>> 或http:/ 点击查看>> )。上传截止时间为: * 年 3月 3日 * 时 * 分。
7.2 The bidding document submission platform is the China Communications Construction Materials Purchase Management Information System (website: http:/ 点击查看>> or http:/ 点击查看>> ).The deadline for uploading is * : * on March 3, * .
7.3 投标人在线上投标时须将编制好的投标文件正本逐页签字盖章后扫描成PDF格式上传到中国交建物资采购管理信息系统。未在投标截止时间前按时递交和上传的投标文件,招标人将不予受理。
7.3 When bidding online, bidders must scan the prepared original bid documents, signed and sealed page by page, into PDF format, and upload them to the China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information Sy 点击查看>> ees will not accept bid documents that are not submitted and uploaded on time before the deadline for bidding.
8.公告媒体Announcement media
中国交建物资采购管理信息系统(网址:http:/ 点击查看>>
China Communications Construction Material Purchase Management Information System (website: http:/ 点击查看>> )
9.监督机构Supervisory agency
监督机构名称: (略)
Supervisory agency name: Audit and Supervision Department
Contact: Zhao Jing

1道路石油沥青 * / * mm桶装内罗毕ICD交货,散装 (略) 交货 * 0
2乳化沥青 PA-1 *






