



日期: * 日

招标编号: 点击查看>> SCCHB *

(略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受 (略) 航 (略) (略) (以下简称“招标人”)的委托,邀请有兴趣的潜在投标人就高带宽调制信号发生装置项目的下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:

1. 招标产品的名称、数量、技术规格、资金来源:

高带宽调制信号发生装置项目 1套


(略) 文件。


2. 交货地点: (略) 。

交货时间: * 周。

3. 资质要求:


*②境内投标人应提 (略) 基本账户开户许可证或基本账户信息证明文件复印件。

*③投标人及投标人授权代表及投标人法 (略) 贿犯罪记录,并提供“无行贿犯罪记录声明”,格式见附件,签字加盖公章。

*④设备制造 (略) 投标设备近3年( * 日至今)的销售业绩,并提供业绩清单(清单中应写明产品的名称、合同签订年份、用户名称)。并同时在投标文件中提供投标人或制造商近3年不少于 * 份本项目类似的合同复印件或中标通知书。

(略) 文件。

*⑤投标人应提供其基本账 (略) 在开标日前3个月内开具的资信证明的原件或复印件( (略) 机构;如资信证明文件中标明“复印无效”的,应提供资信证明原件,招标机构保留开标当天审核原件的权利)。

4. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可于 * 日至 * 日,每日9时至 * 时 * 分( (略) 时间,下同),登录中化商务电子招投标平台(e. 点击查看>> )办理购标手续。潜在投 (略) 网上注册(免费)。

中化商务电子招投标平台及CA技术支持联系电话: 点击查看>>

招标文件每套售价 * 元人民币或 * 美元,售后不退。邮购招标文件的,需另加手续费(含邮费) * 元人民币或 * 美元。招标人在收到邮购款(含手续费)后3日内寄送。

5. 所有投标文件应于 * 日上午9: * 分( (略) 时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于 * 日上午9: * 分( (略) 时间)举行,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。

投标文件递交地点及开标仪式地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区淮海路泛海国 (略) 3栋 * 会议室。

6. (略) (略) 网、中国招标投标公共服务平台上发布。

7. 招标人名称: (略) 航 (略) (略) 。

招标人地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 大道9号。

联 系 人: 陈险峰

电 话: 点击查看>>

代理机构名称: (略)

地 址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层( (略) )/ (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区淮海路泛海国 (略) 3栋 * ( (略) )

邮 编: 点击查看>>

电 话: 点击查看>>点击查看>>

传 真: 点击查看>>

联 系 人:代 (略) 、张黎

8. (略) 文件账号:

(略) : (略) (略)

账号( (略) 文件): 点击查看>>

账号(外币投标保证金): 点击查看>> (美元)、 点击查看>> (欧元)、 点击查看>> (其他外币) SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ *

The bid invitation

Date: August * , *

Tender No. : 点击查看>> SCCHB *

Entrusted by General Design Institute of Hubei Aerospace Technology Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Tenderee"), Sinochem Commercial Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Tendering Institution") invites potential bidders interested to submit sealed bids for the following goods and related services of the high bandwidth modulation signal generator project:

1. Name, quantity, technical specifications and source of funds of the products to be offered for bidding:

1 set of high bandwidth modulation signal generator project

High bandwidth modulation signal generator: mainly includes high bandwidth arbitrary waveform generator, high bandwidth noise signal generator and related accessories

For others, please refer to the bidding documents.

Source of funding: partially self-raised

2. Delivery place: Wuhan.

Delivery time: * weeks.

3. Qualification Requirements:

*① The bidder shall provide a copy of valid business license or business registration certificate;

*② The domestic bidder shall provide a copy of valid bank basic account opening license or basic account information proof document.

*③ The bidder, the authorized representative of the bidder and the legal representative of the bidder shall have no criminal record of bribery, and provide the "Statement of no criminal record of bribery", the format is in the attachment, signature and official seal.

*④ The equipment manufacturer shall have the sales performance of the equipment to be bid in the last three years (from January 1, * to now), and provide the performance list (the list shall indicate the name of the product, the year of signing the contract and the name of the user). At the same time, the bidder or the manufacturer shall provide in the bidding documents at least three copies of similar contracts or bid-winning notices of this project in recent three years.

For others, please refer to the bidding documents.

*⑤ The bidder shall provide the original or copy of the credit certificate issued by the bank of his/her basic account within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening (the entity caused by the credit certificate is not limited to the tenderee and tendering agency; If "copy invalid" is indicated in the credit certificate, the original of the credit certificate shall be provided, and the tendering institution reserves the right to examine and verify the original on the day of bid opening.

4. Interested potential bidders can log in to e. 点击查看>> for bid purchase from 9 PM to * : * PM (Beijing time, the same below) from August * , * to September 3, * . Prospective bidders are required to register online (free of charge).

Sinochem E-commerce bidding platform and CA technical support Tel: 点击查看>> .

The bidding documents are sold at RMB1, * or US $ * each and are non-refundable after sale. For bidding documents ordered by mail, an additional handling fee (including postage) of RMB * or US $ * is required. The tenderee shall send the mail within 3 days after receiving the mail order money (including handling fee).

5. All bid documents should be submitted to the following address before 9: * am (Beijing time) on September * , * . The bid opening ceremony will be held at 9: * am (Beijing time) on September * , * .

Place of submission of bid documents and bid opening ceremony: Room * , Building 3, SOHO City, Huaihai Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan city, Hubei Province.

The bidding announcement will be released simultaneously on China International Tendering website and China Tendering and Bidding Public service platform.

7. Name of tenderee: General Design Institute of Hubei Aerospace Technology Research Institute.

Address of tenderee: No. 9 jinshan Avenue, Dongxihu District, Wuhan city, Hubei Province.

Contact person: Chen Xianfeng

Telephone: 点击查看>>

Agency name: Sinochem Commerce Co., LTD

Address: * / F, Zhonghua Building, No. A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China/No. * , Building 3, SOHO City, Fanhai International, Huaihai Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Mail editor: 点击查看>>

Telephone: 点击查看>> , 点击查看>>

The true: 点击查看>>

Contact person: Dai Yulin, Zhang Li

8. Foreign currency Purchase Bidding Document Account Number:

Bank of Deposit: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Branch

Account number (foreign currency purchase bidding documents) : 点击查看>>

Account number (foreign currency bid bond) : 点击查看>> (USD), 点击查看>> (Euro), 点击查看>> (other foreign currency) SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ *


日期: * 日

招标编号: 点击查看>> SCCHB *

(略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受 (略) 航 (略) (略) (以下简称“招标人”)的委托,邀请有兴趣的潜在投标人就高带宽调制信号发生装置项目的下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标:

1. 招标产品的名称、数量、技术规格、资金来源:

高带宽调制信号发生装置项目 1套


(略) 文件。


2. 交货地点: (略) 。

交货时间: * 周。

3. 资质要求:


*②境内投标人应提 (略) 基本账户开户许可证或基本账户信息证明文件复印件。

*③投标人及投标人授权代表及投标人法 (略) 贿犯罪记录,并提供“无行贿犯罪记录声明”,格式见附件,签字加盖公章。

*④设备制造 (略) 投标设备近3年( * 日至今)的销售业绩,并提供业绩清单(清单中应写明产品的名称、合同签订年份、用户名称)。并同时在投标文件中提供投标人或制造商近3年不少于 * 份本项目类似的合同复印件或中标通知书。

(略) 文件。

*⑤投标人应提供其基本账 (略) 在开标日前3个月内开具的资信证明的原件或复印件( (略) 机构;如资信证明文件中标明“复印无效”的,应提供资信证明原件,招标机构保留开标当天审核原件的权利)。

4. 有兴趣的潜在投标人可于 * 日至 * 日,每日9时至 * 时 * 分( (略) 时间,下同),登录中化商务电子招投标平台(e. 点击查看>> )办理购标手续。潜在投 (略) 网上注册(免费)。

中化商务电子招投标平台及CA技术支持联系电话: 点击查看>>

招标文件每套售价 * 元人民币或 * 美元,售后不退。邮购招标文件的,需另加手续费(含邮费) * 元人民币或 * 美元。招标人在收到邮购款(含手续费)后3日内寄送。

5. 所有投标文件应于 * 日上午9: * 分( (略) 时间)之前递交到以下地点,开标仪式定于 * 日上午9: * 分( (略) 时间)举行,届时请投标人代表出席开标仪式。

投标文件递交地点及开标仪式地点: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区淮海路泛海国 (略) 3栋 * 会议室。

6. (略) (略) 网、中国招标投标公共服务平台上发布。

7. 招标人名称: (略) 航 (略) (略) 。

招标人地址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区 (略) 大道9号。

联 系 人: 陈险峰

电 话: 点击查看>>

代理机构名称: (略)

地 址: (略) 区 (略) 门外大街A2号中化大厦 * 层( (略) )/ (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区淮海路泛海国 (略) 3栋 * ( (略) )

邮 编: 点击查看>>

电 话: 点击查看>>点击查看>>

传 真: 点击查看>>

联 系 人:代 (略) 、张黎

8. (略) 文件账号:

(略) : (略) (略)

账号( (略) 文件): 点击查看>>

账号(外币投标保证金): 点击查看>> (美元)、 点击查看>> (欧元)、 点击查看>> (其他外币) SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ *

The bid invitation

Date: August * , *

Tender No. : 点击查看>> SCCHB *

Entrusted by General Design Institute of Hubei Aerospace Technology Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "Tenderee"), Sinochem Commercial Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Tendering Institution") invites potential bidders interested to submit sealed bids for the following goods and related services of the high bandwidth modulation signal generator project:

1. Name, quantity, technical specifications and source of funds of the products to be offered for bidding:

1 set of high bandwidth modulation signal generator project

High bandwidth modulation signal generator: mainly includes high bandwidth arbitrary waveform generator, high bandwidth noise signal generator and related accessories

For others, please refer to the bidding documents.

Source of funding: partially self-raised

2. Delivery place: Wuhan.

Delivery time: * weeks.

3. Qualification Requirements:

*① The bidder shall provide a copy of valid business license or business registration certificate;

*② The domestic bidder shall provide a copy of valid bank basic account opening license or basic account information proof document.

*③ The bidder, the authorized representative of the bidder and the legal representative of the bidder shall have no criminal record of bribery, and provide the "Statement of no criminal record of bribery", the format is in the attachment, signature and official seal.

*④ The equipment manufacturer shall have the sales performance of the equipment to be bid in the last three years (from January 1, * to now), and provide the performance list (the list shall indicate the name of the product, the year of signing the contract and the name of the user). At the same time, the bidder or the manufacturer shall provide in the bidding documents at least three copies of similar contracts or bid-winning notices of this project in recent three years.

For others, please refer to the bidding documents.

*⑤ The bidder shall provide the original or copy of the credit certificate issued by the bank of his/her basic account within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening (the entity caused by the credit certificate is not limited to the tenderee and tendering agency; If "copy invalid" is indicated in the credit certificate, the original of the credit certificate shall be provided, and the tendering institution reserves the right to examine and verify the original on the day of bid opening.

4. Interested potential bidders can log in to e. 点击查看>> for bid purchase from 9 PM to * : * PM (Beijing time, the same below) from August * , * to September 3, * . Prospective bidders are required to register online (free of charge).

Sinochem E-commerce bidding platform and CA technical support Tel: 点击查看>> .

The bidding documents are sold at RMB1, * or US $ * each and are non-refundable after sale. For bidding documents ordered by mail, an additional handling fee (including postage) of RMB * or US $ * is required. The tenderee shall send the mail within 3 days after receiving the mail order money (including handling fee).

5. All bid documents should be submitted to the following address before 9: * am (Beijing time) on September * , * . The bid opening ceremony will be held at 9: * am (Beijing time) on September * , * .

Place of submission of bid documents and bid opening ceremony: Room * , Building 3, SOHO City, Huaihai Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan city, Hubei Province.

The bidding announcement will be released simultaneously on China International Tendering website and China Tendering and Bidding Public service platform.

7. Name of tenderee: General Design Institute of Hubei Aerospace Technology Research Institute.

Address of tenderee: No. 9 jinshan Avenue, Dongxihu District, Wuhan city, Hubei Province.

Contact person: Chen Xianfeng

Telephone: 点击查看>>

Agency name: Sinochem Commerce Co., LTD

Address: * / F, Zhonghua Building, No. A2, Fuxingmenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, China/No. * , Building 3, SOHO City, Fanhai International, Huaihai Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Mail editor: 点击查看>>

Telephone: 点击查看>> , 点击查看>>

The true: 点击查看>>

Contact person: Dai Yulin, Zhang Li

8. Foreign currency Purchase Bidding Document Account Number:

Bank of Deposit: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Branch

Account number (foreign currency purchase bidding documents) : 点击查看>>

Account number (foreign currency bid bond) : 点击查看>> (USD), 点击查看>> (Euro), 点击查看>> (other foreign currency) SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ *






