项目编号: ZJSHW-NL- * -C1-... | 项目名称: 南太中港瑙鲁艾沃港码头升级改造工程项目供电盘... |
公告 |
公告标题:Procurement of Switchboard for CHEC NAURU project 公告内容: 1.Tender (略) 说明 All Bidders are required to read and understand carefully the terms and conditions stated in the Tender Documen 点击查看>> any clarification needed, Bidders have to contact the assigned Officer of Tenderee before the bidding closing date. (略) 文件并认真领会, (略) 人,由招标人负责解释。 All Bidders are required to register as a prequalified supplier of Material Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC to participate in the Bidding Event. The pre-qualification registration isfree of charge. The link of prequalification registration is at this link of: https:/ 点击查看>> . The Bidder has to get the approval of being prequalified supplier before being invited to participatethe bidding event. 所有投标人都必须注册中国交建物资采购管理信息系统并通过预审核,才能参加投标活动。资格预审注册是免费的,资格预审注册的链接是:https:/ 点击查看>> 。 (略) 人评估和审批后,方可受邀参加投标活动。 2.Tender (略) 内容 The CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter called the “Tenderee”), is calling for the tender in purchasing a batch of material and product by open. The precise content of materials and products to be procured is listed in Section 2 – Services, Materials and Products List. 中国 (略) (英文缩写CHEC, (略) 人) (略) 的方式采购 * 批物资,具体内容见 (略) 分——招标物资清单。 3.The submission投标文件的递交 As stated in Section 1 – Bidder Notice and Tender Event Schedule, the Section 4 content in pdf copies is required to upload onto the Materials Purchasing Management Information System ofCCCC http:/ 点击查看>> Vendor Portal. The successful time stamp of submission shall be as per the notice from the portal page receipt confirmation. (略) 分:投标人须知前附表,投标人应在投标文件递交截止时间前, (略) 分的投标文件以pdf扫描件上传中国交建物资采购管理信息系统http:/ 点击查看>> 供应商门户。 4.TENDEREE INFORMATION 招标人信息 Tenderee 招标人 : China Harbour Engineering Company Limited. 中国 (略) Address 详细地址 :China Harbour Engineering Company LimitedNauru Corporation中国 (略) 瑙鲁分公司 Contact officer 联系人 : Mr Gan Xiaotao 甘小涛 Telephone 电话 : + * 点击查看>> Handphone 手机 : + * 点击查看>> Email 电子信箱 : ganxiaotao * @ 点击查看>> |
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项目编号: ZJSHW-NL- * -C1-... | 项目名称: 南太中港瑙鲁艾沃港码头升级改造工程项目供电盘... |
公告 |
公告标题:Procurement of Switchboard for CHEC NAURU project 公告内容: 1.Tender (略) 说明 All Bidders are required to read and understand carefully the terms and conditions stated in the Tender Documen 点击查看>> any clarification needed, Bidders have to contact the assigned Officer of Tenderee before the bidding closing date. (略) 文件并认真领会, (略) 人,由招标人负责解释。 All Bidders are required to register as a prequalified supplier of Material Purchasing Management Information System of CCCC to participate in the Bidding Event. The pre-qualification registration isfree of charge. The link of prequalification registration is at this link of: https:/ 点击查看>> . The Bidder has to get the approval of being prequalified supplier before being invited to participatethe bidding event. 所有投标人都必须注册中国交建物资采购管理信息系统并通过预审核,才能参加投标活动。资格预审注册是免费的,资格预审注册的链接是:https:/ 点击查看>> 。 (略) 人评估和审批后,方可受邀参加投标活动。 2.Tender (略) 内容 The CHINA HARBOUR ENGINEERING COMPANY LIMITED (hereinafter called the “Tenderee”), is calling for the tender in purchasing a batch of material and product by open. The precise content of materials and products to be procured is listed in Section 2 – Services, Materials and Products List. 中国 (略) (英文缩写CHEC, (略) 人) (略) 的方式采购 * 批物资,具体内容见 (略) 分——招标物资清单。 3.The submission投标文件的递交 As stated in Section 1 – Bidder Notice and Tender Event Schedule, the Section 4 content in pdf copies is required to upload onto the Materials Purchasing Management Information System ofCCCC http:/ 点击查看>> Vendor Portal. The successful time stamp of submission shall be as per the notice from the portal page receipt confirmation. (略) 分:投标人须知前附表,投标人应在投标文件递交截止时间前, (略) 分的投标文件以pdf扫描件上传中国交建物资采购管理信息系统http:/ 点击查看>> 供应商门户。 4.TENDEREE INFORMATION 招标人信息 Tenderee 招标人 : China Harbour Engineering Company Limited. 中国 (略) Address 详细地址 :China Harbour Engineering Company LimitedNauru Corporation中国 (略) 瑙鲁分公司 Contact officer 联系人 : Mr Gan Xiaotao 甘小涛 Telephone 电话 : + * 点击查看>> Handphone 手机 : + * 点击查看>> Email 电子信箱 : ganxiaotao * @ 点击查看>> |
附件列表供应商投标操作流程(请点击查看) |
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