



Section 5 Invitation for Bids

河南省机电 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产 (略) 国际公开竞争性招标,并于 * 年3月7日在中 (略) 上公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。

Henan Province Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,LTDby thetenderer of the following goods and services by way of International Competitive Bidding, inMar.7th, * announcement at the China International Bidding Website. The tender for the traditional tendering, invites qualified bidders to participate in the bidding.

1. 招标条件

The tender conditions

项目概况:商丘 (略) 手术医用设备一批采购。

Overview: A batch of surgical medical equipment of Shangqiu first people"s Hospital .


Source of Funds: self, have been implemented.


Description of ThePrepared Bidding Conditions: Project with the tender conditions

2. 招标内容

Bidding content

招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SQRY *

Tender Item Number: 点击查看>> SQRY *

招标项目名称:商丘 (略) 手术医用设备一批采购。

Name of Tender Item: A batch of surgical medical equipment of Shangqiu first people"s Hospital


Project site: China"s Henan Province







点击查看>> SQRY 点击查看>>





点击查看>> SQRY 点击查看>>





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List of Products (mainly equipment):



Bidder qualification requirements


The bidder should have the qualifications:

1)符合《政府采购法》第二十二条的要求,具有独立承担民事责任的能力,国内的投标人须提供企业营业执照副本、组织机构代码副本、国/地税税务登记证 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照,国外的投标人需提供企业注册证明及相关税务证明。

1)It meets the requirements of Article 22 of the government procurement law. Domestic bidders shallhave the ability to bear civil liability independently,provide a copy of a business license by the annual enterprise, organization code , State / Local Tax Registration Certificateor provide a copy ofhaving the Uniform social credit code’s business license, foreign bidders must provide proof of registration and related corporate tax proof.


2)If the goods provided by the bidder are not manufactured by the bidder, the bidder shall have the original power of attorney of the goods manufacturer to agree to act as its agent for the goods(The same brand product does not accept more than one bidder participating in the same bid).


3)The third kind of equipment shall have a valid business license for medical devices, and the second kind of equipment shall have a valid record certificate for medical devices and shall be within the business scope.

4)拟投产品须具有资质认证(按 (略) ),提供在国家食品药 (略) 注册的有效期内的中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证或中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证及医疗器械注册登记表(按国家有关规定)。

4)Bidding products must be certified (execute) in accordance with state provisions, provide registered in the state food and drug administration of the period of validity of the medical device registration certificate of the People"s Republic of China or the People"s Republic of China medical device registration certificate and the medical device registration form (according to the relevant provisions of the state).

5)投标人需具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度(具备 (略) 出具的 * 或 * 年度完整的财 (略) 开具的资信证明),有依法 (略) 会保障资金的良好记录(提供 * 年1月1日以来至少三个月的 (略) 保缴纳证明)。

5)The bidder shall have good business reputation and sound financial and accounting system (complete financial report for * or * issued by an accounting firm or credit certificate issued by a bank), and have a good record of paying taxes and social security funds according to law (provide tax certificate and social security payment certificate for at least three months since January 1, * ).

6)投标 (略) (略) 必需的设备和专业技术能力;在参加政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录(自行承诺);

6) The tenderer has the necessary equipment and professional technical ability to perform the contract; And promise that there is no major illegal record in business activities within three years before participating in government procurement activities;


7) Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.


When receiving the bidding documents, the above materials shall be provided with one set of copies, which shall be stamped with official seal and bound into a volume, and the power of attorney shall be stamped with official seal.


Whether to accept the consortium bid: No


Are not able to participate in the tender for purchase of tender documents: No

4. 招标文件的获取

To obtain the tender documents

招标文件领购开始时间: * 年3月7日

Bidding Documents Purchasing Start time:Mar.7th, *

招标文件领购结束时间: * 年3月14日

Bidding Documents Purchasing End time:Mar.14th, *

招标文件领购地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼 * 房间

Bidding Documents Purchasing Location: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD Commerce Branch Road intersection as the eighth floor of * rooms Golden Tower

招标文件售价: * 元人民币或50美元/标段

Price of Bidding Documents: * RMB or 50 U.S. dollars/Bid


Additional Instructions: Purchasing time is 9:00 -11:30,15 -17 00 pm (except holidays) if mail order, are subject to50 RMB or 20 U.S. dollars. Mail will be sent instantly to express way after receiving the relevant funds, but in no case be liable for the tender and the tender body is not punctual postal mail or assume any responsibility for the loss. IFB.

5. 投标文件的递交

Submission of tender documents

投标截止时间(开标时间): * 年3月29日09:30(北京时间)。 (略) 派代表出席开标仪式。

Deadline (opening time):At 09:30onMar.29th, * (Beijing time). Please participate in the bidding company will be represented at the opening ceremony.

投标文件送达地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼开标室

Place of Bid: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD business as Golden Tower Branch Road intersection opening room on the eighth floor

开标地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼开标室

Place of Bid Opening: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD business as Golden Tower Branch Road intersection opening room on the eighth floor

6. 投标人在投标前需在中 (略) 上完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在中 (略) 公示。

Bidders are required to complete registration and information verification on China International Bidding website before bidding. Evaluation results will be released on the China International Bidding Website.

7. 联系方式


招标人:商丘 (略)

Tender: Shangqiu First People"s Hospital

地 址:商丘市睢阳区凯旋南路

Address: Kaixuan South Road, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City


Contact 点击查看>>

联系方式: 点击查看>> *

Tel: 点击查看>> *

招标代理机构:河南省机电 (略)

Bidding Agencies: Electrical Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd., Henan Province

地址:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼 * 房间

Address: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD Commerce Branch Road intersection as the eighth floor of * rooms Golden Tower

联系人:张女士 潘女士

Contact: Ms. Z 点击查看>>

联系方式: 点击查看>> *

Tel: 点击查看>> 点击查看>>

电子邮件: * 63.com

Email: * 63.com

8. 汇款方式


招标代理 (略) (人民币):建行 (略)

Bidding Agencies Bank (RMB): China Construction Bank branch in Zhengzhou immediate

招标代理 (略) (美元):浦发郑分营

Bidding Agencies Bank (USD): SPD Zheng sub-camp

帐 号(人民币): * * * * *

Account (RMB): * * * * *

帐 号(美 元): * * * * 4

Account Number (US dollars): * * * * 4


Section 5 Invitation for Bids

河南省机电 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产 (略) 国际公开竞争性招标,并于 * 年3月7日在中 (略) 上公告。本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。

Henan Province Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,LTDby thetenderer of the following goods and services by way of International Competitive Bidding, inMar.7th, * announcement at the China International Bidding Website. The tender for the traditional tendering, invites qualified bidders to participate in the bidding.

1. 招标条件

The tender conditions

项目概况:商丘 (略) 手术医用设备一批采购。

Overview: A batch of surgical medical equipment of Shangqiu first people"s Hospital .


Source of Funds: self, have been implemented.


Description of ThePrepared Bidding Conditions: Project with the tender conditions

2. 招标内容

Bidding content

招标项目编号: 点击查看>> SQRY *

Tender Item Number: 点击查看>> SQRY *

招标项目名称:商丘 (略) 手术医用设备一批采购。

Name of Tender Item: A batch of surgical medical equipment of Shangqiu first people"s Hospital


Project site: China"s Henan Province







点击查看>> SQRY 点击查看>>





点击查看>> SQRY 点击查看>>





点击查看>> SQRY 点击查看>>





List of Products (mainly equipment):



Bidder qualification requirements


The bidder should have the qualifications:

1)符合《政府采购法》第二十二条的要求,具有独立承担民事责任的能力,国内的投标人须提供企业营业执照副本、组织机构代码副本、国/地税税务登记证 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照,国外的投标人需提供企业注册证明及相关税务证明。

1)It meets the requirements of Article 22 of the government procurement law. Domestic bidders shallhave the ability to bear civil liability independently,provide a copy of a business license by the annual enterprise, organization code , State / Local Tax Registration Certificateor provide a copy ofhaving the Uniform social credit code’s business license, foreign bidders must provide proof of registration and related corporate tax proof.


2)If the goods provided by the bidder are not manufactured by the bidder, the bidder shall have the original power of attorney of the goods manufacturer to agree to act as its agent for the goods(The same brand product does not accept more than one bidder participating in the same bid).


3)The third kind of equipment shall have a valid business license for medical devices, and the second kind of equipment shall have a valid record certificate for medical devices and shall be within the business scope.

4)拟投产品须具有资质认证(按 (略) ),提供在国家食品药 (略) 注册的有效期内的中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证或中华人民共和国医疗器械注册证及医疗器械注册登记表(按国家有关规定)。

4)Bidding products must be certified (execute) in accordance with state provisions, provide registered in the state food and drug administration of the period of validity of the medical device registration certificate of the People"s Republic of China or the People"s Republic of China medical device registration certificate and the medical device registration form (according to the relevant provisions of the state).

5)投标人需具有良好的商业信誉和健全的财务会计制度(具备 (略) 出具的 * 或 * 年度完整的财 (略) 开具的资信证明),有依法 (略) 会保障资金的良好记录(提供 * 年1月1日以来至少三个月的 (略) 保缴纳证明)。

5)The bidder shall have good business reputation and sound financial and accounting system (complete financial report for * or * issued by an accounting firm or credit certificate issued by a bank), and have a good record of paying taxes and social security funds according to law (provide tax certificate and social security payment certificate for at least three months since January 1, * ).

6)投标 (略) (略) 必需的设备和专业技术能力;在参加政府采购活动前三年内,在经营活动中没有重大违法记录(自行承诺);

6) The tenderer has the necessary equipment and professional technical ability to perform the contract; And promise that there is no major illegal record in business activities within three years before participating in government procurement activities;


7) Other conditions stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.


When receiving the bidding documents, the above materials shall be provided with one set of copies, which shall be stamped with official seal and bound into a volume, and the power of attorney shall be stamped with official seal.


Whether to accept the consortium bid: No


Are not able to participate in the tender for purchase of tender documents: No

4. 招标文件的获取

To obtain the tender documents

招标文件领购开始时间: * 年3月7日

Bidding Documents Purchasing Start time:Mar.7th, *

招标文件领购结束时间: * 年3月14日

Bidding Documents Purchasing End time:Mar.14th, *

招标文件领购地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼 * 房间

Bidding Documents Purchasing Location: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD Commerce Branch Road intersection as the eighth floor of * rooms Golden Tower

招标文件售价: * 元人民币或50美元/标段

Price of Bidding Documents: * RMB or 50 U.S. dollars/Bid


Additional Instructions: Purchasing time is 9:00 -11:30,15 -17 00 pm (except holidays) if mail order, are subject to50 RMB or 20 U.S. dollars. Mail will be sent instantly to express way after receiving the relevant funds, but in no case be liable for the tender and the tender body is not punctual postal mail or assume any responsibility for the loss. IFB.

5. 投标文件的递交

Submission of tender documents

投标截止时间(开标时间): * 年3月29日09:30(北京时间)。 (略) 派代表出席开标仪式。

Deadline (opening time):At 09:30onMar.29th, * (Beijing time). Please participate in the bidding company will be represented at the opening ceremony.

投标文件送达地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼开标室

Place of Bid: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD business as Golden Tower Branch Road intersection opening room on the eighth floor

开标地点:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼开标室

Place of Bid Opening: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD business as Golden Tower Branch Road intersection opening room on the eighth floor

6. 投标人在投标前需在中 (略) 上完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在中 (略) 公示。

Bidders are required to complete registration and information verification on China International Bidding website before bidding. Evaluation results will be released on the China International Bidding Website.

7. 联系方式


招标人:商丘 (略)

Tender: Shangqiu First People"s Hospital

地 址:商丘市睢阳区凯旋南路

Address: Kaixuan South Road, Suiyang District, Shangqiu City


Contact 点击查看>>

联系方式: 点击查看>> *

Tel: 点击查看>> *

招标代理机构:河南省机电 (略)

Bidding Agencies: Electrical Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd., Henan Province

地址:河南省郑州市金水区CBD商务外环与九 (略) 金座八楼 * 房间

Address: Zhengzhou City, Henan Province and nine outer CBD Commerce Branch Road intersection as the eighth floor of * rooms Golden Tower

联系人:张女士 潘女士

Contact: Ms. Z 点击查看>>

联系方式: 点击查看>> *

Tel: 点击查看>> 点击查看>>

电子邮件: * 63.com

Email: * 63.com

8. 汇款方式


招标代理 (略) (人民币):建行 (略)

Bidding Agencies Bank (RMB): China Construction Bank branch in Zhengzhou immediate

招标代理 (略) (美元):浦发郑分营

Bidding Agencies Bank (USD): SPD Zheng sub-camp

帐 号(人民币): * * * * *

Account (RMB): * * * * *

帐 号(美 元): * * * * 4

Account Number (US dollars): * * * * 4






