



( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087)

(略) 在地区:四川省成都市


本北京燃气天津南港LNG应急储备项目三阶段总承包项目薄膜系统材料( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。


项目规模:包号:01紧固件用胶水Glue for fasteners fit (略) :02次屏蔽用胶水Glue for secondary barrier bon (略) :03不锈钢与次屏蔽粘接胶水Glue for secondary barrier bonding on Stainless S (略) :04主块与顶桥板粘接剂Adhesive for primary blocks and TBP Bonding 包号:05紧固件Fastening elements 包号:06次屏蔽Secondary barrier (FSB & RSB) 包号:07平缝与玻璃棉Flat Joint and Glass Wool elements 包号:08铝吊顶玻璃棉Glass Wool for Suspended Deck 包号:09绝热板组件Insulation p (略) :10承重胶泥Load bearing Mastic 包号:11防潮层材料Polymeric coa (略) :12主屏蔽组件Primary bar (略) :13热保护Thermal protection 包号:14焊接组件Welded assemb (略) :15矫正楔块W (略) :16柔性绝缘条Supple Insulation S (略) :17泵管结构Tubular structure薄膜系统材料数量及要求:数量:1批/2罐(T-6207与T-6210)用量,详见各技术规格书。





3.1 投标人需为GTT认证的薄膜系统主材(绝缘板、波纹板) (略) 家或有GTT薄膜系统材料成套供货 (略) 家。备注:GTT为提供本项目薄膜系统技术 (略) 商。3.1 The bidder shall be a GTT certified manufacturer of main materials (insulating plate and corrugated plate) of film system or a complete manufacturer with the ability to supply the complete set of GTT materials of film 点击查看>> s: GTT is the proprietary technology manufacturer that provides the thin film system technology of this project3. (略) 的, (略) 注册登记证明;为境内公司的,需具有有效的独立法人资格,需提供有效的营业执照。If the bidder is an overseas company, it shall provide a valid certificate of company registration. If it is a domestic company, it shall have a valid independent legal person qualification and provide a valid business license.3.3投标人需提供制造商的以下文件:The bidder shall provide the following documents from the manufacturer:(1)有效期内的ISO9001质量体系认证证书,并在投标文件中提供复印件;ISO9001 quality system certificate within the validity period, and a copy shall be provided in the bid document;(2)有效期内的ISO 点击查看>> 环境管理体系认证证书或类似环境管理体系认证证明文件的复印件Copies of ISO 点击查看>> environmental management system certificate or similar environmental management system certificates within the validity period;(3)参与投标的制造商需提供其技术权属的相关证明文件。属于自有专利技术的,要求提供其相关专利文件复印件;属于非专利技术的,要求提供能够证明其合法拥有该技术的文件;属于他人授权技术的,要求提供合法有效的技术授权文件;The manufacturer participating in the bid shall provide relevant certification documents of its technical ownership. In terms of its own patented technology, it is required to provide copies of its relevant patent documents. In terms of non-patented technology, it is required to provide documents that can prove that it legally owns the technology. For the technology authorized by others, it is required to provide legal and effective technology authorization documents.3.4投标人提供的薄膜系统材料均需取得专利商GTT产品认证许可,不限应用业绩。3.4 The materials of film system provided by the bidders are required to obtain the product certification license of the licenser GTT, and the application performance is not limited.3.5投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开户银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of bank reference letter issued by its deposit bank within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening.3.6至投标截止时间,投标人 (略) 列为失信被执行人或被中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决(境外投标人无需提供)。Before the deadline for submission of bids, if a bidder is listed as dishonest executor by the people’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), its bid shall be rejected (not applicable for the bidder from outside the PRC customs territory).注:失信人信息查询方式:①“信用中国”(www.credi 点击查看>> );②中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民共和 (略) 和原国家 (略) (略) 。Notes:①Query method for dishonest information: Visit the website Credit China 点击查看>> ). ②For the blacklist information of dishonest operators and related persons bulletined by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), please visit the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China and original State Administration of Work Safety.3.7投标人近三年内(2018年至今)没有发生因未履行合同、延期交货、产品质量问题原因导致被起诉而产生法律纠纷,投标人需出具承诺说明,否则其投标被否决。In recent three years (from 2018 to now), the bidder has not been sued due to non-performance of the contract, delayed delivery and product quality problems, and the bidder shall issue a statement of commitment, otherwise its bid will be rejected.3.8本项目不接受联合体投标。Joint venture bid is not accepted for the Project.




获取时间:2022-04-26 09:00--2022-05-05 17:00

获取方法:4.1潜在投标人可从2022年4月25日上午9:00时起至2022年5月5日下午17:00时(北京时间),登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招 (略) http:/ 点击查看>> ,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。本招标文件售价为500元人民币/包件或80美元/包件,售后不退。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。4.2如在注册和购买过程中遇到问题,请联系余工:+86 10 8639 1277。4.3 (略) 领购本招标文件的投标人均不得参加投标。


递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30


递交地址:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30

开标地点:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


1、投标人可选择以下2种方式之一递交投标文件:The bidder can choose either of the following two ways to submit the bid document:① 投标人须于2022年5月18日下午16:00前(以收件人实际签收时间为准),将投标文件密封后快递至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室(邮编 点击查看>> ),何姗收, 点击查看>> 。The bidder shall submit the sealed bid document to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing (He Shan 点击查看>> ; post code: 点击查看>> ) before 4:00 p.m. on May 18, 2022 (subject to the actual signing time of the recipient.② 投标人于投标截止时间前,将投标文件密封后送至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室。Before the bid deadline, the bidder shall seal the bid document and send it to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing投标人邮寄寄出后应邮件发送招标代理机构业 (略) (略) ,方便招标代理机构跟踪投标文件快递情况。提示:受疫情影响,邮寄时 (略) 下降,投标人应合理安排邮寄时间,所有因邮寄引起的文件密封性不符、逾期送达等存在否决投标的风险均由投标人自行承担。The bidder shall send the mail and email to the business contact person of the tendering agent to inform the express company and the waybill number, so as to facilitate the tendering agent to track the express delivery of the bid document. Note: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the timeliness of mailing may be reduced, so the bidder should arrange the mailing time reasonably. The bidder shall bear the risk of the bid rejection due to the non-conformity of sealing and the late delivery of the document caused by mailing.2、发布公告的媒介Media for release of the Bidding Announcement本次招标公告同时在中国招标投标公共服务平台、中化商务电子招投标平台上发布。The Bidding Announcement is simultaneously released at China Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and Electronic Bidding Platform of SINOCHEM COMMERCE.3. 外币购买 (略) :Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):户 名: (略) Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.开户行: (略) 北京丰台支行Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch账 号: 点击查看>> Account No.: 点击查看>> SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ 点击查看>> Interested bidders may, from April 11, 2022 to April 18, 2022 during the period 9:00~17:00 (Beijing time), log on to the website of Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http:/ 点击查看>> , and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. Price of bidding documents: RMB 500 or USD 80 for each package. The sales will be final. After successful payment, they can download the bidding documents and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax.4.2 If there is any doubt about registration and buying, please call to Engineer Yu +86 10-8639 点击查看>> .3 Any bidder that has not purchased a bidding document from SINOCHEM Commerce Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid.5.上述列表中的每个采购包均需提供上述材料的供货、检验和试验、包装和运输、并指导安装及售后服务等。投标人可自行选择任意采购包参与投标,能够整体提供供货的投标人应每一个采购包均参与报名,并单独准备投标文件。Each purchase package in the above list shall provide the supply, inspection and testing, packaging and transportation, installation guidance and after-sales service of the above materials. The bidder may choose any purchase package to participate in the bidding at its option, and the bidder who can supply as a whole shall sign up for each purchase package and prepare the bid document separately.

八、 (略) 门

本招标 (略) 门为/ 。


招 标 人: (略)

地 址:四川成都高新区天府大道 (略)

联 系 人:李暮雪

电 话:028- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:heshan02@ 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略)

地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层

联 系 人:杜江

电 话:010- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:dujiang@ 点击查看>>


( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087)

(略) 在地区:四川省成都市


本北京燃气天津南港LNG应急储备项目三阶段总承包项目薄膜系统材料( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。


项目规模:包号:01紧固件用胶水Glue for fasteners fit (略) :02次屏蔽用胶水Glue for secondary barrier bon (略) :03不锈钢与次屏蔽粘接胶水Glue for secondary barrier bonding on Stainless S (略) :04主块与顶桥板粘接剂Adhesive for primary blocks and TBP Bonding 包号:05紧固件Fastening elements 包号:06次屏蔽Secondary barrier (FSB & RSB) 包号:07平缝与玻璃棉Flat Joint and Glass Wool elements 包号:08铝吊顶玻璃棉Glass Wool for Suspended Deck 包号:09绝热板组件Insulation p (略) :10承重胶泥Load bearing Mastic 包号:11防潮层材料Polymeric coa (略) :12主屏蔽组件Primary bar (略) :13热保护Thermal protection 包号:14焊接组件Welded assemb (略) :15矫正楔块W (略) :16柔性绝缘条Supple Insulation S (略) :17泵管结构Tubular structure薄膜系统材料数量及要求:数量:1批/2罐(T-6207与T-6210)用量,详见各技术规格书。





3.1 投标人需为GTT认证的薄膜系统主材(绝缘板、波纹板) (略) 家或有GTT薄膜系统材料成套供货 (略) 家。备注:GTT为提供本项目薄膜系统技术 (略) 商。3.1 The bidder shall be a GTT certified manufacturer of main materials (insulating plate and corrugated plate) of film system or a complete manufacturer with the ability to supply the complete set of GTT materials of film 点击查看>> s: GTT is the proprietary technology manufacturer that provides the thin film system technology of this project3. (略) 的, (略) 注册登记证明;为境内公司的,需具有有效的独立法人资格,需提供有效的营业执照。If the bidder is an overseas company, it shall provide a valid certificate of company registration. If it is a domestic company, it shall have a valid independent legal person qualification and provide a valid business license.3.3投标人需提供制造商的以下文件:The bidder shall provide the following documents from the manufacturer:(1)有效期内的ISO9001质量体系认证证书,并在投标文件中提供复印件;ISO9001 quality system certificate within the validity period, and a copy shall be provided in the bid document;(2)有效期内的ISO 点击查看>> 环境管理体系认证证书或类似环境管理体系认证证明文件的复印件Copies of ISO 点击查看>> environmental management system certificate or similar environmental management system certificates within the validity period;(3)参与投标的制造商需提供其技术权属的相关证明文件。属于自有专利技术的,要求提供其相关专利文件复印件;属于非专利技术的,要求提供能够证明其合法拥有该技术的文件;属于他人授权技术的,要求提供合法有效的技术授权文件;The manufacturer participating in the bid shall provide relevant certification documents of its technical ownership. In terms of its own patented technology, it is required to provide copies of its relevant patent documents. In terms of non-patented technology, it is required to provide documents that can prove that it legally owns the technology. For the technology authorized by others, it is required to provide legal and effective technology authorization documents.3.4投标人提供的薄膜系统材料均需取得专利商GTT产品认证许可,不限应用业绩。3.4 The materials of film system provided by the bidders are required to obtain the product certification license of the licenser GTT, and the application performance is not limited.3.5投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开户银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of bank reference letter issued by its deposit bank within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening.3.6至投标截止时间,投标人 (略) 列为失信被执行人或被中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决(境外投标人无需提供)。Before the deadline for submission of bids, if a bidder is listed as dishonest executor by the people’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), its bid shall be rejected (not applicable for the bidder from outside the PRC customs territory).注:失信人信息查询方式:①“信用中国”(www.credi 点击查看>> );②中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民共和 (略) 和原国家 (略) (略) 。Notes:①Query method for dishonest information: Visit the website Credit China 点击查看>> ). ②For the blacklist information of dishonest operators and related persons bulletined by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), please visit the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China and original State Administration of Work Safety.3.7投标人近三年内(2018年至今)没有发生因未履行合同、延期交货、产品质量问题原因导致被起诉而产生法律纠纷,投标人需出具承诺说明,否则其投标被否决。In recent three years (from 2018 to now), the bidder has not been sued due to non-performance of the contract, delayed delivery and product quality problems, and the bidder shall issue a statement of commitment, otherwise its bid will be rejected.3.8本项目不接受联合体投标。Joint venture bid is not accepted for the Project.




获取时间:2022-04-26 09:00--2022-05-05 17:00

获取方法:4.1潜在投标人可从2022年4月25日上午9:00时起至2022年5月5日下午17:00时(北京时间),登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招 (略) http:/ 点击查看>> ,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。本招标文件售价为500元人民币/包件或80美元/包件,售后不退。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。4.2如在注册和购买过程中遇到问题,请联系余工:+86 10 8639 1277。4.3 (略) 领购本招标文件的投标人均不得参加投标。


递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30


递交地址:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30

开标地点:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


1、投标人可选择以下2种方式之一递交投标文件:The bidder can choose either of the following two ways to submit the bid document:① 投标人须于2022年5月18日下午16:00前(以收件人实际签收时间为准),将投标文件密封后快递至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室(邮编 点击查看>> ),何姗收, 点击查看>> 。The bidder shall submit the sealed bid document to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing (He Shan 点击查看>> ; post code: 点击查看>> ) before 4:00 p.m. on May 18, 2022 (subject to the actual signing time of the recipient.② 投标人于投标截止时间前,将投标文件密封后送至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室。Before the bid deadline, the bidder shall seal the bid document and send it to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing投标人邮寄寄出后应邮件发送招标代理机构业 (略) (略) ,方便招标代理机构跟踪投标文件快递情况。提示:受疫情影响,邮寄时 (略) 下降,投标人应合理安排邮寄时间,所有因邮寄引起的文件密封性不符、逾期送达等存在否决投标的风险均由投标人自行承担。The bidder shall send the mail and email to the business contact person of the tendering agent to inform the express company and the waybill number, so as to facilitate the tendering agent to track the express delivery of the bid document. Note: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the timeliness of mailing may be reduced, so the bidder should arrange the mailing time reasonably. The bidder shall bear the risk of the bid rejection due to the non-conformity of sealing and the late delivery of the document caused by mailing.2、发布公告的媒介Media for release of the Bidding Announcement本次招标公告同时在中国招标投标公共服务平台、中化商务电子招投标平台上发布。The Bidding Announcement is simultaneously released at China Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and Electronic Bidding Platform of SINOCHEM COMMERCE.3. 外币购买 (略) :Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):户 名: (略) Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.开户行: (略) 北京丰台支行Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch账 号: 点击查看>> Account No.: 点击查看>> SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ 点击查看>> Interested bidders may, from April 11, 2022 to April 18, 2022 during the period 9:00~17:00 (Beijing time), log on to the website of Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http:/ 点击查看>> , and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. Price of bidding documents: RMB 500 or USD 80 for each package. The sales will be final. After successful payment, they can download the bidding documents and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax.4.2 If there is any doubt about registration and buying, please call to Engineer Yu +86 10-8639 点击查看>> .3 Any bidder that has not purchased a bidding document from SINOCHEM Commerce Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid.5.上述列表中的每个采购包均需提供上述材料的供货、检验和试验、包装和运输、并指导安装及售后服务等。投标人可自行选择任意采购包参与投标,能够整体提供供货的投标人应每一个采购包均参与报名,并单独准备投标文件。Each purchase package in the above list shall provide the supply, inspection and testing, packaging and transportation, installation guidance and after-sales service of the above materials. The bidder may choose any purchase package to participate in the bidding at its option, and the bidder who can supply as a whole shall sign up for each purchase package and prepare the bid document separately.

八、 (略) 门

本招标 (略) 门为/ 。


招 标 人: (略)

地 址:四川成都高新区天府大道 (略)

联 系 人:李暮雪

电 话:028- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:heshan02@ 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略)

地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层

联 系 人:杜江

电 话:010- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:dujiang@ 点击查看>>



( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087)

(略) 在地区:四川省成都市


本北京燃气天津南港LNG应急储备项目三阶段总承包项目薄膜系统材料( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。


项目规模:包号:01紧固件用胶水Glue for fasteners fit (略) :02次屏蔽用胶水Glue for secondary barrier bon (略) :03不锈钢与次屏蔽粘接胶水Glue for secondary barrier bonding on Stainless S (略) :04主块与顶桥板粘接剂Adhesive for primary blocks and TBP Bonding 包号:05紧固件Fastening elements 包号:06次屏蔽Secondary barrier (FSB & RSB) 包号:07平缝与玻璃棉Flat Joint and Glass Wool elements 包号:08铝吊顶玻璃棉Glass Wool for Suspended Deck 包号:09绝热板组件Insulation p (略) :10承重胶泥Load bearing Mastic 包号:11防潮层材料Polymeric coa (略) :12主屏蔽组件Primary bar (略) :13热保护Thermal protection 包号:14焊接组件Welded assemb (略) :15矫正楔块W (略) :16柔性绝缘条Supple Insulation S (略) :17泵管结构Tubular structure薄膜系统材料数量及要求:数量:1批/2罐(T-6207与T-6210)用量,详见各技术规格书。





3.1 投标人需为GTT认证的薄膜系统主材(绝缘板、波纹板) (略) 家或有GTT薄膜系统材料成套供货 (略) 家。备注:GTT为提供本项目薄膜系统技术 (略) 商。3.1 The bidder shall be a GTT certified manufacturer of main materials (insulating plate and corrugated plate) of film system or a complete manufacturer with the ability to supply the complete set of GTT materials of film 点击查看>> s: GTT is the proprietary technology manufacturer that provides the thin film system technology of this project3. (略) 的, (略) 注册登记证明;为境内公司的,需具有有效的独立法人资格,需提供有效的营业执照。If the bidder is an overseas company, it shall provide a valid certificate of company registration. If it is a domestic company, it shall have a valid independent legal person qualification and provide a valid business license.3.3投标人需提供制造商的以下文件:The bidder shall provide the following documents from the manufacturer:(1)有效期内的ISO9001质量体系认证证书,并在投标文件中提供复印件;ISO9001 quality system certificate within the validity period, and a copy shall be provided in the bid document;(2)有效期内的ISO 点击查看>> 环境管理体系认证证书或类似环境管理体系认证证明文件的复印件Copies of ISO 点击查看>> environmental management system certificate or similar environmental management system certificates within the validity period;(3)参与投标的制造商需提供其技术权属的相关证明文件。属于自有专利技术的,要求提供其相关专利文件复印件;属于非专利技术的,要求提供能够证明其合法拥有该技术的文件;属于他人授权技术的,要求提供合法有效的技术授权文件;The manufacturer participating in the bid shall provide relevant certification documents of its technical ownership. In terms of its own patented technology, it is required to provide copies of its relevant patent documents. In terms of non-patented technology, it is required to provide documents that can prove that it legally owns the technology. For the technology authorized by others, it is required to provide legal and effective technology authorization documents.3.4投标人提供的薄膜系统材料均需取得专利商GTT产品认证许可,不限应用业绩。3.4 The materials of film system provided by the bidders are required to obtain the product certification license of the licenser GTT, and the application performance is not limited.3.5投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开户银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of bank reference letter issued by its deposit bank within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening.3.6至投标截止时间,投标人 (略) 列为失信被执行人或被中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决(境外投标人无需提供)。Before the deadline for submission of bids, if a bidder is listed as dishonest executor by the people’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), its bid shall be rejected (not applicable for the bidder from outside the PRC customs territory).注:失信人信息查询方式:①“信用中国”(www.credi 点击查看>> );②中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民共和 (略) 和原国家 (略) (略) 。Notes:①Query method for dishonest information: Visit the website Credit China 点击查看>> ). ②For the blacklist information of dishonest operators and related persons bulletined by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), please visit the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China and original State Administration of Work Safety.3.7投标人近三年内(2018年至今)没有发生因未履行合同、延期交货、产品质量问题原因导致被起诉而产生法律纠纷,投标人需出具承诺说明,否则其投标被否决。In recent three years (from 2018 to now), the bidder has not been sued due to non-performance of the contract, delayed delivery and product quality problems, and the bidder shall issue a statement of commitment, otherwise its bid will be rejected.3.8本项目不接受联合体投标。Joint venture bid is not accepted for the Project.




获取时间:2022-04-26 09:00--2022-05-05 17:00

获取方法:4.1潜在投标人可从2022年4月25日上午9:00时起至2022年5月5日下午17:00时(北京时间),登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招 (略) http:/ 点击查看>> ,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。本招标文件售价为500元人民币/包件或80美元/包件,售后不退。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。4.2如在注册和购买过程中遇到问题,请联系余工:+86 10 8639 1277。4.3 (略) 领购本招标文件的投标人均不得参加投标。


递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30


递交地址:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30

开标地点:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


1、投标人可选择以下2种方式之一递交投标文件:The bidder can choose either of the following two ways to submit the bid document:① 投标人须于2022年5月18日下午16:00前(以收件人实际签收时间为准),将投标文件密封后快递至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室(邮编 点击查看>> ),何姗收, 点击查看>> 。The bidder shall submit the sealed bid document to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing (He Shan 点击查看>> ; post code: 点击查看>> ) before 4:00 p.m. on May 18, 2022 (subject to the actual signing time of the recipient.② 投标人于投标截止时间前,将投标文件密封后送至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室。Before the bid deadline, the bidder shall seal the bid document and send it to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing投标人邮寄寄出后应邮件发送招标代理机构业 (略) (略) ,方便招标代理机构跟踪投标文件快递情况。提示:受疫情影响,邮寄时 (略) 下降,投标人应合理安排邮寄时间,所有因邮寄引起的文件密封性不符、逾期送达等存在否决投标的风险均由投标人自行承担。The bidder shall send the mail and email to the business contact person of the tendering agent to inform the express company and the waybill number, so as to facilitate the tendering agent to track the express delivery of the bid document. Note: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the timeliness of mailing may be reduced, so the bidder should arrange the mailing time reasonably. The bidder shall bear the risk of the bid rejection due to the non-conformity of sealing and the late delivery of the document caused by mailing.2、发布公告的媒介Media for release of the Bidding Announcement本次招标公告同时在中国招标投标公共服务平台、中化商务电子招投标平台上发布。The Bidding Announcement is simultaneously released at China Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and Electronic Bidding Platform of SINOCHEM COMMERCE.3. 外币购买 (略) :Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):户 名: (略) Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.开户行: (略) 北京丰台支行Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch账 号: 点击查看>> Account No.: 点击查看>> SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ 点击查看>> Interested bidders may, from April 11, 2022 to April 18, 2022 during the period 9:00~17:00 (Beijing time), log on to the website of Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http:/ 点击查看>> , and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. Price of bidding documents: RMB 500 or USD 80 for each package. The sales will be final. After successful payment, they can download the bidding documents and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax.4.2 If there is any doubt about registration and buying, please call to Engineer Yu +86 10-8639 点击查看>> .3 Any bidder that has not purchased a bidding document from SINOCHEM Commerce Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid.5.上述列表中的每个采购包均需提供上述材料的供货、检验和试验、包装和运输、并指导安装及售后服务等。投标人可自行选择任意采购包参与投标,能够整体提供供货的投标人应每一个采购包均参与报名,并单独准备投标文件。Each purchase package in the above list shall provide the supply, inspection and testing, packaging and transportation, installation guidance and after-sales service of the above materials. The bidder may choose any purchase package to participate in the bidding at its option, and the bidder who can supply as a whole shall sign up for each purchase package and prepare the bid document separately.

八、 (略) 门

本招标 (略) 门为/ 。


招 标 人: (略)

地 址:四川成都高新区天府大道 (略)

联 系 人:李暮雪

电 话:028- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:heshan02@ 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略)

地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层

联 系 人:杜江

电 话:010- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:dujiang@ 点击查看>>


( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087)

(略) 在地区:四川省成都市


本北京燃气天津南港LNG应急储备项目三阶段总承包项目薄膜系统材料( (略) :0747-2240SCCZA087),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。


项目规模:包号:01紧固件用胶水Glue for fasteners fit (略) :02次屏蔽用胶水Glue for secondary barrier bon (略) :03不锈钢与次屏蔽粘接胶水Glue for secondary barrier bonding on Stainless S (略) :04主块与顶桥板粘接剂Adhesive for primary blocks and TBP Bonding 包号:05紧固件Fastening elements 包号:06次屏蔽Secondary barrier (FSB & RSB) 包号:07平缝与玻璃棉Flat Joint and Glass Wool elements 包号:08铝吊顶玻璃棉Glass Wool for Suspended Deck 包号:09绝热板组件Insulation p (略) :10承重胶泥Load bearing Mastic 包号:11防潮层材料Polymeric coa (略) :12主屏蔽组件Primary bar (略) :13热保护Thermal protection 包号:14焊接组件Welded assemb (略) :15矫正楔块W (略) :16柔性绝缘条Supple Insulation S (略) :17泵管结构Tubular structure薄膜系统材料数量及要求:数量:1批/2罐(T-6207与T-6210)用量,详见各技术规格书。





3.1 投标人需为GTT认证的薄膜系统主材(绝缘板、波纹板) (略) 家或有GTT薄膜系统材料成套供货 (略) 家。备注:GTT为提供本项目薄膜系统技术 (略) 商。3.1 The bidder shall be a GTT certified manufacturer of main materials (insulating plate and corrugated plate) of film system or a complete manufacturer with the ability to supply the complete set of GTT materials of film 点击查看>> s: GTT is the proprietary technology manufacturer that provides the thin film system technology of this project3. (略) 的, (略) 注册登记证明;为境内公司的,需具有有效的独立法人资格,需提供有效的营业执照。If the bidder is an overseas company, it shall provide a valid certificate of company registration. If it is a domestic company, it shall have a valid independent legal person qualification and provide a valid business license.3.3投标人需提供制造商的以下文件:The bidder shall provide the following documents from the manufacturer:(1)有效期内的ISO9001质量体系认证证书,并在投标文件中提供复印件;ISO9001 quality system certificate within the validity period, and a copy shall be provided in the bid document;(2)有效期内的ISO 点击查看>> 环境管理体系认证证书或类似环境管理体系认证证明文件的复印件Copies of ISO 点击查看>> environmental management system certificate or similar environmental management system certificates within the validity period;(3)参与投标的制造商需提供其技术权属的相关证明文件。属于自有专利技术的,要求提供其相关专利文件复印件;属于非专利技术的,要求提供能够证明其合法拥有该技术的文件;属于他人授权技术的,要求提供合法有效的技术授权文件;The manufacturer participating in the bid shall provide relevant certification documents of its technical ownership. In terms of its own patented technology, it is required to provide copies of its relevant patent documents. In terms of non-patented technology, it is required to provide documents that can prove that it legally owns the technology. For the technology authorized by others, it is required to provide legal and effective technology authorization documents.3.4投标人提供的薄膜系统材料均需取得专利商GTT产品认证许可,不限应用业绩。3.4 The materials of film system provided by the bidders are required to obtain the product certification license of the licenser GTT, and the application performance is not limited.3.5投标人应当提供在开标日前3个月内由其开户银行开具的银行资信证明的原件或复印件。The bidder shall provide the original or photocopy of bank reference letter issued by its deposit bank within 3 months prior to the date of bid opening.3.6至投标截止时间,投标人 (略) 列为失信被执行人或被中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )列入安全生产不良记录“黑名单”,其投标将被否决(境外投标人无需提供)。Before the deadline for submission of bids, if a bidder is listed as dishonest executor by the people’s court(s) or in the “blacklist” of work safety demerits by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), its bid shall be rejected (not applicable for the bidder from outside the PRC customs territory).注:失信人信息查询方式:①“信用中国”(www.credi 点击查看>> );②中华人民共和 (略) (包括原国家 (略) )公布的失信生产经营单位及其有关人员信息(黑名单):中华人民共和 (略) 和原国家 (略) (略) 。Notes:①Query method for dishonest information: Visit the website Credit China 点击查看>> ). ②For the blacklist information of dishonest operators and related persons bulletined by the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China (including original State Administration of Work Safety), please visit the official website of the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People’s Republic of China and original State Administration of Work Safety.3.7投标人近三年内(2018年至今)没有发生因未履行合同、延期交货、产品质量问题原因导致被起诉而产生法律纠纷,投标人需出具承诺说明,否则其投标被否决。In recent three years (from 2018 to now), the bidder has not been sued due to non-performance of the contract, delayed delivery and product quality problems, and the bidder shall issue a statement of commitment, otherwise its bid will be rejected.3.8本项目不接受联合体投标。Joint venture bid is not accepted for the Project.




获取时间:2022-04-26 09:00--2022-05-05 17:00

获取方法:4.1潜在投标人可从2022年4月25日上午9:00时起至2022年5月5日下午17:00时(北京时间),登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招 (略) http:/ 点击查看>> ,进入网络标书销售系统购买招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。本招标文件售价为500元人民币/包件或80美元/包件,售后不退。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。4.2如在注册和购买过程中遇到问题,请联系余工:+86 10 8639 1277。4.3 (略) 领购本招标文件的投标人均不得参加投标。


递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30


递交地址:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30

开标地点:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室


1、投标人可选择以下2种方式之一递交投标文件:The bidder can choose either of the following two ways to submit the bid document:① 投标人须于2022年5月18日下午16:00前(以收件人实际签收时间为准),将投标文件密封后快递至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室(邮编 点击查看>> ),何姗收, 点击查看>> 。The bidder shall submit the sealed bid document to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing (He Shan 点击查看>> ; post code: 点击查看>> ) before 4:00 p.m. on May 18, 2022 (subject to the actual signing time of the recipient.② 投标人于投标截止时间前,将投标文件密封后送至:北京市西城区复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室。Before the bid deadline, the bidder shall seal the bid document and send it to Meeting Room 3, Floor 21, SINOCHEM Tower, No. A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Xicheng District, Beijing投标人邮寄寄出后应邮件发送招标代理机构业 (略) (略) ,方便招标代理机构跟踪投标文件快递情况。提示:受疫情影响,邮寄时 (略) 下降,投标人应合理安排邮寄时间,所有因邮寄引起的文件密封性不符、逾期送达等存在否决投标的风险均由投标人自行承担。The bidder shall send the mail and email to the business contact person of the tendering agent to inform the express company and the waybill number, so as to facilitate the tendering agent to track the express delivery of the bid document. Note: Due to the impact of the epidemic, the timeliness of mailing may be reduced, so the bidder should arrange the mailing time reasonably. The bidder shall bear the risk of the bid rejection due to the non-conformity of sealing and the late delivery of the document caused by mailing.2、发布公告的媒介Media for release of the Bidding Announcement本次招标公告同时在中国招标投标公共服务平台、中化商务电子招投标平台上发布。The Bidding Announcement is simultaneously released at China Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and Electronic Bidding Platform of SINOCHEM COMMERCE.3. 外币购买 (略) :Account information for purchasing bidding documents (foreign currencies):户 名: (略) Account name: Sinochem Commerce Co., Ltd.开户行: (略) 北京丰台支行Bank Name: Bank of China, Beijing Fengtai Sub-Branch账 号: 点击查看>> Account No.: 点击查看>> SWIFT Code: BKCH CN BJ 点击查看>> Interested bidders may, from April 11, 2022 to April 18, 2022 during the period 9:00~17:00 (Beijing time), log on to the website of Sinochem Commerce Electronic Bidding and Tendering Platform http:/ 点击查看>> , and enter the online sales system of bidding documents. The buyer of bidding documents shall first freely register online following Help – Guide for Bidding and Tendering. Price of bidding documents: RMB 500 or USD 80 for each package. The sales will be final. After successful payment, they can download the bidding documents and the ordinary electronic invoice inclusive of value-added tax.4.2 If there is any doubt about registration and buying, please call to Engineer Yu +86 10-8639 点击查看>> .3 Any bidder that has not purchased a bidding document from SINOCHEM Commerce Co., Ltd. shall not participate in the bid.5.上述列表中的每个采购包均需提供上述材料的供货、检验和试验、包装和运输、并指导安装及售后服务等。投标人可自行选择任意采购包参与投标,能够整体提供供货的投标人应每一个采购包均参与报名,并单独准备投标文件。Each purchase package in the above list shall provide the supply, inspection and testing, packaging and transportation, installation guidance and after-sales service of the above materials. The bidder may choose any purchase package to participate in the bidding at its option, and the bidder who can supply as a whole shall sign up for each purchase package and prepare the bid document separately.

八、 (略) 门

本招标 (略) 门为/ 。


招 标 人: (略)

地 址:四川成都高新区天府大道 (略)

联 系 人:李暮雪

电 话:028- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:heshan02@ 点击查看>>

招标代理机构: (略)

地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层

联 系 人:杜江

电 话:010- 点击查看>>

电子邮件:dujiang@ 点击查看>>






