中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标招标公告
( (略) :0747-2240SCCZX065)
(略) 在地区:福建省泉州市
本中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标( (略) :0747-2240SCCZX065),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。
项目规模: (略) 10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置利用 点击查看>> 烯腈装置副产氢氰酸为原料,生产 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)产品。投标人提供10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺技术,本次主要采购工艺包:包括专利权和技术诀窍权许可费、工艺包和技术文件费、技术服务费、技术培训费。
中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标:
(2)投标人应当符合如下规定:法定代表人为同一个人的两个或两个以上法人不得同时投标; (略) 和/或控股公司不得同时参加投标。
(3)投标人须提供有效的 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)技术知识产权证明材料,材料包括但不限于1个及以上发明专利文件复印件(该发明专利文件需明确表明该专利用于 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯生产工艺,否则材料无效)。
(4)2012年3月1日至今(以项目投产时间为准),投标人应具有1套配套 点击查看>> 烯腈装置的单套年产能10万吨及以上 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置成功运行的业绩。投标人在投标文件中须提供符合上述条件的运行装置的相关业绩列表(标明规模、产品类型、用户名称、 (略) 在地、投产时间等)和相关证明材料(比如合同关键页等材料的复印件)。
获取时间:2022-04-28 17:19--2022-05-09 17:00
获取方法:网络标书销售:登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招投标平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )领购电子版招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票(中化招标电子招投标平台技术支持联系电话:010- 点击查看>> )。
递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30
递交地址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室
开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30
开标地点:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室
采购标的物:10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包
主要技术规格要求: (略) 10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置利用 点击查看>> 烯腈装置副产氢氰酸为原料,生产 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)产品。投标人提供10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺技术,本次主要采购工艺包:包括专利权和技术诀窍权许可费、工艺包和技术文件费、技术服务费、技术培训费。
本招标 (略) 门为福建省商务厅 。
招 标 人: (略)
地 址: 福建省泉州市惠安县泉惠石化工业区内(东桥镇)
联 系 人:杨钒
电 话:0595- 点击查看>>
电子邮件:yangfan01@ 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略)
地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层
联 系 人:林衡
电 话: 点击查看>>
电子邮件:linheng01@ 点击查看>>
Invitation for Bids
Date: Apr., 28th, 2022
Bid No.: 0747-2240SCCZX065
1. Entrusted by SINOCHEM Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (Tenderee), SINOCHEM COMMERCE CO., LTD.(Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international competitive from eligible bidders for the supply of 100 KMTA methyl methacrylate (MMA) plant process design package.(The details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications)
2. Interested potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding Documents from SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
3. Project overview: The 100 KMTA Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) plant of Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. uses hydrocyanic acid, the by-products from the acrylonitrile plant, as raw material to produce methyl methacrylate (MMA) products. The bidder provides the process technology of 100 KMTA Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) plant using the Acetone Cyanohydrin Method. The main purchases are as follows: process design package: including patent rights and technical know-how license fees, process design package and technical documentation fees, technical service fees, and technical training fees.
*4. Qualification requirements for bidders:
(1) Bidder from within P.R.C. should provide the copy of Effective Business License, Bidder from abroad should provide the copy of Effective Business Registration.
(2) The bidder shall comply with the following provisions: The legal representative shall not bid concurrently for two or more legal persons of the same person; The parent company may not participate in the tender simultaneously with its wholly-owned subsidiary and/or holding company.
(3) The bidder must provide the valid intellectual property certification materials of methyl methacrylate (MMA) technology, the relevant materials include but are not limited to one or more copies of invention patent documents (the invention patent documents must clearly indicate that the patent is used in the production process of methyl methacrylate, otherwise the materials are invalid).
(5) This project does not accept consortium bids.
(6) The bidders should provide a bank reference letter in original or its copy issued by their account banks within 3 months prior to the time of bid opening. (The copy needs to be signed or sealed by authorized person of bidders).
(7) Bidders must complete registration on the China International Bidding Network before the deadline for submission of bids.
5. Interested potential bidders may purchase Bidding Documents at the place hereafter from, Apr., 28th, 2022 to May, 9th, 2022 during 09:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Beijing time) except holidays upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2000 or USD 300 for each complete set of bidding documents. Bidders that fail to fill out the purchase record of the Bidding Documents shall be rejected.
Bidding documents purchasing online:
Online bidding sales: Login in the bidding documents purchasing system at website of SINOCHEM tender electronic bidding platform http:/ 点击查看>> . The purchaser must first register online (free of charge). For details, please refer to the Help Center - Bidding Guide. After the payment is successful, you can download the bidding documents and the VAT electronic general invoice (SINOCHEM tender electronic bidding platform technical support Tel: 010- 点击查看>> ).
For Business Connection:
Contact address for the Project: 20 Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Contact person: Ms.Wang Lingying, Miss. Heng Lin
Tel: +86 595 点击查看>> ,+86 点击查看>> ,+86 点击查看>>
E -Mail: wanglingying@ 点击查看>> ; linheng01@ 点击查看>>
6. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a.m.,May,19th,2022(Beijing time).Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m. on May,19th,2022 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time. Address for bid submission and bid opening: Meet Room No. 3, 21st Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.C 点击查看>> :+86 595 点击查看>>
中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标招标公告
( (略) :0747-2240SCCZX065)
(略) 在地区:福建省泉州市
本中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标( (略) :0747-2240SCCZX065),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为企业自筹,招标人为 (略) 。本项目已具备招标条件,现进行公开招标。
项目规模: (略) 10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置利用 点击查看>> 烯腈装置副产氢氰酸为原料,生产 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)产品。投标人提供10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺技术,本次主要采购工艺包:包括专利权和技术诀窍权许可费、工艺包和技术文件费、技术服务费、技术培训费。
中化泉州10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包国际招标:
(2)投标人应当符合如下规定:法定代表人为同一个人的两个或两个以上法人不得同时投标; (略) 和/或控股公司不得同时参加投标。
(3)投标人须提供有效的 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)技术知识产权证明材料,材料包括但不限于1个及以上发明专利文件复印件(该发明专利文件需明确表明该专利用于 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯生产工艺,否则材料无效)。
(4)2012年3月1日至今(以项目投产时间为准),投标人应具有1套配套 点击查看>> 烯腈装置的单套年产能10万吨及以上 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置成功运行的业绩。投标人在投标文件中须提供符合上述条件的运行装置的相关业绩列表(标明规模、产品类型、用户名称、 (略) 在地、投产时间等)和相关证明材料(比如合同关键页等材料的复印件)。
获取时间:2022-04-28 17:19--2022-05-09 17:00
获取方法:网络标书销售:登 点击查看>> 中化商务电子招投标平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )领购电子版招标文件。购标人需先进行网上注册(免费),具体步骤 (略) -招投标指南。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票(中化招标电子招投标平台技术支持联系电话:010- 点击查看>> )。
递交截止时间:2022-05-19 09:30
递交地址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室
开标时间:2022-05-19 09:30
开标地点:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大 (略) 会议室
采购标的物:10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺包
主要技术规格要求: (略) 10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置利用 点击查看>> 烯腈装置副产氢氰酸为原料,生产 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)产品。投标人提供10万吨/年 点击查看>> 基 点击查看>> 烯酸 点击查看>> 酯(MMA)装置工艺技术,本次主要采购工艺包:包括专利权和技术诀窍权许可费、工艺包和技术文件费、技术服务费、技术培训费。
本招标 (略) 门为福建省商务厅 。
招 标 人: (略)
地 址: 福建省泉州市惠安县泉惠石化工业区内(东桥镇)
联 系 人:杨钒
电 话:0595- 点击查看>>
电子邮件:yangfan01@ 点击查看>>
招标代理机构: (略)
地 址:北京市复兴门 (略) 中化大厦21层
联 系 人:林衡
电 话: 点击查看>>
电子邮件:linheng01@ 点击查看>>
Invitation for Bids
Date: Apr., 28th, 2022
Bid No.: 0747-2240SCCZX065
1. Entrusted by SINOCHEM Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (Tenderee), SINOCHEM COMMERCE CO., LTD.(Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international competitive from eligible bidders for the supply of 100 KMTA methyl methacrylate (MMA) plant process design package.(The details shall be found in Section 8 Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications)
2. Interested potential bidders may obtain further information and refer to Bidding Documents from SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd.
3. Project overview: The 100 KMTA Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) plant of Sinochem Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd. uses hydrocyanic acid, the by-products from the acrylonitrile plant, as raw material to produce methyl methacrylate (MMA) products. The bidder provides the process technology of 100 KMTA Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) plant using the Acetone Cyanohydrin Method. The main purchases are as follows: process design package: including patent rights and technical know-how license fees, process design package and technical documentation fees, technical service fees, and technical training fees.
*4. Qualification requirements for bidders:
(1) Bidder from within P.R.C. should provide the copy of Effective Business License, Bidder from abroad should provide the copy of Effective Business Registration.
(2) The bidder shall comply with the following provisions: The legal representative shall not bid concurrently for two or more legal persons of the same person; The parent company may not participate in the tender simultaneously with its wholly-owned subsidiary and/or holding company.
(3) The bidder must provide the valid intellectual property certification materials of methyl methacrylate (MMA) technology, the relevant materials include but are not limited to one or more copies of invention patent documents (the invention patent documents must clearly indicate that the patent is used in the production process of methyl methacrylate, otherwise the materials are invalid).
(5) This project does not accept consortium bids.
(6) The bidders should provide a bank reference letter in original or its copy issued by their account banks within 3 months prior to the time of bid opening. (The copy needs to be signed or sealed by authorized person of bidders).
(7) Bidders must complete registration on the China International Bidding Network before the deadline for submission of bids.
5. Interested potential bidders may purchase Bidding Documents at the place hereafter from, Apr., 28th, 2022 to May, 9th, 2022 during 09:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. (Beijing time) except holidays upon non-refundable payment of RMB 2000 or USD 300 for each complete set of bidding documents. Bidders that fail to fill out the purchase record of the Bidding Documents shall be rejected.
Bidding documents purchasing online:
Online bidding sales: Login in the bidding documents purchasing system at website of SINOCHEM tender electronic bidding platform http:/ 点击查看>> . The purchaser must first register online (free of charge). For details, please refer to the Help Center - Bidding Guide. After the payment is successful, you can download the bidding documents and the VAT electronic general invoice (SINOCHEM tender electronic bidding platform technical support Tel: 010- 点击查看>> ).
For Business Connection:
Contact address for the Project: 20 Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P. R. China.
Contact person: Ms.Wang Lingying, Miss. Heng Lin
Tel: +86 595 点击查看>> ,+86 点击查看>> ,+86 点击查看>>
E -Mail: wanglingying@ 点击查看>> ; linheng01@ 点击查看>>
6. All Bids must be delivered to the following address before 9:30 a.m.,May,19th,2022(Beijing time).Time for bid opening ceremony is 9:30 a.m. on May,19th,2022 (Beijing time), the representatives of the bidders are kindly requested to be present at the time. Address for bid submission and bid opening: Meet Room No. 3, 21st Floor, SINOCHEM Tower, A2 Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.C 点击查看>> :+86 595 点击查看>>