上海 (略) C919飞机飞行模拟机验证数据开发国际招标项目
本次上海 (略) C919飞机飞行模拟机验证数据开发国际招标项目( (略) :0747-2240SCCZQ104)招标人为上海 (略) ,招标项目资金来自企业自筹,出资比例为100%。该项目已具备招标条件,现进行国际公开招标。
招标范围:按照C919大型客机项目研制计划, (略) (招标人,以下简称招标人)将承担C919飞机模拟训练设备过渡C级/D级鉴定工作。中 (略) (CAAC)已于2017年开始邀请欧 (略) (EASA)运行适用性数据(OSD) (略) 门参与到CAAC模拟机过渡C级与D级的鉴定工作中,并在合作沟通中明确了模拟机数据(SIMD)审查是模拟机鉴定的前提。模拟机数据(SIMD)是指支持与飞行员型别等级训练相应飞机的飞行模拟 (略) 需的验证数据(VD),该数据在飞行模拟机的初始鉴定、升级鉴定、定期鉴定和附加鉴定中起着重要作用,同时也是C919飞机飞行模拟机过渡C级与D级鉴定的重要基础。该审查旨在通过对验证数据的产生过程及结果进行的审查,保证用于模拟机鉴定的参考对比数据的准确性与完整性。CAAC已提出在模拟机过渡C级鉴定前对SIMD开展评审的建议。另外,CAAC已针对扩展包线训练功能(全失速改出、复杂状态预防与改出、发动机和机身结冰、阵侧风起降和弹跳着 点击查看>> )发布了相关的咨询通告,并纳入到飞行模拟机过渡C级与D级的鉴定中。本项目的开展将可以提高验证数据开发及扩展包线技术开发相关业务的水平,最大程度保障SIMD评审的通过。
服务地点:原则上以招标人指定地点,即上海市闵 (略) (略) 为主。由于本项目为咨询服务类项目,投标人项目组至少保证在计划的工作周期内有40个工作日集 (略) 在的上海市闵 (略) (略) 办公(如遇不可抗因素,如疫情政策限制等,可视情安排现场办公天数),投标人做好集中办公的时间安排,保证每项交付物开始前、工作中、交付前和招标人当面进行充分的交流;其余时间 (略) 所在地完成,但必须通过电话、邮件等形式与招标人保持必要的沟通。
3.1.1 中华人民共和国关境内投标人须提 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照或事业单位法人证书或其他依法登记的证明材料;
3.1.2 中华人民共和国关境外投标人须提供有效的企业登记证明材料;
3.1.3 若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方须满足以上要求并提供以上资料。
投标人须提供近3年(2018、2019、2020年,投标人的成立时间少于以上规定年份的,应提供成立以来的) (略) 或审计机构出具的审计报告(至少包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表)。若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方均须提供上述文件。
3.4.1 投标人应提供开标日期前6个月内投标人开户银行开具的资信证明,若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方均须提供上述文件。
3.5 本次招标接受联合体投标。
4.1 获取时间:2022-05-18 09:00 - 2022-05-25 16:00
4.2 获取方法:请登录中化商务电子招投标平台(e. 点击查看>> )进行免费注册,并通过网上支付方式购买招标文件。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。 (略) 平台操作问题,请拨打平台技术支持联系电话:010- 点击查看>> 。招标文件每套售价2000元人民币或300美元,售后不退。未在招标代理机构登记购买本招标文件并办理CA的潜在投标人,其投标文件将被拒收。
5.1 递交截止时间:2022-06-08 10:00
5.2 递交方法:电子上传文件递交
5.3 递交地址:中化商务电子招投标平台
6.1 开标时间:2022-06-08 10:00
6.2 开标地点:中化商务电子招投标平台
8. (略) 门
本招标 (略) 门为/。
招 标 人:上海 (略)
地 址:上海市闵 (略) (略)
联 系 人:姜喆
电 话:021- 点击查看>>
电子邮件: @@@ omac.intra
招标代理机构: (略)
地 址:上海市浦东 (略) (略) 27层
联 系 人:张霄
电 话: 点击查看>>
电子邮件:zhangxiao7@ 点击查看>>
SACSC C919 Aircraft Flight Simulator Validation Data Development ICB
Bidding announcement1. Conditions of the biddingThe Tenderee of SACSC C919 Aircraft Flight Simulator Validation Data Development ICB (bidding No.: 0747-2240SCCZQ104) is Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd., and the bidding project is funded by the enterprise itself, with a capital contribution ratio of 100%. The project has already met the tendering conditions, and is now undergoing international public tendering.
2. Project overview and scope of tenderingRange of bidding: according to the development plan of C919 large passenger aircraft project, Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the tenderee) will undertake the C-level/D-level transition appraisal of C919 aircraft simulation training systems. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) began to invite the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Operational Suitability Data (OSD) Review Department to participate in the appraisal of CAAC simulator C-level and D-level transition, and made it clear in cooperation and communication that simulator data (SIMD) review is the premise of simulator appraisal. Simulator data (SIMD) refers to the validation data (VD) needed to support the objective test of flight simulators of aircraft corresponding to pilot type level training. These data play an important role in the initial appraisal, upgrade appraisal, regular appraisal and additional appraisal of flight simulators, and are also an important basis for the C-level/D-level transition appraisal of C919 aircraft flight simulators. The purpose of this review is to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reference comparison data used for simulator appraisal by reviewing the generation process and results of validation data. CAAC has suggested that SIMD should be reviewed before the simulator C-level transition appraisal. In addition, CAAC has issued relevant advisory notices for extended envelope training functions (full stall recovery, complex state prevention and recovery, engine and fuselage icing, crosswind take-off and landing, and landing bounce), which have been included in the appraisal of flight simulator C-level and D-level transition. The development of this project will improve the level of validation data development and envelope extension technology development related business, and ensure the passing of SIMD review to the greatest extent.
Service place: in principle, the place designated by the tenderee, namely No. 100 Jiangchuan East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, is the main service place. As this project is a consulting service project, the bidder"s project team shall ensure that at least 40 working days in the planned working cycle are concentrated at No. 100 Jiangchuan East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, where the tenderee is located (in case of force majeure factors, such as policy restrictions on epidemic, on-site office days can be arranged as appropriate). The bidder shall make a good schedule for centralized office work, and ensure full communication with the tenderee before the start, work and delivery of deliverables; the rest of the work can be completed at the place where the bidder"s company is located, but necessary communication must be maintained with the tenderee by telephone, mail or other forms.
Service period: 27 months from the signing of the contract.
Range of bidding: this bidding project is divided into one bidding section, and this bidding is for the validation data development of C919 aircraft flight simulator.
3. Qualification requirements for the BidderBidders are legal persons or other organizations that respond to the bidding and participate in bidding competition. They shall meet the following requirements:
3.1 Qualification requirement:
3.1.1. Bidders within the customs territory of the People"s Republic of China shall provide business license containing unified social credit code, legal person certificate of public institution, or other certification materials registered according to law;
3.1.2. Bidders outside the customs territory of the People"s Republic of China shall provide valid enterprise registration certification materials;
3.1.3. If the bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint venture shall meet the above requirements and provide the above materials.
3.2 Performance requirements:
The bidder shall provide a performance list for the past 5 years (from January 1, 2017 to the present), including at least one project related to or similar to this bidding project. The performance list shall show key information such as contract/order signing time, service content, signing parties, etc., and be signed by authorized representatives to promise authenticity, otherwise it will be deemed as invalid certification ma 点击查看>> the bidder is a joint venture, the lead member in the joint venture shall meet the above requirements and provide the above materials.
3.3 Financial requirements:
Bidders shall provide audit reports (at least including balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement) issued by accounting firms or audit institutions in recent 3 years (2018, 2019 and 2020, since the establishment if the establishment time of Bidders is less than the above specified years).If the Bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint shall provide the above documents.
3.4 Other requirements:
3.4.1. The bidder shall provide the credit certificate issued by the bidder"s opening bank within 6 months before the bid opening da 点击查看>> the bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint shall offer the above documents.
3.5Joint bidding is accepted for this bidding.
4. Acquisition of Bidding documents4.1 Acquisition time: 2022-05-18 09:00 - 2022-05-25 16:00
4.2 Acquisition method: please log in to e. 点击查看>> for free registration and purchase bidding documents through online payment. After successful payment, you can download the tender documents and VAT electronic ordinary invoices. In case of operation problems of the website platform, please call 010- 点击查看>> for technical support of the platform. Each set of the bidding documents is priced at RMB 2,000, or USD 300, which is non-refundable. Potential bidders who fail to register with the bidding agency to purchase this bidding document and apply for CA will have their bid rejected.
5. Submission for bidding5.1 Submission deadline: 2022-06-08 10:00
5.2 Submission method: electronic upload document
5.3 Address: e. 点击查看>>
6. Date and place of bid opening6.1 Bid opening time: 2022-06-08 10:00
6.2 Place of bid opening: e. 点击查看>>
7. Other announcementsThis bidding announcement is also published on China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform, Electronic Trading Platform for Tendering and Bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products 点击查看>> ), and E. 点击查看>> .
Please refer to the contact information of the bidding agency for details of the contact person and information for receiving objections in this project.
8. Supervisory authorityThe supervisory authority of this bidding project is/.
9. ContactTenderee: Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co.,Ltd.
Address: No. 100, East Jiangchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Contact person: Jiang Zhe
Tel: 021- 点击查看>>
E-mail: @@@ omac.intra
Address: F27, No. 555 Haiyang West Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact person: Zhang Xiao
Tel: 点击查看>>
E-mail: zhangxiao7@ 点击查看>>
上海 (略) C919飞机飞行模拟机验证数据开发国际招标项目
本次上海 (略) C919飞机飞行模拟机验证数据开发国际招标项目( (略) :0747-2240SCCZQ104)招标人为上海 (略) ,招标项目资金来自企业自筹,出资比例为100%。该项目已具备招标条件,现进行国际公开招标。
招标范围:按照C919大型客机项目研制计划, (略) (招标人,以下简称招标人)将承担C919飞机模拟训练设备过渡C级/D级鉴定工作。中 (略) (CAAC)已于2017年开始邀请欧 (略) (EASA)运行适用性数据(OSD) (略) 门参与到CAAC模拟机过渡C级与D级的鉴定工作中,并在合作沟通中明确了模拟机数据(SIMD)审查是模拟机鉴定的前提。模拟机数据(SIMD)是指支持与飞行员型别等级训练相应飞机的飞行模拟 (略) 需的验证数据(VD),该数据在飞行模拟机的初始鉴定、升级鉴定、定期鉴定和附加鉴定中起着重要作用,同时也是C919飞机飞行模拟机过渡C级与D级鉴定的重要基础。该审查旨在通过对验证数据的产生过程及结果进行的审查,保证用于模拟机鉴定的参考对比数据的准确性与完整性。CAAC已提出在模拟机过渡C级鉴定前对SIMD开展评审的建议。另外,CAAC已针对扩展包线训练功能(全失速改出、复杂状态预防与改出、发动机和机身结冰、阵侧风起降和弹跳着 点击查看>> )发布了相关的咨询通告,并纳入到飞行模拟机过渡C级与D级的鉴定中。本项目的开展将可以提高验证数据开发及扩展包线技术开发相关业务的水平,最大程度保障SIMD评审的通过。
服务地点:原则上以招标人指定地点,即上海市闵 (略) (略) 为主。由于本项目为咨询服务类项目,投标人项目组至少保证在计划的工作周期内有40个工作日集 (略) 在的上海市闵 (略) (略) 办公(如遇不可抗因素,如疫情政策限制等,可视情安排现场办公天数),投标人做好集中办公的时间安排,保证每项交付物开始前、工作中、交付前和招标人当面进行充分的交流;其余时间 (略) 所在地完成,但必须通过电话、邮件等形式与招标人保持必要的沟通。
3.1.1 中华人民共和国关境内投标人须提 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照或事业单位法人证书或其他依法登记的证明材料;
3.1.2 中华人民共和国关境外投标人须提供有效的企业登记证明材料;
3.1.3 若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方须满足以上要求并提供以上资料。
投标人须提供近3年(2018、2019、2020年,投标人的成立时间少于以上规定年份的,应提供成立以来的) (略) 或审计机构出具的审计报告(至少包括资产负债表、现金流量表、利润表)。若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方均须提供上述文件。
3.4.1 投标人应提供开标日期前6个月内投标人开户银行开具的资信证明,若投标人为联合体,则联合体中各方均须提供上述文件。
3.5 本次招标接受联合体投标。
4.1 获取时间:2022-05-18 09:00 - 2022-05-25 16:00
4.2 获取方法:请登录中化商务电子招投标平台(e. 点击查看>> )进行免费注册,并通过网上支付方式购买招标文件。支付成功后,可下载招标文件及增值税电子普通发票。 (略) 平台操作问题,请拨打平台技术支持联系电话:010- 点击查看>> 。招标文件每套售价2000元人民币或300美元,售后不退。未在招标代理机构登记购买本招标文件并办理CA的潜在投标人,其投标文件将被拒收。
5.1 递交截止时间:2022-06-08 10:00
5.2 递交方法:电子上传文件递交
5.3 递交地址:中化商务电子招投标平台
6.1 开标时间:2022-06-08 10:00
6.2 开标地点:中化商务电子招投标平台
8. (略) 门
本招标 (略) 门为/。
招 标 人:上海 (略)
地 址:上海市闵 (略) (略)
联 系 人:姜喆
电 话:021- 点击查看>>
电子邮件: @@@ omac.intra
招标代理机构: (略)
地 址:上海市浦东 (略) (略) 27层
联 系 人:张霄
电 话: 点击查看>>
电子邮件:zhangxiao7@ 点击查看>>
SACSC C919 Aircraft Flight Simulator Validation Data Development ICB
Bidding announcement1. Conditions of the biddingThe Tenderee of SACSC C919 Aircraft Flight Simulator Validation Data Development ICB (bidding No.: 0747-2240SCCZQ104) is Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd., and the bidding project is funded by the enterprise itself, with a capital contribution ratio of 100%. The project has already met the tendering conditions, and is now undergoing international public tendering.
2. Project overview and scope of tenderingRange of bidding: according to the development plan of C919 large passenger aircraft project, Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the tenderee) will undertake the C-level/D-level transition appraisal of C919 aircraft simulation training systems. In 2017, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) began to invite the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Operational Suitability Data (OSD) Review Department to participate in the appraisal of CAAC simulator C-level and D-level transition, and made it clear in cooperation and communication that simulator data (SIMD) review is the premise of simulator appraisal. Simulator data (SIMD) refers to the validation data (VD) needed to support the objective test of flight simulators of aircraft corresponding to pilot type level training. These data play an important role in the initial appraisal, upgrade appraisal, regular appraisal and additional appraisal of flight simulators, and are also an important basis for the C-level/D-level transition appraisal of C919 aircraft flight simulators. The purpose of this review is to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the reference comparison data used for simulator appraisal by reviewing the generation process and results of validation data. CAAC has suggested that SIMD should be reviewed before the simulator C-level transition appraisal. In addition, CAAC has issued relevant advisory notices for extended envelope training functions (full stall recovery, complex state prevention and recovery, engine and fuselage icing, crosswind take-off and landing, and landing bounce), which have been included in the appraisal of flight simulator C-level and D-level transition. The development of this project will improve the level of validation data development and envelope extension technology development related business, and ensure the passing of SIMD review to the greatest extent.
Service place: in principle, the place designated by the tenderee, namely No. 100 Jiangchuan East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, is the main service place. As this project is a consulting service project, the bidder"s project team shall ensure that at least 40 working days in the planned working cycle are concentrated at No. 100 Jiangchuan East Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, where the tenderee is located (in case of force majeure factors, such as policy restrictions on epidemic, on-site office days can be arranged as appropriate). The bidder shall make a good schedule for centralized office work, and ensure full communication with the tenderee before the start, work and delivery of deliverables; the rest of the work can be completed at the place where the bidder"s company is located, but necessary communication must be maintained with the tenderee by telephone, mail or other forms.
Service period: 27 months from the signing of the contract.
Range of bidding: this bidding project is divided into one bidding section, and this bidding is for the validation data development of C919 aircraft flight simulator.
3. Qualification requirements for the BidderBidders are legal persons or other organizations that respond to the bidding and participate in bidding competition. They shall meet the following requirements:
3.1 Qualification requirement:
3.1.1. Bidders within the customs territory of the People"s Republic of China shall provide business license containing unified social credit code, legal person certificate of public institution, or other certification materials registered according to law;
3.1.2. Bidders outside the customs territory of the People"s Republic of China shall provide valid enterprise registration certification materials;
3.1.3. If the bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint venture shall meet the above requirements and provide the above materials.
3.2 Performance requirements:
The bidder shall provide a performance list for the past 5 years (from January 1, 2017 to the present), including at least one project related to or similar to this bidding project. The performance list shall show key information such as contract/order signing time, service content, signing parties, etc., and be signed by authorized representatives to promise authenticity, otherwise it will be deemed as invalid certification ma 点击查看>> the bidder is a joint venture, the lead member in the joint venture shall meet the above requirements and provide the above materials.
3.3 Financial requirements:
Bidders shall provide audit reports (at least including balance sheet, cash flow statement and income statement) issued by accounting firms or audit institutions in recent 3 years (2018, 2019 and 2020, since the establishment if the establishment time of Bidders is less than the above specified years).If the Bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint shall provide the above documents.
3.4 Other requirements:
3.4.1. The bidder shall provide the credit certificate issued by the bidder"s opening bank within 6 months before the bid opening da 点击查看>> the bidder is a joint venture, all parties in the joint shall offer the above documents.
3.5Joint bidding is accepted for this bidding.
4. Acquisition of Bidding documents4.1 Acquisition time: 2022-05-18 09:00 - 2022-05-25 16:00
4.2 Acquisition method: please log in to e. 点击查看>> for free registration and purchase bidding documents through online payment. After successful payment, you can download the tender documents and VAT electronic ordinary invoices. In case of operation problems of the website platform, please call 010- 点击查看>> for technical support of the platform. Each set of the bidding documents is priced at RMB 2,000, or USD 300, which is non-refundable. Potential bidders who fail to register with the bidding agency to purchase this bidding document and apply for CA will have their bid rejected.
5. Submission for bidding5.1 Submission deadline: 2022-06-08 10:00
5.2 Submission method: electronic upload document
5.3 Address: e. 点击查看>>
6. Date and place of bid opening6.1 Bid opening time: 2022-06-08 10:00
6.2 Place of bid opening: e. 点击查看>>
7. Other announcementsThis bidding announcement is also published on China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform, Electronic Trading Platform for Tendering and Bidding of Mechanical and Electrical Products 点击查看>> ), and E. 点击查看>> .
Please refer to the contact information of the bidding agency for details of the contact person and information for receiving objections in this project.
8. Supervisory authorityThe supervisory authority of this bidding project is/.
9. ContactTenderee: Shanghai Aircraft Customer Service Co.,Ltd.
Address: No. 100, East Jiangchuan Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
Contact person: Jiang Zhe
Tel: 021- 点击查看>>
E-mail: @@@ omac.intra
Address: F27, No. 555 Haiyang West Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Contact person: Zhang Xiao
Tel: 点击查看>>
E-mail: zhangxiao7@ 点击查看>>