


【炼铁宣传材料采购单】Inquiry announcement
release time:** 17:34:19

** 11:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:炼铁宣传材料采购单
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platformBe sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:** 11:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

TitleRelevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

TitleRelevant documents

、Target information

material codematerial namehttp://** and modelUnit of measurementpurchase quantityused byRequirement note
*03PVC字和画材质:PVC1.5cmuv 画面尺寸3600*380字大小110*150帆船480*400 飘带610*200齿轮200*200 小山420*150推进德龙模式在优化中突破 对标先进企业在固化中提升1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*04PVC字和画材质:PVC1.5cmuv画面尺寸2500*480 字大小220*180 旗帜730*430 华表240乘340线条2300*100红炉铸魂钢铁筑梦1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*05展板材质:PVC1.5cmuv 价值观12块240*12012?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*06喷绘布和换灯珠1块 更换喷绘布 尺寸为405*2203块更换灯珠 尺寸为538点击查看>>220 520*220六高炉炉台1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*07炉台房顶字和固定架3*5方管架子+铁皮字字大小120*150*9个字会操心 敢着急 能解决1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*08高空斜桥字材质:PVC1.5cmuv字大小90*130cm说实话 出实招 用实劲 干实事1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*09通廊卡布灯箱300*150 6公分铝合金框子(共36块)36?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求

【炼铁宣传材料采购单】Inquiry announcement
release time:** 17:34:19

** 11:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:XJCG*
Project name:炼铁宣传材料采购单
project type:Directional procurement
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platformBe sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、quotation deadline:** 11:00:00,Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

V、attachment information

TitleRelevant documents

VI、Clarification attachment

TitleRelevant documents

、Target information

material codematerial namehttp://** and modelUnit of measurementpurchase quantityused byRequirement note
*03PVC字和画材质:PVC1.5cmuv 画面尺寸3600*380字大小110*150帆船480*400 飘带610*200齿轮200*200 小山420*150推进德龙模式在优化中突破 对标先进企业在固化中提升1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*04PVC字和画材质:PVC1.5cmuv画面尺寸2500*480 字大小220*180 旗帜730*430 华表240乘340线条2300*100红炉铸魂钢铁筑梦1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*05展板材质:PVC1.5cmuv 价值观12块240*12012?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*06喷绘布和换灯珠1块 更换喷绘布 尺寸为405*2203块更换灯珠 尺寸为538点击查看>>220 520*220六高炉炉台1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*07炉台房顶字和固定架3*5方管架子+铁皮字字大小120*150*9个字会操心 敢着急 能解决1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*08高空斜桥字材质:PVC1.5cmuv字大小90*130cm说实话 出实招 用实劲 干实事1?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求
*09通廊卡布灯箱300*150 6公分铝合金框子(共36块)36?炼铁厂?详见材质尺寸等要求






