


【2022.12综合仪表】Bidding announcement
release time:** 18:30:57
** 18:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:ZBCG*
Project name:2022.12综合仪表
project type:Directional bidding
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Bid bond payment information

2、Account name:
3、account opening bank:
4、Account number:
5、Row number:
6、As it takes one to two days to confirm the receipt of the company`s financial account, bidders are requested to pay the bid bond as soon as possible, so as not to delay your normal participation of bidding.
7、In case of any conflict between the above contents and the contents of bidding documents, the contents of bidding documents shall prevail.

V、Bid deadline and opening time

1、Bid deadline:** 18:00:00
2、bid opening time:** 08:00:00
3、Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

VI、attachment information

TitleRelevant documents

VII、Clarification attachment

TitleRelevant documents

、Target information

material codematerial namehttp://** and modelUnit of measurementpurchase quantityused byRequirement note
*82电磁阀* 线圈序列号:*电源230V5??? (略) ???
*22电动阀门执行机构AY-GSDN600S24转圈数/120;输出转速:r/min24;控制转矩:最小/最大Nm:300-900;阀门电动机:1.5KW 380V 5A 50HZ 1400r/min,定额:10分钟2??? (略) ???
*31冷金属检测器NOS-D2-4Z12??? (略) ???
*25天车遥控器DTGZ-00054 100/20T 详见技术要求1???中厚板???
*08电磁阀线圈MFZ12-90YC24V DC 36W5???石灰石矿???
*44耐震压力表YTN100ZT 1MPa10??? (略) ???
*23双室平衡容器PHRQ-640-C L=0-600mm,DN25 PN25MPa 碳钢2???中厚板???
*30起重量限制器QCX-GL 5t 常规 AC380V带5米屏蔽电缆1???中厚板???
*37起重量限制器QCX-GL 10t 常规 AC380V带5米屏蔽电缆1???中厚板???
*04保险管DMM-44/100-R440mA 配福禄克万用表20???中厚板???
*05航空插头GX12-6P 6芯10???中厚板???
*19红外线水平仪MBS-1A5 绿光5线1???烧结厂???
*21压力表Y50Z 0-1.0MPa G1/420???烧结厂???
*20压力表Y-TN100 0-10KPa10???烧结厂???
*01直流电阻测试仪9310 (锂电池) 保定金源1???烧结厂???
*22磁控开关RC103E-3-D1PH 上海首睿20???烧结厂???
*33PTC发热体ENMG CSP3-2100 100W 90-250V15???烧结厂???
*18不锈钢耐震氨用压力表YBNA-1000.6MPa30Coking plant
*90不锈钢耐震压力表YBN100 0-1.6MPa (带黄绿红三色标识)10Coking plant
*19膜盒压力表YE-100 量程:-5kPa-5kPa3Coking plant
*13耐震压力表YTN100 1MPa3Coking plant
*21接近开关LEJ100-2406GHT5Coking plant
*16金属转子流量计SJ-JSDN80XY 氮气 DN80带配对法兰,带远传。(天津世纪佰盈 )2??? (略) ???
*17金属转子流量计SJ-JSDN200XY 氮气 DN200带配对法兰,带远传。(天津世纪佰盈)1??? (略) ???
*03压力表弯dn15 材质:不锈钢31630???炼钢厂???
*45调速电位器WXD3-13 10K??5%20??? (略) ???
*61拉速大屏KZ-308PB8X 后面开门为4柜门对开,否则空间狭小打不开1??? (略) ???
*26兆欧表ZC-7 500V1???石灰石矿???
*36万用表FLUKE-15B+1Digital Information dept.
*05信号发生器SIN-C5121Digital Information dept.
*91*烷减压器YQW-02 青岛博扬5??? (略) ???
*04氧压表YO100 4MPa 1.0级10???动力厂???
*09电伴热防爆温度控制器型号:BJW-51 防护等级:IP54 额定电压:220V 额定电流:25A 防爆形式:ExeIIT4 山东华宁4Equipment dept.
*59接近开关LM30 2015A220V 二线制20??? (略) ???
*23EJA变送器EJA530E-JAS7N-O19E1 4-20mA 0~35kpa 10.5~42V(螺距20*1.5)1??? (略) ???
*32压力变送器PMP41-GE11F2H21T2 0-30KPa3??? (略) ???
*33智能压力变送器WNK3051TG-12BAB4S1M5 0~10Kpa 24VDC(螺距20*1.5)2??? (略) ???
*27联络装置GZ-1220V北沙电器1???河北 (略) ???
*28永磁安全锁PZ-2 电压110-380V 电流5A 北沙电器4???河北 (略) ???
*29起升高度限制器QGX-B(双出轴) 上海乔正2???河北 (略) ???
*24接近开关TCO-2040A(40mm)(常开) 220V10???河北 (略) ???
*25激光红外限位VL18L-4P324+反射板DC24V2???河北 (略) ???
*26接近开关GLJC30A3-H-J/EZ(常开) DC24V10???河北 (略) ???
*80编码器HV38S-400B 禹蒙2???河北 (略) ???
*29电动执行器型号:TOP-Z30-18MT 形式:输入输出4-20mA 转速:18r/min 转矩:300N/m 电机功率:0.75KW 电源电压:AC220V1???河北 (略) ???
*17天车风幕机TAX-B ac380v 4KW5??? (略) ???
*08氩气调压阀AR-200(氩气箱YQKO3L-TT)8??? (略) ???
*09氩气调压阀LR-D-MIDI(FESTO)8??? (略) ???
*16遥控器F-23A++ 含发射和接收 禹鼎2??? (略) ???
*15电源模块DR-15-24 输入220VAC,输出24VDC 1A5??? (略) ???
*15不锈钢针阀DN15,PN4.0MPa20??? (略) ???
*17伦茨Lenze编码器插头EWS0006 母头5??? (略) ???
*16智能压力变送器AY-GZBS1.6SY上海埃 (略) 2??? (略) ???
*14质量流量计AY-ZLDN50ZY60上海埃 (略) 1??? (略) ???
*18下渣检测摄像仪VSS杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*19传感器放大器SVD802A杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*20振动传感器SVD801B/SVD801C(含“谱诚大包下渣检测灵敏度设定软件V1.0”)杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*04数显压力传感器XMT-226NH1??? (略) ???
*19红外线水平仪MBS-1A5 绿光5线2???运输部???

【2022.12综合仪表】Bidding announcement
release time:** 18:30:57
** 18:00:00

I、Project overview

Item number:ZBCG*
Project name:2022.12综合仪表
project type:Directional bidding
Issued by:Tianjin Iron Factory
Released by:The spare parts dept.

II、Bidder must log inthe cloud procurement bidding platform Be sure to complete the registration and obtain bidding qualification before the bid opening to conduct bidding and bid opening activities. The bid winning situation will be announced on this website.

III、Online bidding method: For specific steps, please refer to the "Service Guide" on the homepage of the website.

IV、Bid bond payment information

2、Account name:
3、account opening bank:
4、Account number:
5、Row number:
6、As it takes one to two days to confirm the receipt of the company`s financial account, bidders are requested to pay the bid bond as soon as possible, so as not to delay your normal participation of bidding.
7、In case of any conflict between the above contents and the contents of bidding documents, the contents of bidding documents shall prevail.

V、Bid deadline and opening time

1、Bid deadline:** 18:00:00
2、bid opening time:** 08:00:00
3、Bidders shall successfully submit all electronic bidding documents on the cloud procurement bidding platform before the bid deadline, and overdue will not be accepted.

VI、attachment information

TitleRelevant documents

VII、Clarification attachment

TitleRelevant documents

、Target information

material codematerial namehttp://** and modelUnit of measurementpurchase quantityused byRequirement note
*82电磁阀* 线圈序列号:*电源230V5??? (略) ???
*22电动阀门执行机构AY-GSDN600S24转圈数/120;输出转速:r/min24;控制转矩:最小/最大Nm:300-900;阀门电动机:1.5KW 380V 5A 50HZ 1400r/min,定额:10分钟2??? (略) ???
*31冷金属检测器NOS-D2-4Z12??? (略) ???
*25天车遥控器DTGZ-00054 100/20T 详见技术要求1???中厚板???
*08电磁阀线圈MFZ12-90YC24V DC 36W5???石灰石矿???
*44耐震压力表YTN100ZT 1MPa10??? (略) ???
*23双室平衡容器PHRQ-640-C L=0-600mm,DN25 PN25MPa 碳钢2???中厚板???
*30起重量限制器QCX-GL 5t 常规 AC380V带5米屏蔽电缆1???中厚板???
*37起重量限制器QCX-GL 10t 常规 AC380V带5米屏蔽电缆1???中厚板???
*04保险管DMM-44/100-R440mA 配福禄克万用表20???中厚板???
*05航空插头GX12-6P 6芯10???中厚板???
*19红外线水平仪MBS-1A5 绿光5线1???烧结厂???
*21压力表Y50Z 0-1.0MPa G1/420???烧结厂???
*20压力表Y-TN100 0-10KPa10???烧结厂???
*01直流电阻测试仪9310 (锂电池) 保定金源1???烧结厂???
*22磁控开关RC103E-3-D1PH 上海首睿20???烧结厂???
*33PTC发热体ENMG CSP3-2100 100W 90-250V15???烧结厂???
*18不锈钢耐震氨用压力表YBNA-1000.6MPa30Coking plant
*90不锈钢耐震压力表YBN100 0-1.6MPa (带黄绿红三色标识)10Coking plant
*19膜盒压力表YE-100 量程:-5kPa-5kPa3Coking plant
*13耐震压力表YTN100 1MPa3Coking plant
*21接近开关LEJ100-2406GHT5Coking plant
*16金属转子流量计SJ-JSDN80XY 氮气 DN80带配对法兰,带远传。(天津世纪佰盈 )2??? (略) ???
*17金属转子流量计SJ-JSDN200XY 氮气 DN200带配对法兰,带远传。(天津世纪佰盈)1??? (略) ???
*03压力表弯dn15 材质:不锈钢31630???炼钢厂???
*45调速电位器WXD3-13 10K??5%20??? (略) ???
*61拉速大屏KZ-308PB8X 后面开门为4柜门对开,否则空间狭小打不开1??? (略) ???
*26兆欧表ZC-7 500V1???石灰石矿???
*36万用表FLUKE-15B+1Digital Information dept.
*05信号发生器SIN-C5121Digital Information dept.
*91*烷减压器YQW-02 青岛博扬5??? (略) ???
*04氧压表YO100 4MPa 1.0级10???动力厂???
*09电伴热防爆温度控制器型号:BJW-51 防护等级:IP54 额定电压:220V 额定电流:25A 防爆形式:ExeIIT4 山东华宁4Equipment dept.
*59接近开关LM30 2015A220V 二线制20??? (略) ???
*23EJA变送器EJA530E-JAS7N-O19E1 4-20mA 0~35kpa 10.5~42V(螺距20*1.5)1??? (略) ???
*32压力变送器PMP41-GE11F2H21T2 0-30KPa3??? (略) ???
*33智能压力变送器WNK3051TG-12BAB4S1M5 0~10Kpa 24VDC(螺距20*1.5)2??? (略) ???
*27联络装置GZ-1220V北沙电器1???河北 (略) ???
*28永磁安全锁PZ-2 电压110-380V 电流5A 北沙电器4???河北 (略) ???
*29起升高度限制器QGX-B(双出轴) 上海乔正2???河北 (略) ???
*24接近开关TCO-2040A(40mm)(常开) 220V10???河北 (略) ???
*25激光红外限位VL18L-4P324+反射板DC24V2???河北 (略) ???
*26接近开关GLJC30A3-H-J/EZ(常开) DC24V10???河北 (略) ???
*80编码器HV38S-400B 禹蒙2???河北 (略) ???
*29电动执行器型号:TOP-Z30-18MT 形式:输入输出4-20mA 转速:18r/min 转矩:300N/m 电机功率:0.75KW 电源电压:AC220V1???河北 (略) ???
*17天车风幕机TAX-B ac380v 4KW5??? (略) ???
*08氩气调压阀AR-200(氩气箱YQKO3L-TT)8??? (略) ???
*09氩气调压阀LR-D-MIDI(FESTO)8??? (略) ???
*16遥控器F-23A++ 含发射和接收 禹鼎2??? (略) ???
*15电源模块DR-15-24 输入220VAC,输出24VDC 1A5??? (略) ???
*15不锈钢针阀DN15,PN4.0MPa20??? (略) ???
*17伦茨Lenze编码器插头EWS0006 母头5??? (略) ???
*16智能压力变送器AY-GZBS1.6SY上海埃 (略) 2??? (略) ???
*14质量流量计AY-ZLDN50ZY60上海埃 (略) 1??? (略) ???
*18下渣检测摄像仪VSS杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*19传感器放大器SVD802A杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*20振动传感器SVD801B/SVD801C(含“谱诚大包下渣检测灵敏度设定软件V1.0”)杭州谱诚1??? (略) ???
*04数显压力传感器XMT-226NH1??? (略) ???
*19红外线水平仪MBS-1A5 绿光5线2???运输部???






