采购轨道车辆 机车货车闸瓦 图,3000套起,如果有单片含税运多少,如果没有开模具需要多少钱,单片多少。 江苏
Item No Item Description Qty Unit Price Total Price Delivery schedule
1 Brake blocks composite Wagon F18/A11 for Freight Trains.( 用于货运列车的复合制动块F18/A11货车。)
货车合成闸瓦 3000
长度Length 328mm
宽度Tread width 76mm
厚度Thickness (field side) 66 mm
背板半径Backing Plate radius 470mm
胎面半径Tread surface radius 460mm
端件距离-外End piece distance -outer n/a
端件距离-内End piece distance-inner 284mm
胎面锥度Tread taper 1:20
支架高度(内)Bracket height (inner) 22mm
Total Amount
F18/A11: Low Friction composite formulated for minimum occurrence of wheel skidding in applications where longer stopping distances are acceptable. F18/A11:低摩擦复合材料,适用于可接受较长停车距离的应用中,最大限度地减少车轮打滑的发生。
NB: For more information on the required Composite wagon brake blocks please refer to the attached drawing. 有关所需复合货车制动块的更多信息,请参阅附图。