


发布时间:2024-08-09 16:28:00

中交第 (略) 江苏分公司缅甸仰光工程经理部600HP拖轮租赁询价函

Inquiry Letter for Tugboat Leasingof Myanmar Yangon Project Manager Department, Jiangsu Branch of CCCC Third Harbour Engineering Co., LTD


Due to engineering construction, Our company needs to bid for the lease of a 600HP tugboat, and now inquire about leasing (No.: ), if your unit is interested, please bid according to the following requirements:

1、 投标人资质:要求投标人须是招标人或中交的合格供方。

1. Bidder qualification: The bidder shall be the tenderer or a qualified supplier of CCCC.

2、 质量要求:设备质量必须符合相关国家标准的要求;设备证书复印件随设备交需方现场联系人。

2. quality requirements: equipment quality must meet the requirements of the relevant national standards; The copy of the equipment certificate shall be delivered with the on-site contact person of the demander.

3、 供应数量规格:详见技术规格书

3. Supply quantity specifications: See technical specifications for details

4、租赁时间: 暂定2024年8月15日-2026年 8月14日

4. Lease Time: Tentatively scheduled August 15, 2024 to August 14, 2026

5、交货地点: 缅甸仰光莱茵河

5. Place of delivery: The Rhine River in Yangon,Myanmar.


6. Transportation mode and cost burden: the supplier shall bear the transportation and freight, and the demander shall be responsible for assembly.


7. Terms of payment: (1) Monthly payment. The supplier shall provide Myanmar proforma invoice to the demander at the end of each month according to the platform usage record.



8. Performance Guarantee and Liability for Breach:

The supplier guarantees that the quality, quantity and specifications of the leased equipment meet the requirements of the demander. If the equipment fails to meet the requirements, the Supplier shall have the obligation to rearrange the qualified equipment to the designated place with unconditional quality and quantity guarantee as required by the Demander.

9、投标报价单的递交:投标人请于2024年8月13日10:00时前通过《中交集团供应链管理信息系统》完成报价的录入并上传(上传附件的投 (略) 上填报报价应一致,不一致的作废标处理)。

9. Submission of bid quotation: The bidder shall input and upload the quotation through the Supply Chain Management Information System of CCCC before 10:00 on August 13, 2024 (the bid quotation in the uploaded attachment shall be consistent with the quotation filled in online, and any discrepancy shall be cancelled).


10, Bid opening and evaluation: The tenderee at 10:00 on August 13 The online bid opening will be conducted in the Supply Chain Management Information System of China Communications Group at 00 o "clock. The inquiry group authorized by bidding or the procurement leading group of the unit at the same level will comprehensively evaluate the bidder"s quotation, reputation, strength and other factors and determine the winning unit. The tenderer has the right to choose to accept or reject any bidder, especially the unreasonable price, without any explanation or explanation. don"t answer any questions.

招 标 人: 中交第 (略) 江苏分公司

Tenderee: Jiangsu Branch of CCCC Third Harbour Engineering Co., LTD

地 址: 连云区海州湾 (略) 10 (略) 大数据园B2栋 2107室

Address: Room 2107, Building B2, Belt and Road Big Data Park, No. 10 Guangzhou Road, Haizhou Bay Street, Lianyun District

邮 编: *

Postal code: *

联 系 人: 滕经理 马平根

Contact: Manager Teng

电 话: * *


发布时间:2024-08-09 16:28:00

中交第 (略) 江苏分公司缅甸仰光工程经理部600HP拖轮租赁询价函

Inquiry Letter for Tugboat Leasingof Myanmar Yangon Project Manager Department, Jiangsu Branch of CCCC Third Harbour Engineering Co., LTD


Due to engineering construction, Our company needs to bid for the lease of a 600HP tugboat, and now inquire about leasing (No.: ), if your unit is interested, please bid according to the following requirements:

1、 投标人资质:要求投标人须是招标人或中交的合格供方。

1. Bidder qualification: The bidder shall be the tenderer or a qualified supplier of CCCC.

2、 质量要求:设备质量必须符合相关国家标准的要求;设备证书复印件随设备交需方现场联系人。

2. quality requirements: equipment quality must meet the requirements of the relevant national standards; The copy of the equipment certificate shall be delivered with the on-site contact person of the demander.

3、 供应数量规格:详见技术规格书

3. Supply quantity specifications: See technical specifications for details

4、租赁时间: 暂定2024年8月15日-2026年 8月14日

4. Lease Time: Tentatively scheduled August 15, 2024 to August 14, 2026

5、交货地点: 缅甸仰光莱茵河

5. Place of delivery: The Rhine River in Yangon,Myanmar.


6. Transportation mode and cost burden: the supplier shall bear the transportation and freight, and the demander shall be responsible for assembly.


7. Terms of payment: (1) Monthly payment. The supplier shall provide Myanmar proforma invoice to the demander at the end of each month according to the platform usage record.



8. Performance Guarantee and Liability for Breach:

The supplier guarantees that the quality, quantity and specifications of the leased equipment meet the requirements of the demander. If the equipment fails to meet the requirements, the Supplier shall have the obligation to rearrange the qualified equipment to the designated place with unconditional quality and quantity guarantee as required by the Demander.

9、投标报价单的递交:投标人请于2024年8月13日10:00时前通过《中交集团供应链管理信息系统》完成报价的录入并上传(上传附件的投 (略) 上填报报价应一致,不一致的作废标处理)。

9. Submission of bid quotation: The bidder shall input and upload the quotation through the Supply Chain Management Information System of CCCC before 10:00 on August 13, 2024 (the bid quotation in the uploaded attachment shall be consistent with the quotation filled in online, and any discrepancy shall be cancelled).


10, Bid opening and evaluation: The tenderee at 10:00 on August 13 The online bid opening will be conducted in the Supply Chain Management Information System of China Communications Group at 00 o "clock. The inquiry group authorized by bidding or the procurement leading group of the unit at the same level will comprehensively evaluate the bidder"s quotation, reputation, strength and other factors and determine the winning unit. The tenderer has the right to choose to accept or reject any bidder, especially the unreasonable price, without any explanation or explanation. don"t answer any questions.

招 标 人: 中交第 (略) 江苏分公司

Tenderee: Jiangsu Branch of CCCC Third Harbour Engineering Co., LTD

地 址: 连云区海州湾 (略) 10 (略) 大数据园B2栋 2107室

Address: Room 2107, Building B2, Belt and Road Big Data Park, No. 10 Guangzhou Road, Haizhou Bay Street, Lianyun District

邮 编: *

Postal code: *

联 系 人: 滕经理 马平根

Contact: Manager Teng

电 话: * *






