本部分分为两部分:一是本包涉及项目所需的测绘和导则编制部分,二是工程项目涉及的包括大 (略) 域和茶 (略) 域的方案设计、初步设计和施工图设计。
子因素 | 要求 | ||
合格性 | 国籍 | 国籍符合投标人须知第4.3款的要求 | |
利益冲突 | 不存在投标人须知第4.2款所述的利益冲突 | ||
法国开发署合格性 | 如ITB4.3中所述,不存在没有资格获得AFD融资 | ||
国有企业 | 投标人符合投标人须知第4.1款的条件 | ||
企业 | 施工资质证书 | 具备建设行政主管部门核发有效的①②③或高于前者的更高资质: ①建筑工程施工总承包一级及以上资质; ②市政公用工程施工总承包一级及以上资质; ③《施工企业安全生产许可证》; 提示:施工进行合法分包的,应在投标文件中明确具体的分包单位,且总包方和分包方的资质均应当符合上述设计资质或施工资质要求。 | |
设计资质证书 | 具备建设行政主管部门核发有效的建设行政主管部门核发有效的①②或高于前者的更高资质: ①建筑行业(建筑工程)*级; ②风景园林工程设计专项*级。 | ||
主要人员 | 项目负责人 | ①拟派出担任本招标项目的项目负责人的人数:【一(1)人】,须是投标单位正式在岗职工并出具“投标人任命书”; ②应具备合格有效的【相关专业一级注册建筑师执业资格或一级注册结构工程师执业资格或一级注册建造师执业资格或相关专业高级技术职称】,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。 ③项目负责人无在建工程。 | |
设计负责人 | ①设计负责人的人数:【一(1)人】;应是投标人的正式在岗职工; ②应具备合格有效的【不低于相关专业一级注册建筑师执业资格或相关专业高级技术职称】如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。(必须提供证明材料,例如:资格证书复印件等)。 | ||
施工负责人 | ①施工负责人的人数:【一(1)人】;应是投标人正式在岗职工; ②应具备合格有效的【不低于一级建筑工程专业注册建造师执业资格或 (略) 政公用工程专业注册建造师执业资格,并持有建设行政主管部门核发的合格有效的安全生产考核合格证书B证。】,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。(必须提供证明材料,例如:资格证书复印件等)。 | ||
景观专家 | 具有高级工程师(园林绿化)专业技术职称。如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。 | ||
建筑专家 | 具有一级注册建筑师执业资格证书,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书; | ||
未履行合同历史 | 过去五(5)年(自2019年1月1日至投标截止日止),合同的终止不是因投标人违约所导致。 | ||
未决诉讼 | 所有未决诉讼总额不得超过投标人净资产的50%,所有未决的诉讼按照投标人败诉统计。 | ||
财务状况和财务表现 | 财务能力 | (1)投标人的财务资源(如速动资产、授信额度和其它融资来源,但不包括合同预付款)必须能够满足:*欧元或等值人民币的现金流要求; | |
(2)投标人还应证明其有足够的资金来源,以满足实施本合同和其它在建项目所需的总现金流要求 | |||
(3)历史财务状况:提交过去三(3)年经审计的财务报表,以反映投标人现在财务状况的稳定性及其长期的盈利性。最低要求,投标人过去三(3)年(2020年—2022年或2021年至2023年)每年的净资产(按总资产与总负债之差计算)均应为正值。 | |||
最低年均营业额 | 最低年均建筑营业额为*欧元或等值人民币,以过去三(3)年(2021年1月至今)中在建和/或已完工(或竣工)合同的认证付款总额计算。 | ||
经验 | 一般经验 | 投标截止时间前,至少有五(5)年(2019年1月至今)的作为独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方或其成员的经验。 | |
特殊经验(a) | 施工经验: (1)在过去五(5)年(2019年1月至今)里,独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方或其成员,至少以承包商身份实施完成了两(2)个金额不低于人民币*欧元或等值人民币的合同,且上述合同应已完工(或竣工)或至少完成了总体工程的80%; (2)在上述(1)所提供合同中,还应至少包含一(1)个外国政府贷款项目合同; (3)投标人在上述合同或(1)规定的期间内,作为独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方/成员(施工方身份),已完成的和正在实施的其他合同,至少应包括下列关键工程的施工经验:【城乡生态环境修复和自然公园景观设施、自行车及步行慢行系统、游客中心建设项目】的总承包经验。 | ||
特殊经验(b) | 设计经验: (1)最近五(5)年内,担任设计单位或联合体成员,任期自2019年1月起,已成功完成至少两(2)份设计合同,每份合同的投资额不少于*欧元或等值人民币; (2)上述(1)的设计内容与本项目类似,应包括以下关键工程的设计经验:【①城乡绿地系统设计、生态廊道设计、运动休闲设施规划和设计等;②郊野公园规划设计、游客服务中心设计、旅游阐释系统规划合计和无障碍设计等】; (3)已成功完成至少一(1)项由外国政府贷款融资支持的设计业绩。 | ||
ESHS | ESHS证书 | 投标人具备如下有效的ISO证书: ①ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书; ②ISO*环境管理体系认证证书; ③ISO*职业健康安全管理体系认证证书 | |
ESHS文件 | 具有招标人可接受的内部政策和流程用于ESHS管理: 1.有道德规范章程; 2.关于以下内部事项有正式的流程管理: ①工作场所的健康和安全; ②与利益相关者的联络,对 (略) 和当地相关管理部门的信息了解和咨询; ③废水(排污); ④水资源的保护; ⑤大气排放、噪音和振动; ⑥废物管理; ⑦生物多样性:动物和植物保护; ⑧微生物传染和传染性疾病的控制(艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾等)。 |
招标代理机构: (略)
屏南 (略)
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Date: December 5, 2024
NPC No: 0703-2450CIC2P001
The EPC general contracting work of the project includes the technical part of the project —— research and design documents, construction until completion acceptance and overall handover, defect repair and warranty work during the warranty period.
(1) Construction of The Dabei-Changqiao travel system: 12.81 km
(2) Construction of The Dabei-Changqiao biking system: 21.16 km
(3) Restoration and construction of Tea and Salt Ancient Road: 17.33 km
(4) The Dabei-Changqiao Ecological Park and Village Green Space Restoration Project covers a total area of 9.7 hectares.
(5) Historic Building Restoration Project: 3508 m2.
(6) Tea Salt Ancient Road Interpretation System Construction Project:
This design assignment is divided into two parts: (a) the mapping and guideline preparation required by the project for this lot; (b) the scheme design, preliminary design and construction drawing design of the area of Dabei Changqiao and Tea and Salt Ancient Road.
(1) Dabei-Changqiao Area Project
(2) Tea-Salt Ancient Road Area Project
Surveying and mapping includes topographic mapping of parks and slow Pedestrian system projects and architectural mapping of ancient village green Spaces and ancient building projects.
Criterion | Qualification Requirements | ||
Eligibility | Nationality | Nationality in accordance with ITB 4.3 | |
Conflict of Interest | No conflicts of interest in accordance with ITB 4.2 | ||
AFD Eligibility | Not being ineligible to AFD financing, as described in ITB 4.3 | ||
StateOwned Entity | Meet conditions of ITB 4.1 | ||
Enterprise | Construction Certifications | Have the valid ①②③ qualification certifications or above issued by the Construction Administrative Department: ① LEVEL I or above qualification certification on “construction general contracting of construction engineering”; ②LEVEL I or above qualification certification on “construction general contracting of municipal public works”; ③“Safety Production License of Construction Enterprises”. Note: In the case of legal subcontracting during construction, the specific subcontractors shall be specified in the bid, and their qualifications shall meet the above requirements of design qualification or construction qualification. | |
Design Certifications | Have the valid ①② qualification certifications or above issued by the Construction Administrative Department: ① LEVEL I qualification certification on “Construction industry (construction engineering)”; ② Special LEVEL I qualification certification on “Landscape architecture engineering design”. | ||
Key Personnel | Project Manager | ①The number of project managers to be assigned to this project: [ONE (1) person], who must be a full-time employee of the bidder and shall provide a "appointment letter from the bidder"; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [Registered Level I Architect/ Structural Engineer/ Constructor qualification in relevant major or Senior professional technical title in relevant major], if applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.); ③The Project Manager has no ongoing projects. | |
Design Director | ①The number of design director to be assigned to this project: [ONE (1) person], who must be a full-time employee of the bidder; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [at least Registered Level I Architect qualification or Senior professional technical title in relevant major]. If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.) | ||
Construction Director | ①The number of construction director to be assigned to this project: [One (1) person] who must be a full-time employee of the bidder; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [at least Registered Level I Constructor qualification in construction engineering major or Registered Level I Constructor qualification in Municipal public works major, and have a valid and qualified “safety production certification B certificate” issued by the construction administrative authority], If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.). | ||
Landscape Expert | Have a senior engineer (in major of landscaping) professional title certificate, if applicable, foreign bidders shall have a certificate of the same level. | ||
Architect | Shall have a valid and qualified Registered Level I Architect qualification. If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates. | ||
Historical Contract Non-Performance | Historical Contract Non-Performance | Termination of a contract did not occur as a result of bidder"s default in the past FIVE (5) years (from 1st January, 2019 to the bid submission deadline). | |
Pending Litigating | All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than FIFTY percent (50%) of the Applicant’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder. | ||
Financial situation and Performance | Financial Capabilities | (1)The bidder"s financial resources (such as liquid capital, unsecured assets, line of credit and other financing sources, but excluding contract advance payment) must be sufficient to meet the cash flow requirements of the project, which is EUR 2.2 million or Equivalent RMB | |
(2)The bidder shall also demonstrate that it has sufficient sources of funds to meet the total cash flow requirements required for the implementation of the contract and other projects under construction. | |||
(3)The bidder shall submit audited financial statements for the past THREE (3) years, and must prove that the bidder"s current financial condition is good and show its long-term profitability in the future.The minimum requirement is that the bidder"s net assets (calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities) shall be positive for each of the past THREE (3) years (2020-2022 or 2021-2023). | |||
Minimum Average Annual Turnover | According to the past THREE (3) years (2021.1-present), the minimum annual construction turnover calculated from the verified payment received for the construction in progress or completed works is EUR 13 million or Equivalent RMB . | ||
Experience | General Experience | Prior to the bid submission deadline, the bidder as an independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, shall have experience on project implementing as an independent contractor with at least FIVE (5) years (2019.1-present). | |
Specific Experience (a) | Construction experience: (1) The independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, in the past FIVE (5) years (2019.1-the bid submission deadline), as an independent contractor, has completed TWO (2) contracts and the amount of each contract shall not be less than EUR 12.2 million or equivalent RMB, and the contract shall have been completed or at least EIGHTY (80%) percent of the overall work shall have been completed; (2) The contracts provided in line with the above (1) by the independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, shall include at least ONE (1) contract for a project financed by loans from foreign governments; (3) During the period specified in the above contract or the above (1), the other contracts which have been completed or are being implemented by the independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors (as construction party), shall include the construction experience of the following key projects: general contracting experience on [Urban and rural ecological environment restoration and natural park landscape facilities, bicycle and Pedestrian system, visitor center construction project]. | ||
Specific Experience (b) | Design experience:
(3) At least ONE (1) design contract financed by foreign government loan shall have been successfully completed. | ||
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) | ESHS Certification(s) | Availability of a valid ISO certifications:
| |
ESHS Documentation | Availability of inhouse policies and procedures acceptable to the Employer for ESHS management:
Bid Opening Time: 10:00 a.m., January 17, 2025 (Beijing Time), All bids must be accompanied Payment evidence of Bid Security, Bid security amount is CNY *, please refer to the bidding documents for details of the payment method.
Procurement Agency: Instrimpex International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Mr. Yu, Ms. Zhang
Tel. No.: 010-*/9003
Email Address: *@*ttp://**, *@*ttp://**
Address: 【4th floor, Building A, Shouke Building, No.14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing】
Address: 【4th floor, Building A, Shouke Building, No.14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing】
Pingnan Zhijin Development Co., Ltd.
December 5, 2024
本部分分为两部分:一是本包涉及项目所需的测绘和导则编制部分,二是工程项目涉及的包括大 (略) 域和茶 (略) 域的方案设计、初步设计和施工图设计。
子因素 | 要求 | ||
合格性 | 国籍 | 国籍符合投标人须知第4.3款的要求 | |
利益冲突 | 不存在投标人须知第4.2款所述的利益冲突 | ||
法国开发署合格性 | 如ITB4.3中所述,不存在没有资格获得AFD融资 | ||
国有企业 | 投标人符合投标人须知第4.1款的条件 | ||
企业 | 施工资质证书 | 具备建设行政主管部门核发有效的①②③或高于前者的更高资质: ①建筑工程施工总承包一级及以上资质; ②市政公用工程施工总承包一级及以上资质; ③《施工企业安全生产许可证》; 提示:施工进行合法分包的,应在投标文件中明确具体的分包单位,且总包方和分包方的资质均应当符合上述设计资质或施工资质要求。 | |
设计资质证书 | 具备建设行政主管部门核发有效的建设行政主管部门核发有效的①②或高于前者的更高资质: ①建筑行业(建筑工程)*级; ②风景园林工程设计专项*级。 | ||
主要人员 | 项目负责人 | ①拟派出担任本招标项目的项目负责人的人数:【一(1)人】,须是投标单位正式在岗职工并出具“投标人任命书”; ②应具备合格有效的【相关专业一级注册建筑师执业资格或一级注册结构工程师执业资格或一级注册建造师执业资格或相关专业高级技术职称】,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。 ③项目负责人无在建工程。 | |
设计负责人 | ①设计负责人的人数:【一(1)人】;应是投标人的正式在岗职工; ②应具备合格有效的【不低于相关专业一级注册建筑师执业资格或相关专业高级技术职称】如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。(必须提供证明材料,例如:资格证书复印件等)。 | ||
施工负责人 | ①施工负责人的人数:【一(1)人】;应是投标人正式在岗职工; ②应具备合格有效的【不低于一级建筑工程专业注册建造师执业资格或 (略) 政公用工程专业注册建造师执业资格,并持有建设行政主管部门核发的合格有效的安全生产考核合格证书B证。】,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。(必须提供证明材料,例如:资格证书复印件等)。 | ||
景观专家 | 具有高级工程师(园林绿化)专业技术职称。如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书。 | ||
建筑专家 | 具有一级注册建筑师执业资格证书,如适用,国外投标人应具有同等级别的证书; | ||
未履行合同历史 | 过去五(5)年(自2019年1月1日至投标截止日止),合同的终止不是因投标人违约所导致。 | ||
未决诉讼 | 所有未决诉讼总额不得超过投标人净资产的50%,所有未决的诉讼按照投标人败诉统计。 | ||
财务状况和财务表现 | 财务能力 | (1)投标人的财务资源(如速动资产、授信额度和其它融资来源,但不包括合同预付款)必须能够满足:*欧元或等值人民币的现金流要求; | |
(2)投标人还应证明其有足够的资金来源,以满足实施本合同和其它在建项目所需的总现金流要求 | |||
(3)历史财务状况:提交过去三(3)年经审计的财务报表,以反映投标人现在财务状况的稳定性及其长期的盈利性。最低要求,投标人过去三(3)年(2020年—2022年或2021年至2023年)每年的净资产(按总资产与总负债之差计算)均应为正值。 | |||
最低年均营业额 | 最低年均建筑营业额为*欧元或等值人民币,以过去三(3)年(2021年1月至今)中在建和/或已完工(或竣工)合同的认证付款总额计算。 | ||
经验 | 一般经验 | 投标截止时间前,至少有五(5)年(2019年1月至今)的作为独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方或其成员的经验。 | |
特殊经验(a) | 施工经验: (1)在过去五(5)年(2019年1月至今)里,独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方或其成员,至少以承包商身份实施完成了两(2)个金额不低于人民币*欧元或等值人民币的合同,且上述合同应已完工(或竣工)或至少完成了总体工程的80%; (2)在上述(1)所提供合同中,还应至少包含一(1)个外国政府贷款项目合同; (3)投标人在上述合同或(1)规定的期间内,作为独立承包商、承包商联合体的牵头方/成员(施工方身份),已完成的和正在实施的其他合同,至少应包括下列关键工程的施工经验:【城乡生态环境修复和自然公园景观设施、自行车及步行慢行系统、游客中心建设项目】的总承包经验。 | ||
特殊经验(b) | 设计经验: (1)最近五(5)年内,担任设计单位或联合体成员,任期自2019年1月起,已成功完成至少两(2)份设计合同,每份合同的投资额不少于*欧元或等值人民币; (2)上述(1)的设计内容与本项目类似,应包括以下关键工程的设计经验:【①城乡绿地系统设计、生态廊道设计、运动休闲设施规划和设计等;②郊野公园规划设计、游客服务中心设计、旅游阐释系统规划合计和无障碍设计等】; (3)已成功完成至少一(1)项由外国政府贷款融资支持的设计业绩。 | ||
ESHS | ESHS证书 | 投标人具备如下有效的ISO证书: ①ISO9001质量管理体系认证证书; ②ISO*环境管理体系认证证书; ③ISO*职业健康安全管理体系认证证书 | |
ESHS文件 | 具有招标人可接受的内部政策和流程用于ESHS管理: 1.有道德规范章程; 2.关于以下内部事项有正式的流程管理: ①工作场所的健康和安全; ②与利益相关者的联络,对 (略) 和当地相关管理部门的信息了解和咨询; ③废水(排污); ④水资源的保护; ⑤大气排放、噪音和振动; ⑥废物管理; ⑦生物多样性:动物和植物保护; ⑧微生物传染和传染性疾病的控制(艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾等)。 |
招标代理机构: (略)
屏南 (略)
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Date: December 5, 2024
NPC No: 0703-2450CIC2P001
The EPC general contracting work of the project includes the technical part of the project —— research and design documents, construction until completion acceptance and overall handover, defect repair and warranty work during the warranty period.
(1) Construction of The Dabei-Changqiao travel system: 12.81 km
(2) Construction of The Dabei-Changqiao biking system: 21.16 km
(3) Restoration and construction of Tea and Salt Ancient Road: 17.33 km
(4) The Dabei-Changqiao Ecological Park and Village Green Space Restoration Project covers a total area of 9.7 hectares.
(5) Historic Building Restoration Project: 3508 m2.
(6) Tea Salt Ancient Road Interpretation System Construction Project:
This design assignment is divided into two parts: (a) the mapping and guideline preparation required by the project for this lot; (b) the scheme design, preliminary design and construction drawing design of the area of Dabei Changqiao and Tea and Salt Ancient Road.
(1) Dabei-Changqiao Area Project
(2) Tea-Salt Ancient Road Area Project
Surveying and mapping includes topographic mapping of parks and slow Pedestrian system projects and architectural mapping of ancient village green Spaces and ancient building projects.
Criterion | Qualification Requirements | ||
Eligibility | Nationality | Nationality in accordance with ITB 4.3 | |
Conflict of Interest | No conflicts of interest in accordance with ITB 4.2 | ||
AFD Eligibility | Not being ineligible to AFD financing, as described in ITB 4.3 | ||
StateOwned Entity | Meet conditions of ITB 4.1 | ||
Enterprise | Construction Certifications | Have the valid ①②③ qualification certifications or above issued by the Construction Administrative Department: ① LEVEL I or above qualification certification on “construction general contracting of construction engineering”; ②LEVEL I or above qualification certification on “construction general contracting of municipal public works”; ③“Safety Production License of Construction Enterprises”. Note: In the case of legal subcontracting during construction, the specific subcontractors shall be specified in the bid, and their qualifications shall meet the above requirements of design qualification or construction qualification. | |
Design Certifications | Have the valid ①② qualification certifications or above issued by the Construction Administrative Department: ① LEVEL I qualification certification on “Construction industry (construction engineering)”; ② Special LEVEL I qualification certification on “Landscape architecture engineering design”. | ||
Key Personnel | Project Manager | ①The number of project managers to be assigned to this project: [ONE (1) person], who must be a full-time employee of the bidder and shall provide a "appointment letter from the bidder"; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [Registered Level I Architect/ Structural Engineer/ Constructor qualification in relevant major or Senior professional technical title in relevant major], if applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.); ③The Project Manager has no ongoing projects. | |
Design Director | ①The number of design director to be assigned to this project: [ONE (1) person], who must be a full-time employee of the bidder; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [at least Registered Level I Architect qualification or Senior professional technical title in relevant major]. If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.) | ||
Construction Director | ①The number of construction director to be assigned to this project: [One (1) person] who must be a full-time employee of the bidder; ②Shall have a valid and qualified [at least Registered Level I Constructor qualification in construction engineering major or Registered Level I Constructor qualification in Municipal public works major, and have a valid and qualified “safety production certification B certificate” issued by the construction administrative authority], If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates (supporting materials must be provided, such as copy of qualification certificate etc.). | ||
Landscape Expert | Have a senior engineer (in major of landscaping) professional title certificate, if applicable, foreign bidders shall have a certificate of the same level. | ||
Architect | Shall have a valid and qualified Registered Level I Architect qualification. If applicable, foreign bidders shall have equivalent certificates. | ||
Historical Contract Non-Performance | Historical Contract Non-Performance | Termination of a contract did not occur as a result of bidder"s default in the past FIVE (5) years (from 1st January, 2019 to the bid submission deadline). | |
Pending Litigating | All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than FIFTY percent (50%) of the Applicant’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder. | ||
Financial situation and Performance | Financial Capabilities | (1)The bidder"s financial resources (such as liquid capital, unsecured assets, line of credit and other financing sources, but excluding contract advance payment) must be sufficient to meet the cash flow requirements of the project, which is EUR 2.2 million or Equivalent RMB | |
(2)The bidder shall also demonstrate that it has sufficient sources of funds to meet the total cash flow requirements required for the implementation of the contract and other projects under construction. | |||
(3)The bidder shall submit audited financial statements for the past THREE (3) years, and must prove that the bidder"s current financial condition is good and show its long-term profitability in the future.The minimum requirement is that the bidder"s net assets (calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities) shall be positive for each of the past THREE (3) years (2020-2022 or 2021-2023). | |||
Minimum Average Annual Turnover | According to the past THREE (3) years (2021.1-present), the minimum annual construction turnover calculated from the verified payment received for the construction in progress or completed works is EUR 13 million or Equivalent RMB . | ||
Experience | General Experience | Prior to the bid submission deadline, the bidder as an independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, shall have experience on project implementing as an independent contractor with at least FIVE (5) years (2019.1-present). | |
Specific Experience (a) | Construction experience: (1) The independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, in the past FIVE (5) years (2019.1-the bid submission deadline), as an independent contractor, has completed TWO (2) contracts and the amount of each contract shall not be less than EUR 12.2 million or equivalent RMB, and the contract shall have been completed or at least EIGHTY (80%) percent of the overall work shall have been completed; (2) The contracts provided in line with the above (1) by the independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors, shall include at least ONE (1) contract for a project financed by loans from foreign governments; (3) During the period specified in the above contract or the above (1), the other contracts which have been completed or are being implemented by the independent contractor or lead party/member of JV contractors (as construction party), shall include the construction experience of the following key projects: general contracting experience on [Urban and rural ecological environment restoration and natural park landscape facilities, bicycle and Pedestrian system, visitor center construction project]. | ||
Specific Experience (b) | Design experience:
(3) At least ONE (1) design contract financed by foreign government loan shall have been successfully completed. | ||
Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) | ESHS Certification(s) | Availability of a valid ISO certifications:
| |
ESHS Documentation | Availability of inhouse policies and procedures acceptable to the Employer for ESHS management:
Bid Opening Time: 10:00 a.m., January 17, 2025 (Beijing Time), All bids must be accompanied Payment evidence of Bid Security, Bid security amount is CNY *, please refer to the bidding documents for details of the payment method.
Procurement Agency: Instrimpex International Tendering Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Mr. Yu, Ms. Zhang
Tel. No.: 010-*/9003
Email Address: *@*ttp://**, *@*ttp://**
Address: 【4th floor, Building A, Shouke Building, No.14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing】
Address: 【4th floor, Building A, Shouke Building, No.14, Xisanhuan South Road, Fengtai District, Beijing】
Pingnan Zhijin Development Co., Ltd.
December 5, 2024