发布时间:2025-03-03 07:26:00
条款号 | 条款名称 | 编列内容 |
1.2 | 招标人 | 上海振华重工(集团) (略) |
1.3 | 招标代理机构 | / |
1.4 | 项目名称 | 上海振华重工-长兴分公司-1000T千斤顶采购项目 |
1.5 | 项目编号 | ZPMC(CX)-*-003 |
1.6 | 资金来源及比例 | 招标人,100% |
1.7 | 评标方法 | R综合评估法 £经评审的最低投标价法 |
2.1 | 招标范围 | 此项目为上海振华重工-长兴分公司-1000T千斤顶采购项目 |
2.2 | 交货期/工期 | 计划开工日期: 2025 年 04 月 15 日 交货期/工期:合同签订之日起6个月内完成设备交货及安装调试。 |
2.3 | 交货/施工地点 | (略) (略) 长 (略) 666号 |
2.4 | 质量标准/目标 | 以招标文件为准 |
2.5 | 质保期及质量保证金 | t质保期:2年, 质量保证金:中标金额的3%。 |
2.6 | 付款方式 | 1.招标方应在完成施工并通过验收后并收到相关的文件(包括但不限于产品合格证、质量保证书、检测报告和增值税专用发票)后 60 天内向中标方支付合同价款的97%; 2.剩余的合同价款的 3% 作为产品的质量保证金,如产品在本合同约定的质保期没有发生任何质量问题(质保期为验收合格之日起24个月),则在质保期届满之日起 30 天后,招标方应向中标方支付上述质量保证金。 3.支付方式:以银行承兑汇票或供应链金融支付为主(如需贴现,相关费用由中标人承担)。 |
2.7 | 包件信息 | 本项目分 / 包件。 |
3.1.3 | 具体业绩要求 | ¨无 t有,要求: 1、包件1要求:有类似相关成功有效业绩1例以上 (有效业绩的定义:①合同为同类型相关项目;②须提供该业绩合同的复印件(包括但不限于合同首页、双方盖章页、总金额页);③须提供该业绩合同的项目验收证明(如:业主证明或完工证明、验收报告等)或该业绩合同的所有收款凭证,以证明除验收、质保外其他阶段付款均已支付,(该业绩合同的项目验收证明或该业绩合同的所有收款凭证可二选一提供);④所有证明文件在必要时需提供纸质原件备查。) |
3.1.7 | 行政许可资质要求 | R无 £有,要求: |
3.1.8 | 法律、法规规定的其他条件 | R无 £有,要求: |
3.1.10 | 其他要求 | t无 ¨有,要求: |
3.2 | 接受联合体投标 | R接受,应满足下列要求: |
3.3 | 投标人不得存在的其他情形 | / |
4.1 | 资格审查方式 | R资格预审 £资格后审 |
4.3 | 资格审查资料中近年年份要求 | 2021年-2024年 |
5.1 | 报名截止时间 | (略) 供应链管理信息系统设置时间为准 |
6.1 | 投标文件递交截止时间 | (略) 供应链管理信息系统设置时间为准 |
7 | 联系方式 | 联系人: 张工(招标中心) 地址: (略) (略) 长 (略) 666号。 电话: * 邮箱:*@*pmc.com 联系人: 毛工(商务) 电话: * 邮箱: *@*pmc.com 联系人: 李工、蔡工(技术) 电话: *、* 邮箱:*@*pmc.com |
1.1 根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法实施条例》等有关 法律、法规和规章的规定,本招标项目已具备招标条件,现对本项目进行招标。
1.2 招标人:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.3 招标代理机构:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.4 招标项目名称:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.5 招标项目编号:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.6 本招标项目资金来源及比例:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.7 招标项目评标方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.1 招标范围:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.2 交货期/工期:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.3 交货/施工地点:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.4 质量标准:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.5 质量保质期及质量保证金:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.6 付款方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.7 包件信息:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
3.1 投标人应具备承担本招标项目资质条件、能力和信誉:
3.1.1 资质要求:具有法人资格,能独立承担民事责任;
3.1.2 财务要求:良好的财务会计制度;
3.1.3 业绩要求:近3年内有类似相关成功有效业绩 1 例以上,有效业绩的定义:
3.1.4 信誉要求:良好的商业信誉;
3.1.5 环境管理、职业健康及安全管理实施情况及绩效说明(拥有*\*体系证书可免于提供);
3.1.6 近三年发生如生产安全事故,环保事故、分包商员工职业健康问题等被有关部门进 (略) 罚或有异常信用记录的,应提供书面分析改进报告;(未如实陈述者,我司有权取消中标资格 (略) 罚措施。)
3.1.7 招标项目涉及国家行政许可要求时,具有相应的行政许可资质:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表;
3.1.8 法律、法规规定的其他条件:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表;
3.1.9 存 (略) 罚的单位, (略) 罚情况由招标评标委员会讨论决定是否通过资格预审。
3.1.10 其他要求:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
3.2 本次招标 见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 (接受或不接受)联合体投标。联合体除应符合本章第 3.1 项和招标公告/投标邀请书前附表的要求外,还应遵守以下规定:
3.3 投标人不得存在下列情形之一:
(5)为本工程项目的相关监理人,或者与本工程项目的相关监理人存在隶属关系或者其他 利害关系;
(13)在最近三年内发生重大产品质量问题(以相关行业主管部门 (略) 罚决定或司法 机关出具的有关法律文书为准);
(15)被 (略) 在“信用中国”网站(http://**.cn)或 (略) 中列入失信被执行人名单;
(17)被列 (略) 黑名单(重点关注名单)系统的投标人,禁止期内不得参与对应层级及下属招标人的招标活动;
(18)被列 (略) 管控名单的投标人,管控期内不得参与对应层级及下属招标人的招标活动;
4.1 资格审查方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。资格审查采用合格制,凡符合本公告第3.1 款所要求并完整提供资格预审材料的申请人经招标评标委员会审核后均可通过资格预审。未通过资格预审的申请人不具有投标资格。
4.2 所有提交的资格审查材料均需加盖潜在投标人公章,所有证书类文件提供扫描件且必须在有效期内。
4.3 投标人应按下列规定提供资格审查资料,以证明其满足本公告第 3.1 款规定的资质、财务、业绩、信誉等要求。如有必要招标人将组织赴投标人现场考察投标人的技术实力、设备配置等以证明投标人拥有足够完成本项目的履约能力。
(10)近3年 (略) 置情况描述,尤其说明发生的突发环境事件、受到环保主 (略) 罚的情况;
5.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 (北京时间,下同),登 (略) 供应链管理信息系统http://**完成投标报名并按本章第4.3款要求上传资格审查资料(适用于资格预审),资格后审方式的资格审查资料的提交见第二章“投标人须知”第3.5款及第六章相关规定。
5.2 凡通过资格预审的投标者,在接 (略) 供应链管理信息系统下载标书的短信通知后,可登 (略) 供应链管理信息系统下载电子招标文件,资格后审的招标项目可直接下载电子招标文件。
5.3 招标文件每套售价 0 元,售后不退。
5.4.1 (略) 并且已通过招标人层级供应商或已增加招标人为合作单位的供应商、上级供应商可直接报名参与。
5.4.2 在网平级单位供应商未增加招标人为合作单位需进行合作意向申请通过后报名参与。
5.4.3 未注册供应链系统的单位需进行注册,推荐单位或合作意向单位选择招标人,审核通过后方可报名参与。
6.1 投标文件递交的截止时间: 见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 ,投标人应在截止时间前通 (略) 供应链管理信息系统递交电子投标文件。
6.2 逾期送达的投标文件, (略) 供应链管理信息系统将予以拒收。
6.3 电子采购的供应商报价文件由电子报价表及附件共同组成。当电子报价表与附件内容冲突时,应以电子报价表的数据为准。
7.1 联系方式见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
8.1 黑名单和重点关注名单告知、情形认定、惩戒措施等见附件3。
本人 (姓名)系 (投标人名称)的法定代表人(单位负责人),现委托 (姓名)为我方代理人。代理人根据授权,以我方名义签署、澄清确认、递交、撤回、修改 招标项目(招标编号: )的投标文件、签订 (略) 理有关事宜,其法律后果由我方承担。
委托期限: 。
投标人: (盖单位章)
法定代表人(单位负责人): (签字)
委托代理人: (签字)
年 月 日
Trade Safety Management Notification
尊敬的供应商Dear supplier:
Our company is an AEO senior certification enterprise. As a business partner of our company, now your company is required to improve your own trade safety management according to the optimization requirements of the relevant trade safety standards in the AEO senior certification. Please see the attachment for the specific standards. Please kindly be aware of the requirements of this notification and the attachment and give the sealed or signed notification to us.
上海振华重工(集团) (略)
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
We have read and understood the above requirements of your company.
商业伙伴名称Name of Business Partner:
被授权人签字 The Signature of the Authorized Person:
日 期 Date:
Trade Safety Standard of AEO Enterprise
1. Safety of material handling site and warehouse
有检查、阻止未载明的货物和未经许可的人员进入场所、货物装卸 (略) 域的书面制度和程序;进出口货物 (略) 域设有隔离措施,以防止未经许可的人员进入。
There is a checking procedure to prevent unmarked goods and unauthorized personal access to site specific. There are written policies and procedures for cargo handling and storage areas. There are isolation measures for import and export goods in and out of the region, preventing unauthorized access.
1.1 Gate: Guard stationed for both staff and vehicle entrance & exits.
1.2. Building structures: The way buildings are built can prevent illegal entry. Regular inspection and repair of buildings to ensure that the buildings are in good condition.
1.3照明:企业生产经营场所应配备充足的照明,包 (略) 域:出入口,货物装卸 (略) ,围墙周边及停车场/ (略) 域。
1.3. Lighting: The sites of production and business operation are equipped with adequate lighting, including the following areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage area, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1.4报警系统及视频监控摄像机:装配报警系统和视频监控摄像机,监 (略) 域:出入口,货物装卸 (略) ,围墙周边及停车场/ (略) 域。监控保留45天以上。
1.4. Safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system: In order to prevent unauthorized access to cargo storage and working areas, safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system cover following areas: entrance & exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1. (略) 域:在货物装卸 (略) 域,以及用于存放进出口 (略) 域,设有隔离设施,以阻止任何未经许可的人员进入。
1.5. Storage area: Isolation facilities should be set to prevent unauthorized personnel access in the cargo handling and storage areas, as well as in the storage area of goods to be imported and exported.
1.6. Locking devices and key keeping: All internal and external windows, doors and fences should be equipped with sufficient locking devices. Management or security personnel keep all locks and keys.
2. Safety of personnel and vehicle access
Enterprises implement access control management. There are written systems and procedures to implement the entry and exit of employees and visitors and to protect the company"s assets.
2.1. Employees:There is an employee identification system, which carries out identification and entry control for employees. Unified management and registration are carried out for the issuance and recycling of identity marks of employees and visitors (e.g. keys, key cards, etc.).
2.2.Visitors: Visitors entering the enterprise should check the ID card with photos and register. Visitors should wear temporary identification and be accompanied by internal staff.
2.3. Unidentified persons without entering permission:There are rocedures for identification, inquiry and confirmation of unidentified persons without entering permission. Employees should report entry of suspicious person in time.
3. Personnel safety
The company has written systems and procedures for reviewing employees to be hired and regularly reviewing existing employees, and provides a list of employees, including name, date of birth, id number for holding positions which can be updated in real time.
3.1. Pre-employment verification: Before hiring an employee, verification of the application information (e.g. employment experience, recommendation letter, etc.) is needed.
3.2.Background survey:Before hiring an employee, it should be checked or investigated for the safety background such as whether there is a criminal record or not. Once hired, regular reviews and re-surveys should be conducted to employees in sensitive and important positions on the basis of employee performance.
3.3. Procedure of the employees leave: There are written systems and procedures for timely recovery of work certificates and equipment for employees leaving or suspending their jobs, who should be forbidden to enter the production and operation sites of enterprises and to use enterprise information systems.
3.4. Safety training: Employees should be provided with daily training on supply chain security awareness. They need to understand the enterprise"s response to a certain situation and reporting procedures.
4. Safety of business partner
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for assessing, requiring, and inspecting the supply chain safety of business partners.
4.1. Comprehensive assessment:In screening business partners, a comprehensive assessment of business partners should be conducted in accordance with this certification standard, focusing on compliance and trade safety, with written systems and procedures.
4.2. Written documents: Commercial partners are required to optimize and improve trade safety management in contracts, agreements or other written materials in accordance with this certification standard.
4.3. Monitoring and Inspection: Monitoring or inspecting business partners’ compliance with trade safety requirements regularly. Written systems and procedures are also required.
5. Cargo safety
Enterprises have measures and procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of goods in the supply chain during transportation, handling and storage.
5.1. Shipment and acceptance of goods: The goods arriving must correspond to the information on the goods document. The weight, label, number of pieces or number of boxes of the goods should be verified. Offshore goods should be verified with the contents of purchase or shipment orders. Protecting system such as signing and sealing should be set in the key link of the goods delivery.
5.2. Discrepancy of the goods: The enterprise should report timely or take corresponding measures when the goods are found short or over or abnormal. Written systems and procedures are also required.
6. Container safety
There are measures and procedures to ensure the integrity of containers so as to prevent the entrance of unauthorized goods or personnel.
6.1. Container inspection: The physical integrity and reliability of the container structure, including the reliability of the locking system of the door should be inspected before loading. Relevant registration should be made. A seven-point inspection is recommended, which is to check containers in the following order: front wall, left side, right side, floor, top, inside/outside door, outside/landing gear.
6.2.集装箱封条:对装货集装箱施加高安全度的封条,所有封条都符合或者超出现行PAS ISO *对高度安全封条的标准,封条有专人管理、登记。有施加和检验封条的书面制度和程序,以及封条异常的报告机制。
6.2. Container seal: High security seals should be attached to loaded containers. All seals should meet or exceed the current PAS ISO * standards for high security seals, being supervised and sealed by specially-assigned person. There are written policies and procedures applied for attachment and inspection of the seal. Reporting mechanism should be set for abnormal seal.
6.3.集装箱存储:本企业集装箱保存在 (略) 域,以防止未经许可的进入或者改装,有报告和解决未经许可擅自进入集装箱或者集装 (略) 域的程序。
6.3. Container storage: The container should be kept in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or modification. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized access to containers or container storage areas.
7. Vehicle safety
Enterprises have written systems and procedures to ensure the integrity of transport (trailers and hand cars) and to prevent unauthorized persons or items from being mixed in.
7.1. 运输工具的检查程序:有专门程序或制度检查出入运输工具,防止藏匿可疑物品。
7.1. Transport inspection procedures: There should be a specific program or system to check all transportation vehicles, preventing the concealment of suspicious items.
7.2.运输工具存储:运输工具停放在 (略) 域,以防止未经许可的进入或者其他损害,有报告和解决未经许可擅自进入或者损害的程序。
7.2. Transportation vehicles storage: Transportation vehicles should be parked in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or other damages. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized entry or damage.
7.3.Verification of driver’s identity: The driver’s identity should be verified before the goods are received or issued.
8. Crisis management
企业有书面的系统和 (略) 理异常情况,如灾害或紧急安全事件。
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.1.应急机制对于灾害或紧急安全事件等异常情况,已设置应急程序或机制进行 (略) 理。
8.1. Emergency mechanism: Emergency procedures or mechanisms have been set for reporting and dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.2. Emergency training: Emergency training should be arranged for employees.
8.3.Report of the abnormal:If any abnormal situation, illegal or suspicious activity, such as disaster or emergency safety accident, is
found, it shall be reported to the Customs or other relevant law enforcement agencies.
发布时间:2025-03-03 07:26:00
条款号 | 条款名称 | 编列内容 |
1.2 | 招标人 | 上海振华重工(集团) (略) |
1.3 | 招标代理机构 | / |
1.4 | 项目名称 | 上海振华重工-长兴分公司-1000T千斤顶采购项目 |
1.5 | 项目编号 | ZPMC(CX)-*-003 |
1.6 | 资金来源及比例 | 招标人,100% |
1.7 | 评标方法 | R综合评估法 £经评审的最低投标价法 |
2.1 | 招标范围 | 此项目为上海振华重工-长兴分公司-1000T千斤顶采购项目 |
2.2 | 交货期/工期 | 计划开工日期: 2025 年 04 月 15 日 交货期/工期:合同签订之日起6个月内完成设备交货及安装调试。 |
2.3 | 交货/施工地点 | (略) (略) 长 (略) 666号 |
2.4 | 质量标准/目标 | 以招标文件为准 |
2.5 | 质保期及质量保证金 | t质保期:2年, 质量保证金:中标金额的3%。 |
2.6 | 付款方式 | 1.招标方应在完成施工并通过验收后并收到相关的文件(包括但不限于产品合格证、质量保证书、检测报告和增值税专用发票)后 60 天内向中标方支付合同价款的97%; 2.剩余的合同价款的 3% 作为产品的质量保证金,如产品在本合同约定的质保期没有发生任何质量问题(质保期为验收合格之日起24个月),则在质保期届满之日起 30 天后,招标方应向中标方支付上述质量保证金。 3.支付方式:以银行承兑汇票或供应链金融支付为主(如需贴现,相关费用由中标人承担)。 |
2.7 | 包件信息 | 本项目分 / 包件。 |
3.1.3 | 具体业绩要求 | ¨无 t有,要求: 1、包件1要求:有类似相关成功有效业绩1例以上 (有效业绩的定义:①合同为同类型相关项目;②须提供该业绩合同的复印件(包括但不限于合同首页、双方盖章页、总金额页);③须提供该业绩合同的项目验收证明(如:业主证明或完工证明、验收报告等)或该业绩合同的所有收款凭证,以证明除验收、质保外其他阶段付款均已支付,(该业绩合同的项目验收证明或该业绩合同的所有收款凭证可二选一提供);④所有证明文件在必要时需提供纸质原件备查。) |
3.1.7 | 行政许可资质要求 | R无 £有,要求: |
3.1.8 | 法律、法规规定的其他条件 | R无 £有,要求: |
3.1.10 | 其他要求 | t无 ¨有,要求: |
3.2 | 接受联合体投标 | R接受,应满足下列要求: |
3.3 | 投标人不得存在的其他情形 | / |
4.1 | 资格审查方式 | R资格预审 £资格后审 |
4.3 | 资格审查资料中近年年份要求 | 2021年-2024年 |
5.1 | 报名截止时间 | (略) 供应链管理信息系统设置时间为准 |
6.1 | 投标文件递交截止时间 | (略) 供应链管理信息系统设置时间为准 |
7 | 联系方式 | 联系人: 张工(招标中心) 地址: (略) (略) 长 (略) 666号。 电话: * 邮箱:*@*pmc.com 联系人: 毛工(商务) 电话: * 邮箱: *@*pmc.com 联系人: 李工、蔡工(技术) 电话: *、* 邮箱:*@*pmc.com |
1.1 根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《中华人民共和国招标投标法实施条例》等有关 法律、法规和规章的规定,本招标项目已具备招标条件,现对本项目进行招标。
1.2 招标人:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.3 招标代理机构:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.4 招标项目名称:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.5 招标项目编号:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.6 本招标项目资金来源及比例:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
1.7 招标项目评标方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.1 招标范围:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.2 交货期/工期:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.3 交货/施工地点:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.4 质量标准:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.5 质量保质期及质量保证金:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.6 付款方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
2.7 包件信息:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
3.1 投标人应具备承担本招标项目资质条件、能力和信誉:
3.1.1 资质要求:具有法人资格,能独立承担民事责任;
3.1.2 财务要求:良好的财务会计制度;
3.1.3 业绩要求:近3年内有类似相关成功有效业绩 1 例以上,有效业绩的定义:
3.1.4 信誉要求:良好的商业信誉;
3.1.5 环境管理、职业健康及安全管理实施情况及绩效说明(拥有*\*体系证书可免于提供);
3.1.6 近三年发生如生产安全事故,环保事故、分包商员工职业健康问题等被有关部门进 (略) 罚或有异常信用记录的,应提供书面分析改进报告;(未如实陈述者,我司有权取消中标资格 (略) 罚措施。)
3.1.7 招标项目涉及国家行政许可要求时,具有相应的行政许可资质:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表;
3.1.8 法律、法规规定的其他条件:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表;
3.1.9 存 (略) 罚的单位, (略) 罚情况由招标评标委员会讨论决定是否通过资格预审。
3.1.10 其他要求:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
3.2 本次招标 见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 (接受或不接受)联合体投标。联合体除应符合本章第 3.1 项和招标公告/投标邀请书前附表的要求外,还应遵守以下规定:
3.3 投标人不得存在下列情形之一:
(5)为本工程项目的相关监理人,或者与本工程项目的相关监理人存在隶属关系或者其他 利害关系;
(13)在最近三年内发生重大产品质量问题(以相关行业主管部门 (略) 罚决定或司法 机关出具的有关法律文书为准);
(15)被 (略) 在“信用中国”网站(http://**.cn)或 (略) 中列入失信被执行人名单;
(17)被列 (略) 黑名单(重点关注名单)系统的投标人,禁止期内不得参与对应层级及下属招标人的招标活动;
(18)被列 (略) 管控名单的投标人,管控期内不得参与对应层级及下属招标人的招标活动;
4.1 资格审查方式:见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。资格审查采用合格制,凡符合本公告第3.1 款所要求并完整提供资格预审材料的申请人经招标评标委员会审核后均可通过资格预审。未通过资格预审的申请人不具有投标资格。
4.2 所有提交的资格审查材料均需加盖潜在投标人公章,所有证书类文件提供扫描件且必须在有效期内。
4.3 投标人应按下列规定提供资格审查资料,以证明其满足本公告第 3.1 款规定的资质、财务、业绩、信誉等要求。如有必要招标人将组织赴投标人现场考察投标人的技术实力、设备配置等以证明投标人拥有足够完成本项目的履约能力。
(10)近3年 (略) 置情况描述,尤其说明发生的突发环境事件、受到环保主 (略) 罚的情况;
5.1 凡有意参加投标者,请于 招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 (北京时间,下同),登 (略) 供应链管理信息系统http://**完成投标报名并按本章第4.3款要求上传资格审查资料(适用于资格预审),资格后审方式的资格审查资料的提交见第二章“投标人须知”第3.5款及第六章相关规定。
5.2 凡通过资格预审的投标者,在接 (略) 供应链管理信息系统下载标书的短信通知后,可登 (略) 供应链管理信息系统下载电子招标文件,资格后审的招标项目可直接下载电子招标文件。
5.3 招标文件每套售价 0 元,售后不退。
5.4.1 (略) 并且已通过招标人层级供应商或已增加招标人为合作单位的供应商、上级供应商可直接报名参与。
5.4.2 在网平级单位供应商未增加招标人为合作单位需进行合作意向申请通过后报名参与。
5.4.3 未注册供应链系统的单位需进行注册,推荐单位或合作意向单位选择招标人,审核通过后方可报名参与。
6.1 投标文件递交的截止时间: 见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表 ,投标人应在截止时间前通 (略) 供应链管理信息系统递交电子投标文件。
6.2 逾期送达的投标文件, (略) 供应链管理信息系统将予以拒收。
6.3 电子采购的供应商报价文件由电子报价表及附件共同组成。当电子报价表与附件内容冲突时,应以电子报价表的数据为准。
7.1 联系方式见招标公告/投标邀请书前附表。
8.1 黑名单和重点关注名单告知、情形认定、惩戒措施等见附件3。
本人 (姓名)系 (投标人名称)的法定代表人(单位负责人),现委托 (姓名)为我方代理人。代理人根据授权,以我方名义签署、澄清确认、递交、撤回、修改 招标项目(招标编号: )的投标文件、签订 (略) 理有关事宜,其法律后果由我方承担。
委托期限: 。
投标人: (盖单位章)
法定代表人(单位负责人): (签字)
委托代理人: (签字)
年 月 日
Trade Safety Management Notification
尊敬的供应商Dear supplier:
Our company is an AEO senior certification enterprise. As a business partner of our company, now your company is required to improve your own trade safety management according to the optimization requirements of the relevant trade safety standards in the AEO senior certification. Please see the attachment for the specific standards. Please kindly be aware of the requirements of this notification and the attachment and give the sealed or signed notification to us.
上海振华重工(集团) (略)
Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
We have read and understood the above requirements of your company.
商业伙伴名称Name of Business Partner:
被授权人签字 The Signature of the Authorized Person:
日 期 Date:
Trade Safety Standard of AEO Enterprise
1. Safety of material handling site and warehouse
有检查、阻止未载明的货物和未经许可的人员进入场所、货物装卸 (略) 域的书面制度和程序;进出口货物 (略) 域设有隔离措施,以防止未经许可的人员进入。
There is a checking procedure to prevent unmarked goods and unauthorized personal access to site specific. There are written policies and procedures for cargo handling and storage areas. There are isolation measures for import and export goods in and out of the region, preventing unauthorized access.
1.1 Gate: Guard stationed for both staff and vehicle entrance & exits.
1.2. Building structures: The way buildings are built can prevent illegal entry. Regular inspection and repair of buildings to ensure that the buildings are in good condition.
1.3照明:企业生产经营场所应配备充足的照明,包 (略) 域:出入口,货物装卸 (略) ,围墙周边及停车场/ (略) 域。
1.3. Lighting: The sites of production and business operation are equipped with adequate lighting, including the following areas: entrances and exits, cargo handling and storage area, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1.4报警系统及视频监控摄像机:装配报警系统和视频监控摄像机,监 (略) 域:出入口,货物装卸 (略) ,围墙周边及停车场/ (略) 域。监控保留45天以上。
1.4. Safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system: In order to prevent unauthorized access to cargo storage and working areas, safety alarm and intelligent video surveillance system cover following areas: entrance & exits, cargo handling and storage areas, fence and parking lot / parking area.
1. (略) 域:在货物装卸 (略) 域,以及用于存放进出口 (略) 域,设有隔离设施,以阻止任何未经许可的人员进入。
1.5. Storage area: Isolation facilities should be set to prevent unauthorized personnel access in the cargo handling and storage areas, as well as in the storage area of goods to be imported and exported.
1.6. Locking devices and key keeping: All internal and external windows, doors and fences should be equipped with sufficient locking devices. Management or security personnel keep all locks and keys.
2. Safety of personnel and vehicle access
Enterprises implement access control management. There are written systems and procedures to implement the entry and exit of employees and visitors and to protect the company"s assets.
2.1. Employees:There is an employee identification system, which carries out identification and entry control for employees. Unified management and registration are carried out for the issuance and recycling of identity marks of employees and visitors (e.g. keys, key cards, etc.).
2.2.Visitors: Visitors entering the enterprise should check the ID card with photos and register. Visitors should wear temporary identification and be accompanied by internal staff.
2.3. Unidentified persons without entering permission:There are rocedures for identification, inquiry and confirmation of unidentified persons without entering permission. Employees should report entry of suspicious person in time.
3. Personnel safety
The company has written systems and procedures for reviewing employees to be hired and regularly reviewing existing employees, and provides a list of employees, including name, date of birth, id number for holding positions which can be updated in real time.
3.1. Pre-employment verification: Before hiring an employee, verification of the application information (e.g. employment experience, recommendation letter, etc.) is needed.
3.2.Background survey:Before hiring an employee, it should be checked or investigated for the safety background such as whether there is a criminal record or not. Once hired, regular reviews and re-surveys should be conducted to employees in sensitive and important positions on the basis of employee performance.
3.3. Procedure of the employees leave: There are written systems and procedures for timely recovery of work certificates and equipment for employees leaving or suspending their jobs, who should be forbidden to enter the production and operation sites of enterprises and to use enterprise information systems.
3.4. Safety training: Employees should be provided with daily training on supply chain security awareness. They need to understand the enterprise"s response to a certain situation and reporting procedures.
4. Safety of business partner
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for assessing, requiring, and inspecting the supply chain safety of business partners.
4.1. Comprehensive assessment:In screening business partners, a comprehensive assessment of business partners should be conducted in accordance with this certification standard, focusing on compliance and trade safety, with written systems and procedures.
4.2. Written documents: Commercial partners are required to optimize and improve trade safety management in contracts, agreements or other written materials in accordance with this certification standard.
4.3. Monitoring and Inspection: Monitoring or inspecting business partners’ compliance with trade safety requirements regularly. Written systems and procedures are also required.
5. Cargo safety
Enterprises have measures and procedures to ensure the integrity and safety of goods in the supply chain during transportation, handling and storage.
5.1. Shipment and acceptance of goods: The goods arriving must correspond to the information on the goods document. The weight, label, number of pieces or number of boxes of the goods should be verified. Offshore goods should be verified with the contents of purchase or shipment orders. Protecting system such as signing and sealing should be set in the key link of the goods delivery.
5.2. Discrepancy of the goods: The enterprise should report timely or take corresponding measures when the goods are found short or over or abnormal. Written systems and procedures are also required.
6. Container safety
There are measures and procedures to ensure the integrity of containers so as to prevent the entrance of unauthorized goods or personnel.
6.1. Container inspection: The physical integrity and reliability of the container structure, including the reliability of the locking system of the door should be inspected before loading. Relevant registration should be made. A seven-point inspection is recommended, which is to check containers in the following order: front wall, left side, right side, floor, top, inside/outside door, outside/landing gear.
6.2.集装箱封条:对装货集装箱施加高安全度的封条,所有封条都符合或者超出现行PAS ISO *对高度安全封条的标准,封条有专人管理、登记。有施加和检验封条的书面制度和程序,以及封条异常的报告机制。
6.2. Container seal: High security seals should be attached to loaded containers. All seals should meet or exceed the current PAS ISO * standards for high security seals, being supervised and sealed by specially-assigned person. There are written policies and procedures applied for attachment and inspection of the seal. Reporting mechanism should be set for abnormal seal.
6.3.集装箱存储:本企业集装箱保存在 (略) 域,以防止未经许可的进入或者改装,有报告和解决未经许可擅自进入集装箱或者集装 (略) 域的程序。
6.3. Container storage: The container should be kept in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or modification. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized access to containers or container storage areas.
7. Vehicle safety
Enterprises have written systems and procedures to ensure the integrity of transport (trailers and hand cars) and to prevent unauthorized persons or items from being mixed in.
7.1. 运输工具的检查程序:有专门程序或制度检查出入运输工具,防止藏匿可疑物品。
7.1. Transport inspection procedures: There should be a specific program or system to check all transportation vehicles, preventing the concealment of suspicious items.
7.2.运输工具存储:运输工具停放在 (略) 域,以防止未经许可的进入或者其他损害,有报告和解决未经许可擅自进入或者损害的程序。
7.2. Transportation vehicles storage: Transportation vehicles should be parked in a safe area to prevent unauthorized entry or other damages. Procedures should be set for reporting and resolving unauthorized entry or damage.
7.3.Verification of driver’s identity: The driver’s identity should be verified before the goods are received or issued.
8. Crisis management
企业有书面的系统和 (略) 理异常情况,如灾害或紧急安全事件。
Enterprises have written systems and procedures for dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.1.应急机制对于灾害或紧急安全事件等异常情况,已设置应急程序或机制进行 (略) 理。
8.1. Emergency mechanism: Emergency procedures or mechanisms have been set for reporting and dealing with abnormal situations such as disasters or emergency safety incidents.
8.2. Emergency training: Emergency training should be arranged for employees.
8.3.Report of the abnormal:If any abnormal situation, illegal or suspicious activity, such as disaster or emergency safety accident, is
found, it shall be reported to the Customs or other relevant law enforcement agencies.