招标项目编号: 点击查看>> ATITA * 项目名称:米拉多 (略) 理站粉状絮凝剂制备及投加系统和NaHS制备及投加系统设计、制作项目 项目名称(英文):Preparation of Powdery Flocculant and its Dosing System and Design and Manufacture of NaHS and its Dosing System for the Acid Hydrological Treatment Station of Mirador Copper Mine 招标人:中 (略) 招标机构: (略) 安天利信 (略) 招标机构代码: * 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> ATITA * 项目名称:米拉多 (略) 理站粉状絮凝剂制备及投加系统和NaHS制备及投加系统设计、制作项目 项目名称(英文):Preparation of Powdery Flocculant and its Dosing System and Design and Manufacture of NaHS and its Dosing System for the Acid Hydrological Treatment Station of Mirador Copper Mine 招标人:中 (略) 招标机构: (略) 安天利信 (略) 招标机构代码: * 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标