澄清或变更简要说明: 投标文件递交截止时间/开标时间: * 日上午9: * ( (略) 时间)修改为: * 日上午9: * ( (略) 时间)
The?deadline for?submission of bid/ Bid?opening time?amended?from"9: * ?am?March?3, * (Beijing?time)"to"9: * ?am?March? * , * (Beijing?time)".
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: (略) LNG低温球阀 * 寸以上
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> JDCP *
招标项目名称: (略) LNG低温球阀 * 寸以上
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省
2.References and Qualification requirement:
1) Qualification requirement:
A. 投标人必须是具有独立法人资格的低温球阀( * "以上)制造商或代理商。
独立法人资格要求:关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 的营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturerwith the qualification of independent legal entity of Cryogenic Ball Valve(above * ").
Bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license, Organization Code Certificate and tax registrationcertificate. Bidder from outside the PRC CustomsTerritory shall provide valid independent legal entitycertificate.
B. 代理商要求: (略) 投的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商的同意以及证明其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该货物的正式授权书。如果产品是国内制造商生产,则不接受代理商,仅接受制造商投标。
If the goods is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtainthe only legal officialauthority of the manufacturer that the bidder could provide the goods for the bid in China. If the manufacturer is domestic, agent is not accepted and only the manufacturer as the bidder is accepted.
C. 投标人应提供阀门制造商以下 * 类有效认证证书复印件,若 * 类认证证书包含产品的类型、口径、温度和压力等级其中的 * 种或几种参数, (略) 的产品对应最高参数要求。所有证书认证的制造商 (略) 提供业绩的制造商、此次投标货物的制造商 * 致:
The bidder?shall provide?copies of the three type certifications ofthe manufacturer when?bidding, if the three type?certifications include one or several parameter of?valve?type, size, temperature and pressure, the corresponding parameter shall?cover the corresponding valve’s highest?parameter inthe bidding documents. The name of manufacture on the certificateshall be the same with?the manufacture of?References and the manufacture ofthe bidding Goods:
(1)特种设备证书: (略) 商提供压力管道元件制造许可(TS认证)。
Special Equipment Certificate: Domestic manufacture shall provide pressure piping compnent Manufacuture License of Special Equipment released by the national authority agency of China (TS certificate).
(略) 商应提供压力管道元件型式试验报告或证书(- * ℃),如无,需书面承诺于供货前提供。
Foreign manufacture shall provide the pressure piping component Type Test (- * ℃) Report or Certification released by the national authority agency of China. When these are not available, there shall be written commitment which providing it before supply.
(2)防火认证证书:制造商应具有API * 或API6FA或ISO * 7防火证书;
Fire safe certification:The valve manufacturer shall have the API * or API 6FA or ISO * 7 fire safe certificate.
(3)低泄漏认证证书:阀门必须具备可靠的外密封性能,应至少达到TA-LUFT或ISO * 8-1的要求,并提供相关测试的TA-LUFT证书或ISO * 8 PART 1的认证。
Leakage certification:Valves?shall have a reliable outside sealing performance and meet the requirements?of TA-LUFT or ISO * 8-1. VENDOR shall provide TA-LUFT certification or ISO * 8 PART 1 certification of the relevant tests.
D. 阀门制造商应具有API 6D证书,且证书应在有效期内,投标时提供有效证书复印件。
The bidder shall shall provide API 6D Certificate of the manufacturer, which shall be valid. Copy of valid certificate should be provided when bidding.
E. 针对数据表中有SIL等级要求的气动关断球阀,阀门、执行机构、电磁阀应取得不低于SIL2的认证证书,投标人在投标时需提供上述证书,SIL认证应为SIL Certification证书,不接受Functionality Safety Verification证书,证书需在有效期内。
SIL Certificate: For the pneumatic shutdown ball valve with SIL level requirements in the data table, the valve, actuator and solenoid valve should obtain the Certification certificate not lower than SIL2. The bidder shall provide the above certificate when bidding, and the SIL Certification shall be the SIL Certification certificate, and the SIL Certification shall not accept the Functionality Safety Verification certificate, and the certificate shall be within the validity period.
F. 电气设备产品认证: (略) 〔 * 年第 * 号〕《 (略) (略) 》的要求,须在投标阶段提供 CCC 认证证书。
Electrical product certification: The explosion-proof electrical products meet the requirements of the announcement of the State Administration of market supervision [No. * in * ] 《notice of the State Administration for Market Regulation about explosion-proof electrical products change from production license to compulsory product certification》. And China Compulsory Certification shall be supplied during the bidding phase.
G. 低温测试设施:阀门制造商应自主拥有低温测试设施,要求投标人提供相关证明材料(例如设施的实物照片或其他证明材料),并在投标阶段提供以往 (略) 项目中低温球阀的测试报告。
The valve manufacutrer should have its own low temprerature testing facilities, and the bidder shall provide related certification (such as physical photos of the facilities or other certification materials). During the bidding phase, supplier shall provide the low temperature testing report of the Cryogenic Ball Valve in previous similar LNG terminal project.
Requirementsof performance:
(1) 自 * 日起至投标截止之日止(合同签署时间),所投产品制造商在中国境内至少有3个 (略) 项目(规模不小于 * 万吨/年)的顶装式唇式密封 (略) 业绩,上述业绩中至少有 * 项合同包含至少2台尺寸≥ * "且磅级≥ * LB的深冷球阀,且上述业绩中≥ * "的深冷球阀累计不低于 * 台。
Since January 1, * to the deadline of the bid (according to the date of contract signature), the manufacturer shall have performance of the top mount Lip sealed cryogenic ball valves in at least three LNG receiving terminals (no less than 2 million tons/year) in china, among them thers is at least one contract of which has no less than two sets * " and above and * lb and aobve LNG cryogenic ball valve. And among them the manufatureer’s accumulative supply quantity of * " and above LNG receiving terminals cryogenic ball valves shall not be less than * sets.
(2)投标人须提交有效的业绩表和相关证明文件(“1.合同复印件相关章节(含相关技术文件)”和“2.用户使用证明或用户调试报告”。如前述1和2无 (略) 名称和规模,须提供其 (略) 名称和规 (略) 文件”)。业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称及类型(顶装式唇式密封深冷球阀)、装置名称及规模( (略) ,不小于 * 万吨/年)、供货数量、阀门尺寸、磅级。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述业绩信息,均视为无效业绩。
The bidder shall submit valid performance tables and related documents (" 1.Copies of contract related sections (including the related technical files)"and" 2. User_EpSingleQuotes_s usage certificate or user_EpSingleQuotes_s commissioning report ".If 1 and 2 above do not reflect the name and size of the receiving station, other public offering documents proving the name and size of the receiving station must be provided ").The performance certification documents must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing date, name and type of goods (top mount lip seal cryo-cooled ball valve), name and scale of the device (LNG receiving station, no less than 2 million tons/year), quantity of supply, valve size, pound cla 点击查看>> e to submit the performance certification documents, or the performance certification documents provided cannot verify the aforementioned performance information, shall be deemed as invalid performance.
(3) (略) 低温球阀的原产地和 (略) 提供业绩中的低温球阀原产地以及制造商 * 致, (略) 低温球阀应在 (略) 进行生产和检验,不得委托加工。
投标人提交能体现原产地和制造商的业绩证明文件,包括1.合同复印件或2.报关单或3.原产地证明或4. BV、DNV、劳氏等国际知名第 * 方检验机构出具的报告, (略) 检验报告、制造过程检验报告等。
The original place and manufacturer of cryogenic ball valves of the bidder’s quotation shall be in accordance with the original place and manufacturer of the cryogenic ball valves of the offered performance, and must be processed and inspected in the original place, OEM is forbidden.
To prove country of origin and manufacturer, Bidder shall provide the reference evidence, including 1.contract copies or 2. customs declaration or 3.place of origin certificate or 4. certified by a third authority such as Lloyd_EpSingleQuotes_s, BV or DNV or other internationally renowned authority, the certification include factory inspection report,?manufacturing process inspection report, etc.
(4)提供虚假投标资料的(包括但不限于业绩、资质、财务等方面), (略) 核实认定涉嫌造假的,取消本次投标资格,扣罚投标保证金,库内供应商上冻结6个月, (略) 中选用。
If the bidder provides false bidding materials (including but not limited to performance, qualification, finance, etc.), and the bid evaluation committee verifies that the bidder is suspected of fraud, the bid qualification shall be cancelled, the bid security shall be deducted, the suppliers in the Treasury shall be frozen for 6 months, and the suppliers outside the Treasury shall not be selected in the public bidding of the Purchaser within two years.
3)质量要求:提供制造商ISO * 质量管理体系认证证书,且证书在有效期内。代理商投 (略) 代理的产品制造商的ISO证书。认证范围应至少包括低温球阀的生产或制造范围。境内制造商的质量管理体系认证应在中国国家认证认 (略) 网站(http/ 点击查看>> )核实,无法核实的视为无效证书。
Manufacturershall have the ISO * quality management system certification and thecertificate is valid. The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the productmanufacturer. The scope of certification shall at least include producing or manufacturing for cryogenic ball valve. The quality management system certification provided by the bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall be verified on the website of China National Certification and Accreditation Administration (http:/ 点击查看>> ). It will be rejected if the certification cannot be verified on the website.
业主保留按ITP要求直接派遣第 * 方检验人员对任 * 重要质量控制点(如阀门主 (略) 、 (略) (略) 、 (略) (略) 、 (略) 等)进行见证性检验的权利。
The purchaser reserves the?right to send third-party inspector to witness inspection of any?important quality control point(such as valve main roughcast manufacture plant,valve main parts manufacture plant, valve main parts assembly plant, valvetesting plant and so on) according to the ITP.
4) 从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:投标截止时间前已进口的货物:不接受; (略) 人的货物:不接受。
4) For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:For goods already imported prior to the deadline for?submission of bids(not allowed);Goods?that the bidder intends to import by itself and then sell it to the Tenderee?after import (not allowed).
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点:https:// buy.cnooc.com.cn
招标文件售价:¥ * /$ *
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : *
投标文件送达地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )。
开标地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )。
6、 (略) 投标电子交易平台完成注册及信息核验。 (略) 网公示。
招标人:海洋 (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 新区 (略) 港保税区海滨十 * 路 * 号
联系方式:+ * - * - * *
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联系方式:+ * - * - * *
招标代理 (略) (人民币):
招标代理 (略) (美元):
澄清或变更简要说明: 投标文件递交截止时间/开标时间: * 日上午9: * ( (略) 时间)修改为: * 日上午9: * ( (略) 时间)
The?deadline for?submission of bid/ Bid?opening time?amended?from"9: * ?am?March?3, * (Beijing?time)"to"9: * ?am?March? * , * (Beijing?time)".
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
项目概况: (略) LNG低温球阀 * 寸以上
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
招标项目编号: 点击查看>> JDCP *
招标项目名称: (略) LNG低温球阀 * 寸以上
项目实施地点:中国 (略) 省
2.References and Qualification requirement:
1) Qualification requirement:
A. 投标人必须是具有独立法人资格的低温球阀( * "以上)制造商或代理商。
独立法人资格要求:关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 的营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
Bidder shall be manufacturer or authorized agent designated by manufacturerwith the qualification of independent legal entity of Cryogenic Ball Valve(above * ").
Bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall provide valid business license, Organization Code Certificate and tax registrationcertificate. Bidder from outside the PRC CustomsTerritory shall provide valid independent legal entitycertificate.
B. 代理商要求: (略) 投的货物不是投标人自己制造的,投标人应得到货物制造商的同意以及证明其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该货物的正式授权书。如果产品是国内制造商生产,则不接受代理商,仅接受制造商投标。
If the goods is not manufactured by bidder, the bidder shall obtainthe only legal officialauthority of the manufacturer that the bidder could provide the goods for the bid in China. If the manufacturer is domestic, agent is not accepted and only the manufacturer as the bidder is accepted.
C. 投标人应提供阀门制造商以下 * 类有效认证证书复印件,若 * 类认证证书包含产品的类型、口径、温度和压力等级其中的 * 种或几种参数, (略) 的产品对应最高参数要求。所有证书认证的制造商 (略) 提供业绩的制造商、此次投标货物的制造商 * 致:
The bidder?shall provide?copies of the three type certifications ofthe manufacturer when?bidding, if the three type?certifications include one or several parameter of?valve?type, size, temperature and pressure, the corresponding parameter shall?cover the corresponding valve’s highest?parameter inthe bidding documents. The name of manufacture on the certificateshall be the same with?the manufacture of?References and the manufacture ofthe bidding Goods:
(1)特种设备证书: (略) 商提供压力管道元件制造许可(TS认证)。
Special Equipment Certificate: Domestic manufacture shall provide pressure piping compnent Manufacuture License of Special Equipment released by the national authority agency of China (TS certificate).
(略) 商应提供压力管道元件型式试验报告或证书(- * ℃),如无,需书面承诺于供货前提供。
Foreign manufacture shall provide the pressure piping component Type Test (- * ℃) Report or Certification released by the national authority agency of China. When these are not available, there shall be written commitment which providing it before supply.
(2)防火认证证书:制造商应具有API * 或API6FA或ISO * 7防火证书;
Fire safe certification:The valve manufacturer shall have the API * or API 6FA or ISO * 7 fire safe certificate.
(3)低泄漏认证证书:阀门必须具备可靠的外密封性能,应至少达到TA-LUFT或ISO * 8-1的要求,并提供相关测试的TA-LUFT证书或ISO * 8 PART 1的认证。
Leakage certification:Valves?shall have a reliable outside sealing performance and meet the requirements?of TA-LUFT or ISO * 8-1. VENDOR shall provide TA-LUFT certification or ISO * 8 PART 1 certification of the relevant tests.
D. 阀门制造商应具有API 6D证书,且证书应在有效期内,投标时提供有效证书复印件。
The bidder shall shall provide API 6D Certificate of the manufacturer, which shall be valid. Copy of valid certificate should be provided when bidding.
E. 针对数据表中有SIL等级要求的气动关断球阀,阀门、执行机构、电磁阀应取得不低于SIL2的认证证书,投标人在投标时需提供上述证书,SIL认证应为SIL Certification证书,不接受Functionality Safety Verification证书,证书需在有效期内。
SIL Certificate: For the pneumatic shutdown ball valve with SIL level requirements in the data table, the valve, actuator and solenoid valve should obtain the Certification certificate not lower than SIL2. The bidder shall provide the above certificate when bidding, and the SIL Certification shall be the SIL Certification certificate, and the SIL Certification shall not accept the Functionality Safety Verification certificate, and the certificate shall be within the validity period.
F. 电气设备产品认证: (略) 〔 * 年第 * 号〕《 (略) (略) 》的要求,须在投标阶段提供 CCC 认证证书。
Electrical product certification: The explosion-proof electrical products meet the requirements of the announcement of the State Administration of market supervision [No. * in * ] 《notice of the State Administration for Market Regulation about explosion-proof electrical products change from production license to compulsory product certification》. And China Compulsory Certification shall be supplied during the bidding phase.
G. 低温测试设施:阀门制造商应自主拥有低温测试设施,要求投标人提供相关证明材料(例如设施的实物照片或其他证明材料),并在投标阶段提供以往 (略) 项目中低温球阀的测试报告。
The valve manufacutrer should have its own low temprerature testing facilities, and the bidder shall provide related certification (such as physical photos of the facilities or other certification materials). During the bidding phase, supplier shall provide the low temperature testing report of the Cryogenic Ball Valve in previous similar LNG terminal project.
Requirementsof performance:
(1) 自 * 日起至投标截止之日止(合同签署时间),所投产品制造商在中国境内至少有3个 (略) 项目(规模不小于 * 万吨/年)的顶装式唇式密封 (略) 业绩,上述业绩中至少有 * 项合同包含至少2台尺寸≥ * "且磅级≥ * LB的深冷球阀,且上述业绩中≥ * "的深冷球阀累计不低于 * 台。
Since January 1, * to the deadline of the bid (according to the date of contract signature), the manufacturer shall have performance of the top mount Lip sealed cryogenic ball valves in at least three LNG receiving terminals (no less than 2 million tons/year) in china, among them thers is at least one contract of which has no less than two sets * " and above and * lb and aobve LNG cryogenic ball valve. And among them the manufatureer’s accumulative supply quantity of * " and above LNG receiving terminals cryogenic ball valves shall not be less than * sets.
(2)投标人须提交有效的业绩表和相关证明文件(“1.合同复印件相关章节(含相关技术文件)”和“2.用户使用证明或用户调试报告”。如前述1和2无 (略) 名称和规模,须提供其 (略) 名称和规 (略) 文件”)。业绩证明文件必须至少体现以下内容:合同签署时间、货物名称及类型(顶装式唇式密封深冷球阀)、装置名称及规模( (略) ,不小于 * 万吨/年)、供货数量、阀门尺寸、磅级。未提交业绩证明文件,或所提供的业绩证明文件无法验证前述业绩信息,均视为无效业绩。
The bidder shall submit valid performance tables and related documents (" 1.Copies of contract related sections (including the related technical files)"and" 2. User_EpSingleQuotes_s usage certificate or user_EpSingleQuotes_s commissioning report ".If 1 and 2 above do not reflect the name and size of the receiving station, other public offering documents proving the name and size of the receiving station must be provided ").The performance certification documents must at least reflect the following contents: contract signing date, name and type of goods (top mount lip seal cryo-cooled ball valve), name and scale of the device (LNG receiving station, no less than 2 million tons/year), quantity of supply, valve size, pound cla 点击查看>> e to submit the performance certification documents, or the performance certification documents provided cannot verify the aforementioned performance information, shall be deemed as invalid performance.
(3) (略) 低温球阀的原产地和 (略) 提供业绩中的低温球阀原产地以及制造商 * 致, (略) 低温球阀应在 (略) 进行生产和检验,不得委托加工。
投标人提交能体现原产地和制造商的业绩证明文件,包括1.合同复印件或2.报关单或3.原产地证明或4. BV、DNV、劳氏等国际知名第 * 方检验机构出具的报告, (略) 检验报告、制造过程检验报告等。
The original place and manufacturer of cryogenic ball valves of the bidder’s quotation shall be in accordance with the original place and manufacturer of the cryogenic ball valves of the offered performance, and must be processed and inspected in the original place, OEM is forbidden.
To prove country of origin and manufacturer, Bidder shall provide the reference evidence, including 1.contract copies or 2. customs declaration or 3.place of origin certificate or 4. certified by a third authority such as Lloyd_EpSingleQuotes_s, BV or DNV or other internationally renowned authority, the certification include factory inspection report,?manufacturing process inspection report, etc.
(4)提供虚假投标资料的(包括但不限于业绩、资质、财务等方面), (略) 核实认定涉嫌造假的,取消本次投标资格,扣罚投标保证金,库内供应商上冻结6个月, (略) 中选用。
If the bidder provides false bidding materials (including but not limited to performance, qualification, finance, etc.), and the bid evaluation committee verifies that the bidder is suspected of fraud, the bid qualification shall be cancelled, the bid security shall be deducted, the suppliers in the Treasury shall be frozen for 6 months, and the suppliers outside the Treasury shall not be selected in the public bidding of the Purchaser within two years.
3)质量要求:提供制造商ISO * 质量管理体系认证证书,且证书在有效期内。代理商投 (略) 代理的产品制造商的ISO证书。认证范围应至少包括低温球阀的生产或制造范围。境内制造商的质量管理体系认证应在中国国家认证认 (略) 网站(http/ 点击查看>> )核实,无法核实的视为无效证书。
Manufacturershall have the ISO * quality management system certification and thecertificate is valid. The agent shall have the ISO certificate of the productmanufacturer. The scope of certification shall at least include producing or manufacturing for cryogenic ball valve. The quality management system certification provided by the bidder from within the PRC Customs Territory shall be verified on the website of China National Certification and Accreditation Administration (http:/ 点击查看>> ). It will be rejected if the certification cannot be verified on the website.
业主保留按ITP要求直接派遣第 * 方检验人员对任 * 重要质量控制点(如阀门主 (略) 、 (略) (略) 、 (略) (略) 、 (略) 等)进行见证性检验的权利。
The purchaser reserves the?right to send third-party inspector to witness inspection of any?important quality control point(such as valve main roughcast manufacture plant,valve main parts manufacture plant, valve main parts assembly plant, valvetesting plant and so on) according to the ITP.
4) 从中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:投标截止时间前已进口的货物:不接受; (略) 人的货物:不接受。
4) For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:For goods already imported prior to the deadline for?submission of bids(not allowed);Goods?that the bidder intends to import by itself and then sell it to the Tenderee?after import (not allowed).
招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>>
招标文件领购地点:https:// buy.cnooc.com.cn
招标文件售价:¥ * /$ *
投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : *
投标文件送达地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )。
开标地点: (略) (http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )。
6、 (略) 投标电子交易平台完成注册及信息核验。 (略) 网公示。
招标人:海洋 (略)
地址: (略) 市 (略) 新区 (略) 港保税区海滨十 * 路 * 号
联系方式:+ * - * - * *
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
联系方式:+ * - * - * *
招标代理 (略) (人民币):
招标代理 (略) (美元):