序 | 标段(包)编号 | 标段(包)名称 | 采办方式 |
1 | * -CNCCC-FW-GK- 点击查看>> | 海油工程- (略) 海上液化 (略) 总承包工程项目-M * 海管检验检测服务-海管智能检测工作务 | 公开招标 |
?1、 (略) 的“智能检测工具要求”
Revise the“Technical Requirement of intelligent inspection tool”in the Announcement of Bidding and Technical Response Form.
原文 original text:
The intelligent inspection shall provide full pipeline length data which shall be included but not limited to: Wall thickness and internal/ external metal loss and pitting, Geometry anomalies, such as dents and ovality, Internal and external damage, Laminations and inclusions within the pipelines, metal loss of 1% or greater. The intelligent inspection tool specification shall be provided in the bid.
现修改为It is revised as follows:
The intelligent inspection shall provide full pipeline length data which shall be included but not limited to: Wall thickness and internal/ external metal loss and pitting, Geometry anomalies, such as dents and ovality, Internal and external damage, Laminations and inclusions within the pipelines, metal loss of 5% or greater. The intelligent inspection tool specification shall be provided in the bid.
2、招标文件获取时间延长至 * 日,原投标截止时间/开标时间由 * 日上午 * : * 变更至 * 日上午 * : * 。
The collection time of bidding documents will be extended to June * , * , and the original deadline for submission of proposal/?The time of bid opening will be changed from * : * a.m. on June * , * to * : * a.m. on July 9, * .
序 | 标段(包)编号 | 标段(包)名称 | 采办方式 |
1 | * -CNCCC-FW-GK- 点击查看>> | 海油工程- (略) 海上液化 (略) 总承包工程项目-M * 海管检验检测服务-海管智能检测工作务 | 公开招标 |
?1、 (略) 的“智能检测工具要求”
Revise the“Technical Requirement of intelligent inspection tool”in the Announcement of Bidding and Technical Response Form.
原文 original text:
The intelligent inspection shall provide full pipeline length data which shall be included but not limited to: Wall thickness and internal/ external metal loss and pitting, Geometry anomalies, such as dents and ovality, Internal and external damage, Laminations and inclusions within the pipelines, metal loss of 1% or greater. The intelligent inspection tool specification shall be provided in the bid.
现修改为It is revised as follows:
The intelligent inspection shall provide full pipeline length data which shall be included but not limited to: Wall thickness and internal/ external metal loss and pitting, Geometry anomalies, such as dents and ovality, Internal and external damage, Laminations and inclusions within the pipelines, metal loss of 5% or greater. The intelligent inspection tool specification shall be provided in the bid.
2、招标文件获取时间延长至 * 日,原投标截止时间/开标时间由 * 日上午 * : * 变更至 * 日上午 * : * 。
The collection time of bidding documents will be extended to June * , * , and the original deadline for submission of proposal/?The time of bid opening will be changed from * : * a.m. on June * , * to * : * a.m. on July 9, * .