An invitation to negotiate
(略) 在地区: (略)
Procurement area: Shaanxi Province
* 、采购条件/ Purchasing conditions
(略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购(项目编号: 点击查看>> HY * ),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为其他资金(出资比例 * %),采购人为 (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 。本项目已具备采购条件, (略) 邀请谈判采购。
The purchase of heater and reboiler tube bundle by Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. (Project No. : 点击查看>> HY * ) has been approved by the project approval/approval/record authorities. The project funds are from other funds (investment ratio is * %), and the purchaser is Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. The purchase conditions of this project have been met, and we are now negotiating the purchase.
* 、项目概况和采购范围/ Project overview and procurement scope
采购内容与范围:本采购项目划分为 1 个标段,本次采购为其中的:
( * ) (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购/Purchase of heater and reboiler Tube Bundle of Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.
* 、供应商资格要求/ Qualification requirements for suppliers
( * ) (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购的供应商资格能力要求
The qualification and ability requirement of the supplier for the purchase of heater and reboiler Tube Bundle of Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.:
3.1供应商应具有中华人民共和国注册的独立法人资格,提供营业执照副本、组织机构代码证副本、税务登 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照(如为 * 证合 * ) (提供以上材料加盖单位公章的复印件)及法定代表人授权书。
Suppliers should be an independent legal person registered in the People"s Republic of China, and should provide a copy of business license, a copy of organization code certificate, tax registration certificate or business license with unified social credit code (in the case of three certificates in one) (The above-mentioned copy with the seal of the unit) and the letter of authorization of legal representative.
The Suppliers shall provide the original letter of authorization from the valid legal representative.
3.3单位负责人为同 * 人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加本项目,否则相关文件均无效。(需提供承诺书并加盖公章,格式不限)
The person-in-charge of the unit shall not participate in this project if he is the same person or if there is a controlling or managerial relationship between different units, otherwise the relevant documents are invalid. (must provide the pledge and affix official seal, the format is not limited)
3.4供应商不得在“信用中国”网站被列 (略) 人,提 (略) 站查询截图并加盖公章的原件。
Supplierss shall not be listed as persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking on the Credit China website, and the original copy with official seal shall be provided with the screenshot of inquiry on the Credit China website.
The Suppliers shall have the design and manufacturing qualification of A1 or / A2 pressure vessels.
Whether the joint bidding is accepted: No
* 、谈判文件的获取/ Access to negotiation documents
4.1凡有意参加谈判者,请于 * 年 月 日8时 * 分至 * 年 月 日 * 时 * 分( (略) 时间,下同), (略) 采购平台 点击查看>> ) 注册、购买并下载电子谈判文件。(若需纸质谈判文件, (略) 领取)(提示:请购标人考虑完成在线注册、 (略) 需的时间成本,确保在谈判文件发售截止时间前成功购买下载谈判文件)。如有疑问可拨打平台统 * 服务热线 点击查看>> , (略) (略) 点击查看>> (略) 。
Those who wish to participate in the negotiation are requested to register, purchase and download the electronic negotiation documents from 8: * on * to * : * on * (China Standard Time, same below) at the www. * 点击查看>> . If a paper negotiation document is required, it should be collected at the agent during the negotiation. Tip: Please consider the time cost to complete the online registration and audit to ensure the successful purchase and download of the negotiation document before the deadline. For Enquiries, please call the platform unified service hotline at 点击查看>> or the Information Office of Northwest International Tendering Company at 点击查看>> .
4.2谈判文件每套售价人民币0. * 元。
Negotiation documents are sold at RMB0. * per set.
谈判 (略) 地点: (略) 市南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层 * 室( (略) ,石珍妮、谢涛 点击查看>> , * * .com)
Negotiation Documents Enquiry and consultation place: Room * , * th floor, growth building, * West Second Ring Road, Xi"an (bidding for the project is everywhere, Jenny, Xie Tao 点击查看>> , email: * * . Com)
* 、响应文件的递交/ Submission of response file
递交截止时间: * 年 7 月 * 日 * 时 * 分
Deadline for Negotiation (opening time): * : * on July * , * (Beijing time)
纸质文件送达地点: (略) 市南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层会议室(南 * 环与朱雀路十字西南角)。
Place of delivery of paper tender documents: The western part of South Second Ring No. * in Xi"an,the Growth Corp.Building, * F Conference Room (Cross of ZhuQue road and South Second Ring Road, the southwest corner)
* 、谈判时间及地点/ Time and place for negotiation
谈判时间: * 年 7 月 * 日 * 时 * 分
Submission deadline: * : * on July * , * (Beijing time)
谈判地点: (略) 采购平台谈判大厅
Place of negotiation:Bid Opening Hall of Zhongzhao Joint Bidding and procurement platform
* 、其他/ Others
* 、 (略) 门/ Supervisory Department
本采购 (略) 门为采购 (略) 门。
The supervision department of the procurement project shall be the superior department of the purchaser.
* 、联系方式/ contact
采 购 人: (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略)
Purchaser: Shaanxi Nonferrous Tianhong Ruike Silicon Material Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) 省 (略) 市榆佳工业园
Address: Yujia Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
联 系 人:王先生
Contact: Mr. Wang
电 话: 点击查看>>
Telephone: 点击查看>>
采购代理机构:西北( (略) ) (略)
Procurement Agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层 * 室
Address: Room * , * / F, Cheng Cheng Building, No. * , South Second Ring West Section, Yanta District, Xi "an City, Shaanxi Province
联 系 人:石珍妮、谢涛
Contact person: Jenny Shi, Tao Xie
联系电话: 点击查看>>
Contact number: 点击查看>>
电子邮件: * * .com
E-mail: * * .com
An invitation to negotiate
(略) 在地区: (略)
Procurement area: Shaanxi Province
* 、采购条件/ Purchasing conditions
(略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购(项目编号: 点击查看>> HY * ),已由项目审批/核准/备案机关批准,项目资金来源为其他资金(出资比例 * %),采购人为 (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 。本项目已具备采购条件, (略) 邀请谈判采购。
The purchase of heater and reboiler tube bundle by Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. (Project No. : 点击查看>> HY * ) has been approved by the project approval/approval/record authorities. The project funds are from other funds (investment ratio is * %), and the purchaser is Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. The purchase conditions of this project have been met, and we are now negotiating the purchase.
* 、项目概况和采购范围/ Project overview and procurement scope
采购内容与范围:本采购项目划分为 1 个标段,本次采购为其中的:
( * ) (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购/Purchase of heater and reboiler Tube Bundle of Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.
* 、供应商资格要求/ Qualification requirements for suppliers
( * ) (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略) 加热器、再沸器管束采购的供应商资格能力要求
The qualification and ability requirement of the supplier for the purchase of heater and reboiler Tube Bundle of Shaanxi Non-ferrous Tian Hong REC Silicon Materials Co., Ltd.:
3.1供应商应具有中华人民共和国注册的独立法人资格,提供营业执照副本、组织机构代码证副本、税务登 (略) 会信用代码的营业执照(如为 * 证合 * ) (提供以上材料加盖单位公章的复印件)及法定代表人授权书。
Suppliers should be an independent legal person registered in the People"s Republic of China, and should provide a copy of business license, a copy of organization code certificate, tax registration certificate or business license with unified social credit code (in the case of three certificates in one) (The above-mentioned copy with the seal of the unit) and the letter of authorization of legal representative.
The Suppliers shall provide the original letter of authorization from the valid legal representative.
3.3单位负责人为同 * 人或者存在控股、管理关系的不同单位,不得参加本项目,否则相关文件均无效。(需提供承诺书并加盖公章,格式不限)
The person-in-charge of the unit shall not participate in this project if he is the same person or if there is a controlling or managerial relationship between different units, otherwise the relevant documents are invalid. (must provide the pledge and affix official seal, the format is not limited)
3.4供应商不得在“信用中国”网站被列 (略) 人,提 (略) 站查询截图并加盖公章的原件。
Supplierss shall not be listed as persons subject to enforcement for trust-breaking on the Credit China website, and the original copy with official seal shall be provided with the screenshot of inquiry on the Credit China website.
The Suppliers shall have the design and manufacturing qualification of A1 or / A2 pressure vessels.
Whether the joint bidding is accepted: No
* 、谈判文件的获取/ Access to negotiation documents
4.1凡有意参加谈判者,请于 * 年 月 日8时 * 分至 * 年 月 日 * 时 * 分( (略) 时间,下同), (略) 采购平台 点击查看>> ) 注册、购买并下载电子谈判文件。(若需纸质谈判文件, (略) 领取)(提示:请购标人考虑完成在线注册、 (略) 需的时间成本,确保在谈判文件发售截止时间前成功购买下载谈判文件)。如有疑问可拨打平台统 * 服务热线 点击查看>> , (略) (略) 点击查看>> (略) 。
Those who wish to participate in the negotiation are requested to register, purchase and download the electronic negotiation documents from 8: * on * to * : * on * (China Standard Time, same below) at the www. * 点击查看>> . If a paper negotiation document is required, it should be collected at the agent during the negotiation. Tip: Please consider the time cost to complete the online registration and audit to ensure the successful purchase and download of the negotiation document before the deadline. For Enquiries, please call the platform unified service hotline at 点击查看>> or the Information Office of Northwest International Tendering Company at 点击查看>> .
4.2谈判文件每套售价人民币0. * 元。
Negotiation documents are sold at RMB0. * per set.
谈判 (略) 地点: (略) 市南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层 * 室( (略) ,石珍妮、谢涛 点击查看>> , * * .com)
Negotiation Documents Enquiry and consultation place: Room * , * th floor, growth building, * West Second Ring Road, Xi"an (bidding for the project is everywhere, Jenny, Xie Tao 点击查看>> , email: * * . Com)
* 、响应文件的递交/ Submission of response file
递交截止时间: * 年 7 月 * 日 * 时 * 分
Deadline for Negotiation (opening time): * : * on July * , * (Beijing time)
纸质文件送达地点: (略) 市南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层会议室(南 * 环与朱雀路十字西南角)。
Place of delivery of paper tender documents: The western part of South Second Ring No. * in Xi"an,the Growth Corp.Building, * F Conference Room (Cross of ZhuQue road and South Second Ring Road, the southwest corner)
* 、谈判时间及地点/ Time and place for negotiation
谈判时间: * 年 7 月 * 日 * 时 * 分
Submission deadline: * : * on July * , * (Beijing time)
谈判地点: (略) 采购平台谈判大厅
Place of negotiation:Bid Opening Hall of Zhongzhao Joint Bidding and procurement platform
* 、其他/ Others
* 、 (略) 门/ Supervisory Department
本采购 (略) 门为采购 (略) 门。
The supervision department of the procurement project shall be the superior department of the purchaser.
* 、联系方式/ contact
采 购 人: (略) 有色天宏瑞 (略)
Purchaser: Shaanxi Nonferrous Tianhong Ruike Silicon Material Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) 省 (略) 市榆佳工业园
Address: Yujia Industrial Park, Yulin City, Shaanxi Province
联 系 人:王先生
Contact: Mr. Wang
电 话: 点击查看>>
Telephone: 点击查看>>
采购代理机构:西北( (略) ) (略)
Procurement Agency: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd
地 址: (略) 省 (略) 市 (略) 区南 * 环西段 * 号成长大厦 * 层 * 室
Address: Room * , * / F, Cheng Cheng Building, No. * , South Second Ring West Section, Yanta District, Xi "an City, Shaanxi Province
联 系 人:石珍妮、谢涛
Contact person: Jenny Shi, Tao Xie
联系电话: 点击查看>>
Contact number: 点击查看>>
电子邮件: * * .com
E-mail: * * .com