利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) 澄清或变更(1)
澄清或变更简要说明:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目第3包: (略) (略) 理工程(招标编号: 点击查看>> 点击查看>> )开标时间变更通知如下:投标截止时间/开标时间: * 日上午 * : * ( (略) 时间),有澄清( * )和补遗( * )。
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1、招标条件 项目概况:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) (略) 理工程 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:到位 (略) 条件的说明:是2、招标内容: 招标项目编号: 点击查看>> 招标项目名称:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) (略) 理工程 项目实施地点:中国 (略) 壮族自治区 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注 1 手动球阀 * - - 2 双法兰传力补偿接头 4 - - 3 前混凝搅拌机 * - - 4 集水槽 * - - 5 反冲洗水泵 2 - - 6 手/电两用圆闸门 1 - - 7 中心传动浓缩机 2 - - 8 PAM投加撬装装置 2 - - 9 其它 - - - 3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:投标人 (略) 必需的财力、技术和人力、有成功履约的良好纪录,须满足以下要求: 1.业绩要求: (1)近 * 年( * 年-今,以竣工验收时间为准),在中国至少成功 (略) 理能力为 * , * 立方米/日以上(含 * , * 立方米/日)的城 (略) (略) 新建、扩建或提标改造的同时包含土建、设备供货及安装总包合同,其单个合同金额不得低于 * 万欧元(其他币种 以开标日期前 * 天,即 * 日, (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其他币种的现汇卖出价折算),且其中至少1个合同为利用国际 金融机构贷款或外国政府贷款的项目业绩。 或: (2)近 * 年( * 年-今,以竣工验收时间为准),在中国至少 (略) 理能力为 * , * 立方米/日以上(含 * , * 立方米/日) (略) (略) 新建、扩建或提标改造的1个土建合同和2个设备供货合同,单个合同金 额不得低于 * 万欧元(其他币种以开标日期前 * 天,即 * 日, (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其他币种的现汇卖出价折 算),同时,至少其中1个合同为利用国际金融机构贷款或外国政府贷款的项目业绩。 投标人须在投标文件中附证明材料,包括但不限于中 标通知书、合同、竣工验收证明的复印件并加盖公章,并准备前述文件的原件备查(备注:附在投标文件里的合同复印件必须包括但不限于能体现以下内容的合同页:合同封面、合同首页体现项目名称、合同范围、合同签订日期、合同金额、项目规模、合同签字人并注明最终用 户联系人及联系方式)。 2. 资质: 境内投标人须具备以下资质及证书: (1)非联合体投标人或联合体中承担土建工程的成员须具有住房和 (略) 颁发的市政公用工程施工总承包 * 级(或以上)资质证书;; (2)独家投标人或联合体中承担承担设备安装工程的成员须具有 (略) (略) 颁发的机电工程施工总承包 * 级资质证书。; (3)承担土建工程及设备安装工程成员具备安全生产许可证。 境外投标 人:须在中国有办事机构或分支机构,并提供相应证明。 非联合体及联合体各方均须具有: (1)ISO * 质量管理体系认证 (ISO 点击查看>> * / * ) (2)环保体系认证(ISO * 1) (3)职业健康安全管理体系认证证书或同等体系认证证书。 3.投标人应随投标书 * 并提供以下补 充文件证明其合格性: 1. (1)如果 (略) ,投标人必须是依法注册的独立法人,其注册 资金不低于1亿元人民币,注册成 立时间(以营业执照为准)不得少于 * 年,投标文件中须提供有效的企业法人营业执照复印件并加盖公章;如果 (略) ,投 标人须在投标文件中提供其企业营业执照复印件或合法注册的证明文件,注册成立时间(以营业执照为准)不得少于 * 年;前 * 财年( * 年)所有者权益不得低于 * 万欧元或等值金额(其他币种以开标日期前 * 天(即: * 日) (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其 他币种的现汇卖出价折算); (2)若为联合体投标,联合体牵头方和成员方均需满足上述要求。 2. 法定代表人授权书(法人授权书具体要 求请见本章节ITB * .2条); 3. (1)近 * 年( 点击查看>> 年)经审计的财务报告和财务报表(包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表等), 证明其年均营业额不得低于 * 万欧元;且投标人近 * 年每年的净利润必须分别为正数; (2)有关联合体投标的要求以及其他具体要求, 详见第 * 章; 4. 投标人须提 (略) 在开标日期前 * 个月内专为本项目出具的有效期为 * 年、金额不少于 * 万欧元的流动资金证明复 (略) 授信证明复印件(须注明金额、有效期以及ITB1.1中写明的项目名称、招标编号。复印件加盖公章,原件备查);银行授信证明 如为联合体,由联合体牵头方提供;流动资金证明,联合体牵头方和成员方均需提供。 5. 中德财政 (略) 融资项目 (略) 有参与方都必 须确保公平、透明的竞争,并应至少遵守已得到该发展中国家认可的国际劳工组织(ILO)核心劳工标准。为此,投标人须在投标文件中提 供 * 份相应的《声明函》( (略) 文件“第 * 章-投标格式”)作为证明,该声明应由投标人合法的授权代表签署并加盖公章。不递交 此声明和不符合该要求的,将导致其投标被否决。此外,投标人应对声明内容的 (略) 责任,在评标过程中 * 旦发现事实情况与声明 内容不符,其投标将被否决。如为联合体,则联合体牵头方和成员方均须签署; 6. (略) 文件技术册附件1 《出水水质保证表》,如为联合体,则联合体牵头方和成员方均须签署该表格。 7. 施工组织设计,包括:施工方案、 (略) 平面布置图、 施工时间进度表、工程投入的主要施工机械设备及检测仪器情况、主要 (略) 计划、主要材料供应计划、劳 (略) 安排计划、确保工程 质量的技术组织措施、确保安全生产的技术自制措施、确保文明施工的技术组织措施、确保工期的技术组织措施、 (略) 时间表、工 艺设备安装计划等有必要说明的其他内容。 是否接受联合体投标:接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>> 招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>> 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元4层 招标文件售价:¥ * /$ * 其他说明: (略) 文件时需携带的材料:法人授权委托书/公司介绍信/被授权人的身份证。 5、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : * 投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元 * 层会议室 开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元 * 层会议室 6、投标人在投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> )或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )完成注册及 信息核验。 (略) 网公示。 7、联系方式 招标人: (略) (略) 有限公司 地址: (略) 市东环路 * 号 联系人:刘庆峰 联系方式 : 点击查看>> // 招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司 地址: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元4层 联系人:梁嘉宇 联系方式 : 点击查看>> 8、汇款方式 招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) (略) 招标代理 (略) (美元): 账号(人民币): 点击查看>> 账号(美元): 9、其他补充说明 附件: 开标时间变更&澄清补遗.rar 是否 (略) : 是
Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promoti onal Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advanced Treatment Project(1)
Clarify or change:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Adva nced Treatment Project (Bid No.: 点击查看>> ):Notice of the Change of Bid Opening Time (I) is: Deadline for Submission of Bi ds/Bid Opening Time: * : * a.m., August 5, * (Beijing Time); And there is Clarification (I) and Amendment (I).
CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the s upply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabiddi ng.com on 点击查看>> .
1.Bidding Conditions Overview:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advanced Tr eatment Project Source of Funds:German Promotional Loan Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The conditions have been fulfilled. 2.Bidding Content: Bidding No: 点击查看>> Project Name:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advance d Treatment Project Place of Implementation:Liuzhou City in Guangxi Province List of Products: NO. Product Name Quantity Main Technical Data Remarks 1 Manual ball valve * - - 2 Double-flange load transfer compensatory couplings 4 - - 3 Front coagulation agitator * - - 4 Catch basin * - - 5 Backwash water pump 2 - - 6 Manual/electric circular gate 1 - - 7 Center-driving thickener 2 - -/ 8 PAM skid-mounted dosing device 2 - - 9 Others - - - 3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:Bidder shall have sufficient financial and technical capabilities, manpower and good contract performan ce records that are necessary to perform this contract. The Bidder shall meet following requirements of qualifications: 1. Project Performan ce Record: The bidder shall meet the following conditions: (1) In recent * years ( * to present, subject to the completion and acceptanc e time), the bidder has successfully undertaken at least two processing capacity of more than * , * cubic meters / day (including * , * ) municipal wastewater treatment plant or water supply plant projects for construction, expansion or upgrading in China, which should includ e the general contract of civil engineering, supply and installation at the same time. The contract value of a single project shall not be less t han Euro 8 million (other currencies shall be converted from the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the h ead office of Bank of China * days before the bid opening date, that is July * , * ). And at least one of the contract performances is fin anced by International Financial Institution or Foreign Government Loan. Or: (2) In recent * years ( * to present, subject to the complet ion and acceptance time), the bidder has successfully undertaken at least one civil construction contracts and two supply contracts with pro cessing capacity of more than * , * cubic meters / day (including * , * ) municipal wastewater treatment plant or water supply plant proj ects for construction, expansion or upgrading in China. The contract value of a single project shall not be less than Euro 4 million (other cur rencies shall be converted from the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the head office of Bank of China 1 4 days before the bid opening date, that is, July * , * ). And at least one of the contract performances is financed by International Finan cial Institution or Foreign Government Loan. The bidder shall attach supporting materials in the bids, including but not limited to copies of th e letter of acceptance, contract and completion acceptance certificate, and affix the official seal, and prepare the original of the above docu ments for future reference (Note: the contract copies attached to the bids must include but not limited to the contract pages which can refle ct the following contents: the contract cover, the first page of the contract shall reflect the project name, contract scope, contract signing dat e, contract amount, project scale, contract signer, contact person and contact information of end user). 2.Certificates and Qualifications: Fo r Bidders within PRC, it shall be equipped with following qualifications and certificates: (1) Non-consortium bidder or member of consortium undertaking civil works shall have the General Contracting Qualification of Municipal Utilities Engineering –Grade I (or above) by the Ministr y of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; (2) The sole bidder or member of the consortium undertaking the installation of the equipment shall have the General Contracting Qualification of Electromechanical - Grade I (or above) by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Dev elopment; (3) The member of undertaking civil works and equipment installation shall have Safe Production License. Overseas bidder must have office or branch office in China, and provide corresponding certificate. For all Bidders, it shall be equipped with following qualification s: (1)ISO * quality management system certification (ISO 点击查看>> 2) (2)Environmental protection system certification (ISO * 1) (3)Professional health and safety management system certification, or other certifications of the same level. 3. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, the following supplementary documents to certify their eligibility: 1. (1) If the bidder is a company in China, the bidder must b e an independent legal person registered according to law. The capital shall not be less than * million yuan, and the time of registration a nd establishment (subject to the business license) shall not be less than * years. A valid copy of the business license of the enterprise leg al person shall be provided in the bids and sealed with the official seal; if the bidder is a company outside China, the bidder shall provide th e copy of its business license or the certificate of legal registration in the bids, and the registration and establishment time (subject to the b usiness license) shall not be less than * years. The owner's equity of the previous fiscal year ( * ) shall not be less than 2 million Euro o r equivalent amount (other currencies shall be converted by the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the he ad office of Bank of China * days before the date of bid opening (July * , * ) (2) For the joint venture, both the lead and the partners of the joint venture should meet the above requirements and provide the supporting documents. 2. Power of Attorney issued by the legal pers on. (For detailed requirements, please see ITB * .2 of Section 2.) 3. (1) Submission of audited financial statements for the last three (3) ye ars ( 点击查看>> ) to demonstrate the average annual turnover of the Bidder for the last three (3) years ( 点击查看>> ) is no less than EUR * Million; the Bidder’s net worth for the last three (3) year shall be positive; (2) For requirements on joint venture or other detailed requiremen ts, please see section 3 of bidding documents. 4. The bidder shall provide a copy of working capital certificate or bank credit certificate issu ed by commercial bank for this project within three months before the bid opening date, with a validity period of one year and an amount of no less than 2.7 million Euro (indicating the amount, validity period, project name and bidding number specified in ITB1.1. The copy is stam ped with official seal, and the original is for reference). If the bank credit certificate is for a consortium, the consortium lead party shall provide that; Working capital certificate shall be provided by both the consortium leader and the member. 5. All parties involved in a procuremen t process financed under German Financial Cooperation must ensure a fair and transparent competition and at least observe those ILO Co re Labor Standards that have been ratified by the developing country. The Bidder is required to submit a Declaration of undertaking (Pleas e see Section 4 for the format). The Declaration of Undertaking must be signed in a legally binding manner by duly authorized representati ves of the bidder. Failure to submit this declaration and non-compliance with the requirements will lead to exclusion from the tender; in cas e of a joint venture, all partners of the joint venture shall duly sign the undertaking. 6. The duly signed Table of Water Quality Guarantee of Wastewater Plant by Bidder in accordance with the format as specified in Supplementary Information of technical part of bidding document s; in case of a joint venture, all partners of the joint venture shall duly sign the table. 7. The construction organization design includes: const ruction scheme, construction site layout plan, construction time schedule, main construction machinery and equipment and testing instrum ents, main construction machinery mobilization plan, main material supply plan, labor force arrangement plan, technical organization meas ures to ensure project quality, technical self-control measures to ensure safety production and civilized construction, technical organization measures to ensure the construction period, mobilization schedule of process equipment, installation plan of process equipment and other necessary contents. Joint Bids:Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available 4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>> Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>> Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-site Purchase Place:4/F, No. * th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1, South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China Price of Bidding Documents: ¥ * /$ * Additional Instructions:Bidders shall provide following documents when purchasing Bidding Document: Power of Attorney issued by L egal Representative, letter of introduction and ID card of the authorized person. 5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 点击查看>> * : * Place of Bid:Meeting Room, 3/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Haidian District, Beijing China Place of Bid Opening:Meeting Room, 3/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Haidian District, Beijing China. 6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on www.c 点击查看>> . 7.Contact Details Purchasers:Guangxi Liuzhou Water Investment Group Co., Ltd. Add.:No. * , Donghuan Road, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, China Contact:Liu Qingfeng Tel: 点击查看>> Bidding Agency:CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. Add.:4/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China Contact:Liang Jiayu Tel : 点击查看>> 8.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB):China CITIC Bank, Beijing Mansion Sub-branch Bank(USD): Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>> Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>> onal Instruction Attachments:开标时间变更&澄清补遗.rar Site reconnaissance: Yes /
利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) 澄清或变更(1)
澄清或变更简要说明:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目第3包: (略) (略) 理工程(招标编号: 点击查看>> 点击查看>> )开标时间变更通知如下:投标截止时间/开标时间: * 日上午 * : * ( (略) 时间),有澄清( * )和补遗( * )。
(略) (略) ,于 点击查看>> - (略) 。 (略) 方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。
1、招标条件 项目概况:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) (略) 理工程 资金到位或资金来源落实情况:到位 (略) 条件的说明:是2、招标内容: 招标项目编号: 点击查看>> 招标项目名称:利用德国促进贷款 (略) 市水环境治理项目 第3包: (略) (略) 理工程 项目实施地点:中国 (略) 壮族自治区 招标产品列表(主要设备): 序号 产品名称 数量 简要技术规格 备注 1 手动球阀 * - - 2 双法兰传力补偿接头 4 - - 3 前混凝搅拌机 * - - 4 集水槽 * - - 5 反冲洗水泵 2 - - 6 手/电两用圆闸门 1 - - 7 中心传动浓缩机 2 - - 8 PAM投加撬装装置 2 - - 9 其它 - - - 3、投标人资格要求 投标人应具备的资格或业绩:投标人 (略) 必需的财力、技术和人力、有成功履约的良好纪录,须满足以下要求: 1.业绩要求: (1)近 * 年( * 年-今,以竣工验收时间为准),在中国至少成功 (略) 理能力为 * , * 立方米/日以上(含 * , * 立方米/日)的城 (略) (略) 新建、扩建或提标改造的同时包含土建、设备供货及安装总包合同,其单个合同金额不得低于 * 万欧元(其他币种 以开标日期前 * 天,即 * 日, (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其他币种的现汇卖出价折算),且其中至少1个合同为利用国际 金融机构贷款或外国政府贷款的项目业绩。 或: (2)近 * 年( * 年-今,以竣工验收时间为准),在中国至少 (略) 理能力为 * , * 立方米/日以上(含 * , * 立方米/日) (略) (略) 新建、扩建或提标改造的1个土建合同和2个设备供货合同,单个合同金 额不得低于 * 万欧元(其他币种以开标日期前 * 天,即 * 日, (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其他币种的现汇卖出价折 算),同时,至少其中1个合同为利用国际金融机构贷款或外国政府贷款的项目业绩。 投标人须在投标文件中附证明材料,包括但不限于中 标通知书、合同、竣工验收证明的复印件并加盖公章,并准备前述文件的原件备查(备注:附在投标文件里的合同复印件必须包括但不限于能体现以下内容的合同页:合同封面、合同首页体现项目名称、合同范围、合同签订日期、合同金额、项目规模、合同签字人并注明最终用 户联系人及联系方式)。 2. 资质: 境内投标人须具备以下资质及证书: (1)非联合体投标人或联合体中承担土建工程的成员须具有住房和 (略) 颁发的市政公用工程施工总承包 * 级(或以上)资质证书;; (2)独家投标人或联合体中承担承担设备安装工程的成员须具有 (略) (略) 颁发的机电工程施工总承包 * 级资质证书。; (3)承担土建工程及设备安装工程成员具备安全生产许可证。 境外投标 人:须在中国有办事机构或分支机构,并提供相应证明。 非联合体及联合体各方均须具有: (1)ISO * 质量管理体系认证 (ISO 点击查看>> * / * ) (2)环保体系认证(ISO * 1) (3)职业健康安全管理体系认证证书或同等体系认证证书。 3.投标人应随投标书 * 并提供以下补 充文件证明其合格性: 1. (1)如果 (略) ,投标人必须是依法注册的独立法人,其注册 资金不低于1亿元人民币,注册成 立时间(以营业执照为准)不得少于 * 年,投标文件中须提供有效的企业法人营业执照复印件并加盖公章;如果 (略) ,投 标人须在投标文件中提供其企业营业执照复印件或合法注册的证明文件,注册成立时间(以营业执照为准)不得少于 * 年;前 * 财年( * 年)所有者权益不得低于 * 万欧元或等值金额(其他币种以开标日期前 * 天(即: * 日) (略) 总行首次发布的欧元兑其 他币种的现汇卖出价折算); (2)若为联合体投标,联合体牵头方和成员方均需满足上述要求。 2. 法定代表人授权书(法人授权书具体要 求请见本章节ITB * .2条); 3. (1)近 * 年( 点击查看>> 年)经审计的财务报告和财务报表(包括资产负债表、损益表和现金流量表等), 证明其年均营业额不得低于 * 万欧元;且投标人近 * 年每年的净利润必须分别为正数; (2)有关联合体投标的要求以及其他具体要求, 详见第 * 章; 4. 投标人须提 (略) 在开标日期前 * 个月内专为本项目出具的有效期为 * 年、金额不少于 * 万欧元的流动资金证明复 (略) 授信证明复印件(须注明金额、有效期以及ITB1.1中写明的项目名称、招标编号。复印件加盖公章,原件备查);银行授信证明 如为联合体,由联合体牵头方提供;流动资金证明,联合体牵头方和成员方均需提供。 5. 中德财政 (略) 融资项目 (略) 有参与方都必 须确保公平、透明的竞争,并应至少遵守已得到该发展中国家认可的国际劳工组织(ILO)核心劳工标准。为此,投标人须在投标文件中提 供 * 份相应的《声明函》( (略) 文件“第 * 章-投标格式”)作为证明,该声明应由投标人合法的授权代表签署并加盖公章。不递交 此声明和不符合该要求的,将导致其投标被否决。此外,投标人应对声明内容的 (略) 责任,在评标过程中 * 旦发现事实情况与声明 内容不符,其投标将被否决。如为联合体,则联合体牵头方和成员方均须签署; 6. (略) 文件技术册附件1 《出水水质保证表》,如为联合体,则联合体牵头方和成员方均须签署该表格。 7. 施工组织设计,包括:施工方案、 (略) 平面布置图、 施工时间进度表、工程投入的主要施工机械设备及检测仪器情况、主要 (略) 计划、主要材料供应计划、劳 (略) 安排计划、确保工程 质量的技术组织措施、确保安全生产的技术自制措施、确保文明施工的技术组织措施、确保工期的技术组织措施、 (略) 时间表、工 艺设备安装计划等有必要说明的其他内容。 是否接受联合体投标:接受 未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 4、招标文件的获取 招标文件领购开始时间: 点击查看>> 招标文件领购结束时间: 点击查看>> 是否在线售卖标书:否 获取招标文件方式:现场领购 招标文件领购地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元4层 招标文件售价:¥ * /$ * 其他说明: (略) 文件时需携带的材料:法人授权委托书/公司介绍信/被授权人的身份证。 5、投标文件的递交 投标截止时间(开标时间): 点击查看>> * : * 投标文件送达地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元 * 层会议室 开标地点: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元 * 层会议室 6、投标人在投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> )或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )完成注册及 信息核验。 (略) 网公示。 7、联系方式 招标人: (略) (略) 有限公司 地址: (略) 市东环路 * 号 联系人:刘庆峰 联系方式 : 点击查看>> // 招标代理机构: (略) 有限公司 地址: (略) 市 (略) 区中关村南大街 (略) 苏园 * 单元4层 联系人:梁嘉宇 联系方式 : 点击查看>> 8、汇款方式 招标代理 (略) (人民币): (略) (略) (略) 招标代理 (略) (美元): 账号(人民币): 点击查看>> 账号(美元): 9、其他补充说明 附件: 开标时间变更&澄清补遗.rar 是否 (略) : 是
Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promoti onal Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advanced Treatment Project(1)
Clarify or change:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Adva nced Treatment Project (Bid No.: 点击查看>> ):Notice of the Change of Bid Opening Time (I) is: Deadline for Submission of Bi ds/Bid Opening Time: * : * a.m., August 5, * (Beijing Time); And there is Clarification (I) and Amendment (I).
CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the s upply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.chinabiddi ng.com on 点击查看>> .
1.Bidding Conditions Overview:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advanced Tr eatment Project Source of Funds:German Promotional Loan Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The conditions have been fulfilled. 2.Bidding Content: Bidding No: 点击查看>> Project Name:Liuzhou Water Environmental Management Project Utilizing German Promotional Loan Lot 3: Yanghe WWTP Advance d Treatment Project Place of Implementation:Liuzhou City in Guangxi Province List of Products: NO. Product Name Quantity Main Technical Data Remarks 1 Manual ball valve * - - 2 Double-flange load transfer compensatory couplings 4 - - 3 Front coagulation agitator * - - 4 Catch basin * - - 5 Backwash water pump 2 - - 6 Manual/electric circular gate 1 - - 7 Center-driving thickener 2 - -/ 8 PAM skid-mounted dosing device 2 - - 9 Others - - - 3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder Qualifications or Performance:Bidder shall have sufficient financial and technical capabilities, manpower and good contract performan ce records that are necessary to perform this contract. The Bidder shall meet following requirements of qualifications: 1. Project Performan ce Record: The bidder shall meet the following conditions: (1) In recent * years ( * to present, subject to the completion and acceptanc e time), the bidder has successfully undertaken at least two processing capacity of more than * , * cubic meters / day (including * , * ) municipal wastewater treatment plant or water supply plant projects for construction, expansion or upgrading in China, which should includ e the general contract of civil engineering, supply and installation at the same time. The contract value of a single project shall not be less t han Euro 8 million (other currencies shall be converted from the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the h ead office of Bank of China * days before the bid opening date, that is July * , * ). And at least one of the contract performances is fin anced by International Financial Institution or Foreign Government Loan. Or: (2) In recent * years ( * to present, subject to the complet ion and acceptance time), the bidder has successfully undertaken at least one civil construction contracts and two supply contracts with pro cessing capacity of more than * , * cubic meters / day (including * , * ) municipal wastewater treatment plant or water supply plant proj ects for construction, expansion or upgrading in China. The contract value of a single project shall not be less than Euro 4 million (other cur rencies shall be converted from the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the head office of Bank of China 1 4 days before the bid opening date, that is, July * , * ). And at least one of the contract performances is financed by International Finan cial Institution or Foreign Government Loan. The bidder shall attach supporting materials in the bids, including but not limited to copies of th e letter of acceptance, contract and completion acceptance certificate, and affix the official seal, and prepare the original of the above docu ments for future reference (Note: the contract copies attached to the bids must include but not limited to the contract pages which can refle ct the following contents: the contract cover, the first page of the contract shall reflect the project name, contract scope, contract signing dat e, contract amount, project scale, contract signer, contact person and contact information of end user). 2.Certificates and Qualifications: Fo r Bidders within PRC, it shall be equipped with following qualifications and certificates: (1) Non-consortium bidder or member of consortium undertaking civil works shall have the General Contracting Qualification of Municipal Utilities Engineering –Grade I (or above) by the Ministr y of Housing and Urban-Rural Development; (2) The sole bidder or member of the consortium undertaking the installation of the equipment shall have the General Contracting Qualification of Electromechanical - Grade I (or above) by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Dev elopment; (3) The member of undertaking civil works and equipment installation shall have Safe Production License. Overseas bidder must have office or branch office in China, and provide corresponding certificate. For all Bidders, it shall be equipped with following qualification s: (1)ISO * quality management system certification (ISO 点击查看>> 2) (2)Environmental protection system certification (ISO * 1) (3)Professional health and safety management system certification, or other certifications of the same level. 3. The Bidder shall furnish, as part of its bid, the following supplementary documents to certify their eligibility: 1. (1) If the bidder is a company in China, the bidder must b e an independent legal person registered according to law. The capital shall not be less than * million yuan, and the time of registration a nd establishment (subject to the business license) shall not be less than * years. A valid copy of the business license of the enterprise leg al person shall be provided in the bids and sealed with the official seal; if the bidder is a company outside China, the bidder shall provide th e copy of its business license or the certificate of legal registration in the bids, and the registration and establishment time (subject to the b usiness license) shall not be less than * years. The owner's equity of the previous fiscal year ( * ) shall not be less than 2 million Euro o r equivalent amount (other currencies shall be converted by the spot exchange selling rate of Euro to other currencies first issued by the he ad office of Bank of China * days before the date of bid opening (July * , * ) (2) For the joint venture, both the lead and the partners of the joint venture should meet the above requirements and provide the supporting documents. 2. Power of Attorney issued by the legal pers on. (For detailed requirements, please see ITB * .2 of Section 2.) 3. (1) Submission of audited financial statements for the last three (3) ye ars ( 点击查看>> ) to demonstrate the average annual turnover of the Bidder for the last three (3) years ( 点击查看>> ) is no less than EUR * Million; the Bidder’s net worth for the last three (3) year shall be positive; (2) For requirements on joint venture or other detailed requiremen ts, please see section 3 of bidding documents. 4. The bidder shall provide a copy of working capital certificate or bank credit certificate issu ed by commercial bank for this project within three months before the bid opening date, with a validity period of one year and an amount of no less than 2.7 million Euro (indicating the amount, validity period, project name and bidding number specified in ITB1.1. The copy is stam ped with official seal, and the original is for reference). If the bank credit certificate is for a consortium, the consortium lead party shall provide that; Working capital certificate shall be provided by both the consortium leader and the member. 5. All parties involved in a procuremen t process financed under German Financial Cooperation must ensure a fair and transparent competition and at least observe those ILO Co re Labor Standards that have been ratified by the developing country. The Bidder is required to submit a Declaration of undertaking (Pleas e see Section 4 for the format). The Declaration of Undertaking must be signed in a legally binding manner by duly authorized representati ves of the bidder. Failure to submit this declaration and non-compliance with the requirements will lead to exclusion from the tender; in cas e of a joint venture, all partners of the joint venture shall duly sign the undertaking. 6. The duly signed Table of Water Quality Guarantee of Wastewater Plant by Bidder in accordance with the format as specified in Supplementary Information of technical part of bidding document s; in case of a joint venture, all partners of the joint venture shall duly sign the table. 7. The construction organization design includes: const ruction scheme, construction site layout plan, construction time schedule, main construction machinery and equipment and testing instrum ents, main construction machinery mobilization plan, main material supply plan, labor force arrangement plan, technical organization meas ures to ensure project quality, technical self-control measures to ensure safety production and civilized construction, technical organization measures to ensure the construction period, mobilization schedule of process equipment, installation plan of process equipment and other necessary contents. Joint Bids:Available Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available 4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>> Ending of Selling Bidding Documents: 点击查看>> Sell bidding doc online or not:No To Obtain:On-site Purchase Place:4/F, No. * th Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, No.1, South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China Price of Bidding Documents: ¥ * /$ * Additional Instructions:Bidders shall provide following documents when purchasing Bidding Document: Power of Attorney issued by L egal Representative, letter of introduction and ID card of the authorized person. 5.Bid Submission Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time): 点击查看>> * : * Place of Bid:Meeting Room, 3/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Haidian District, Beijing China Place of Bid Opening:Meeting Room, 3/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Haidian District, Beijing China. 6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on www.c 点击查看>> . 7.Contact Details Purchasers:Guangxi Liuzhou Water Investment Group Co., Ltd. Add.:No. * , Donghuan Road, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province, China Contact:Liu Qingfeng Tel: 点击查看>> Bidding Agency:CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. Add.:4/F, No. * Unit, Su Yuan, Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China Contact:Liang Jiayu Tel : 点击查看>> 8.Remittance Approach Bank(RMB):China CITIC Bank, Beijing Mansion Sub-branch Bank(USD): Account NO.(RMB): 点击查看>> Account NO.(USD): 点击查看>> onal Instruction Attachments:开标时间变更&澄清补遗.rar Site reconnaissance: Yes /