Invitation for Bids (IFB)
日 期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海油 (略) 委托,邀请合格投标人就 * 丰 * - (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
项目概况: * 丰 * -3油田FPSO项目需配备 * 套原油计量和标定系统系统,用于贸易交接计量,主要包括计量撬、标定撬、在线取样系统及控制系统。
序号 | 设备名称 | 数量 | 主要技术参数 | 备注 |
1 | 原油计量和标定系统 | 1套 | 1、系统应包括: * 个流量计量撬, * 个标定撬块, * 套校准罐, * 套仪表/校准仪控制系统, * 套自动在线取样系统(含在线密度计、含水分析仪、混合泵、取样检测器、手动取样口等), (略) (略) 电缆。 2、采用高粘度螺旋涡轮流量计,流量计为 * 英寸,每个流量系列的测量范围/容量至少达到 * m3/h。流量计共有4路,总流量 * m3/h。 |
中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物:CIF中国主要 (略) (候选地点: (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 或 (略) )。
中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:招标人指定地点(候选地点: (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 或 (略) )。
FPSO船 (略) 确定后,公司将书面通知投标人。
中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物:供应商应在中标通知书发出后 (略) 在地主要 (略) 装运货物。
中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物: (略) 人指定地点。
1) 资质要求:
A. 关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
B. 代理商要求:投标人必须是原油外输计量标定撬的专 (略) 家,或是专 (略) 家的整撬代理商。如果投标人是代理商,则投标人应获得专 (略) 家的正式授权以及证明其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该整撬货物的正式授权书;代理商应获得专 (略) 家签字盖章的保证,承诺专 (略) 家将承担整撬的质量责任,包括设计、制造、生产和完成标定。如果未提供或者提供的授权/保证未 (略) 内容,则视为不符合要求。
C. 集成商要求:不接受集成商投标,集成商是指从 (略) (略) 件(指流量计、流量计算机、体积管、 * 通阀)进行组装的投标人。如果 (略) (略) 件(指流量计、流量计算机、体积管、 * 通阀) (略) (略) 家,投标人则不视为集成商,且被视为设 (略) 家,并接受设 (略) 家或其代理商投标。
2) 业绩要求:
投标人必须是原油外输计量标定撬的专 (略) 家,或是专 (略) 家的整撬代理商。投标人必须拥有1台套原油计量标定系统整撬在FPSO或FSOU或类似浮式生产平台上的应用业绩, (略) 两年以上( (略) 开始时间不得迟于 * 日),不接受未使用过的原型设备。
投标人选择的 (略) 应至少具有1套FPSO或FSOU或类似浮式生产平台上的交接计量和标定系统集成经验。如果投标人为代理商, (略) 代理专 (略) 家的上述业绩。投标人应按规定格式提交业绩记录,并提交相关证明文件,包括但不限于:销售合同副本(包括合同首页,签字页,供货范围,关键技术参数的相关页),以及最终用户签署证 (略) 的证明文件,或由最终用户/ (略) 签发的调试报告。
3. (略) 文件:从 * 日开始至 * 日止,请登录中 (略) 有限公司采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/ 点击查看>> )的招标 (略) 购买。首次登 (略) 注册(免费),注册成功后, (略) 文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后, (略) 文件。本招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元,售后不退。 (略) 文件,不可参加投标。另外, (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布, (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )注册成功并通过平台审核。
4.投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 楼大厅,在此时间后收到的投标文件恕不接受。
5.开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室。
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布。
7. (略) 投标电子交易平台上完成注册。 (略) 投标电子交易平台公示。
招标人:中海油 (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东沽石油新村
邮政编码: 点击查看>>
电话:+ * - 点击查看>>
邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮编: 点击查看>>
联系电话: * - * - 点击查看>>
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Date:September 6, *
1.CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Ltd (hereinafter called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment for LUFENG * -3 OILFIELD FPSO PROJECT:
Source of Funds: yes
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: yes
Joint Venture: Not Accepted
Project Summary:The LUFENG * -3 OILFIELD FPSO PROJECT needs to be equipped with one set crude oil metering and proving system for Custody Transfer Measurement, which includes meter skid, prover skid, automatic online sampling system and control system.
Qty: 1 SET.
1 | Crude Oil Metering And Proving System | 1set | 1、Vendor shall supply one (1) set Crude Oil Metering and Proving Sy 点击查看>> Crude Oil Metering and Proving System shall include: One (1) meter skid, One (1) prover skid,One (1) set prover pitcher ,One (1) set meter/prover control system, One (1) set automatic online sampling system (with on-line density meter, water cut analyzer, mixing pump, sampling detector, manual sampling port, etc.), Supply of all skid internal cables. 2、The meter shall be high viscosity Helical turbine flowmeter, the turbine flowmeter shall be * inch,the each flowmeter measure range / capacity shall be up to * m3/h at least. The flowmeter skid shall have 4 Paths, Total Flow: * m3/h. | . |
Place of delivery:
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:CIF main Port of China,such as Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai, Shanghai and Nantong.
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:Arrive at the place designated by the bid inviting party (candidate place: Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai, Shanghai and Nantong) .
After the construction site of the FPSO HULL is confirmed, Company will inform the Bidder in writing.
Delivery schedule:
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:The supplier shall ship the goods from the main port within * weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance.
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:Arrive at the place within * weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance.
2. Bidder Qualification requirements:
1) Qualification requirement:
A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate or three in one business license, etc. The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person certificate. To prove that the bidder has independent legal personality.
B.Agent requirements: The Bidder shall be the professional design manufacturer of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System(Whole Skid),or an agent of professional design manufacturer of the whole skid. If the Bidder is an agent, the Bidder shall obtain the consent of the professional design Manufacturer and obtain the formal authorization to prove that he is the only one to provide the whole skid goods in this bidding; The Agent of the professional design manufacturer must obtain Authorization Letter, as well as letter of guarantee of the professional design manufacturer with signature and stamp to commit they will undertake responsibility for quality of the whole skid, include design, manufacture, production and successful proving. If the Authorization Letter and/or Letter of Guarantee are or is not provided, the Bidder shall be deemed not qualified; If the Authorization Letter and/or Letter of Guarantee provided by the Bidder do not or does not include all the content herein-above, then the Bidder shall be deemed not qualified.e manufacturer of the goods or the whole skid and obtain the formal authorization to prove that he is the only one to provide the goods in this bidding; The Agent of this International manufacturer must obtain Authorization Letter, as well as letter of guarantee of this international manufacturer with signature and stamp to commit they will undertake responsibility for quality of the whole skid, include design, manufacture, production and successful proving. If the Authorization Letter and/or letter of guarantee is not provided or not inclusive of all the content hereinabove, then the bidder shall be deemed not qualified.
C.The integrator requirements: The integrator, who will buy all the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System from the manufactures to assembly the skid, shall not be acceptable. However if the Bidder is the manufacturer of all or parts of the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System, the Bidder will Not be deemed as the integrator, and will be deemed as the professional design manufacturer, and the professional design manufacturer or its agent shall be acceptable.(referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System from the manufactures to integrate/assemble the skid, shall not be acceptable. However if the Bidder is the manufacturer of all or parts of the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System, the Bidder will not be deemed as the integrator/whole skid fabricator, and shall be acceptable.
2) Performance requirements:
The Bidder shall be the professional design manufacturer of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System(Whole Skid),or an agent of professional design manufacturer of the whole skid. The Bidder should have at least one performance record for the whole set of Crude Oil Metering and Proving System applied on FPSO or FSOU or similar floating production unit, and successfully operated for more than two years (The start time of successful achievements shall not be later than May 1, * ), unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable.(FPSO,FSOUor similar float production unit) and operation for more than two years (The start time of successful achievements shall not be later than May 1, * ), unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable.
The system assembly plant selected by the Bidder shall have at least one set of Custody transfer Metering and Proving System integration experience for FPSO or FSOU or similar floating production unit. If the Bidder is an agent, the performance record of the professional design manufacturer shall be provided by the Bidder(FPSO, FSOU or similar float production unit).
The Bidder shall submit the Reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence, which include but not limited to: Copies of Sales Contract (including Contract front page, signature page, scope of supply, key technical parameters related pages); and a Certificate notice signed by End user to verify its authenticity, or a commissioning report signed by End user or a third party classification society.
3. All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to :enter into website http:/ 点击查看>> to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from September 3, * to September * , * upon non-refundable payment of RMB * or USD * for each copy. First login must be registered(free of charge), after successful registration, you can buy the bidding documents. The purchase process must be fully online, and offline remittance will not be accepted. After successful payment of the bid fee, the bidder can download the bidding documents by himself. The bid fee will not be refunded after successful payment. If you do not purchase the bidding documents in the system, you may not participate in the bidding. In addition, The tender notice is also issued on the Electronic transaction platform for mechanical and electrical products tendering and bidding (http:/ 点击查看>> ), the bidder need to succeed in the Electronic transaction platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) registered and through the platform review.
4. Bids must be delivered to 1th Floor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiao jie , Dong cheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.China for submission of bids before * : * a.m.(Beijing time) on September * , * .
5. Bids will be opened at * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on September * , * at No.7 Meeting Room,4th Floor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiao jie , Dong cheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.China.
6.The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c 点击查看>> ?simultaneously.
7.?The bidder needs to register?before?the?tender?on?www.c 点击查看>> . ?And the evaluation results will be released on www.c 点击查看>> .
Name of Purchaser: CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Ltd
Address: Donggu petroleum New Village, Binhai New District, Tianjin
Contact person: Mr. ChangYuzhou
Telephone: + * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name of TenderingAgent: CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Address: 4th?Floor,?CNOOC?Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District,?Beijing,? 点击查看>> , P.R.China
Contactperson: Mi 点击查看>> Fengming
Telephone:+ * - * - 点击查看>>
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
日 期: * 日
1. (略) (略) (以下简称“招标机构”)受中海油 (略) 委托,邀请合格投标人就 * 丰 * - (略) ,现邀请投标人对下列货物和服务提交密封投标:
(略) 条件的说明:已具备
项目概况: * 丰 * -3油田FPSO项目需配备 * 套原油计量和标定系统系统,用于贸易交接计量,主要包括计量撬、标定撬、在线取样系统及控制系统。
序号 | 设备名称 | 数量 | 主要技术参数 | 备注 |
1 | 原油计量和标定系统 | 1套 | 1、系统应包括: * 个流量计量撬, * 个标定撬块, * 套校准罐, * 套仪表/校准仪控制系统, * 套自动在线取样系统(含在线密度计、含水分析仪、混合泵、取样检测器、手动取样口等), (略) (略) 电缆。 2、采用高粘度螺旋涡轮流量计,流量计为 * 英寸,每个流量系列的测量范围/容量至少达到 * m3/h。流量计共有4路,总流量 * m3/h。 |
中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物:CIF中国主要 (略) (候选地点: (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 或 (略) )。
中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物:招标人指定地点(候选地点: (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 、 (略) 或 (略) )。
FPSO船 (略) 确定后,公司将书面通知投标人。
中华人民共和国关境外提供的货物:供应商应在中标通知书发出后 (略) 在地主要 (略) 装运货物。
中华人民共和国关境内提供的货物: (略) 人指定地点。
1) 资质要求:
A. 关境内投标人应提供有效的营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证或 * 证合 * 营业执照等。关境外投标人应提供有效的独立法人证明。以证明投标人具有独立法人资格。
B. 代理商要求:投标人必须是原油外输计量标定撬的专 (略) 家,或是专 (略) 家的整撬代理商。如果投标人是代理商,则投标人应获得专 (略) 家的正式授权以及证明其在本次投标中唯 * 提供该整撬货物的正式授权书;代理商应获得专 (略) 家签字盖章的保证,承诺专 (略) 家将承担整撬的质量责任,包括设计、制造、生产和完成标定。如果未提供或者提供的授权/保证未 (略) 内容,则视为不符合要求。
C. 集成商要求:不接受集成商投标,集成商是指从 (略) (略) 件(指流量计、流量计算机、体积管、 * 通阀)进行组装的投标人。如果 (略) (略) 件(指流量计、流量计算机、体积管、 * 通阀) (略) (略) 家,投标人则不视为集成商,且被视为设 (略) 家,并接受设 (略) 家或其代理商投标。
2) 业绩要求:
投标人必须是原油外输计量标定撬的专 (略) 家,或是专 (略) 家的整撬代理商。投标人必须拥有1台套原油计量标定系统整撬在FPSO或FSOU或类似浮式生产平台上的应用业绩, (略) 两年以上( (略) 开始时间不得迟于 * 日),不接受未使用过的原型设备。
投标人选择的 (略) 应至少具有1套FPSO或FSOU或类似浮式生产平台上的交接计量和标定系统集成经验。如果投标人为代理商, (略) 代理专 (略) 家的上述业绩。投标人应按规定格式提交业绩记录,并提交相关证明文件,包括但不限于:销售合同副本(包括合同首页,签字页,供货范围,关键技术参数的相关页),以及最终用户签署证 (略) 的证明文件,或由最终用户/ (略) 签发的调试报告。
3. (略) 文件:从 * 日开始至 * 日止,请登录中 (略) 有限公司采办业务管理与交易系统(https:/ 点击查看>> )的招标 (略) 购买。首次登 (略) 注册(免费),注册成功后, (略) 文件。购买过程必须全程在线操作,线下形式的汇款将不予接受。标书费支付成功后, (略) 文件。本招标文件每套售价为 * 元人民币或 * 美元,售后不退。 (略) 文件,不可参加投标。另外, (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布, (略) 投标电子交易平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )注册成功并通过平台审核。
4.投标文件递交截止时间和地点:所有投标文件都应附有按规定提交的投标保证金并于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)前递交 (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦 * 楼大厅,在此时间后收到的投标文件恕不接受。
5.开标时间:定于 * 日 * : * 时( (略) 时间)开标。开标地点: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层第 * 会议室。
6. (略) (略) 投标电子交易平台(www.c 点击查看>> )上发布。
7. (略) 投标电子交易平台上完成注册。 (略) 投标电子交易平台公示。
招标人:中海油 (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东沽石油新村
邮政编码: 点击查看>>
电话:+ * - 点击查看>>
邮箱: * nooc.com.cn
招标代理机构: (略) (略)
详细地址: (略) 区东直门外小街6号海油大厦4层
邮编: 点击查看>>
联系电话: * - * - 点击查看>>
Invitation for Bids (IFB)
Date:September 6, *
1.CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.(hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”), for and on behalf of CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Ltd (hereinafter called"Purchaser") invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for the supply of following equipment for LUFENG * -3 OILFIELD FPSO PROJECT:
Source of Funds: yes
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions: yes
Joint Venture: Not Accepted
Project Summary:The LUFENG * -3 OILFIELD FPSO PROJECT needs to be equipped with one set crude oil metering and proving system for Custody Transfer Measurement, which includes meter skid, prover skid, automatic online sampling system and control system.
Qty: 1 SET.
1 | Crude Oil Metering And Proving System | 1set | 1、Vendor shall supply one (1) set Crude Oil Metering and Proving Sy 点击查看>> Crude Oil Metering and Proving System shall include: One (1) meter skid, One (1) prover skid,One (1) set prover pitcher ,One (1) set meter/prover control system, One (1) set automatic online sampling system (with on-line density meter, water cut analyzer, mixing pump, sampling detector, manual sampling port, etc.), Supply of all skid internal cables. 2、The meter shall be high viscosity Helical turbine flowmeter, the turbine flowmeter shall be * inch,the each flowmeter measure range / capacity shall be up to * m3/h at least. The flowmeter skid shall have 4 Paths, Total Flow: * m3/h. | . |
Place of delivery:
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:CIF main Port of China,such as Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai, Shanghai and Nantong.
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:Arrive at the place designated by the bid inviting party (candidate place: Dalian, Qingdao, Yantai, Shanghai and Nantong) .
After the construction site of the FPSO HULL is confirmed, Company will inform the Bidder in writing.
Delivery schedule:
For goods offered from outside PRC customs territory:The supplier shall ship the goods from the main port within * weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance.
For goods offered from within PRC customs territory:Arrive at the place within * weeks after the issuance of the letter of acceptance.
2. Bidder Qualification requirements:
1) Qualification requirement:
A.The bidder within the customs territory shall provide valid business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate or three in one business license, etc. The bidder outside the customs territory shall provide valid independent legal person certificate. To prove that the bidder has independent legal personality.
B.Agent requirements: The Bidder shall be the professional design manufacturer of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System(Whole Skid),or an agent of professional design manufacturer of the whole skid. If the Bidder is an agent, the Bidder shall obtain the consent of the professional design Manufacturer and obtain the formal authorization to prove that he is the only one to provide the whole skid goods in this bidding; The Agent of the professional design manufacturer must obtain Authorization Letter, as well as letter of guarantee of the professional design manufacturer with signature and stamp to commit they will undertake responsibility for quality of the whole skid, include design, manufacture, production and successful proving. If the Authorization Letter and/or Letter of Guarantee are or is not provided, the Bidder shall be deemed not qualified; If the Authorization Letter and/or Letter of Guarantee provided by the Bidder do not or does not include all the content herein-above, then the Bidder shall be deemed not qualified.e manufacturer of the goods or the whole skid and obtain the formal authorization to prove that he is the only one to provide the goods in this bidding; The Agent of this International manufacturer must obtain Authorization Letter, as well as letter of guarantee of this international manufacturer with signature and stamp to commit they will undertake responsibility for quality of the whole skid, include design, manufacture, production and successful proving. If the Authorization Letter and/or letter of guarantee is not provided or not inclusive of all the content hereinabove, then the bidder shall be deemed not qualified.
C.The integrator requirements: The integrator, who will buy all the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System from the manufactures to assembly the skid, shall not be acceptable. However if the Bidder is the manufacturer of all or parts of the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System, the Bidder will Not be deemed as the integrator, and will be deemed as the professional design manufacturer, and the professional design manufacturer or its agent shall be acceptable.(referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System from the manufactures to integrate/assemble the skid, shall not be acceptable. However if the Bidder is the manufacturer of all or parts of the core components (referred to main flow meter、flow computer、 four-way divert valve、Ball prover) of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System, the Bidder will not be deemed as the integrator/whole skid fabricator, and shall be acceptable.
2) Performance requirements:
The Bidder shall be the professional design manufacturer of the Crude Oil Metering and Proving System(Whole Skid),or an agent of professional design manufacturer of the whole skid. The Bidder should have at least one performance record for the whole set of Crude Oil Metering and Proving System applied on FPSO or FSOU or similar floating production unit, and successfully operated for more than two years (The start time of successful achievements shall not be later than May 1, * ), unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable.(FPSO,FSOUor similar float production unit) and operation for more than two years (The start time of successful achievements shall not be later than May 1, * ), unused prototype equipment shall not be acceptable.
The system assembly plant selected by the Bidder shall have at least one set of Custody transfer Metering and Proving System integration experience for FPSO or FSOU or similar floating production unit. If the Bidder is an agent, the performance record of the professional design manufacturer shall be provided by the Bidder(FPSO, FSOU or similar float production unit).
The Bidder shall submit the Reference List in given form, and provide corresponding documentary evidence, which include but not limited to: Copies of Sales Contract (including Contract front page, signature page, scope of supply, key technical parameters related pages); and a Certificate notice signed by End user to verify its authenticity, or a commissioning report signed by End user or a third party ification society.
3. All those who are willing to participate in the bids are kindly requested to :enter into website http:/ 点击查看>> to purchase the bidding documents (electronic edition) on line from September 3, * to September * , * upon non-refundable payment of RMB * or USD * for each copy. First login must be registered(free of charge), after successful registration, you can buy the bidding documents. The purchase process must be fully online, and offline remittance will not be accepted. After successful payment of the bid fee, the bidder can download the bidding documents by himself. The bid fee will not be refunded after successful payment. If you do not purchase the bidding documents in the system, you may not participate in the bidding. In addition, The tender notice is also issued on the Electronic transaction platform for mechanical and electrical products tendering and bidding (http:/ 点击查看>> ), the bidder need to succeed in the Electronic transaction platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ) registered and through the platform review.
4. Bids must be delivered to 1th Floor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiao jie , Dong cheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.China for submission of bids before * : * a.m.(Beijing time) on September * , * .
5. Bids will be opened at * : * a.m. (Beijing time) on September * , * at No.7 Meeting Room,4th Floor,CNOOC Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiao jie , Dong cheng District, Beijing 点击查看>> , P.R.China.
6.The Invitation for Bids is issued on the website of www.c 点击查看>> ?simultaneously.
7.?The bidder needs to register?before?the?tender?on?www.c 点击查看>> . ?And the evaluation results will be released on www.c 点击查看>> .
Name of Purchaser: CNOOC Energy Technology & Services Ltd
Address: Donggu petroleum New Village, Binhai New District, Tianjin
Contact person: Mr. ChangYuzhou
Telephone: + * - 点击查看>>
E-mail: * nooc.com.cn
Name of TenderingAgent: CNCCC International Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Address: 4th?Floor,?CNOOC?Tower, No.6 Dongzhimenwai Xiaojie, Dongcheng District,?Beijing,? 点击查看>> , P.R.China
Contactperson: Mi 点击查看>> Fengming
Telephone:+ * - * - 点击查看>>