变更内容: | (略) (略)
地 址: (略) 市 (略) 区 * 里河路5号D座 收件人: 邮政编码: 点击查看>> 收件人单位:各投标人 电 话: * - 点击查看>> 受机传真号: 传 真: * - 点击查看>> 发件人:曾 增 发件日期: 点击查看>> 兹传给您下列文件共 * 页(包括本页) 主 题: 补遗通知Addendum 3 招标编号(Bid No.): 点击查看>> YNP 点击查看>> Project Name:Procurement of Teaching Equipment under Construction of Teaching Experimental Base Project of Chuxiong Medical College by KfW Loan 项目名称: (略) 建 (略) 项目教学设备采购 To Bidders/致各投标人: In consideration of disputes on some contents in Addendum 1 dated Oct * , * , after our reporting to KfW and its consent, this Addendum 3 is now issued. The Addendum is made to correctrelevantcontents in Addendum 1 as per the following table, the Addendum 1 is thus cancelled. In case of any discrepancy between the Tender Document and the Addendum, the Addendum shall prevail. 鉴于 * 日补遗 (略) 分内容存在分歧,经向KfW汇报并获其同意,特发布本补遗通知3。本补遗通知系对补 (略) 分内容的更正,详见下表,原补遗1予以撤销。如招标文件与本补 (略) ,以本补遗为准。 Apology would be appreciated in case of any inconvenience thus occurred. 如给相关各方带来不便,请予谅解。 Please sign and fax this return page to 点击查看>> or email to * inme 点击查看>> receipt. * inme 点击查看>> 。 _______________ Project Manager项目经理 On behalf of Minmetals ITC (略) (略) To: Minmetals International Tendering Co., Ltd,
(略) (略) : We have received this Addendum 3, and will prepare our bid accordingly. 我公司已收到本补遗3,将相应准备我方的投标。 (略) 名称:_______________________________ Name and title姓名和职务:___________________________ Date日期:___________________________________ Item No. 序号 | Name of Goods 设备名称 | 招标文件条款号及内容 Item No.and Content of Tender Document | 澄清要求 Clarification Request | Reasons for revise 修改理由 | Answer 回复 | | Technical Question技术问题 | 1 | Portable weather station (略) | 1.2 Accuracy:≤±3% at 0- * m/s. ±5% at more than * m/s 1.2 精度:≤±3% 0 到 * m/s、±5% 大于 * m/s | The technical parameters of the original bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly. It is recommended to modify to"1.2 Accuracy: ≤±3% to * m/s, ±5% to * m/s". 原招标文件技术参数疑似写法错误,建议修改“1.2 精度:≤±3% 到 * m/s、±5% 到 * m/s” | The technical parameters of the bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly.招标文件参数疑似写法错误 | The following modification is made to further clarify the parameters for the bidders: 1.2 Accuracy (refers to the accuracy of measuring wind speed): When the wind speed is within the range of 0- * m/s, measurement error of the wind speed should be within ± 3%; When the wind speed is within the range of * - * m/s, measurement error of the wind speed should be within ± 5%.
为利于投标人清晰理解参数设置,对该项参数做以下修改: 1.2精度(指的是测量风速的精度): 风速在0- * m/s的范围内,风速测量误差应该在±3%以内 ; 风速在 * - * m/s的范围内,风速测量误差应该在±5% 以内。 | | 2.2 Accuracy:≤±3° at 0- * m/s . ±5° at more than * m/s 2.2 精度:≤±3°0 到 * m/s 、±5°大于 * m/s | The technical parameters of the original bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly. It is recommended to modify to "2.2 Accuracy: ≤±3° to * m/s, ±5° to * m/s". 原招标文件技术参数疑似写法错误,建议修改“2.2 精度:≤±3°到 * m/s 、±5°到 * m/s” | The technical parameters of the bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly.招标文件参数疑似写法错误 | The following modification is made to further clarify the parameters for the bidders: 2.2 Accuracy (refers to the accuracy of measuring wind direction): When the wind speed is within the range of 0- * m/s, measurement error of the wind direction angle should be within ± 3°; When the wind speed is within the range of * - * m/s, measurement error of the wind direction angle should be within ± 5°. 为利于投标人清晰理解参数设置,对该项参数做以下修改: 2.2精度(指的是测量风向的精度): 风速在0- * m/s的范围内,风向角度(单位 °)测量误差应该在±3°以内 ; 风速在 * - * m/s的范围内,风向角度(单位 °)测量误差应该在±5°以内。 | | 7.2 Range:0 to * mm/h 7.2 测量范围 :0 到 * mm/小时 | The technical parameters of the original bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly. It is recommended to modify to"7.2 Measuring range: 0 to> * mm/hour". 原招标文件技术参数疑似写法错误,建议修改“7.2 测量范围 :0 到> * mm/小时” | The technical parameters of the bidding documents are suspected to be written incorrectly. 招标文件参数疑似写法错误 | The parameters of the Tender document are correct.The following descriptions are made to further clarify the parameters for the bidders: 7.2 measurement range (refers to the measurement range of precipitation) It can measure the precipitation of 0- * mm / hour, that is, it can measure the precipitation within * mm / hour.
招标文件参数没有错误。 为利于投标人清晰理解参数设置,对该项参数做以下说明: 7.2测量范围(指的是降水量的测量范围) : 能够测量 0- * mm/小时的降水量,即能够测量每小时 * 毫米以内的降水量。 | | * -2 | * L small type Chinese medicine ointment preparation filling and packaging production line * L小型中药软膏制备灌装封装生产线 | Total volume of paste preparation device: ≥ * L. heating power: ≥3KW. working voltage: * V. maximum temperature: ≥ * °C. 膏剂制备器总容积:≥ * L;加热功率:≥3KW;工作电压: * V;最高温度:≥ * ℃; | For the service life, safety and maintenance of the equipment. It is recommended to modify to "...Maximum temperature: * ℃;" 为了设备的使用寿命、安全性及后期的维护。建议修改“。。。最高温度: * ℃;” | For the service life, safety and maintenance of the equipment. 为了设备的使用寿命、安全性及后期的维护 | The modification will result in failure of satisfyingthe teaching requirement, thus this article will not be modified. 修改后将不能满足教学要求,本条不做修改。 | | * | Science simulation and training device of Yi nationality traditional Chinese Medicine plant彝族中药植物科学仿真实训装置 | Processing display cabinet 炮制展示柜 Quantity: 1数量:1 Fir 点击查看>> ications:≥ * × * mm,4sets, the base frame of the showcase, the solid wood composite combined with the new showcase of tempered glass, the style is modern and novel, elegant. * 、规格:≥ * * * mm,4个。展柜基材框架,实木复合结合钢化玻璃新型展柜,款式现代新颖,典雅。 | The quantity is inconsistent. Which quantity shall prevail ? 数量前后不 * 致,请问以哪个数量为准? | The quantity is inconsistent. 数量前后不 * 致 | Quantity is 1 set (4 cabinets). 数量为:1套(4个柜子)。 | | Medicinal specimen bottle药材标本瓶 Quantity: 1数量:1 Specimen bottles of various medicinal specimens.各种药材标本的标本瓶 | Please specify the specific medicinal material specimen bottle. 请明确具体药材标本瓶。 | The requirement of bidding documents is unclear. 招标文件要求不明确 | Specification and quantity: Round glass container * * * mm, quantity: * Cylindrical specimen bottles * * * mm, quantity: * 规格及数量说明: * * * mm圆形玻璃容器,数量 * 个 * * * mm圆柱形标本瓶,数量 * 个 | | * | Automatic glass cover machine全自动玻璃封片机 | Plan A * . *With a transfer station, it can be connected with the dyeing machine to form an integrated workstation to realize unmanned operation. Requirements * and * are the same brand. A方案: * .* (略) 可与染色机连接成 (略) ,实现无人操作。要求 * 、 * 项为同 * 品牌。 | The technical parameters of this clause are suspected errors. It is recommended to modify it to " * . *With a transfer station, it can be connected with the dyeing machine to form an integrated workstation to realize unmanned operation. Items * and * are required to be of the same brand." 此条款技术参数要求疑似错误,建议修改为“ * .* (略) 可与染色机连接成 (略) ,实现无人操作。要求 * 、 * 项为同 * 品牌。” | The technical parameters of this clause are suspected errors. 招标文件参数疑似错误 | Modify to " * . *With a transfer station, it can be connected with the dyeing machine to form an integrated workstation to realize unmanned operation. Items * and * are required to be of the same brand." 本条修改为: “ * .* (略) 可与染色机连接成 (略) ,实现无人操作。要求 * 、 * 品目为同 * 品牌。” | | * - * | Super simulation integrated simulator超级仿真综合模拟人 | ★ITB * .2 "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);"★ITB * .2 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件;” | According to the feedback from the equipment manufacturer of this item, the manufacturer cannot directly issue the authorization, the authorization can be only issued by the agent. It is recommended that the authorization be changed to Group B, and it is suggested that for the important technical terms (parameters) marked with "★" and/or "*" , technical support documents must be provided in the bid. If they are not provided, they will not be recognized when bid evaluation. The technical support documents shall be the original printed materials publicly released by the manufacturer, a copy of the test report issued by the testing organization, or the original technical statement with official seal of the manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer,the official seal of its subsidiary or agent in China can be used.). " (略) 家反馈,厂家无法直接出具授权,只能由代理商出具授权,建议授权改为B且建议“对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,评标时不予认可。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件。”中的“加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件”修改为“加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 或代理商的公章)的技术说明原件”。 | The manufacturer cannot issue an authorization for this project. 制造商无法针对本项目出具授权 | For this item, Letter of Authorization in original shall be granted directly by manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer, may be issued by its subsidiary in China) 针对本设备,招标人只接受制造商直接出具的授权书原件(外国制造商可 (略) 出具授权书)。
| | * | Medical rehabilitation training and treatment training device医学康复训练治疗实训装置 | 。。。 * -8 Quantity: 1 set。。。 | The technical parameters of this clause are suspected errors. It is recommended to modify it to "... * -8 Quantity: 1 set..." 此条款技术参数要求疑似错误,建议修改为“。。。 * -8 Quantity: 1 set。。。” | The technical parameters of this clause are suspected errors. 招标文件参数疑似错误 | Modify to “ * -8 Quantity: 1 set” 本条修改为“ * -8 Quantity: 1 set” | | * | Oral electric simulation clinical training device口腔电动模拟临床实训装置 | ★ITB * .2 "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);"★ITB * .2 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件;” | According to the feedback from the equipment manufacturer of this item, the manufacturer cannot directly issue the authorization, the authorization can be only issued by the agent. It is recommended that the authorization be changed to Group B, and it is suggested that for the important technical terms (parameters) marked with "★" and/or "*" , technical support documents must be provided in the bid. If they are not provided, they will not be recognized when bid evaluation. The technical support documents shall be the original printed materials publicly released by the manufacturer, a copy of the test report issued by the testing organization, or the original technical statement with official seal of the manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer,the official seal of its subsidiary or agent in China can be used.). " (略) 家反馈,厂家无法直接出具授权,只能由代理商出具授权,建议授权改为B且建议“对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,评标时不予认可。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件。”中的“加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件”修改为“加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 或代理商的公章)的技术说明原件”。 | The manufacturer cannot issue an authorization for this project 制造商无法针对本项目出具授权 | The authorizations of those items are changed to Group B, and the key technical terms (parameters) marked “★” or “*”, the bidder must provide technical support documents in its bid. If not, the evaluation committee will reject the bid. Technical support documents shall be printed literature publicly issued by the manufacturer of the supplied goods in original, inspection reports issued by testing agencies in copies, or technical statements in original issued and stamped by the manufacturer (Foreign manufacturers may use the seal of their subsidiary or agent in China) of the supplied goods. 同意将这些品目的授权改为B组,对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,其投标将被拒绝。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 或代理商的公章)的技术说明原件。 | | * -1 | Dental interactive simulation teaching system牙科交互式模拟教学系统 | ★ITB * .2 "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);"★ITB * .2 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件;” | | * | Oral teaching digital teaching device口腔教学数字示教装置 | ★ITB * .2 "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);" ★ITB * .2 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件;” | | * - * | Super simulation integrated simulator.超级仿真综合模拟人 | It is understood that manufacturers that can meet or exceed the technical requirements have no subsidiaries or representative offices in China, this item is recommended to be removed from group A into group B, given that the original authorization letter could not be mailed to China duly because of the COVID- * impact worldwide. 据了解,能够满足或优于该技术要求的制造 (略) (略) 。且该项产品属于A组设备,考虑到现在国际新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情导致文件原件邮寄的时效性,建议将此项修改为B组设备。 | The date from the bidding notice to the deadline of bid submission is * days, which is far beyond the * day convention of normal KfW project, the impact of epidemic has been fully considered, thus this article will not be modified. (略) 发布至投标截止时间为 * 天,远超过正 (略) 国促进贷款项目 * 天的惯例,已充分考虑了疫情的影响,故此条不做修改。 | * | Digital interactive microscope laboratory 数码互动显微镜室 | There are only two manufacturers that can meet the requirements of the technical parameters. 满足要求的制造商有且只有两家。
The bid inviting party are requested to add more options of these two items. 要求招标人增加这两个品目的可选择方案。 | Options C of item * and * have been added as enclosed appendix 1. 已增加品目 * 和 * 的C方案,详细参数见附件1。 | * | 显微数码互动实验装置 Digital interactive microscope experiment device | 4 | Electrophoresis 电泳仪 | The bidding parameters require horizontal adjustment leg and scanner. After confirmation with the manufacturer, the horizontal adjustment leg is a part of other products, and its use is different from that of electrophoresis instrument. At the same time, the scanner matched with electrophoresis equipment can"t be ordinary scanner, it must be optical density scanner, but the technical document lacks the detailed specifications of optical density scanner, so the manufacturer can"t select and quote. It is recommended to delete the horizontal adjustment leg and provide the detailed parameters of the scanner. 招标参数要求有水平调节腿和扫描仪, (略) 家确认,水平调节腿是其他 (略) 件,用途都和电泳仪不 * 样。同时与电泳仪设备配套的扫描仪不能是普通扫描仪,必须为光密度扫描仪,但技术文件中缺少光密度扫描仪的详细规格,厂家无法选型报价。建议删除水平调节腿,并提供扫描仪详细参数。 | Delete the scanner, the horizontal adjustment leg is remain unchanged.
删除扫描仪,但保留水平调节腿。 | * | 生物组织包埋机 Biological tissue embedding machine | The quotation of Plan A and C is more than US $ * 0, while the price of Plan B is only more than RMB * 0. Plan B is seriously unequal to Plan A and C. It is suggested to adjust the content and configuration or quantity of Plan B. A和C方案的价格都在1万美元以上,B方案的成交价格仅需要1万多人民币,B方案与A、C方案严重不对等,建议调整B方案内容或数量。 | No adjustment will be made. 不调整。 | * | 开放式解剖学辅助教学系统 Open anatomy-assisted teaching system | It is the exclusive parameter of one manufacturer. In the communication process, the sales of the companyfeedback that they has exclusively supported one company in Beijing, and no longer provides technical solutions and quotations to other bidding companies. 为某制造商独家参数,沟通过程中对方销售反馈已 (略) , (略) 提供技术方案和报价。 | Cancel procurement of this item. 取消本设备购置。 | * - * | Armor training kit拔 * 训练模型 | "1. with a complete simulation of forearm and hand model, the feel is real." After communication with several model manufacturers, it should be: “with a complete simulation of human finger model, the feel is real. “ “1.具有完整的仿真 (略) 模型,手感真实; ”经过和多家模型制造商沟通应该为:具有完整的仿真人手指模型,手感真实; | Modify to “with a complete simulation of human finger model, the feel is real." 修改为:“具有完整的仿真人手指模型,手感真实;” | * - * | 产前宫颈变化与产道关系模型 Prenatal cervical changes and birth canal relationship model | In the third stage, the cervix was dilated for * px and the cervical canal disappeared completely The correct parameters were "cervical dilatation * px and complete disappearance of cervical canal in stage 3" “阶段 * 宫颈口扩张2CM, 颈管完全消失;”正确参数“阶段 * 宫颈口扩张4CM, 颈管完全消失;” | Modify to "cervical dilatation * px and complete disappearance of cervical canal in stage 3" 修改为“阶段 * 宫颈口扩张4CM,颈管完全消失。” | * -8 | Color Doppler Ultrasound 彩超 | Plan A, B and C are not equal, the lowest quotation isfor one manufacturerwith a transaction price of only more than RMB 点击查看>> and other plans with a price of more than RMB 点击查看>> . We were told by its salesthat they has exclusively supported one company in Beijing, so that they refuse to provide other bidders with technical support documents required by the asterisk marks. ABC * 个方案不对等,价格最低的是某制造商的方案,成交价格只有 * 几万人民币,其他方案成交价格在 * 万以上,在沟通过程中对方销售反馈已 (略) ,拒绝再为其他投标人提供星号指标技术支撑文件。 | Cancel procurement of this item. 取消本设备购置。 | * | Four-dimensional Color Doppler Ultrasound * 维彩超 | The situation is the same as * -8. In order to ensure fair competition among brands, the owners are expected to integrate the parameters of * -8 and * . 情况同 * -8,为了保证各品牌公平竞争,希望业主能够对 * -8和 * (略) 整合。 | Cancel procurement of this item. 取消本设备购置。 | Commercial Question商务问题 | 1 | / | Section 2 ★ITB * .2 "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);" 第 * 章 投标资料表 ★ITB * .2 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件;” | According to feedback from most manufacturers of imported equipment, foreign manufacturers cannot directly issue authorizations. It is suggested to amend it to "For all the equipments listed in Section 6 of the bidding document-Schedule of Supply belonging to group A, the original authorization issued by the manufacturer (foreign manufacturers can issue the authorization letter by the sales agent or subsidiary in China) shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (Bid Forms);" 根据进 (略) 分制造商反馈,国外制造商无法直接出具授权,建议修改为 “对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于 A 组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商(外国制造商可 (略) 或子公司出具授权书)直接出具的授权书原件;” | Inconsistent with the actual situation of the authorization issued by the foreign manufacturer 与外国制造商出具授权实际情况不符 | ITB * .2 of Section 2 Bid Data Sheet is modified to: Letter of Authorization in original for Items in Group A in Section 6, Schedule of Supply shall be granted directly by manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer, may be issued by its subsidiaries in China) in format of Section 4 (Bid Forms). Letter of Authorization in original for Items in Group B in Section 6, Schedule of Supply can be granted by manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer, may be issued by their subsidiary in China) or its agent. In such case, photo copy of valid Authorization Letter from the manufacturer (for foreign manufacturer, may be issued by its subsidiary in China) to its agent shall be provided in the bid. Letter of Authorization for Items in Group C in Section 6, Schedule of Supply are not required. The "Letter of Authorization " and "Qualification Statement" of the foreign manufacturer are allowed to be issued by different companies. Items in Group A should provide the Manufacturer’s Qualification Statement using the format of Section 4 (Bidding Forms) (The “Manufacturer"s Qualification Statement” issued by a foreign manufacturer can use its Chinese subsidiary"s seal (including official seal or special bid seal) and signature (including signature seal))"; Items in Group B should provide the Manufacturer’s Qualification Statement using the format of Section 4 (Bidding Forms) (The “Manufacturer"s Qualification Statement” issued by a foreign manufacturer can use its Chinese subsidiary"s seal (including official seal or special bid seal) and signature (including signature seal)) or the Agent’s Qualification Statement ". The attached appendix2 is the updated specimenof Agent’s Qualification Statement. Items in Group C does not need to provide a Manufacturer’s or Agent’s Qualification Statement” 第 * 章投标资料表 * .2条修改为: 对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于A组的设备,应按第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商直接出具的授权书原件(外国制造商可 (略) 出具授权书); 对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于B组的设备,应第 * 章(投标文件格式)的要求提供制造商(外国制造商可 (略) 出具)或其代理商出具的授权书原件,提供代理商授权书的同时需提供有效的制造商给其代理商的授权书复印件(外国制造商可 (略) 出具); 对于招标文件第 * 章-货物需 (略) 有列出的属于C组的设备,不需要提供授权书。 外国制造商的“授权书”和“资格声明” (略) 签发。 A组的设备应按照第4章(投标文件格式)的格式提供制造商资格声明(外国制造商出具的“制造商资格声明” (略) 的印章(包括公章或投标专用章)和签字(包括手签章))"; B组的设备应按照第4章(投标文件格式)的格式提供制造商资格声明(外国制造商出具的“制造商资格声明” (略) 的印章(包括公章或投标专用章)和签字(包括手签章))或代理商资格声明。随附的附件2为更新后的代理商资格声明格式。 C组的设备不需要提供制造商或代理商的资格声明。 | | 2 | / | Section 3 Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 1.2.5 Performance and Productivity of the Goods Requirements without marked “★” or “*” in Section 6 (Schedule of Supply) are regular ones, for each deviation thereof, 1% of the bid price for this equipment shall be added to its evaluated bid price. If the item price is not listed separately in the Bid, the adjustment of its bid evaluated price will be calculated on the basis of its total bid price instead of the item price. 第 * 章 评审和资格标准 1.2.5货物性能“招标文件第 * 章“货物需求 * 览表”中未加注“★”或“*”号的为 * 般技术条款(参数),每项偏离其评标价则按该设备的投标价格上浮 1%,如投标文件中没有单独列出该设备分项报价,评标价格调整时则按投标总价上浮。” | According to the bid evaluation method “any item (excluding sub-items) or regular technical terms (parameters) of negative deviations in any sub-item ≥ 3 items...” It is recommended to amend it to “1.2.5 Performance and Productivity of the Goods” "Requirements without marked “★” or “*” in Section 6 (Schedule of Supply) of bidding documents are regular ones,. for each deviation thereof, the adjustment of its bid evaluated price shall be based on the item (excluding the sub-items) or any sub-item. The bid price of the item will rise by 1%. If the item (excluding sub-items) or the sub-item quotation is not separately listed in the bid document, the total bid price will be increased with the adjusted bid evaluation price. "根据评标办法“任意 * 个品目(不包含子品目的)或任意 * 个子品目中负偏离的 * 般技术条款(参数)≥3 项。。。”建议修改为“1.2.5货物性能“招标文件第 * 章“货物需求 * 览表”中未加注“★”或“*”号的为 * 般技术条款(参数),每项偏离其评标价则按该品目(不包含子品目的)或任意 * 个子品目的投标价格上浮 1%,如投标文件中没有单独列出该品目(不包含子品目的)或子品目分项报价,评标价格调整时则按投标总价上浮。” | Unclear expression in bidding documents 招标文件表述不明确 | “1.2.5 Performance and Productivity of the Goods” of Section 3 Evaluation and Qualification Criteriais amended to: "Requirements without marked “★” or “*” in Section 6 (Schedule of Supply) are regular ones,for each deviation thereof, 1% of the bid price for this item (without sub-item) or this sub-item shall be added to its evaluated bid price. If the item price of this item (without sub-item) or this sub-item is not listed separately in the Bid, the adjustment of its bid evaluated price will be calculated on the basis of its total bid price." 第 * 章评审和资格标准“1.2.5货物性能“修改为: “招标文件第 * 章“货物需求 * 览表”中未加注“★”或“*”号的为 * 般技术条款(参数),每项偏离其评标价则按该品目(不包含子品目的)或该子品目的投标价格上浮 1%,如投标文件中没有单独列出该品目(不包含子品目的)或该子品目的分项报价,评标价格调整时则按投标总价上浮。” | | 3 | Most of the products in Group C are general-purpose products on the market and do not require manufacturer authorization. It is recommended to cancel the asterisk (*) indicator of Group C. (略) (略) 上通用产品且 (略) 商授权,建议取消C组星号(*)指标。 | | Authorization of item 3, * are adjusted to Group A, authorization of item * - * , * - * , * -5, * - * , * -3 are adjusted to Group B. The "*" mark of technical terms (parameters) for the rest itemsof Group C are deleted. 品目3, * 授权调整为A类,品目 * - * , * - * , * -5, * - * , * -3授权调整为B类,删除剩余C类设备技术条款(参数)的“*”号。 | | 4 | In technical specifications of Section 6 of the bidding documents, some equipment does not have a clause number, for example: whether the technical parameters of " * - * small circular vibrating screen" can be understood as one parameter.招标文件第 * 章-技 (略) 分设备没有标明条款号,例如:“ * - * 小型圆形振动筛分机”技术参数是否可以理解为1条参数。 | | In items without clause number, every content separated by ";" is deemed as one parameter. Taking item * - * as an example, there are nine parameters under this item. 未标明条款号的品目中,每 * 个“;”隔开的内容为1条参数。以品目 * - * 为例,该品目项下共有9条参数。 | | 5 | ★ITB * .2 Equipment of Group A and Group B shall provide the Manufacturer’s Qualification Statement or Trading company or Agent"s Statement in the format of Section 4 (Bid Forms) accordingly. ★ITB * .2 A 组和 B 组的设备应相应使用第 * 章(投标文件格式)的格式提供制造 (略) 或代理的资格声明。 | According to feedback from most manufacturers of imported equipment for this project, foreign manufacturers cannot directly issue authorization and corresponding Qualification Statement. For example, part of the equipments in this bidding is produced by "Agilent Technologies", and "Agilent Technologies" cannot directly issue authorization letters and Qualification Statement, and can only use "Agilent Technologies (China) Co., Ltd. , its sales company in China,to issue the authorization. But"Agilent Technologies (China) Co., Ltd. is unable to issue the Qualification Statement, and “Agilent Technologies” could only issue the relevant data and content in the Qualification Statement but could not sign and seal it. In view of the above situation inconsistent with the bidding documents and this clause is a clause marked with "★" , it is recommended to delete this clause. 根据本项目进 (略) 分制造商反馈,外国制造商无法直接出具授权和相应的资格声明。 (略) 的部分设备由“ (略) ”生产,而“ (略) ”又无法直接出具授权书及资格声明,只能用“ (略) ” (略) “安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司”出具授权但又无法出具资格声明,而” (略) “只能出具资格声明中相关数据及内容但无法签字盖章, (略) 文件不符且此条款为废标条款,建议删除此条款。 | It is inconsistent with the Manufacturer’s Qualification Statement or the actual situation of Trading company or Agent"s Statement . 与制造 (略) 或代理的资格声明实际情况不符。 | Refer to answer of commercial question no.1. 见商务问题1的答复。 | | 6 | Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 1.1Technical Criteria"Regarding to the key technical terms (parameters) marked “★” or “*”, the bidder must provide technical support documents in its bid. If not, the evaluation committee will reject the bid. Technical support documents shall be printed literature publicly issued by the manufacturer of the supplied goods in original, inspection reports issued by testing agencies in copies, or technical statements in original issued and stamped by the manufacturer (Foreign manufacturers may use the seal of their subsidiaries in China) of the supplied goods. Furthermore, "第 * 章 评审和资格标准 1.1 技术标准 "对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,评标时不予认可。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件。" | For type B equipment, this clause is suggested to amend “Section 3 - Evaluation and Qualification Criteria 1.1Technical Criteria"Regarding to the key technical terms (parameters) marked “★” or “*”, the bidder must provide technical support documents in its bid. If not, the evaluation committee will reject the bid. Technical support documents shall be printed literature publicly issued by the manufacturer of the supplied goods in original, inspection reports issued by testing agencies in copies, or technical statements in original issued and stamped by the manufacturer (Foreign manufacturers may use the seal of their subsidiaries or agent in China) of the supplied goods. Furthermore, " 针对B类设备,此条款建议改为“第 * 章 评审和资格标准 1.1 技术标准 "对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,评标时不予认可。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 或代理商的公章)的技术说明原件。" | Not in conformity with“ technical statements in original issued and stamped by the manufacturer (Foreign manufacturers may use the seal of their subsidiaries in China) of the supplied goods”与“技术支持资料应为或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 的公章)的技术说明原件。”不符。 | Thissentenceismodified as“Regarding to the key technical terms (parameters) marked “★” or “*”, the bidder must provide technical support documents in its bid. If not, the evaluation committee will reject the bid. Technical support documents shall be printed literature publicly issued by the manufacturer of the supplied goods in original, inspection reports issued by testing agencies in copies, or technical statements in original issued and stamped by the manufacturer (Foreign manufacturers may use the seal of their subsidiaries or agents in China) of the supplied goods." 本句修改为“对加注“★”和/或“*”的重要技术条款(参数)必须在投标文件中提供技术支持资料,未提供的,其投标将被拒绝。技术支持资料应为制造商公开发布的印刷资料原件、检测机构出具的检测报告复印件或加盖制造商公章(外国制造商可以 (略) 或代理商的公章)的技术说明原件。” | | 7 | Clause4 of Section 2. Bid Data Sheet ITB * .1(i) 第 * 章 投标资料表 ITB * .1(i) 第4条 | Modify to:修改为: Bidder"s Qualification Statement,shall be provided in specimens stipulated in Section 4 Bid Forms.Specimen of Bidder"s Qualification Statementis newlyaddedin Appendix 2. 投标人资格声明,应使用第 * 章(投标文件格式)的格式提供。附件2为新增的投标人资格声明格式。 |
Appendix1附件1ItemNo. | Equipment | Q’t y | Technical specifications | * | Digital interactive microscope laboratory | 2 | The bidding parameters shall be equivalent or better than one of the following plan A/B/C . | | | | Plan C | | Digital Biological Microscope for Teachers | 1 | Purpose: A teaching machine for teachers, which can be used for observation of ordinary stained sections, as well as routine microscopic inspections in clinical and scientific research. 1. Biological microscope 1 Optical system: Infinity optical correction system, the parfocal distance must be * mm according to the international standard. 2 Stage: steel wire drive, no rack structure; *The height of the stage: * mm *Mechanical fixed stage, (W × D): * mm × * mm *Movement range (X × Y): * mm × * mm *The XY movement of the stage can be locked 3 Focusing mechanism: the height of the stage is adjusted (coarse adjustment: * mm), tension can be adjusted; there is a coarse adjustment limit, Avoid damage to the specimen or objective lens; the minimum adjustment range of the fine focus knob: 2.5 μm. 4 Condenser: Built-in aperture diaphragm; Abbe condenser NA 1. * (when immersed in oil); 2 hole positions: bright field/dark field. 5 Illumination system: Built-in LED transmitted light illumination system; LED light source life span is * , * hours. 6 Trinocular observation tube: the adjustment range of interpupillary distance is * - * mm, and the inclination angle is * °; 7 Eyepiece: * X, field of view ≥ * ; Spectroscopy: eyepiece/camera port: * / * fixed. 8 Objective lens turntable: The internal rotation 4-hole objective lens turntable fixed to the microscope body is convenient for placing specimens. 9 Objective lens: Plan achromatic objective lens 4X (N.A.≥0.1 W.D≥ * .8mm), * X (N.A.≥0. * W.D≥8.0mm), * X (N.A.≥0. * W.D≥0.6mm), * XO (N.A.≥1. * W.D≥0. * mm). * Anti-mildew device: antibacterial and anti-mildew treatments are done on the trinocular observation tube, eyepiece and objective lens * The optical components used are all environmentally friendly lead-free glass. II. Imaging device *1. Dynamic ≥ * million pixel preview, no pixel interpolation, the highest frame rate is * frames per second; standard C-interface;2.1/1.7 inch CMOS sensor; pixel size: ≥1. * μm×1. * μm;Dynamic range: > * dB; S/N ratio: ≥ * dB; Spectral response: * nm~ * nm; Exposure capability: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual adjustment; White balance: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic,manual RB adjustment respectively; *3. Preview supports speed priority/image quality priority mode switching, image quality priority is * video output, and speed priority is * P video output; III. Digital interactive system control software 1. The teacher software and student APP are the same brand, which can ensure the stability of the entire system and avoid compatibility and after-sales service problems caused by patchwork by different manufacturers; 2. Cross-platform solutions: support Android, iOS, Windows operating systems, and interactive microscopy teaching can be realized through smart terminals such as mobile phones, tablets, and PCs. Not restricted by types, operating systems, and brands; 3. The student end is converged to the teacher end control system via 5G WiFi ( * ac) wirelessly 4. System use and update: Users can download APP through the external network, and update the manufacturer"s latest program in real time; * 4.1. Teaching start mode: Teacher or selected student screens are simultaneously pushed to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines; student"s smart Android all-in-one can dynamically display the teacher"s machine microscope and computer operation screen in real time, whether it is opening PPT WORD EXCEL, etc. on the teacher"s machine The content of the lectures is displayed in real-time on the students" smart Android all-in-one machines; the teacher"s or selected students" smart Android all-in-one machines are simultaneously pushed to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines. 4.2. Surveillance camera: support 1/1x2/2x2/3x3 split screen display, real-time monitoring of teacher and all student images (images under the microscope), the teacher control software can randomly select and combine different student images to form group teaching, one key Take a screenshot. Click any screen to zoom in/out/flip/edit it individually, and also to edit annotations across screens. Various image parameters can be adjusted, including exposure, white balance, image enhancement, etc. *4.3. Monitor smart Android all-in-one machine: monitor all students" smart Android all-in-one desktops in real time to ensure that all students participate in learning. The notes and measurements made by students in the APP are pushed back to the teacher, and the learning progress can be checked at any time. 4.4 Demonstration of student works: The teacher"s computer can display the selected video on all students" smart Android all-in-one computers. Windows system, Android smart terminal, iOS smart terminal push each other. 4.5. Comment on student works: Annotate and edit selected images and documents, and push the operation process to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines in real time. 4.6. Multi-split screen comparison teaching mode: The teacher machine can display the screen images of any two or more student smart Android all-in-one machines for analysis and comparison (support 1x2/2x2). It supports static picture comparison, dynamic video comparison, static and dynamic mixed comparison, cross-screen annotation, and teacher comparison with selected students. 4.7. Multi-page image monitoring window, to capture the teacher"s image and all students" real-time images to switch arbitrarily. 4.8. Take photos, videos, macro photos, and macro videos of single or multiple student screens. 4.9. Interaction in the station, answer students" one-on-one questions. 4. * . One key to delete all files; one key to restore all default settings of the software, which is convenient for the next teacher to use. 4. * has a wealth of measurement tools and editing and processing functions. 4. * . Exposure adjustment, white balance adjustment, image RB parameter adjustment, contrast adjustment, sharpness adjustment, gamma adjustment, restore default parameters and other settings; 4. * . Link to the external network or local area network gallery function: the teacher"s computer can transfer existing pictures in the external network or local area network to the software for teaching; *5. Intelligent interactive settings: One-key restoration of all default attributes is convenient for use in the next lesson; all intelligent Android all-in-one image attributes adjustments are frozen to prevent students from misoperation, and one-key remote shutdown is supported. 6. Multi-screen comparison teaching Supports picture comparison between student and teacher: supports static picture comparison; supports dynamic video comparison; supports static and dynamic mixed comparison; supports multi-screen labeling. *7. Assignment/electronic test paper distribution function: The teacher can select Word, Excel, PPT format assignments or test papers in the local disk of the computer through the interactive software and automatically send them to all students’ Android all-in-one computers and smart terminals with one click Realize seamless interaction between Windows, Android and iOS systems to facilitate teaching activities. *8. The teacher"s control software can take one-click shots of all students" mirror images, and one-click to share calibration settings to all students" Android all-in-one computers and smart terminals, without the need for students to manually operate them one by one to avoid mistakes. IV. Teachers use computers Brand computer complete machine; CPU type: Core 8th generation i7 or above processor; Memory capacity: 8GB or above; Hard disk capacity: 1T or above; Size: no less than * -inch full HD monitor; System: Genuine Microsoft? Windows? * ( * & * bit). | | Student Digital Biological Microscope Interactive System | * | I. Microscope part: *1 Optical system: UIS2 infinity correction optical system. *2 Stage: Steel-wire drive stage, silent operation, no wear, no protruding corners and gears, to avoid accidental injury and finger scratches (with product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); 3 Stage size: * x * mm; stroke: * mm (X) x * mm (Y); *4 Focusing mechanism: there is a coarse adjustment stopper, which can effectively prevent the objective lens from squeezing the objective lens and the glass slide and damage the objective lens by misoperation. The tension adjustment can be carried out. The coarse adjustment stroke: * mm/circle (Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate). 5 Condenser: Abbe condenser with aperture diaphragm, N.A.≥1. * ; *6 Illumination system: Built-in LED light source ≥ * 0 hours long life; 7 Hinged binocular observation tube: the adjustment range of interpupillary distance is * - * mm, the inclination angle is * °, the eye point height is ≥ * .9 mm, the field of view is ≥ * ; with diopter adjustment, * ° rotatable, can be adjusted according to the height of the experimental table The individual differences of experimenters are adjusted accordingly to the most comfortable observation state. (Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); *8 Eyepiece: * X, field of view F.N.≥ * , with eye mask, with diopter adjustment function, to correct observation discomfort caused by inconsistent eye power(Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); *9 The two * X eyepieces are fixed on the observation tube to prevent the eyepieces from being dropped and damaged by misoperation (with product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate). * * . Objective lens turntable: The internally rotating 4-hole objective lens turntable fixed to the microscope body is convenient for viewing and placing specimens, and for adding lens oil and other operations (a product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate is required). * . International standard for parfocal distance of objective lens ≤ * mm * . Objective lens: Plan achromatic objective lens: 4X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. * .0) * X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. * .5) * X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. 0. * ) * X (N.A. 1. * , W.D. 0. * oil) * * . The body is equipped with a power storage device, which is convenient for storage after teaching. * * . Anti-theft and anti-movement device to avoid machine damage and loss during teaching use. * * . Equipped with a moving machine holding component, which is convenient to move the machine to the cabinet after use. * . Anti-mold device: Anti-mold treatment is done on the binocular observation tube, eyepiece and objective lens, so it can ensure the continuous and clear image and prolong the service life of the microscope, even when working in a humid and hot environment. * . The optical components used are all environmentally friendly lead-free glass, the English color page has the ECO lead-free certification mark, and the eyepiece, objective lens, and condenser are all fixed to avoid being removed or damaged. II Student-end smart Android all-in-one machine *1. Equipped with ≥ * .6 inch full color gamut, ultra-high resolution 4K smart Android all-in-one machine, built-in deep customization Android intelligent system, built-in supporting original digital microscopic image APP, realize image preview, photo, video, static and dynamic Screen sharing, parameter adjustment, measurement, editing and other functions; 2. The built-in 5G WiFi ( * ac) module allows students to observe with the Android all-in-one device and also use smart devices (mobile phones and tablets) to share images. 3. Built-in camera module, effective pixels are static and dynamic real synchronous 5 million pixels, no pixel interpolation; using Sony chip 1/1.8 inch CMOS color sensor, full-frame resolution and frame rate: * * frames/sec, pixel size: 2.4μm×2.4μm; dynamic range: > * dB; signal-to-noise ratio ≥ * dB; spectral response * nm~ * nm Exposure capability: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual adjustment; real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual RB adjustment white balance separately; *4. The student Android tablet all-in-one supports HDMI connection to monitors, TVs, projectors, etc. Support USB interface, can connect mouse, keyboard, convenient user operation measurement and input text, etc.; support USB flash drive to facilitate exporting of pictures and video data; each student computer has an exclusive seat QR code, mobile phone or tablet scan code for wireless point-to-point connection Share screen. *5. The power supply of the student microscope is directly powered by the Android tablet integrated machine, which reduces the floor line and makes the desktop more concise and beautiful. III Student-end smart Android all-in-one APP *1. The APP can be automatically connected after starting, no need to manually enter the password; the student"s mobile phone or tablet scan code to connect. 2. Support photo/video, real-time recording of important teaching content. 3. Support annotation, measurement, graffiti, add pictures, and enhance learning results. 4. Support text questioning: students can click the information button to send text or pictures to the PC to realize one-to-one communication. 5. Students log in user information in the APP, and the interactive software on the teacher side can query the information of all logged-in users. 6. Different users can only view their own pictures and saved assignments in the APP of the same smart Android all-in-one machine, and cannot view each other. *7. The student terminal logs into the system as a user. The teacher terminal interactive software can view all the work files uploaded by the students, and different students will automatically generate different folders. As long as the master video matrix on the teacher side is connected to the external network, the student APP can automatically access the Internet without additional settings. IV The number of student desks: * Use high-density board material, fireproof board desktop veneer, duckbill edge, table top * mm, side board * mm, * * * * * mm, the actual size is designed according to the classroom situation, and it is made by the user after review. |
ItemNo. | Equipment | Q’t y | Technical specifications | * | Digital interactive microscope experiment device | 3 | There are 3 digital interactive microscope experiment devices, the following is the configuration of 1 laboratory. The bidding parameters must be equal to or better than one of plan A/B/C : | | | | Plan C | | Digital Biological Microscope for Teachers | 1 | Purpose: A teaching machine for teachers, which can be used for observation of ordinary stained sections, as well as routine microscopic inspections in clinical and scientific research. 1. Biological microscope 1 Optical system: Infinity optical correction system, the parfocal distance must be * mm according to the international standard. 2 Stage: steel wire drive, no rack structure; *The height of the stage: * mm *Mechanical fixed stage, (W × D): * mm × * mm *Movement range (X × Y): * mm × * mm *The XY movement of the stage can be locked 3 Focusing mechanism: the height of the stage is adjusted (coarse adjustment: * mm), tension can be adjusted; there is a coarse adjustment limit, Avoid damage to the specimen or objective lens; the minimum adjustment range of the fine focus knob: 2.5 μm. 4 Condenser: Built-in aperture diaphragm; Abbe condenser NA 1. * (when immersed in oil); 2 hole positions: bright field/dark field. 5 Illumination system: Built-in LED transmitted light illumination system; LED light source life span is * , * hours. 6 Trinocular observation tube: the adjustment range of interpupillary distance is * - * mm, and the inclination angle is * °; 7 Eyepiece: * X, field of view ≥ * ; Spectroscopy: eyepiece/camera port: * / * fixed. 8 Objective lens turntable: The internal rotation 4-hole objective lens turntable fixed to the microscope body is convenient for placing specimens. 9 Objective lens: Plan achromatic objective lens 4X (N.A.≥0.1 W.D≥ * .8mm), * X (N.A.≥0. * W.D≥8.0mm), * X (N.A.≥0. * W.D≥0.6mm), * XO (N.A.≥1. * W.D≥0. * mm). * Anti-mildew device: antibacterial and anti-mildew treatments are done on the trinocular observation tube, eyepiece and objective lens * The optical components used are all environmentally friendly lead-free glass. II. Imaging device *1. Dynamic ≥ * million pixel preview, no pixel interpolation, the highest frame rate is * frames per second; standard C-interface;2.1/1.7 inch CMOS sensor; pixel size: ≥1. * μm×1. * μm;Dynamic range: > * dB; S/N ratio: ≥ * dB; Spectral response: * nm~ * nm; Exposure capability: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual adjustment; White balance: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic,manual RB adjustment respectively; *3. Preview supports speed priority/image quality priority mode switching, image quality priority is * video output, and speed priority is * P video output; III. Digital interactive system control software 1. The teacher software and student APP are the same brand, which can ensure the stability of the entire system and avoid compatibility and after-sales service problems caused by patchwork by different manufacturers; 2. Cross-platform solutions: support Android, iOS, Windows operating systems, and interactive microscopy teaching can be realized through smart terminals such as mobile phones, tablets, and PCs. Not restricted by types, operating systems, and brands; 3. The student end is converged to the teacher end control system via 5G WiFi ( * ac) wirelessly 4. System use and update: Users can download APP through the external network, and update the manufacturer"s latest program in real time; * 4.1. Teaching start mode: Teacher or selected student screens are simultaneously pushed to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines; student"s smart Android all-in-one can dynamically display the teacher"s machine microscope and computer operation screen in real time, whether it is opening PPT WORD EXCEL, etc. on the teacher"s machine The content of the lectures is displayed in real-time on the students" smart Android all-in-one machines; the teacher"s or selected students" smart Android all-in-one machines are simultaneously pushed to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines. 4.2. Surveillance camera: support 1/1x2/2x2/3x3 split screen display, real-time monitoring of teacher and all student images (images under the microscope), the teacher control software can randomly select and combine different student images to form group teaching, one key Take a screenshot. Click any screen to zoom in/out/flip/edit it individually, and also to edit annotations across screens. Various image parameters can be adjusted, including exposure, white balance, image enhancement, etc. *4.3. Monitor smart Android all-in-one machine: monitor all students" smart Android all-in-one desktops in real time to ensure that all students participate in learning. The notes and measurements made by students in the APP are pushed back to the teacher, and the learning progress can be checked at any time. 4.4 Demonstration of student works: The teacher"s computer can display the selected video on all students" smart Android all-in-one computers. Windows system, Android smart terminal, iOS smart terminal push each other. 4.5. Comment on student works: Annotate and edit selected images and documents, and push the operation process to all students" smart Android all-in-one machines in real time. 4.6. Multi-split screen comparison teaching mode: The teacher machine can display the screen images of any two or more student smart Android all-in-one machines for analysis and comparison (support 1x2/2x2). It supports static picture comparison, dynamic video comparison, static and dynamic mixed comparison, cross-screen annotation, and teacher comparison with selected students. 4.7. Multi-page image monitoring window, to capture the teacher"s image and all students" real-time images to switch arbitrarily. 4.8. Take photos, videos, macro photos, and macro videos of single or multiple student screens. 4.9. Interaction in the station, answer students" one-on-one questions. 4. * . One key to delete all files; one key to restore all default settings of the software, which is convenient for the next teacher to use. 4. * has a wealth of measurement tools and editing and processing functions. 4. * . Exposure adjustment, white balance adjustment, image RB parameter adjustment, contrast adjustment, sharpness adjustment, gamma adjustment, restore default parameters and other settings; 4. * . Link to the external network or local area network gallery function: the teacher"s computer can transfer existing pictures in the external network or local area network to the software for teaching; *5. Intelligent interactive settings: One-key restoration of all default attributes is convenient for use in the next lesson; all intelligent Android all-in-one image attributes adjustments are frozen to prevent students from misoperation, and one-key remote shutdown is supported. 6. Multi-screen comparison teaching Supports picture comparison between student and teacher: supports static picture comparison; supports dynamic video comparison; supports static and dynamic mixed comparison; supports multi-screen labeling. *7. Assignment/electronic test paper distribution function: The teacher can select Word, Excel, PPT format assignments or test papers in the local disk of the computer through the interactive software and automatically send them to all students’ Android all-in-one computers and smart terminals with one click Realize seamless interaction between Windows, Android and iOS systems to facilitate teaching activities. *8. The teacher"s control software can take one-click shots of all students" mirror images, and one-click to share calibration settings to all students" Android all-in-one computers and smart terminals, without the need for students to manually operate them one by one to avoid mistakes. IV. Teachers use computers Brand computer complete machine; CPU type: Core 8th generation i7 or above processor; Memory capacity: 8GB or above; Hard disk capacity: 1T or above; Size: no less than * -inch full HD monitor; System: Genuine Microsoft? Windows? * ( * & * bit). | | Student Digital Biological Microscope Interactive System | * | I. Microscope part: *1 Optical system: UIS2 infinity correction optical system. *2 Stage: Steel-wire drive stage, silent operation, no wear, no protruding corners and gears, to avoid accidental injury and finger scratches (with product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); 3 Stage size: * x * mm; stroke: * mm (X) x * mm (Y); *4 Focusing mechanism: there is a coarse adjustment stopper, which can effectively prevent the objective lens from squeezing the objective lens and the glass slide and damage the objective lens by misoperation. The tension adjustment can be carried out. The coarse adjustment stroke: * mm/circle (Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate). 5 Condenser: Abbe condenser with aperture diaphragm, N.A.≥1. * ; *6 Illumination system: Built-in LED light source ≥ * 0 hours long life; 7 Hinged binocular observation tube: the adjustment range of interpupillary distance is * - * mm, the inclination angle is * °, the eye point height is ≥ * .9 mm, the field of view is ≥ * ; with diopter adjustment, * ° rotatable, can be adjusted according to the height of the experimental table The individual differences of experimenters are adjusted accordingly to the most comfortable observation state. (Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); *8 Eyepiece: * X, field of view F.N.≥ * , with eye mask, with diopter adjustment function, to correct observation discomfort caused by inconsistent eye power(Attach product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate); *9 The two * X eyepieces are fixed on the observation tube to prevent the eyepieces from being dropped and damaged by misoperation (with product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate). * * . Objective lens turntable: The internally rotating 4-hole objective lens turntable fixed to the microscope body is convenient for viewing and placing specimens, and for adding lens oil and other operations (a product screenshot certificate or product official color page information certificate is required). * . International standard for parfocal distance of objective lens ≤ * mm * . Objective lens: Plan achromatic objective lens: 4X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. * .0) * X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. * .5) * X (N.A. 0. * , W.D. 0. * ) * X (N.A. 1. * , W.D. 0. * oil) * * . The body is equipped with a power storage device, which is convenient for storage after teaching. * * . Anti-theft and anti-movement device to avoid machine damage and loss during teaching use. * * . Equipped with a moving machine holding component, which is convenient to move the machine to the cabinet after use. * . Anti-mold device: Anti-mold treatment is done on the binocular observation tube, eyepiece and objective lens, so it can ensure the continuous and clear image and prolong the service life of the microscope, even when working in a humid and hot environment. * . The optical components used are all environmentally friendly lead-free glass, the English color page has the ECO lead-free certification mark, and the eyepiece, objective lens, and condenser are all fixed to avoid being removed or damaged. II Student-end smart Android all-in-one machine *1. Equipped with ≥ * .6 inch full color gamut, ultra-high resolution 4K smart Android all-in-one machine, built-in deep customization Android intelligent system, built-in supporting original digital microscopic image APP, realize image preview, photo, video, static and dynamic Screen sharing, parameter adjustment, measurement, editing and other functions; 2. The built-in 5G WiFi ( * ac) module allows students to observe with the Android all-in-one device and also use smart devices (mobile phones and tablets) to share images. 3. Built-in camera module, effective pixels are static and dynamic real synchronous 5 million pixels, no pixel interpolation; using Sony chip 1/1.8 inch CMOS color sensor, full-frame resolution and frame rate: * * frames/sec, pixel size: 2.4μm×2.4μm; dynamic range: > * dB; signal-to-noise ratio ≥ * dB; spectral response * nm~ * nm Exposure capability: real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual adjustment; real-time automatic, single-shot automatic, manual RB adjustment white balance separately; *4. The student Android tablet all-in-one supports HDMI connection to monitors, TVs, projectors, etc. Support USB interface, can connect mouse, keyboard, convenient user operation measurement and input text, etc.; support USB flash drive to facilitate exporting of pictures and video data; each student computer has an exclusive seat QR code, mobile phone or tablet scan code for wireless point-to-point connection Share screen. *5. The power supply of the student microscope is directly powered by the Android tablet integrated machine, which reduces the floor line and makes the desktop more concise and beautiful. III Student-end smart Android all-in-one APP *1. The APP can be automatically connected after starting, no need to manually enter the password; the student"s mobile phone or tablet scan code to connect. 2. Support photo/video, real-time recording of important teaching content. 3. Support annotation, measurement, graffiti, add pictures, and enhance learning results. 4. Support text questioning: students can click the information button to send text or pictures to the PC to realize one-to-one communication. 5. Students log in user information in the APP, and the interactive software on the teacher side can query the information of all logged-in users. 6. Different users can only view their own pictures and saved assignments in the APP of the same smart Android all-in-one machine, and cannot view each other. *7. The student terminal logs into the system as a user. The teacher terminal interactive software can view all the work files uploaded by the students, and different students will automatically generate different folders. As long as the master video matrix on the teacher side is connected to the external network, the student APP can automatically access the Internet without additional settings. IV The number of student desks: * Use high-density board material, fireproof board desktop veneer, duckbill edge, table top * mm, side board * mm, * * * * * mm, the actual size is designed according to the classroom situation, and it is made by the user after review. |
序号 | 设备名称 | 数量 | 技术参数 | * | 数码互动显微实验室 | 2 | 投标参数需等同或优于如下 A/B/C方案之 * | | | | 方案 C | | 教师端数码生物显微镜 | 1 | 用途:教师示教用机,可用于普通染色的切片观察,以及临床、科研常规显微检验工作。 * 、 生物显微镜 1 光学系统:无限远光学矫正系统,齐焦距离必须为国际标准 * mm。 2 载物台:钢丝传动,无齿条结构; *载物台高度: * mm *机械固定载物台, (W × D): * mm × * mm *移动范围 (X × Y): * mm × * mm *载物台XY 移动可锁定 3 调焦机构:载物台高度调节 ( 粗调: * mm ), (略) 张力调节;有粗调限位,避免标本或物镜的损伤;细调焦旋钮最小调节幅度: 2.5 μm。 4 聚光镜:内置孔径光阑;阿贝聚光镜 NA 1. * ( 油浸时);2孔位:明场/暗场。 5 照明系统:内置LED透射光照明系统;LED光源寿命 * 0小时。 6 * 目观察筒:瞳距调整范围 * - * mm,倾斜角度 * °; 7 目镜: * X,视场数≥ * ;分光:目镜/相机口: * / * 固定。 8 物镜转盘:与显微镜机身固定的内旋式4孔物镜转盘,便于放置标本。 9 物镜:平场消色差物镜4X(N.A.≥0.1 W.D≥ * .8mm)、 * X(N.A.≥0. * W.D≥8.0mm)、 * X(N.A.≥0. * W.D≥0.6mm)、 * XO(N.A.≥1. * W.D≥0. * mm) * 防霉装置:在 * 目观察筒、目镜、物镜都做了抗菌、 (略) 理 * 所采用光学元件均为环保无铅玻璃 * 、成像装置 *1.动态≥ * 万像素预览,无像素插值,最高帧率 * 帧/秒 ;标准C-接口 2.1/1.7英寸 CMOS传感器;像素点尺寸:≥1. * μm×1. * μm; 动态范围:> * dB; 信噪比:≥ * dB; 光谱响应: * nm~ * nm; 曝光能力:实时自动、单次自动、手动调节 ; 白平衡:实时自动、单次自动、手动R B分别调节; *3. 预览支持速度优先/画质优先模式切换,画质优先为 * 视频输出, 速度优先为 * P视频输出; * 、数码互动系统控制软件 1、教师端软件和学生端APP为同 * 品牌,可保证整个系统的稳定性, (略) 家拼凑而带来的兼容性和售后服务问题; 2、跨平台解决方案:支持Android、iOS、Windows操作系统,通过手机、平板电脑、PC等智能终端即可实现显微互动教学。不受种类、操作系统、品牌的限制; 3、学生端通过5G WiFi( * ac)无线的方式汇聚到教师端控制系统 4、系统使用及更新:用 (略) 下载APP, (略) 商最新程序的更 新; *4.1、授课开始模式:教师端或选中学生端画面同步推送到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机;学生智能安卓 * 体机可实时动态显示教师机显微镜及计算机操 作画面,教师机上不论是打开PPT WORD EXCEL等讲义内容都在学生智能 安卓 * 体机上实时展示;教师端或选中学生智能安卓 * 体机操作过程同 步推送至全体学生智能安卓 * 体机。 4.2、监控相机:支持 1/1x2/2x2/3x3分屏显示,实时监 (略) 有学生端图像(显微镜下图像),教师控制软件可任意抽选组合不同的学生图像形成小组教学, * 键截屏。点击任意 * 屏可 (略) 放大缩小/翻转/ (略) 理,还可以跨屏批注编辑。可调节各种图像参数,包括曝光、白平衡、图像增强等。 *4.3、监控智能安卓 * 体机:实时监控全体学生智能安卓 * 体机桌面,确保全体学生参与学习。学生在APP 内所作注释、测量等操作过程反向推送到教师端,学习进度随时可查。 4.4示范学生作品:教师机可以把选中的视频显示到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机上。Windows系统,安卓智能终端,iOS智能终端相互推送。 4.5、点评学生作品:对选中的图像、 (略) 批注、编辑,并将操作过程实时推送到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机。 4.6、多分屏对比教学模式:教师机可以显示任意两台或多台学生智能安卓 * 体机的 (略) 分析比较(支持1x2/2x2)。支持静态图片对比、动态视频对比、静态与动态混合对比、支持跨屏批注、支持教师端与选中学生端对比。 4.7、多分页图像监控窗口,捕捉教师端图像与全体学生端实时图像任意切换。 4.8、对单个或多个学 (略) 拍照、录像、宏观拍照、宏观录像。 4.9、站内互动, 回答学生 * 对 * 的提问。 4. * 、 (略) 有文件; * (略) 有默认设置,方便下 * 堂教师使用。 4. * 、具有丰富的测量 (略) 理功能。 4. * 、曝光调节,白平衡调节,图像RB参数调节,对比度调整,锐度调整,伽马调整, 恢复默认参数等设置; 4. * 、 (略) (略) 域网图库功能:教师机 (略) (略) 内的现有图片 (略) 教学; *5、智能互动设置:: (略) 有默认属性方便下节课使用; (略) 有智能安卓 * 体机图像属性调节以防止学生误操作,支持 * 键远程关机。 6、多分屏对比教学 支持学生端与教师端画面对比:支持静态图片对比;支持动态视频对比 ;支持静态与动态混合对比;支持跨屏标注 *7. 作业/电子试卷下发功能:教师端可通过互动软件选取电脑本地磁盘内的Word,Excel,PPT格式的作业或试卷 * 键 (略) 有学生的安卓 * 体机及智能终端内, 实现Windows, 安卓,iOS系统无缝互动,方便教 (略) 。 *8. 教师端控制软件 (略) 有学生端的镜下画面, * 键分享 (略) 有学生安卓 * 体机及智能终端内,无需学生 * * 手动操作,避免失误。 * 、教师端用电脑 品牌电脑整机;CPU类型: 酷睿第 * 代 (略) 理器;内存容量: 8GB或以上;硬盘容量: 1T或以上;尺寸: 不低于 * 英寸全高清显示器;系统:正版Microsoft? Windows? * ( * & * bit)。 | | 学生端数码生物显微镜互动系统 | * | * 、 (略) 分: *1 光学系统:UIS2无限远校正光学系统。 *2 载物台:钢丝传动载物台,运行静音无磨损,无突出的棱角和齿轮,避免意外误伤和划伤手指(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明); 3 载物台尺寸: * x * mm;行程为: * mm(X)x * mm(Y); *4调焦机构:有粗调限位器,有效防止误操作将物镜与载玻片挤压而损坏物镜, (略) 张力调节, (略) 程: * mm/圈(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 5 聚光镜:带有孔径光阑的阿贝聚光镜,N.A.≥ 1. * ; *6 照明系统:内置≥ * 0小时 (略) 命LED光源; 7 铰链式双目观察筒:瞳距调整范围 * - * mm, 倾斜角度 * °,眼点高度≥ * .9 mm,视场数≥ * ;带屈光度调节, * °可旋转,可根据实验桌台高低及实验员个体差异相应调节至最舒适观察状态。(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明) *8 目镜: * X,视场数F.N.≥ * ,带眼罩,带屈光度调节功能,矫正双眼度数不 * 致而产生的观察不适(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明); *9 两个 * X目镜均固定在观察筒上,防止误操作将目镜摔落损坏(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 * * 、物镜转盘:与显微镜机身固定的内旋式4孔物镜转盘,便于看到和放置标本,便于添加镜油等操作(需附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 * 、物镜齐焦距离国际标准≤ * mm * 、物镜:平场消色差物镜: 4X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. * .0) * X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. * .5) * X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. 0. * ) * X(N.A. 1. * ,W.D. 0. * oil) * * 、机身配套电源收纳装置,便于教学完成后收纳。 * * 、防盗防移动装置,避免教学使用过程中机器损伤及丢失。 * * 、具备移机握持组件,便于使用后移机至机柜 * 、防霉装置:在双目观察筒、目镜、物镜 (略) 理,所以能确保获得持续清晰的图像,并延长显微镜的使用寿命,即使在湿热的环境中工作也不受影响。 * 、所采用光学元件均为环保无铅玻璃,英文样本上有ECO无铅认证标识,目镜、物镜、聚光镜 (略) 理,避免被取走或损坏。 * 、学生端智能安卓 * 体机 *1. 配≥ * .6寸全色域、超高分辨率4K智能安卓 * 体机,内置深度 定制安卓智能化系统, (略) 数码显微图像APP,实现图像预览、 拍照、录像、静态与动态画面共享、参数调节、测量、编辑等功能; 2 . 内置5G WiFi( * ac)模块,允许学生安卓 * 体机观察的同时,也可使用智能设备(手机及平板)共享画面。 3.相机模块内置,有效像素为静态、动态真实同步 * 万像素,无像素插值; 采用索尼芯片 1/1.8英寸CMOS 彩色传感器,全幅分辨率和帧率: * * 帧/秒 ,像素点尺寸:2.4μm×2.4μm;动态范围:> * dB; 信噪比:≥ * dB;光谱响应: * nm~ * nm曝光能力:实时自动、单次自动、手动调节;实时自动、单次自动、手动R B分别调节白平衡; *4.学生安卓平板 * 体机支持HDMI方式连接到显示器、电视机、投影机等。支 持USB接口,可连接鼠标、键盘、方便用户操作测量及输入文字等;支持 接U盘方便导出图片、视频数据;每台学生机带专属座位 * 维码,手机或 者平板扫码即无线点对点连接共享画面。 *5 . 学生显微镜电源由安卓平板 * 体机直接供电,减少落地线,桌面更简洁美观。 * 、学生端智能安卓 * 体机APP *1、APP启动即可自动连接,无需手动输入密码;学生的手机或者平板扫码连接。 2、支持拍照/ 录像,实时记录授课重要内容 3、支持批注,测量,涂鸦,添加图片,增强学习成果。 4、支持文字提问:学生智能终端可点击信息按钮发送文字或图片到PC端,实现 * 对 * 交流。 5、学生在APP内上登录用户信息,教师端互动软 (略) 有登录者的信息。 6、不同的用户在同 * 台智能安卓 * 体机的APP内只能 (略) 拍摄的图片跟保存的作业,不能相互查看。 *7、学生端以用户身份登 * 系统,教师端互动软件内 (略) 有的学生上传的作业文档,不同的学生将自动生成不同的文件夹。只要教师端主控视 (略) 连接,学生端APP (略) ,无需额外设置。 * 、学生桌 数量: * 位 采用 (略) 度板材料,防火板桌面贴面,鸭嘴边,台面 * MM,侧板 * mm, * * * * * mm,实际尺寸根据教室情况设计,由用户方审核后制作。 |
序号 | 设备名称 | 数量 | 技术参数 | * | 显微数码互动实验装置 | 3 | 显微数码互动实验室 3间,以下是 1间实验室的配置。投标参数需等同或优于 A/B/C方案之 * : | | | | 方案 C | | 教师端数码生物显微镜 | 1 | 用途:教师示教用机,可用于普通染色的切片观察,以及临床、科研常规显微检验工作。 * 、 生物显微镜 1 光学系统:无限远光学矫正系统,齐焦距离必须为国际标准 * mm。 2 载物台:钢丝传动,无齿条结构; *载物台高度: * mm *机械固定载物台, (W × D): * mm × * mm *移动范围 (X × Y): * mm × * mm *载物台XY 移动可锁定 3 调焦机构:载物台高度调节 ( 粗调: * mm ), (略) 张力调节;有粗调限位, 避免标本或物镜的损伤;细调焦旋钮最小调节幅度: 2.5 μm。 4 聚光镜:内置孔径光阑;阿贝聚光镜 NA 1. * ( 油浸时);2孔位:明场/暗场。 5 照明系统:内置LED透射光照明系统;LED光源寿命 * 0小时。 6 * 目观察筒:瞳距调整范围 * - * mm,倾斜角度 * °; 7 目镜: * X,视场数≥ * ;分光:目镜/相机口: * / * 固定。 8 物镜转盘:与显微镜机身固定的内旋式4孔物镜转盘,便于放置标本。 9 物镜:平场消色差物镜4X(N.A.≥0.1 W.D≥ * .8mm)、 * X(N.A.≥0. * W.D≥8.0mm)、 * X(N.A.≥0. * W.D≥0.6mm)、 * XO(N.A.≥1. * W.D≥0. * mm) * 防霉装置:在 * 目观察筒、目镜、物镜都做了抗菌、 (略) 理 * 所采用光学元件均为环保无铅玻璃 * 、成像装置 *1.动态≥ * 万像素预览,无像素插值,最高帧率 * 帧/秒 ;标准C-接口 2.1/1.7英寸 CMOS传感器;像素点尺寸:≥1. * μm×1. * μm; 动态范围:> * dB; 信噪比:≥ * dB; 光谱响应: * nm~ * nm; 曝光能力:实时自动、单次自动、手动调节 ; 白平衡:实时自动、单次自动、手动R B分别调节; *3. 预览支持速度优先/画质优先模式切换,画质优先为 * 视频输出, 速度优先为 * P视频输出; * 、数码互动系统控制软件 1、教师端软件和学生端APP为同 * 品牌,可保证整个系统的稳定性, (略) 家拼凑而带来的兼容性和售后服务问题; 2、跨平台解决方案:支持Android、iOS、Windows操作系统,通过手机、平板电脑、PC等智能终端即可实现显微互动教学。不受种类、操作系统、品牌的限制; 3、学生端通过5G WiFi( * ac)无线的方式汇聚到教师端控制系统 4、系统使用及更新:用 (略) 下载APP, (略) 商最新程序的更 新; * 4.1、授课开始模式:教师端或选中学生端画面同步推送到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机;学生智能安卓 * 体机可实时动态显示教师机显微镜及计算机操 作画面,教师机上不论是打开PPT WORD EXCEL等讲义内容都在学生智能 安卓 * 体机上实时展示;教师端或选中学生智能安卓 * 体机操作过程同 步推送至全体学生智能安卓 * 体机。 4.2、监控相机:支持 1/1x2/2x2/3x3分屏显示,实时监 (略) 有学生端图像(显微镜下图像),教师控制软件可任意抽选组合不同的学生图像形成小组教学, * 键截屏。点击任意 * 屏可 (略) 放大缩小/翻转/ (略) 理,还可以跨屏批注编辑。可调节各种图像参数,包括曝光、白平衡、图像增强等。 *4.3、监控智能安卓 * 体机:实时监控全体学生智能安卓 * 体机桌面,确保全体学生参与学习。学生在APP 内所作注释、测量等操作过程反向推送到教师端,学习进度随时可查。 4.4示范学生作品:教师机可以把选中的视频显示到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机上。Windows系统,安卓智能终端,iOS智能终端相互推送。 4.5、点评学生作品:对选中的图像、 (略) 批注、编辑,并将操作过程实时推送到全体学生智能安卓 * 体机。 4.6、多分屏对比教学模式:教师机可以显示任意两台或多台学生智能安卓 * 体机的 (略) 分析比较(支持1x2/2x2)。支持静态图片对比、动态视频对比、静态与动态混合对比、支持跨屏批注、支持教师端与选中学生端对比。 4.7、多分页图像监控窗口,捕捉教师端图像与全体学生端实时图像任意切换。 4.8、对单个或多个学 (略) 拍照、录像、宏观拍照、宏观录像。 4.9、站内互动, 回答学生 * 对 * 的提问。 4. * 、 (略) 有文件; * (略) 有默认设置,方便下 * 堂教师使用。 4. * 、具有丰富的测量 (略) 理功能。 4. * 、曝光调节,白平衡调节,图像RB参数调节,对比度调整,锐度调整,伽马调整, 恢复默认参数等设置; 4. * 、 (略) (略) 域网图库功能:教师机 (略) (略) 内的现有图片 (略) 教学; *5、智能互动设置: (略) 有默认属性方便下节课使用; (略) 有智能安卓 * 体机图像属性调节以防止学生误操作,支持 * 键远程关机。 6、多分屏对比教学 支持学生端与教师端画面对比:支持静态图片对比;支持动态视频对比 ;支持静态与动态混合对比;支持跨屏标注 *7. 作业/电子试卷下发功能:教师端可通过互动软件选取电脑本地磁盘内的Word,Excel,PPT格式的作业或试卷 * 键 (略) 有学生的安卓 * 体机及智能终端内, 实现Windows, 安卓,iOS系统无缝互动,方便教 (略) 。 *8. 教师端控制软件 (略) 有学生端的镜下画面, * 键分享 (略) 有学生安卓 * 体机及智能终端内,无需学生 * * 手动操作,避免失误。 * 、教师端用电脑 品牌电脑整机;CPU类型: 酷睿第 * 代 (略) 理器;内存容量: 8GB或以上;硬盘容量: 1T或以上;尺寸: 不低于 * 英寸全高清显示器;系统:正版Microsoft? Windows? * ( * & * bit)。 | | 学生端数码生物显微镜互动系统 | * | * 、 (略) 分: *1 光学系统:UIS2无限远校正光学系统。 *2 载物台:钢丝传动载物台,运行静音无磨损,无突出的棱角和齿轮,避免意外误伤和划伤手指(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明); 3 载物台尺寸: * x * mm;行程为: * mm(X)x * mm(Y); *4调焦机构:有粗调限位器,有效防止误操作将物镜与载玻片挤压而损坏物镜, (略) 张力调节, (略) 程: * mm/圈(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 5 聚光镜:带有孔径光阑的阿贝聚光镜,N.A.≥ 1. * ; *6 照明系统:内置≥ * 0小时 (略) 命LED光源; 7 铰链式双目观察筒:瞳距调整范围 * - * mm, 倾斜角度 * °,眼点高度≥ * .9 mm,视场数≥ * ;带屈光度调节, * °可旋转,可根据实验桌台高低及实验员个体差异相应调节至最舒适观察状态。(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明) *8 目镜: * X,视场数F.N.≥ * ,带眼罩,带屈光度调节功能,矫正双眼度数不 * 致而产生的观察不适(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明); *9 两个 * X目镜均固定在观察筒上,防止误操作将目镜摔落损坏(附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 * * 、物镜转盘:与显微镜机身固定的内旋式4孔物镜转盘,便于看到和放置标本,便于添加镜油等操作(需附产品截图证明或产品官方彩页资料证明)。 * 、物镜齐焦距离国际标准≤ * mm * 、物镜:平场消色差物镜: 4X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. * .0) * X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. * .5) * X(N.A. 0. * ,W.D. 0. * ) * X(N.A. 1. * ,W.D. 0. * oil) * * 、机身配套电源收纳装置,便于教学完成后收纳。 * * 、防盗防移动装置,避免教学使用过程中机器损伤及丢失。 * * 、具备移机握持组件,便于使用后移机至机柜 * 、防霉装置:在双目观察筒、目镜、物镜 (略) 理,所以能确保获得持续清晰的图像,并延长显微镜的使用寿命,即使在湿热的环境中工作也不受影响。 * 、所采用光学元件均为环保无铅玻璃,英文样本上有ECO无铅认证标识,目镜、物镜、聚光镜 (略) 理,避免被取走或损坏。 * 、学生端智能安卓 * 体机 *1. 配≥ * .6寸全色域、超高分辨率4K智能安卓 * 体机,内置深度 定制安卓智能化系统, (略) 数码显微图像APP,实现图像预览、 拍照、录像、静态与动态画面共享、参数调节、测量、编辑等功能; 2 . 内置5G WiFi( * ac)模块,允许学生安卓 * 体机观察的同时,也可使用智能 设备(手机及平板)共享画面。 3.相机模块内置,有效像素为静态、动态真实同步 * 万像素,无像素插值; 采用索尼芯片 1/1.8英寸CMOS 彩色传感器,全幅分辨率和帧率: * * 帧/秒 ,像素点尺寸:2.4μm×2.4μm;动态范围:> * dB; 信噪比:≥ * dB;光谱响应: * nm~ * nm曝光能力:实时自动、单次自动、手动调节;实时自动、单次自动、手动R B分别调节白平衡; *4.学生安卓平板 * 体机支持HDMI方式连接到显示器、电视机、投影机等。支 持USB接口,可连接鼠标、键盘、方便用户操作测量及输入文字等;支持 接U盘方便导出图片、视频数据;每台学生机带专属座位 * 维码,手机或 者平板扫码即无线点对点连接共享画面。 *5 . 学生显微镜电源由安卓平板 * 体机直接供电,减少落地线,桌面更简洁美观。 * 、学生端智能安卓 * 体机APP *1、APP启动即可自动连接,无需手动输入密码;学生的手机或者平板扫码连接。 2、支持拍照/ 录像,实时记录授课重要内容 3、支持批注,测量,涂鸦,添加图片,增强学习成果。 4、支持文字提问:学生智能终端可点击信息按钮发送文字或图片到PC端,实现 * 对 * 交流。 5、学生在APP内上登录用户信息,教师端互动软 (略) 有登录者的信息。 6、不同的用户在同 * 台智能安卓 * 体机的APP内只能 (略) 拍摄的图片跟保存的作业,不能相互查看。 *7、学生端以用户身份登 * 系统,教师端互动软件内 (略) 有的学生上传的作业文档,不同的学生将自动生成不同的文件夹。只要教师端主控视 (略) 连接,学生端APP (略) ,无需额外设置。 * 、学生桌 数量: * 位 采用 (略) 度板材料,防火板桌面贴面,鸭嘴边,台面 * MM,侧板 * mm, * * * * * mm,实际尺寸根据教室情况设计,由用户方审核后制作。 |
Appendix2附件2Agent"s Qualification StatementDate: __________ BID No.: __________ (1) Name and Other Information: (a) Name of Agent __________________________________ (b) Address of Head Office_______________________________ Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _______________________________ (c) Date Established and/or Registered ______________________ Name of Principal Officer: ____________ (d) Name and Address of Agent’s Representatives in P.R.C. (if any): _____ Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _______________________________ (e) Liaison person(s) for the Bid and Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _____________ (f) Paid-Up Capital ______________________________________ (g) Following latest information together with audited balance sheet and profit & loss statement for the last 3 years. (i) Fixed Assets ______________________ (ii) Current Assets ____________________ (iii) Quick Assets_____________ (iv) Total Assets______________ (v) Long Term Liabilities _____________ (vi) Current Liabilities _______________ (vii) Total Liabilities_________________ (viii) Net Worth _________________________ (2) Yearly total volume of business for the past three years: Year | Within PRC | Outside PRC | Total | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total | | | |
(3) Name and address of firms to whom the Goods have been mainly sold in the past three years: | Year | Name and Address | Item Sold | (a) Sales within PRC | | | | (b) Sales outside PRC | | | |
(4) Description of projects in which the similar proposed Goods/Services have been successfully supplied: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (5) Manufacturers who have agreed with Agent to Manufacture the Goods: Name and Address of Manufacturer | Items to be Manufactured | Quantity | | | |
(6) Component parts of the Goods proposed to be supplied and manufactured by other Manufacturers, if any: Name and Address of Manufacturer | Items to be manufactured | | |
(7) Goods previously sold to Chinese business corporations in the past three years, If Any: | | | | Name & Address of End-user Contract No. & Date Name & Type of Goods Quantity Contract Amount | | | |
(8) Name and Address of Bank Reference: ___________________________________________________________ (9) Corporate group to which Agent belongs, if any: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ( * ) Other Information (Chronology, Business Line, Organization, Structure, etc.): ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statements are true and correct, that all available information and data have been supplied, and that we agree to show you documentary proof thereof upon your request. __________________________________ _______________________________________________ (Name of Agent)(official seal) _________________________________________________ (Printed Name and Position of Authorized Representative) (Signature of Authorized Representative) _____________________________ (Date) _____________________________ (Fax/Telephone Number/Email)
Bidder"s Qualification StatementDate: __________ BID No.: __________ (1) Name and Other Information: (a) Name of Bidder __________________________________ (b) Address of Head Office_______________________________ Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _______________________________ (c) Date Established and/or Registered ______________________ Name of Principal Officer: ____________ (d) Name and Address of Bidder’s Representatives in P.R.C. (if any): _____ Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _______________________________ (e) Liaison person(s) for the Bid and Telex/Fax/Telephone No. _____________ (f) Paid-Up Capital ______________________________________ (g) Following latest information together with audited balance sheet and profit & loss statement for the last 3 years. (i) Fixed Assets ______________________ (ii) Current Assets ____________________ (iii) Quick Assets_____________ (iv) Total Assets______________ (v) Long Term Liabilities _____________ (vi) Current Liabilities _______________ (vii) Total Liabilities_________________ (viii) Net Worth _________________________ (2) Yearly total volume of business for the past three years: Year | Within PRC | Outside PRC | Total | | | | | | | | | | | | | Total | | | |
(3) Name and address of firms to whom the Goods have been mainly sold in the past three years: | Year | Name and Address | Item Sold | (a) Sales within PRC | | | | (b) Sales outside PRC | | | |
(4) Description of projects in which the similar proposed Goods/Services have been successfully supplied: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (5) Manufacturers who have agreed with Bidder to Manufacture the Goods: Name and Address of Manufacturer | Items to be Manufactured | Quantity | | | |
(6) Component parts of the Goods proposed to be supplied and manufactured by other Manufacturers, if any: Name and Address of Manufacturer | Items to be manufactured | | |
(7) Goods previously sold to Chinese business corporations in the past three years, If Any: | | | | Name & Address of End-user Contract No. & Date Name & Type of Goods Quantity Contract Amount | | | |
(8) Name and Address of Bank Reference: ___________________________________________________________ (9) Corporate group to which Bidder belongs, if any: ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ( * ) Other Information (Chronology, Business Line, Organization, Structure, etc.): ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ We hereby certify to the best of our knowledge that the foregoing statements are true and correct, that all available information and data have been supplied, and that we agree to show you documentary proof thereof upon your request. __________________________________ _______________________________________________ (Name of Bidder)(official seal) _________________________________________________ (Printed Name and Position of Authorized Representative) (Signature of Authorized Representative) _____________________________ (Date) _____________________________ (Fax/Telephone Number/Email)
代理商资格声明 日期: 招标编号: 名称及概况:
代理商名称: 总部地址: 电传/传真/电话号码: 成立和/或注册日期: 主要负责人: 代理商在中国的代表的姓名和地址(如果有): 电传/传真/电话号码: 投标联络人以及电传/传真/电话号码: 实收资本: 近 * 年经审计的资产负债表和利润损益表 ①固定资产: ②流动资产: ③总资产: ④长期负债: ⑤流动负债: ⑥总负债: ⑦净值:
(略) 过的同类设备/服务的项目描述: 同意为代理商制造货物的制造商:
由其他制造商提供和 (略) 件(如果有):
(略) 提供的投标货物(如果有):
(略) 的名称和地址: (略) (如果有): 其他信息:(历史,业务线、组织架构等)
兹证明上述声明是真实、正确的, (略) 能提供的资料和数据,同意遵照贵方要求出示有关证明文件。 代理商名称(盖章): 签字人姓名和职务: 签 字 人 签 字: 签 字 日 期: 传 真: 电 话: 电 子 邮 件:
投标人资格声明 日期: 招标编号: 名称及概况:
投标人名称: 总部地址: 电传/传真/电话号码: 成立和/或注册日期: 主要负责人: 投标人在中国的代表的姓名和地址(如果有): 电传/传真/电话号码: 投标联络人以及电传/传真/电话号码: 实收资本: 近 * 年经审计的资产负债表和利润损益表 ①固定资产: ②流动资产: ③总资产: ④长期负债: ⑤流动负债: ⑥总负债: ⑦净值:
(略) 过的同类设备/服务的项目描述: 同意为投标人制造货物的制造商:
由其他制造商提供和 (略) 件(如果有):
(略) 提供的投标货物(如果有):
(略) 的名称和地址: (略) (如果有): 其他信息:(历史,业务线,组织架构等)
兹证明上述声明是真实、正确的, (略) 能提供的资料和数据,同意遵照贵方要求出示有关证明文件。 投标人名称(盖章): 签字人姓名和职务: 签 字 人 签 字: 签 字 日 期: 传 真: 电 话: 电 子 邮 件: |