Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
Announcement on Change
Project Name: Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
项目编号:KJY 点击查看>>
Project Number: KJY 点击查看>>
I. Contact Information
Attention: Xu Xinghua, Hao Qing, Ma Xiaoxin and Xing Yali
联系电话:86-10- 点击查看>>
Tel.: 86-10- 点击查看>>
征集指定邮箱: * 63.com
Designated email address for solicitation: * 63.com
二、原公告名称、 (略) 址及时间:
II. Original Announcement, Website and Date
首次公告日期: * 年9月18日
First Announcement Date: September 18, *
本次变更日期: * 年1月20日
Date of Change: January 20 , *
Original Project Name: Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
原 (略) 址:
Website of the Original Announcement:
中 (略) (website of Chinese government procurement):
http:/ 点击查看>> 中国招标投标公共服务平台(website of China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform):
https:/ 点击查看>> #/bulletinDetail?uuid=6ae * -3db4-43ad-a68d- 点击查看>> &inpvalue=%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%B1%8A&dataSource=0
成都市规划 (略) 官网(website of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources):
http:/ 点击查看>> 成都 (略) 官网(website of Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau):
http:/ 点击查看>> (略) (略) 网站(website of Chengdu Association of Urban Planning)
http:/ 点击查看>> 北京科 (略) (website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.):
http:/ 点击查看>> 三、更正事项、内容:
III. Changes
Changes to the project"s schedule are as follows:
Solicitation Schedule (Beijing Time):
在成都市规划 (略) 及成都 (略) (略) 公示获奖方案: * 年3月31日至4月10日
The winning Design Proposals will be announced on the websites of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and the Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau: From March 31, * till April 10, *
公布征集结果: * 年4月11日
Publish solicitation results: April 11, *
发放/领取奖金: * 年4月12日至4月25日(说明: * 年4月12日至4月25日期间,每个工作日9:00-11:30,14:00-16:00。)
Prize granting / reception: From April 12, * till April 25, * (Note: 9:00-11:30 and 14:00-16:00 on each working day from April 12, * to April 25, * )
Other contents of the Solicitation Documents do not change.
IV. Other Supplementary Matters: None
V. Contact Information
主办单位:成都市规划 (略) 、成都 (略)
Sponsors: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau
承办单位:北京科 (略) 、成都市规 (略) 、成都 (略) 、成都 (略)
Organizers: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., Chengdu Institute of Planning & Design, Chengdu Economic Daily Marketing & Planning Co., Ltd., Chengdu Donglian Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Address: Building No. 6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing
Attention: Xu Xinghua, Hao Qing, Ma Xiaoxin and Xing Yali
联系电话:86-10- 点击查看>>
Tel.: 86-10- 点击查看>>
传真:86-10- 点击查看>>
Fax: 86-10- 点击查看>>
征集指定邮箱: * 63.com
Designated email address for solicitation: * 63.com
成都市规划 (略)
* 年1月20日
Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
Announcement on Change
Project Name: Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
项目编号:KJY 点击查看>>
Project Number: KJY 点击查看>>
I. Contact Information
Attention: Xu Xinghua, Hao Qing, Ma Xiaoxin and Xing Yali
联系电话:86-10- 点击查看>>
Tel.: 86-10- 点击查看>>
征集指定邮箱: * 63.com
Designated email address for solicitation: * 63.com
二、原公告名称、 (略) 址及时间:
II. Original Announcement, Website and Date
首次公告日期: * 年9月18日
First Announcement Date: September 18, *
本次变更日期: * 年1月20日
Date of Change: January 20 , *
Original Project Name: Second Global Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu"s Featured Towns and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)
原 (略) 址:
Website of the Original Announcement:
中 (略) (website of Chinese government procurement):
http:/ 点击查看>> 中国招标投标公共服务平台(website of China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform):
https:/ 点击查看>> #/bulletinDetail?uuid=6ae * -3db4-43ad-a68d- 点击查看>> &inpvalue=%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E5%B1%8A&dataSource=0
成都市规划 (略) 官网(website of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources):
http:/ 点击查看>> 成都 (略) 官网(website of Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau):
http:/ 点击查看>> (略) (略) 网站(website of Chengdu Association of Urban Planning)
http:/ 点击查看>> 北京科 (略) (website of Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd.):
http:/ 点击查看>> 三、更正事项、内容:
III. Changes
Changes to the project"s schedule are as follows:
Solicitation Schedule (Beijing Time):
在成都市规划 (略) 及成都 (略) (略) 公示获奖方案: * 年3月31日至4月10日
The winning Design Proposals will be announced on the websites of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and the Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau: From March 31, * till April 10, *
公布征集结果: * 年4月11日
Publish solicitation results: April 11, *
发放/领取奖金: * 年4月12日至4月25日(说明: * 年4月12日至4月25日期间,每个工作日9:00-11:30,14:00-16:00。)
Prize granting / reception: From April 12, * till April 25, * (Note: 9:00-11:30 and 14:00-16:00 on each working day from April 12, * to April 25, * )
Other contents of the Solicitation Documents do not change.
IV. Other Supplementary Matters: None
V. Contact Information
主办单位:成都市规划 (略) 、成都 (略)
Sponsors: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and Chengdu Agricultural and Rural Bureau
承办单位:北京科 (略) 、成都市规 (略) 、成都 (略) 、成都 (略)
Organizers: Beijing Science Park Auction & Tender Co., Ltd., Chengdu Institute of Planning & Design, Chengdu Economic Daily Marketing & Planning Co., Ltd., Chengdu Donglian Culture Communication Co., Ltd.
Address: Building No. 6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing
Attention: Xu Xinghua, Hao Qing, Ma Xiaoxin and Xing Yali
联系电话:86-10- 点击查看>>
Tel.: 86-10- 点击查看>>
传真:86-10- 点击查看>>
Fax: 86-10- 点击查看>>
征集指定邮箱: * 63.com
Designated email address for solicitation: * 63.com
成都市规划 (略)
* 年1月20日