(略) 展厅更新改造方案设计国际竞赛补充公告
International Design Competition for the Renovation of Guangdong Science Center Exhibition Halls Supplementary Announcement
(略) 展厅更新改造方案设计国际竞赛,于2022年4月25日在中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )、广东省招标投标监管网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、(http://)、 (略) 网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、广咨电子招投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> #/)、 (略) (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> )发布公告,现对原公告的相关内容做调整如下:
Regarding the Announcement of the International Design Competition for the Renovation of Guangdong Science Center Exhibition Halls (the Competition) released on April 25, 2022 at China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ), Guangdong Province Bidding and Supervision Network (http:/ 点击查看>> ), China Bidding Network (http://), and the website of Guangdong Science Center (http:/ 点击查看>> ), Guangzi E-bidding platform (https:/ 点击查看>> #/) and the website of Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centres (ASPAC) (https:/ 点击查看>> ), some revisions are made as set out below:
(略) No. of Clause | 原文 Original Text | 现文 Revised Text |
(一)、参赛人报名条件 (I) Eligibility of Participants | (3)本项目参赛人需具有以下设计业绩:参赛人独立承担过2个或以上国家的科技馆/ (略) /博物馆的展览设计案例(以合同证明文件为准)。 (3) Participants shall have independently undertaken exhibition design for science and technology museums, science centers or museums in at least two countries (contract documents shall be provided as proof). | (3)本项目参赛人需具有以下设计业绩:参赛人独立承担过2个或以上国家的科技馆/ (略) /博物馆的展览设计案例(以合同或业主证明或获奖证明或其他有效业绩证明文件为准。以上证明文件应体现机构名称、项目名称和展馆名称)。 (3) Participants shall have independently undertaken exhibition design for science and technology museums, science centers or museums in at least two countries (design contracts, client’s reference letters, award certificates, or other effective certificates shall be submitted as proof, where the participant’s name, project name and venue name shall be indicated). |
八、其他 VIII. Miscellaneous | 无 Nil | 增加 9、本次方案设计国际竞赛中标机构不得参加相应中标标段的下一阶段深化设计与实施投标。 9. Participants awarded the contract for design competition are not allowed to participate in the bidding for detailed design and implementation of the corresponding bid section at the subsequent stage. |
1、原竞赛文件、竞赛公告的内容与本补充公告发布的内 (略) 的,以本补充公告内容为准,本补充公告为竞赛 (略) 分,如对同一事项的 (略) 发出的竞赛文件不符,则以本补充公告为准,其他内容不变。
1. In case of any inconsistency between the original competition documents, the Announcement and this Supplementary Announcement, this Supplementary Announcement shall prevail. As an integral part of the competition document, this Supplementary Announcement shall be taken as final for any description that is different from those in previously issued competition document, with other contents of the latter remaining unchanged.
2. The previously specified submission deadline and the time and place of evaluation shall remain unchanged.
主办单位: (略)
Organizer: Guangdong Science Center (GDSC)
代理单位:广东省 (略)
Agent: Guangdong International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd
Date: May 6, 2022
(略) 展厅更新改造方案设计国际竞赛补充公告
International Design Competition for the Renovation of Guangdong Science Center Exhibition Halls Supplementary Announcement
(略) 展厅更新改造方案设计国际竞赛,于2022年4月25日在中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> )、广东省招标投标监管网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、(http://)、 (略) 网(http:/ 点击查看>> )、广咨电子招投标 (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> #/)、 (略) (略) (https:/ 点击查看>> )发布公告,现对原公告的相关内容做调整如下:
Regarding the Announcement of the International Design Competition for the Renovation of Guangdong Science Center Exhibition Halls (the Competition) released on April 25, 2022 at China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (http:/ 点击查看>> ), Guangdong Province Bidding and Supervision Network (http:/ 点击查看>> ), China Bidding Network (http://), and the website of Guangdong Science Center (http:/ 点击查看>> ), Guangzi E-bidding platform (https:/ 点击查看>> #/) and the website of Asia Pacific Network of Science and Technology Centres (ASPAC) (https:/ 点击查看>> ), some revisions are made as set out below:
(略) No. of Clause | 原文 Original Text | 现文 Revised Text |
(一)、参赛人报名条件 (I) Eligibility of Participants | (3)本项目参赛人需具有以下设计业绩:参赛人独立承担过2个或以上国家的科技馆/ (略) /博物馆的展览设计案例(以合同证明文件为准)。 (3) Participants shall have independently undertaken exhibition design for science and technology museums, science centers or museums in at least two countries (contract documents shall be provided as proof). | (3)本项目参赛人需具有以下设计业绩:参赛人独立承担过2个或以上国家的科技馆/ (略) /博物馆的展览设计案例(以合同或业主证明或获奖证明或其他有效业绩证明文件为准。以上证明文件应体现机构名称、项目名称和展馆名称)。 (3) Participants shall have independently undertaken exhibition design for science and technology museums, science centers or museums in at least two countries (design contracts, client’s reference letters, award certificates, or other effective certificates shall be submitted as proof, where the participant’s name, project name and venue name shall be indicated). |
八、其他 VIII. Miscellaneous | 无 Nil | 增加 9、本次方案设计国际竞赛中标机构不得参加相应中标标段的下一阶段深化设计与实施投标。 9. Participants awarded the contract for design competition are not allowed to participate in the bidding for detailed design and implementation of the corresponding bid section at the subsequent stage. |
1、原竞赛文件、竞赛公告的内容与本补充公告发布的内 (略) 的,以本补充公告内容为准,本补充公告为竞赛 (略) 分,如对同一事项的 (略) 发出的竞赛文件不符,则以本补充公告为准,其他内容不变。
1. In case of any inconsistency between the original competition documents, the Announcement and this Supplementary Announcement, this Supplementary Announcement shall prevail. As an integral part of the competition document, this Supplementary Announcement shall be taken as final for any description that is different from those in previously issued competition document, with other contents of the latter remaining unchanged.
2. The previously specified submission deadline and the time and place of evaluation shall remain unchanged.
主办单位: (略)
Organizer: Guangdong Science Center (GDSC)
代理单位:广东省 (略)
Agent: Guangdong International Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd
Date: May 6, 2022