





现将高温高压燃烧室试验器旋转位移测量装置制造项目( (略) 0618-224TC220Y07W) (略) 提关于合同协议书中澄清问题的回复及开标时间变更做如下公告。







点击查看>> 合约语言/Governing Language

由于该项目为国际合作项目,希望将此条款修改为“本合同语言为中文和英文, 两种文字具有同等法律效力。 当中文和英文不一致时,双方协商解决。”/Because this project is an international cooperation project, it is hoped to change this clause to "This Contract is written in Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In case of any discrepancies between Chinese and English versions, the Buyer and Seller shall settle it through friendly negotiation.

修改如下revised as follow:
The Contract is written in Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions, the Buyer and Seller shall settle it through friendly negotiation.


5.4合同文件和资料的使用/Use of Contract Documents and Information

需要对技术文件的范围做出限制,希望将第一句话修改成“卖方应在供货同时 (略) 有有关本合同执行的一致同意的技术文件。 ”/It is necessary to set a limit for the range of the technical documents. In the first sentence, it is hoped to be changed to “The Seller shall provide the Buyer with all agreed technical documents relating to Contract.”

修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在供货同时 (略) 有有关本合同执行的双方一致同意的技术文件,以保证项目顺利实现合同目的。
The Seller shall provide the Buyer with all technical documents relating to Contract agreed by both Paries, to ensure the project sucessfully achieving the purpose of the Contract.


6.2知识产权/Intellectual Property Rights

此处前景知识产权的定义不清晰,请澄清。 /The definition of
foreground intellectual property is unclear, please clarify.

This bid is a facility manufacturing project, no relation to foreground intellectual property.


点击查看>> (1)装运通知/Shipping Advice

此处英文翻译有误,请将“thirty (40)”改为“forty (40)”, 请将“seven (15)”改为“fifteen (15)”。 /There is a
mistranslation here, please change “thirty (40)” to “forty (40)”, and change “seven (15)” to “fifteen (15)”.

此处翻译有误。It is a mistranslation。修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在预计的装运日期之前,即海运前40日或空运前15日以电报或电传或传真 (略)
The Seller shall, forty (40) calendar days in the case of sea shipment or fifteen (15) days in the case of air shipment, before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract,


点击查看>> 保证/Warranty

1)第一句话的中英文不一致, 结合中文 , “… losses caused by the buyer”应修改为“… causing losses to the buyer”;/The Chinese and English in the first sentence are
inconsistent, considering the Chinese, “… losses caused by the buyer” should be changed to “causing losses to the buyer”;
2)请明确维修或更换相 (略) 件的周期要求是自卖方到达项目现场后,即收到买方故障通知后第4日起算。同时,对于该项工作的要求,我司希望进行如下调整: /
Please clarify that the period of repair or replacement of the corresponding goods or components is calculated after the seller arrives at the site of the project, that is, from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice. At the same time, for the requirements of this work, our company hopes to make the following adjustments:
a) 对于有备件的,在14日内完成维修或更换; /For spare parts, complete repair or replacement within 14 days;
b) 对于需要重新制造的零件,卖方在双方协商的期限内迅速有效地采取行动,消除问题; /For parts that need to be remanufactured, the seller takes prompt and effective actions to eliminate the problem within the period agreed upon by both parties;
3) 仅当设备的关键零件进行维修或更换后,该零件的质保期可从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算,因此希望修改该条款最后一句的内容。 / Only when the key parts of the equipment are repaired or replaced, the warranty period of the parts can be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the provisions of this contract. Therefore, it is hoped to modify the content of the last sentence of this clause.

修改如下revised as follow:
在质保期内出现质量缺陷、故障或对买方造成损伤的事故,卖方应在接到买方故障通知后24小时内做出反馈,并在72小时内到达项目现场进行故障排除。对于有备件的,则在14日(从前述收到买方故障通知后11日起算)内免费维修或更换相 (略) 件,完成前述故障排除;对于需要重新制造的零件,则卖方应在收到买方通知后,应在双方协商的期限内,迅速、有效地采取行动消除该问题。维修或者更换后的关键的零件(包括传动机构、控制系统、轴承腔室组件等),质保期应从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算。
In the warranty period appear quality defect, failure or accident causing losses to the Buyer, the Seller shall give feedback within 24 hours after receiving the failure notice, and arrived at the site of the project within 72 hours for troubleshooting. If the spare parts are available, the Seller shall repair or replace of the corresponding goods or component part(s) within 14 days (starting from 11 days after the Seller receiving the failure notice) for free. For parts that need to be remanufactured, the Seller shall take actions actively and effectively to eliminate the issus within the time agreed by both parties upon receipt of the failure notice. For the repair or replacement of key parts (including Drive System, Control System, Bearing Housing Assembly, etc), their warranty period shall be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the provisions of this contract.


点击查看>> (1)保证/Warranty

(略) 需的零件可能需要重新制造,因此六十天内完成 (略) 有情况下都能保证,希望将“六十天内”修改成“双方协商一致的时间内”。 /Due to the fact that parts needed for troubleshooting may have to be remanufactured, it cannot be guaranteed that in all situations the troubleshooting can be completed within sixty days, therefore, we hope to have “within sixty days” changed
to “within the time agreed by both Parties”.

修改如下revised as follow:
if the seller fails to give feedback within 24 hours after receiving the buyer"s notice, or fails to complete the troubleshooting within sixty (60) days (If the Buyer can prove that the remanufactured parts need more than 60 days, both parties shall negotiate the troubleshooting time) required by the buyer after receiving the feedback, the buyer may take necessary remedial measures, including asking a third party to troubleshoot the problem, but the risks and costs arising therefrom shall be borne by the seller.


点击查看>> (2)保证/Warranty

1) 针对在 7 日内完成排故的要求,希望修改为: /For the requirement of completion of troubleshooting within 7 days, it is hoped to change to:
a) 对于有备件的,如未在14日内完成维修或更换(收到买方故障通知后第4日起算) ……; /For spare parts, if failing to complete repair or replacement within 14 days (from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice) …;
b) 对于需要重新制造的零件, 如未在双方协商的期限内完成维修或
更……; /For parts that need to be remanufactured, if the seller fails to take prompt and effective actions to eliminate the problem within the period agreed upon by both Parties …;
2) 希望将延误的补偿由每延误一周“1%”更改为“0.5%”。 /It is hoped to change “1%” for each delay of one week to “0.5%”.

修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在约定的时间内完成排故:a) 对于有备件的,应在14日内完成维修或更换(收到买方故障通知后第4日起算);b) 对于需要重新制造的零件, 应在双方协商的期限内完成维修或更换。如未在约定的时间内完成排故,无论是卖方排故还是买方自行采取补救措施,卖方均应对买方进行补偿,补偿期间从买方通知卖方上述故障时起算,每延误一周的补偿按合同总额的0.5%计收,直至故障排除为止,不足一周按照一周计算。
The Seller should complete the trounleshooting within the agreed time:a)for spare parts available,the repair or replacement shall be completed within 14 days(from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice);b)for parts to be remanufactured,the repair or replacement shall be completed within the time limit negotiated by both parties.
If the Seller fails to complete troubleshooting within the time specified in 点击查看>> , whether the Seller troubleshooting or the Buyer to take remedial measure, the Seller shall compensate to the Buyer, the compensation during the period of notice from the Buyer to the Seller will be calculated from the above failure, each delay of the 0.5% of the total compensation in accordance with the contract instead of one week, until troubleshooting, less than a week according to the calculation in a week.


点击查看>> (3)保证/Warranty

在质保期内,如果买卖双方一致同意该货物在经过第二次相同的修理后仍无法修复,则该货物应当免费替换,希望增加“买卖双方一致同意”, “第二次相同的修理”这两个条件。仅当设备的关键零件进行更换后,该零件的质保期可从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算, 因此希望该条款做相应修改。/During the warranty period, if it is agreed by the Buyer and Seller that the goods cannot be repaired after the second same repair, then the goods shall be replaced free of charge, it is hoped to add the two conditions, being “agreed by the Buyer and Seller” and “second same repair”. Only when the key parts of the equipment are replaced, the warranty period of the parts can be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the
provisions of this contract, therefore, it is hoped to have corresponding changes made to this clause.

修改如下revised as follow:
During the warranty period, if it is agreed by both parties that the goods cannot be repaired after the second same repair, then the goods shall be replaced free of charge. The warranty period of the replaced key parts shall be recalculated from the date of acceptance in accordance with the provisions of this contract; if not, both parties shall settle it through negotiation.
In spite of contrary provisions in the Contract, the aforementioned provisions shall not affect other liabilities of the Sellers under the Contract, and shall not mean the Buyer waives any right of claiming against the Sellers under the Contract.


点击查看>> 保证/Warranty

(略) 需的零件可能需要重新制造, 因此60天内完成 (略) 有情况下都能保证, 希望将“60天内”修改成“双方协商一致的时间内”。 /Due to the fact that parts needed for troubleshooting may have to be remade, it cannot be guaranteed that in all situations the troubleshooting can be completed within 60 days, therefore, we hope to have “within 60 days” changed to
“within the time agreed by both Parties”.

修改如下revised as follow:
If based on the reasonable technical judgment of both parties, it is confirmed that the troubleshooting or replacement cannot be completed within the said time, the buyer may negotiate with the Sellers separately to complete the troubleshooting time, but the time shall not exceed 60 days(If the Buyer can prove that the remanufactured parts need more than 60 days, both parties shall negotiate the troubleshooting time). If the Sellers, having been notified, fail to remedy the defect(s) within the period specified, the Buyer may proceed to take necessary remedial actionat the Sellers’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Buyer may have against the Sellers under the Contract


点击查看>> 汇率风险和损失/Exchange rate risk and loss

8%的年利率过高,希望调低至5%。/The annual interest rate of 8% is too high, please have it reduced to 5%.

修改如下revised as follow:
若买方根据前述约定要求卖方返还货款的,卖方应无条件退还买方相应货款的同时按照年利率5% 支付相应利息,并赔偿因汇率变动致使买方在退款时发生的汇率损失。汇率损失的计算按照货款实际支付日中国银行公布的外汇买入价为准。
If the Buyer requires the Seller to return the amount according to requirements of foregoing agreement, the Seller shall pay corresponding interest at the annual interest rate of 5% while return corresponding amount to the Buyer unconditionally, and compensate the Buyer for exchange loss incurred at the time of refund due to exchange rate movement. Calculation of exchange loss shall be subject to the buying foreign exchange rate published by the Bank of China on the day the payment of the goods has been processed.


点击查看>> 索赔/Claims

1) “对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷, ……” (略) 分似乎存
在笔误, 希 (略) 分为“For non-functional defects…”; /There seems to be a typo in corresponding English wording for “对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷, ……”, it is hoped to change the English wording to “For non-functional defects …”;
2) 合同价格的 2%作为每一项缺陷的扣除金额过高,希望调低到0.5%。 /The penalty of 2% of the Contract Price for each defect is too much, it is hoped to have it reduced to 0.5%.

修改如下revised as follow:
如果卖方最终交付的货物不能满足本合同约定的技术参数,则卖方应负责免费更换或修复。若经更换或修复仍不能满足本合同约定的技术参数,则买方将视缺陷程度根据买方的指示 (略) 罚,且买方有权从应付给卖方的合同款项 (略) 罚金额。对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷,每存在或增加一项将扣除合同价格的百分之0.5(%),另加买方自行解决或请第三方解 (略) 需的合理费用。无论本合同做何相反规定,前述规定不影响本合同规定的卖方其它违约责任,且不代表买方就本合同放弃对卖方的任何索赔权利。
If the Goods cannot meet the technical parameters of this Contract, the Seller shall be responsible for the free replacement or repair. If still not meet the technical parameters of this Contract after replacement or repair, the Seller will be punished depend on the extent of the defect according to the Buyer’s instructions, is entitled to deduct the penalty directly from contracts payments. For non-functional defects which affect the normal use, the penalty will be 0.5 percent (0.5%) of the Contract Price for each itemplus reasonable cost the Buyer and /or the Buyer or any third party solving such de 点击查看>> r any contrary provision in this contract, these provisions do not affect other breach of the Seller under the contract and do not mean that the Buyer will waive any right to claim against the Seller.


点击查看>> (1)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (1)


点击查看>> (2)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (2)


点击查看>> (3)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (3)


点击查看>> (4)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

中英文内容不一致, 希望删除英文版本中后面的 “and/or the \Buyer
cause”。 /The Chinese and English contents are inconsistent. It is hoped to delete “and/or the \Buyer cause” in the English wording.

第(4)条修改如下item (4) revised as follow:
(4)维护。卖方应按本合同对货物的要求维修货物,并承担因货物故障及维修给买方造成的损失,以及 (略) 发生的任何费用。
Maintenance, the Seller shall maintain the goods in accordance with requirements of the Contract and bear the losses caused by failures and maintenance of goods to the Buyer, as well as any costs incurred in the repair of the goods occurred.


点击查看>> 索赔/Claims

需要对赔偿金额设置合理上限,希望将此条款改为“违约 (略) 致的损失、损害,索赔的责任不超过合同金额的10%”。 /There should be a reasonable upper limit set for the claim amount, it is hoped to change this clause to “The liability of the breaching Party for losses or damages to the other Party shall not exceed 10% of the Contract amount.”

修改如下revised as follow:
无论本合同做何相反规定,上述规定不影响本 合同规定的卖方其它违约责任,包括任何产品 责任,且不代表买方就本合同放弃对卖方的任 何索赔权利,包括买方就因卖方违反本合同任 何规定而致使买方遭受的任何损失(包括直接 及间接损失、争议解决支出、律师费用等)而向卖方提起索赔的权利。
In spite of contrary provisions in the Contract, the aforementioned provisions shall not affect other liabilities of the Sellers under the Contract, including any product liability, and shall not mean the Buyer waives any right of claiming against the Sellers under the Contract, including the right of the Buyer to bring a claim against the Sellers for losses caused by the Sellers’ breach of the provisions of the Contract.
违约 (略) 致的损失、损害,索赔的责任不超过合同金额的10%。
The liability of the breaching Party for losses or damages to the other Party shall not exceed 10% of the Contact amount.


点击查看>> 误期赔偿费/Liquidated Damages

现在全球仍然有新冠疫情, 疫情带来的影响也是很难估计的, 所以请
在此条款中考虑疫情等不可抗力因素及带来的相应的影响, 希望将在此条款中加入“但如因不可抗力,如新冠肺炎等不可抗力因素及带来的相应的影响导致的延迟,双方依据实际情况友好协商解决”。 /At this stage, the COVID-19 is still spreading globally, and it is difficult
to estimate its impact, therefore, please consider force majeure factors such as the epidemic, etc. and the corresponding impact in this clause. It is hoped to add "but if due to force majeure, the delay caused by force majeure factors such as COVID-19, etc. and the corresponding impact they have led to shall be resolved by both Parties through friendly negotiation according to the actual situation.”

修改如下revised as follow:
In case the Seller cannot perform or fail to make delivery for Seller’s reasons 3 months later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract and the Seller, in spite of cancellation, shall still pay the penalty as aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay. However, for the deliver delay caused by Force Majeure, such as COVID-19, both parties shall settle by friendly negotiation according to actual situation. After cancellation, the Buyer has right to claim in either of following ways:


点击查看>> 争端的解决/Resolution of Disputes

由于该项目为国际合作项目,希望在此条款最后加上“并应提供一份英文翻译版”。 /Because this project is an internal cooperation project, it is hoped to add “and an English translation shall be provided”.

修改如下revised as follow:
Any dispute which is referred to formal arbitration under sub-clause 点击查看>> shall finally be settled by arbitration in Shanghai, under the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC) in accordance with its arbitration rules/procedures. Unless otherwise agreed, the official language of arbitration shall be Chinese, and an English translation shall be provided.


点击查看>> 争端的解决/Resolution of Disputes

交货时间是在 点击查看>> 中约定的, 中文里索引的“13”是否应按照英文版本
修改为“ 点击查看>> ”? /The delivery time is stipulated in Article 点击查看>> , should the “13” in the Chinese citation be changed to “ 点击查看>> ” according to the English version?

修改如下revised as follow:
如果本合同 (略) 在国需要出口许可证,卖方应负责办理出口许可证,费用自理。办理出口许可证不得影响 点击查看>> 中约定的交货时间。如果本合同 (略) 在国不需要出口许可证,卖方应在合同签署前向买方出具经卖方授权人签字并盖章的“本合同项下货物不需要出口许可证”的申明,并确保该书面声明的真实性和合法性。
It is the responsibility of the Seller to arrange export license(s), if required for the Goods covered by this Contract from his own country at his own expense. The application off an export license shall not affect the delivery time. The implementation process of the export permit shall not influence the delivery time as stipulated in Article 点击查看>> . If the goods of the contract do not require an export license, The Seller shall sign and seal a statement that no export license is required for the Goods covered by this Contract to the Buyer prior to the entrance of this Contract, and guarantee the authenticity and legitimacy of this statement.


点击查看>> 合同生效及其他/Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

关于“卖方应退回买方已支付的相应合同价款”, 希望能修改为“通过
双方友好协商确定”。 /Regarding“and the Seller should refund the payment”, it is hoped to have it changed to “to be determined upon a friendly negotiation between the Parties”.




保密协议需要替换成新版;缺少安全生产协议和廉洁协议。补充文件详见保密协议、安全生产协议廉洁协议附件,并将以书 (略) 有投标人。









现将高温高压燃烧室试验器旋转位移测量装置制造项目( (略) 0618-224TC220Y07W) (略) 提关于合同协议书中澄清问题的回复及开标时间变更做如下公告。







点击查看>> 合约语言/Governing Language

由于该项目为国际合作项目,希望将此条款修改为“本合同语言为中文和英文, 两种文字具有同等法律效力。 当中文和英文不一致时,双方协商解决。”/Because this project is an international cooperation project, it is hoped to change this clause to "This Contract is written in Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In case of any discrepancies between Chinese and English versions, the Buyer and Seller shall settle it through friendly negotiation.

修改如下revised as follow:
The Contract is written in Chinese and English, and both versions have equal legal effect. In case of any discrepancy between Chinese and English versions, the Buyer and Seller shall settle it through friendly negotiation.


5.4合同文件和资料的使用/Use of Contract Documents and Information

需要对技术文件的范围做出限制,希望将第一句话修改成“卖方应在供货同时 (略) 有有关本合同执行的一致同意的技术文件。 ”/It is necessary to set a limit for the range of the technical documents. In the first sentence, it is hoped to be changed to “The Seller shall provide the Buyer with all agreed technical documents relating to Contract.”

修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在供货同时 (略) 有有关本合同执行的双方一致同意的技术文件,以保证项目顺利实现合同目的。
The Seller shall provide the Buyer with all technical documents relating to Contract agreed by both Paries, to ensure the project sucessfully achieving the purpose of the Contract.


6.2知识产权/Intellectual Property Rights

此处前景知识产权的定义不清晰,请澄清。 /The definition of
foreground intellectual property is unclear, please clarify.

This bid is a facility manufacturing project, no relation to foreground intellectual property.


点击查看>> (1)装运通知/Shipping Advice

此处英文翻译有误,请将“thirty (40)”改为“forty (40)”, 请将“seven (15)”改为“fifteen (15)”。 /There is a
mistranslation here, please change “thirty (40)” to “forty (40)”, and change “seven (15)” to “fifteen (15)”.

此处翻译有误。It is a mistranslation。修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在预计的装运日期之前,即海运前40日或空运前15日以电报或电传或传真 (略)
The Seller shall, forty (40) calendar days in the case of sea shipment or fifteen (15) days in the case of air shipment, before the date of shipment stipulated in the Contract,


点击查看>> 保证/Warranty

1)第一句话的中英文不一致, 结合中文 , “… losses caused by the buyer”应修改为“… causing losses to the buyer”;/The Chinese and English in the first sentence are
inconsistent, considering the Chinese, “… losses caused by the buyer” should be changed to “causing losses to the buyer”;
2)请明确维修或更换相 (略) 件的周期要求是自卖方到达项目现场后,即收到买方故障通知后第4日起算。同时,对于该项工作的要求,我司希望进行如下调整: /
Please clarify that the period of repair or replacement of the corresponding goods or components is calculated after the seller arrives at the site of the project, that is, from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice. At the same time, for the requirements of this work, our company hopes to make the following adjustments:
a) 对于有备件的,在14日内完成维修或更换; /For spare parts, complete repair or replacement within 14 days;
b) 对于需要重新制造的零件,卖方在双方协商的期限内迅速有效地采取行动,消除问题; /For parts that need to be remanufactured, the seller takes prompt and effective actions to eliminate the problem within the period agreed upon by both parties;
3) 仅当设备的关键零件进行维修或更换后,该零件的质保期可从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算,因此希望修改该条款最后一句的内容。 / Only when the key parts of the equipment are repaired or replaced, the warranty period of the parts can be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the provisions of this contract. Therefore, it is hoped to modify the content of the last sentence of this clause.

修改如下revised as follow:
在质保期内出现质量缺陷、故障或对买方造成损伤的事故,卖方应在接到买方故障通知后24小时内做出反馈,并在72小时内到达项目现场进行故障排除。对于有备件的,则在14日(从前述收到买方故障通知后11日起算)内免费维修或更换相 (略) 件,完成前述故障排除;对于需要重新制造的零件,则卖方应在收到买方通知后,应在双方协商的期限内,迅速、有效地采取行动消除该问题。维修或者更换后的关键的零件(包括传动机构、控制系统、轴承腔室组件等),质保期应从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算。
In the warranty period appear quality defect, failure or accident causing losses to the Buyer, the Seller shall give feedback within 24 hours after receiving the failure notice, and arrived at the site of the project within 72 hours for troubleshooting. If the spare parts are available, the Seller shall repair or replace of the corresponding goods or component part(s) within 14 days (starting from 11 days after the Seller receiving the failure notice) for free. For parts that need to be remanufactured, the Seller shall take actions actively and effectively to eliminate the issus within the time agreed by both parties upon receipt of the failure notice. For the repair or replacement of key parts (including Drive System, Control System, Bearing Housing Assembly, etc), their warranty period shall be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the provisions of this contract.


点击查看>> (1)保证/Warranty

(略) 需的零件可能需要重新制造,因此六十天内完成 (略) 有情况下都能保证,希望将“六十天内”修改成“双方协商一致的时间内”。 /Due to the fact that parts needed for troubleshooting may have to be remanufactured, it cannot be guaranteed that in all situations the troubleshooting can be completed within sixty days, therefore, we hope to have “within sixty days” changed
to “within the time agreed by both Parties”.

修改如下revised as follow:
if the seller fails to give feedback within 24 hours after receiving the buyer"s notice, or fails to complete the troubleshooting within sixty (60) days (If the Buyer can prove that the remanufactured parts need more than 60 days, both parties shall negotiate the troubleshooting time) required by the buyer after receiving the feedback, the buyer may take necessary remedial measures, including asking a third party to troubleshoot the problem, but the risks and costs arising therefrom shall be borne by the seller.


点击查看>> (2)保证/Warranty

1) 针对在 7 日内完成排故的要求,希望修改为: /For the requirement of completion of troubleshooting within 7 days, it is hoped to change to:
a) 对于有备件的,如未在14日内完成维修或更换(收到买方故障通知后第4日起算) ……; /For spare parts, if failing to complete repair or replacement within 14 days (from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice) …;
b) 对于需要重新制造的零件, 如未在双方协商的期限内完成维修或
更……; /For parts that need to be remanufactured, if the seller fails to take prompt and effective actions to eliminate the problem within the period agreed upon by both Parties …;
2) 希望将延误的补偿由每延误一周“1%”更改为“0.5%”。 /It is hoped to change “1%” for each delay of one week to “0.5%”.

修改如下revised as follow:
卖方应在约定的时间内完成排故:a) 对于有备件的,应在14日内完成维修或更换(收到买方故障通知后第4日起算);b) 对于需要重新制造的零件, 应在双方协商的期限内完成维修或更换。如未在约定的时间内完成排故,无论是卖方排故还是买方自行采取补救措施,卖方均应对买方进行补偿,补偿期间从买方通知卖方上述故障时起算,每延误一周的补偿按合同总额的0.5%计收,直至故障排除为止,不足一周按照一周计算。
The Seller should complete the trounleshooting within the agreed time:a)for spare parts available,the repair or replacement shall be completed within 14 days(from the 4th day after receiving the buyer"s failure notice);b)for parts to be remanufactured,the repair or replacement shall be completed within the time limit negotiated by both parties.
If the Seller fails to complete troubleshooting within the time specified in 点击查看>> , whether the Seller troubleshooting or the Buyer to take remedial measure, the Seller shall compensate to the Buyer, the compensation during the period of notice from the Buyer to the Seller will be calculated from the above failure, each delay of the 0.5% of the total compensation in accordance with the contract instead of one week, until troubleshooting, less than a week according to the calculation in a week.


点击查看>> (3)保证/Warranty

在质保期内,如果买卖双方一致同意该货物在经过第二次相同的修理后仍无法修复,则该货物应当免费替换,希望增加“买卖双方一致同意”, “第二次相同的修理”这两个条件。仅当设备的关键零件进行更换后,该零件的质保期可从依据本合同之规定验收合格之日起开始重新计算, 因此希望该条款做相应修改。/During the warranty period, if it is agreed by the Buyer and Seller that the goods cannot be repaired after the second same repair, then the goods shall be replaced free of charge, it is hoped to add the two conditions, being “agreed by the Buyer and Seller” and “second same repair”. Only when the key parts of the equipment are replaced, the warranty period of the parts can be recalculated from the date of acceptance according to the
provisions of this contract, therefore, it is hoped to have corresponding changes made to this clause.

修改如下revised as follow:
During the warranty period, if it is agreed by both parties that the goods cannot be repaired after the second same repair, then the goods shall be replaced free of charge. The warranty period of the replaced key parts shall be recalculated from the date of acceptance in accordance with the provisions of this contract; if not, both parties shall settle it through negotiation.
In spite of contrary provisions in the Contract, the aforementioned provisions shall not affect other liabilities of the Sellers under the Contract, and shall not mean the Buyer waives any right of claiming against the Sellers under the Contract.


点击查看>> 保证/Warranty

(略) 需的零件可能需要重新制造, 因此60天内完成 (略) 有情况下都能保证, 希望将“60天内”修改成“双方协商一致的时间内”。 /Due to the fact that parts needed for troubleshooting may have to be remade, it cannot be guaranteed that in all situations the troubleshooting can be completed within 60 days, therefore, we hope to have “within 60 days” changed to
“within the time agreed by both Parties”.

修改如下revised as follow:
If based on the reasonable technical judgment of both parties, it is confirmed that the troubleshooting or replacement cannot be completed within the said time, the buyer may negotiate with the Sellers separately to complete the troubleshooting time, but the time shall not exceed 60 days(If the Buyer can prove that the remanufactured parts need more than 60 days, both parties shall negotiate the troubleshooting time). If the Sellers, having been notified, fail to remedy the defect(s) within the period specified, the Buyer may proceed to take necessary remedial actionat the Sellers’s risk and expense and without prejudice to any other rights which the Buyer may have against the Sellers under the Contract


点击查看>> 汇率风险和损失/Exchange rate risk and loss

8%的年利率过高,希望调低至5%。/The annual interest rate of 8% is too high, please have it reduced to 5%.

修改如下revised as follow:
若买方根据前述约定要求卖方返还货款的,卖方应无条件退还买方相应货款的同时按照年利率5% 支付相应利息,并赔偿因汇率变动致使买方在退款时发生的汇率损失。汇率损失的计算按照货款实际支付日中国银行公布的外汇买入价为准。
If the Buyer requires the Seller to return the amount according to requirements of foregoing agreement, the Seller shall pay corresponding interest at the annual interest rate of 5% while return corresponding amount to the Buyer unconditionally, and compensate the Buyer for exchange loss incurred at the time of refund due to exchange rate movement. Calculation of exchange loss shall be subject to the buying foreign exchange rate published by the Bank of China on the day the payment of the goods has been processed.


点击查看>> 索赔/Claims

1) “对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷, ……” (略) 分似乎存
在笔误, 希 (略) 分为“For non-functional defects…”; /There seems to be a typo in corresponding English wording for “对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷, ……”, it is hoped to change the English wording to “For non-functional defects …”;
2) 合同价格的 2%作为每一项缺陷的扣除金额过高,希望调低到0.5%。 /The penalty of 2% of the Contract Price for each defect is too much, it is hoped to have it reduced to 0.5%.

修改如下revised as follow:
如果卖方最终交付的货物不能满足本合同约定的技术参数,则卖方应负责免费更换或修复。若经更换或修复仍不能满足本合同约定的技术参数,则买方将视缺陷程度根据买方的指示 (略) 罚,且买方有权从应付给卖方的合同款项 (略) 罚金额。对于影响正常使用的非功能性缺陷,每存在或增加一项将扣除合同价格的百分之0.5(%),另加买方自行解决或请第三方解 (略) 需的合理费用。无论本合同做何相反规定,前述规定不影响本合同规定的卖方其它违约责任,且不代表买方就本合同放弃对卖方的任何索赔权利。
If the Goods cannot meet the technical parameters of this Contract, the Seller shall be responsible for the free replacement or repair. If still not meet the technical parameters of this Contract after replacement or repair, the Seller will be punished depend on the extent of the defect according to the Buyer’s instructions, is entitled to deduct the penalty directly from contracts payments. For non-functional defects which affect the normal use, the penalty will be 0.5 percent (0.5%) of the Contract Price for each itemplus reasonable cost the Buyer and /or the Buyer or any third party solving such de 点击查看>> r any contrary provision in this contract, these provisions do not affect other breach of the Seller under the contract and do not mean that the Buyer will waive any right to claim against the Seller.


点击查看>> (1)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (1)


点击查看>> (2)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (2)


点击查看>> (3)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

由于该货物为按照客户的要求定制的产品,因此针对产品瑕疵,我方仅能接受 4)和 5)处理方案, 希望贵方考虑删除 1)、2)、3)。 /Since the goods are customized products according to the customer"s requirements, we can only accept the solutions 4) and 5) for product blemish, and it is hoped that you will consider deleting 1), 2), and 3).

delete item (3)


点击查看>> (4)产品瑕疵/Product Blemish

中英文内容不一致, 希望删除英文版本中后面的 “and/or the \Buyer
cause”。 /The Chinese and English contents are inconsistent. It is hoped to delete “and/or the \Buyer cause” in the English wording.

第(4)条修改如下item (4) revised as follow:
(4)维护。卖方应按本合同对货物的要求维修货物,并承担因货物故障及维修给买方造成的损失,以及 (略) 发生的任何费用。
Maintenance, the Seller shall maintain the goods in accordance with requirements of the Contract and bear the losses caused by failures and maintenance of goods to the Buyer, as well as any costs incurred in the repair of the goods occurred.


点击查看>> 索赔/Claims

需要对赔偿金额设置合理上限,希望将此条款改为“违约 (略) 致的损失、损害,索赔的责任不超过合同金额的10%”。 /There should be a reasonable upper limit set for the claim amount, it is hoped to change this clause to “The liability of the breaching Party for losses or damages to the other Party shall not exceed 10% of the Contract amount.”

修改如下revised as follow:
无论本合同做何相反规定,上述规定不影响本 合同规定的卖方其它违约责任,包括任何产品 责任,且不代表买方就本合同放弃对卖方的任 何索赔权利,包括买方就因卖方违反本合同任 何规定而致使买方遭受的任何损失(包括直接 及间接损失、争议解决支出、律师费用等)而向卖方提起索赔的权利。
In spite of contrary provisions in the Contract, the aforementioned provisions shall not affect other liabilities of the Sellers under the Contract, including any product liability, and shall not mean the Buyer waives any right of claiming against the Sellers under the Contract, including the right of the Buyer to bring a claim against the Sellers for losses caused by the Sellers’ breach of the provisions of the Contract.
违约 (略) 致的损失、损害,索赔的责任不超过合同金额的10%。
The liability of the breaching Party for losses or damages to the other Party shall not exceed 10% of the Contact amount.


点击查看>> 误期赔偿费/Liquidated Damages

现在全球仍然有新冠疫情, 疫情带来的影响也是很难估计的, 所以请
在此条款中考虑疫情等不可抗力因素及带来的相应的影响, 希望将在此条款中加入“但如因不可抗力,如新冠肺炎等不可抗力因素及带来的相应的影响导致的延迟,双方依据实际情况友好协商解决”。 /At this stage, the COVID-19 is still spreading globally, and it is difficult
to estimate its impact, therefore, please consider force majeure factors such as the epidemic, etc. and the corresponding impact in this clause. It is hoped to add "but if due to force majeure, the delay caused by force majeure factors such as COVID-19, etc. and the corresponding impact they have led to shall be resolved by both Parties through friendly negotiation according to the actual situation.”

修改如下revised as follow:
In case the Seller cannot perform or fail to make delivery for Seller’s reasons 3 months later than the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract and the Seller, in spite of cancellation, shall still pay the penalty as aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay. However, for the deliver delay caused by Force Majeure, such as COVID-19, both parties shall settle by friendly negotiation according to actual situation. After cancellation, the Buyer has right to claim in either of following ways:


点击查看>> 争端的解决/Resolution of Disputes

由于该项目为国际合作项目,希望在此条款最后加上“并应提供一份英文翻译版”。 /Because this project is an internal cooperation project, it is hoped to add “and an English translation shall be provided”.

修改如下revised as follow:
Any dispute which is referred to formal arbitration under sub-clause 点击查看>> shall finally be settled by arbitration in Shanghai, under the Shanghai International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (SHIAC) in accordance with its arbitration rules/procedures. Unless otherwise agreed, the official language of arbitration shall be Chinese, and an English translation shall be provided.


点击查看>> 争端的解决/Resolution of Disputes

交货时间是在 点击查看>> 中约定的, 中文里索引的“13”是否应按照英文版本
修改为“ 点击查看>> ”? /The delivery time is stipulated in Article 点击查看>> , should the “13” in the Chinese citation be changed to “ 点击查看>> ” according to the English version?

修改如下revised as follow:
如果本合同 (略) 在国需要出口许可证,卖方应负责办理出口许可证,费用自理。办理出口许可证不得影响 点击查看>> 中约定的交货时间。如果本合同 (略) 在国不需要出口许可证,卖方应在合同签署前向买方出具经卖方授权人签字并盖章的“本合同项下货物不需要出口许可证”的申明,并确保该书面声明的真实性和合法性。
It is the responsibility of the Seller to arrange export license(s), if required for the Goods covered by this Contract from his own country at his own expense. The application off an export license shall not affect the delivery time. The implementation process of the export permit shall not influence the delivery time as stipulated in Article 点击查看>> . If the goods of the contract do not require an export license, The Seller shall sign and seal a statement that no export license is required for the Goods covered by this Contract to the Buyer prior to the entrance of this Contract, and guarantee the authenticity and legitimacy of this statement.


点击查看>> 合同生效及其他/Effectiveness of the Contract and Miscellaneous

关于“卖方应退回买方已支付的相应合同价款”, 希望能修改为“通过
双方友好协商确定”。 /Regarding“and the Seller should refund the payment”, it is hoped to have it changed to “to be determined upon a friendly negotiation between the Parties”.




保密协议需要替换成新版;缺少安全生产协议和廉洁协议。补充文件详见保密协议、安全生产协议廉洁协议附件,并将以书 (略) 有投标人。










