澄清或变更简要说明:*投标截止时间(开标时间)由原定的2022-08-16 10:00,延期至2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
广西 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2022-08-08在中国国际招标网发布变更公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 | ||||||||||
1、招标条件 | ||||||||||
项目概况:本招标项目为S15TDHE项目质量实验室新增检具、测量设备采购,招标人为柳州 (略) ,建设资金为招标人自筹。项目资金已经落实,已具备招标条件,现对该项目下列货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标。 | ||||||||||
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:项目资金已经落实 | ||||||||||
项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备招标条件 | ||||||||||
2、招标内容: | ||||||||||
(略) :0633- 点击查看>> /02 | ||||||||||
招标项目名称:S15TDHE项目质量实验室新增检具、测量设备采购-缸体圆度仪 | ||||||||||
项目实施地点:中国广西壮族自治区 | ||||||||||
招标产品列表(主要设备): | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
3、投标人资格要求 | ||||||||||
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1)投标人必须是制造商或制造商直接授权的代理商参加投标,在招标机构登记并购买了招标文件,并已在必联网、机电产品招标投标电子交易平台成功注册。(2)投标产品制造商必须通过ISO 9001认证或QS 9000认证,及必须通过ISO 点击查看>> 认证,并在投标文件中提供相应的证书复印件。(3)投标人至少完成过1项缸体缸盖曲轴测量仪供货业绩,并在投标 (略) 分业绩合同首页复印件以及用户清单,用户清单包括但不限于以下内容:用户名、型号、联系人、联系电话。(4)投标产品制造商应有1条或以上产线供货相关经验,并在投标 (略) 分业绩合同首页复印件以及用户清单,用户清单包括但不限于以下内容:用户名、型号、联系人、联系电话。(5)投标人需安排至少1名(含1名)现场工作服务工程师,服务工程师必须至少有3年的工作经验,在投标文件中提供服务工程师的名单及介绍(如有证书或业绩,需附上证书和业绩复印件)。 | ||||||||||
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 | ||||||||||
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 | ||||||||||
4、招标文件的获取 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购开始时间:2022-07-25 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购结束时间:2022-08-05 | ||||||||||
是否在线售卖标书:否 | ||||||||||
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购地点:本项目只发售电子版招标文件,请潜在投标人于本招标公告有效期限内,登录精彩纵横电子交易平台(www.jcz 点击查看>> )在线支付后下载招标文件。 | ||||||||||
招标文件售价:¥1000/$160 | ||||||||||
5、投标文件的递交 | ||||||||||
投标截止时间(开标时间):2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
投标文件送达地点:广西 (略) 柳州分公司(地址:广西柳州市东环 (略) 居上V8城A座19 (略) 开标室) | ||||||||||
开标地点:广西 (略) 柳州分公司(地址:广西柳州市东环 (略) 居上V8城A座19 (略) 开标室) | ||||||||||
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(https:/ 点击查看>> )或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在必联网和中国国际招标网公示。 | ||||||||||
7、联系方式 | ||||||||||
招标人:柳州 (略) | ||||||||||
地址:广西柳州市柳东新 (略) 1号 | ||||||||||
联系人:秦光勇 | ||||||||||
联系方式 :0772- 点击查看>> | ||||||||||
招标代理机构:广西 (略) | ||||||||||
地址:广西 (略) (略) 金源CBD现代城7层( 点击查看>> ) | ||||||||||
联系人:廖俐娜、苏畅 | ||||||||||
8、汇款方式 | ||||||||||
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): | ||||||||||
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): | ||||||||||
账号(人民币): | ||||||||||
账号(美元): | ||||||||||
9、其他补充说明 | ||||||||||
其他补充说明: 机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 指定的全国机电产品国际招标投标活动公共服务平台和行政监督平台,注册事宜请联系机电产品招标投标电子交易平台,相关要求详见《机电产品国际招标投标实施办法》。 |
Clarify or change:*Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time) :2022-08-16 10:00, Postponed to: 2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
Guangxi Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,Ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 2022-08-08. | ||||||||||
1.Bidding Conditions | ||||||||||
Overview:Liuzhou Saike Technology Development Co., L 点击查看>> s sealed bids from eligible suppliers by the way of international competitive bidding, and the project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
Source of Funds:The project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
2.Bidding Content: | ||||||||||
Bidding No:0633- 点击查看>> /02 | ||||||||||
Project Name:S15TDHE project quality laboratory new gage, measuring equipment procurement-Block bore roundness tester | ||||||||||
Place of Implementation:Liuzhou, Guangxi | ||||||||||
List of Products: | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder | ||||||||||
Qualifications or Performance:(1) Bidder must be the manufacturer or manufacturer directly authorized agents to participate in the bidding, has been successfully registered in the BIDLINK(https:/ 点击查看>> )、China International Tendering Network 点击查看>> ), and in the tender registration and purchase of tender documents. (2) The manufacturer of the bidding products must pass ISO 9001 certification or QS 9000 certification, and must pass ISO 点击查看>> certification, and provide copies of the corresponding certificates in the bidding documents. (3) The bidder shall have completed at least one supply performance of cylinder block and cylinder head crankshaft measuring instrument, and shall provide a copy of part of the first page of the performance contract and the user list in the bidding document, which shall include but not limited to the following contents: user name, model, contact person and phone number. (4) The manufacturer of the bidding products shall have 1 or more experience in production line supply, and provide a copy of the first page of part of the performance contract and a list of users in the bidding documents, including but not limited to the following contents: user name, model, contact person and phone number. (5) The bidder shall arrange at least one (including one) field service engineer, who shall have at least 3 years" working experience. The list and introduction of service engineer shall be provided in the bidding document (if any certificates or achievements are available, copies of certificates and achievements shall be attached). | ||||||||||
Joint Bids:NOT Available | ||||||||||
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available | ||||||||||
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents | ||||||||||
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-07-25 | ||||||||||
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-08-05 | ||||||||||
Sell bidding?doc?online?or?not:No | ||||||||||
To Obtain:On-site Purchase | ||||||||||
Place:project only offer electronic tender documents, please invite potential bidders in this bidding announcement valid period, login 点击查看>> ) downloading bidding documents after online payment. | ||||||||||
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$160 | ||||||||||
Additional Instructions: | ||||||||||
5.Bid Submission | ||||||||||
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
Place of Bid:Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi) | ||||||||||
Place of Bid Opening:Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi) | ||||||||||
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on | ||||||||||
7.Contact Details | ||||||||||
Purchasers:Liuzhou Saike Technology Development Co., Ltd. | ||||||||||
Add.:No.1, Cheyuan HengEr Road,Liudong New District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi, P.R.C. | ||||||||||
Contact:Mr.Qin Guangyong | ||||||||||
Tel:(0086)772- 点击查看>> | ||||||||||
Bidding Agency:Guangxi Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,Ltd | ||||||||||
Add.:7/F, Jinyuan CBD Building, No.63, Jinhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi | ||||||||||
Contact:Ms.Liao Lina, Mr. Su Chang | ||||||||||
8.Remittance Approach | ||||||||||
Bank(RMB): | ||||||||||
Bank(USD): | ||||||||||
Account NO.(RMB): | ||||||||||
Account NO.(USD): | ||||||||||
9.Additional Instruction | ||||||||||
Additional Instruction 点击查看>> for International Tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products nationwide designated by the State Department of Commerce and public service platform administrative supervision platform, registration please contact www.c 点击查看>> ., refer to "mechanical and electrical products in the international bidding implementation measures" implementation. |
澄清或变更简要说明:*投标截止时间(开标时间)由原定的2022-08-16 10:00,延期至2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
广西 (略) 受招标人委托对下列产品及服务进行国际公开竞争性招标,于2022-08-08在中国国际招标网发布变更公告。 本次招标采用传统招标方式,现邀请合格投标人参加投标。 | ||||||||||
1、招标条件 | ||||||||||
项目概况:本招标项目为S15TDHE项目质量实验室新增检具、测量设备采购,招标人为柳州 (略) ,建设资金为招标人自筹。项目资金已经落实,已具备招标条件,现对该项目下列货物和有关服务进行国际公开招标。 | ||||||||||
资金到位或资金来源落实情况:项目资金已经落实 | ||||||||||
项目已具备招标条件的说明:已具备招标条件 | ||||||||||
2、招标内容: | ||||||||||
(略) :0633- 点击查看>> /02 | ||||||||||
招标项目名称:S15TDHE项目质量实验室新增检具、测量设备采购-缸体圆度仪 | ||||||||||
项目实施地点:中国广西壮族自治区 | ||||||||||
招标产品列表(主要设备): | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
3、投标人资格要求 | ||||||||||
投标人应具备的资格或业绩:(1)投标人必须是制造商或制造商直接授权的代理商参加投标,在招标机构登记并购买了招标文件,并已在必联网、机电产品招标投标电子交易平台成功注册。(2)投标产品制造商必须通过ISO 9001认证或QS 9000认证,及必须通过ISO 点击查看>> 认证,并在投标文件中提供相应的证书复印件。(3)投标人至少完成过1项缸体缸盖曲轴测量仪供货业绩,并在投标 (略) 分业绩合同首页复印件以及用户清单,用户清单包括但不限于以下内容:用户名、型号、联系人、联系电话。(4)投标产品制造商应有1条或以上产线供货相关经验,并在投标 (略) 分业绩合同首页复印件以及用户清单,用户清单包括但不限于以下内容:用户名、型号、联系人、联系电话。(5)投标人需安排至少1名(含1名)现场工作服务工程师,服务工程师必须至少有3年的工作经验,在投标文件中提供服务工程师的名单及介绍(如有证书或业绩,需附上证书和业绩复印件)。 | ||||||||||
是否接受联合体投标:不接受 | ||||||||||
未领购招标文件是否可以参加投标:不可以 | ||||||||||
4、招标文件的获取 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购开始时间:2022-07-25 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购结束时间:2022-08-05 | ||||||||||
是否在线售卖标书:否 | ||||||||||
获取招标文件方式:现场领购 | ||||||||||
招标文件领购地点:本项目只发售电子版招标文件,请潜在投标人于本招标公告有效期限内,登录精彩纵横电子交易平台(www.jcz 点击查看>> )在线支付后下载招标文件。 | ||||||||||
招标文件售价:¥1000/$160 | ||||||||||
5、投标文件的递交 | ||||||||||
投标截止时间(开标时间):2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
投标文件送达地点:广西 (略) 柳州分公司(地址:广西柳州市东环 (略) 居上V8城A座19 (略) 开标室) | ||||||||||
开标地点:广西 (略) 柳州分公司(地址:广西柳州市东环 (略) 居上V8城A座19 (略) 开标室) | ||||||||||
6、投标人在投标前应在必联网(https:/ 点击查看>> )或机 电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )完成注册及信息核验。评标结果将在必联网和中国国际招标网公示。 | ||||||||||
7、联系方式 | ||||||||||
招标人:柳州 (略) | ||||||||||
地址:广西柳州市柳东新 (略) 1号 | ||||||||||
联系人:秦光勇 | ||||||||||
联系方式 :0772- 点击查看>> | ||||||||||
招标代理机构:广西 (略) | ||||||||||
地址:广西 (略) (略) 金源CBD现代城7层( 点击查看>> ) | ||||||||||
联系人:廖俐娜、苏畅 | ||||||||||
8、汇款方式 | ||||||||||
招标代理机构开户银行(人民币): | ||||||||||
招标代理机构开户银行(美元): | ||||||||||
账号(人民币): | ||||||||||
账号(美元): | ||||||||||
9、其他补充说明 | ||||||||||
其他补充说明: 机电产品招标投标电子交易平台(https:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 指定的全国机电产品国际招标投标活动公共服务平台和行政监督平台,注册事宜请联系机电产品招标投标电子交易平台,相关要求详见《机电产品国际招标投标实施办法》。 |
Clarify or change:*Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time) :2022-08-16 10:00, Postponed to: 2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
Guangxi Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,Ltd entrusted by the purchaser, invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers home and abroad for the supply of the following goods and/or service by way of International Competitive Bidding. The tender notice was released on www.c 点击查看>> on 2022-08-08. | ||||||||||
1.Bidding Conditions | ||||||||||
Overview:Liuzhou Saike Technology Development Co., L 点击查看>> s sealed bids from eligible suppliers by the way of international competitive bidding, and the project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
Source of Funds:The project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
Description of The Prepared Bidding Conditions:The project’s fund has been confirmed. | ||||||||||
2.Bidding Content: | ||||||||||
Bidding No:0633- 点击查看>> /02 | ||||||||||
Project Name:S15TDHE project quality laboratory new gage, measuring equipment procurement-Block bore roundness tester | ||||||||||
Place of Implementation:Liuzhou, Guangxi | ||||||||||
List of Products: | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
3.Qualification Requirements For Bidder | ||||||||||
Qualifications or Performance:(1) Bidder must be the manufacturer or manufacturer directly authorized agents to participate in the bidding, has been successfully registered in the BIDLINK(https:/ 点击查看>> )、China International Tendering Network 点击查看>> ), and in the tender registration and purchase of tender documents. (2) The manufacturer of the bidding products must pass ISO 9001 certification or QS 9000 certification, and must pass ISO 点击查看>> certification, and provide copies of the corresponding certificates in the bidding documents. (3) The bidder shall have completed at least one supply performance of cylinder block and cylinder head crankshaft measuring instrument, and shall provide a copy of part of the first page of the performance contract and the user list in the bidding document, which shall include but not limited to the following contents: user name, model, contact person and phone number. (4) The manufacturer of the bidding products shall have 1 or more experience in production line supply, and provide a copy of the first page of part of the performance contract and a list of users in the bidding documents, including but not limited to the following contents: user name, model, contact person and phone number. (5) The bidder shall arrange at least one (including one) field service engineer, who shall have at least 3 years" working experience. The list and introduction of service engineer shall be provided in the bidding document (if any certificates or achievements are available, copies of certificates and achievements shall be attached). | ||||||||||
Joint Bids:NOT Available | ||||||||||
Bid without the bidding documents:NOT Available | ||||||||||
4.Acquisition of Bidding Documents | ||||||||||
Beginning of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-07-25 | ||||||||||
Ending of Selling Bidding Documents:2022-08-05 | ||||||||||
Sell bidding?doc?online?or?not:No | ||||||||||
To Obtain:On-site Purchase | ||||||||||
Place:project only offer electronic tender documents, please invite potential bidders in this bidding announcement valid period, login 点击查看>> ) downloading bidding documents after online payment. | ||||||||||
Price of Bidding Documents: ¥1000/$160 | ||||||||||
Additional Instructions: | ||||||||||
5.Bid Submission | ||||||||||
Deadline for Submitting Bids/Time of Bid Opening (Beijing Time):2022-08-17 10:00 | ||||||||||
Place of Bid:Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi) | ||||||||||
Place of Bid Opening:Liuzhou Branch, Guangxi Machinery and Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.( Address: 1912,19F, Block A, Jushang V8 Building, No. 230, Donghuan Avenue, Liuzhou, Guangxi) | ||||||||||
6.The bidder needs to register before the tender on www.c 点击查看>> . And the evaluation results will be released on | ||||||||||
7.Contact Details | ||||||||||
Purchasers:Liuzhou Saike Technology Development Co., Ltd. | ||||||||||
Add.:No.1, Cheyuan HengEr Road,Liudong New District, Liuzhou City, Guangxi, P.R.C. | ||||||||||
Contact:Mr.Qin Guangyong | ||||||||||
Tel:(0086)772- 点击查看>> | ||||||||||
Bidding Agency:Guangxi Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co.,Ltd | ||||||||||
Add.:7/F, Jinyuan CBD Building, No.63, Jinhu Road, Nanning, Guangxi | ||||||||||
Contact:Ms.Liao Lina, Mr. Su Chang | ||||||||||
8.Remittance Approach | ||||||||||
Bank(RMB): | ||||||||||
Bank(USD): | ||||||||||
Account NO.(RMB): | ||||||||||
Account NO.(USD): | ||||||||||
9.Additional Instruction | ||||||||||
Additional Instruction 点击查看>> for International Tendering and bidding of mechanical and electrical products nationwide designated by the State Department of Commerce and public service platform administrative supervision platform, registration please contact www.c 点击查看>> ., refer to "mechanical and electrical products in the international bidding implementation measures" implementation. |