(略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛电渣炉1台变更公告
(略) :0721-2240A016-B26-687
(略) (国际招标网):0721- 点击查看>> B2687
上海 (略) (以下称招标机构)受欧 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其 (略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛 (略) 需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。
(略) :0721-2240A016-B26-687/01
标段名称: (略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛电渣炉1台
4)电极位置可进行"X"和"Y"方向调节,可以解决炉子外假电极焊接工序中出现电极和假电极不对中的缺陷。 (略) 按钮控制。相关调节是依靠操作人员的目视判断。 (略) 的指示器可显示电极拉杆与零位置的实际偏差。
5)可使用一套自动加渣小车提供控制的渣料量供应。开始投加和后加的渣料组成重 (略) 需的总渣料量。自动加渣小车采用采用移动式螺旋进料。
共 (略) 冷却水系统,分别对电源、水冷电缆 (略) 件进行冷却。
(略) 冷却水系统主要包括但不限于:不锈钢水箱、加热器、水泵(一用一备)、热交换器、水流量表、温度表、压力表、传感器、流量阀及水分配器等。系统采用不锈钢材质管道。
所 (略) 具备温度、压力、流量显示及可视流量指示器,报警、联锁控制功能,连接至 PLC 控制系统, (略) 水的监测,可以 (略) 故障,选用的流量检测仪器故障 (略) 产生任何影响。
结晶器组件上设烟气排放和气氛保护罩,用作屏闭车间内进入结晶器的潮湿大气。可通过一套多喷嘴的射流系统把干燥空气从电极和排放罩之间的环隙引 (略) 。
供电短网 (略) 分组成的,电源到炉头是由多组同轴馈电水冷电缆连接,炉头电流经导电碳刷依次传输到导电拉杆、自耗电极、新生成的钢锭、导电铜底板、导电炉腿,最终回到电源,其中炉头与熔炼工位由4组同轴导电铜炉腿组成。
一次主进线电压和频率:6kv AC/50 Hz
采用载 (略) 馈入称重传感器,接收 (略) ,避免噪声干扰和零点飘移。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
交货地点:上海 (略) 项目现场或招标人指定的地方
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录宝华智慧招标共享平台,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在宝华智慧招标共享平台公示。
宝华智慧招标共享平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )和中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华智慧招标共享平台在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2022年07月31日起到2022年08月05日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2022年08月25日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在宝华智慧招标共享平 (略) 有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点:宝华智慧招标共享平台电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
3、投标人(或设备制造商)应具备有效的ISO9000及以上系列质量体系认证书之一,投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设 (略) 家授权函。
4、由于项目复杂,技术要求高,任何投标人希望参与本项目均应在开标前与招标人联系开展技术交流并签署技术协议,签订技术协议前须提供业绩合同、批量化生产的有效用户证明文件等;未能签订技术协议的投标人,其投标将被否决;技术协议签字必须在欧 (略) 组织下完成。欧 (略) 联系人:任全民,联系方式:(手机) 点击查看>> ,(邮箱) @@@ ao 点击查看>>
10. 本项目不接受联合体投标。
招标人邮箱: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
招标人电话: 点击查看>>
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线: 点击查看>> (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
传真:021- 点击查看>>
电话:021- 点击查看>>
电子邮件: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
招标机构地址:上海市 (略) (略) 楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protection
Changethe description
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:0721- 点击查看>> B2687
Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Baowu Special Metallurgy Co., Ltd(Hereinafterreferred to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in 5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protectioninviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:0721-2240A016-B26-687/01
Bid sectionName:5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protection
1. The name,quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere
Quantity:1 set
1)The furnace head enables the feeding of the consumable electrode. The electrode feed system is supported by the gantry structure of the furnace head and is placed on 3 or 4 load cells. It is composed of electrode ram and electromechanical drive system. The electrode ram is driven by ball screw and is equipped with a guide system.
2)The electrode clamping device is arranged at the lower end of the electrode ram. The electrode ram crosshead is composed of a pneumatic clamping cylinder. The melt current flows along the outer wall and through the contact flange at the lower end of the ram into the contact surface of the stub.
3)The electrode feed system is driven by motor and includes the components such as servo motor and a set of ball screws.
4)The electrode position can be adjusted in "X"/"Y" direction to solve the defect of misalignment of electrode and stub in the welding process of stub outside the furnace. Adjustment is controlled with button at local station. The relevant adjustment is based on the visual judgment of the operator. The indicator at the local station shows the actual deviation of the electrode ram from the zero position.
5)An automatic slag feed trolley can be used to provide the controlled amount of slag. The starting and subsequent slags make up the total amount of slags required for the remelt process. The automatic slag feed trolley uses the movable screw feeding.
6)Closed-loop cooling water system
Three closed-loop internal cooling water systems in total, which cool down the components such as the power supply, water-cooled cables and mold respectively.
The closed-loop internal cooling water system mainly includes, but not limited to, SS water tank, heater, water pump (one for normal use, the other for backup), heat exchanger, water flow meter, temperature meter, pressure gauge, sensor, flow valve and water distributor, etc. The pipeline of the system shall be made of SS.
All cooling water branches shall be equipped with temperature, pressure and flow rate display, visible flow indicator, alarm and interlock control, and shall be connected to the PLC control system, to achieve the monitoring of each water circuit and timely detection of water circuit failure. Failure of the flow detection instrument selected will not have any impact on the water circuit.
The cooling water inlet temperature of the mold can be controlled automatically.
7)Flue gas venting and atmosphere protection hood system
The mold assembly shall be equipped with flue gas venting and atmosphere protection hood to shield against the humid atmosphere entering the mold in the workshop. Dry air can be introduced into the mold through the annular gap between the electrode and the venting hood through a multi-nozzle jet system.
8)Full coaxial large current feeder system
The power supply network system is composed of multiple parts. Connection from the power supply to the furnace head is enabled by multiple groups of coaxial feeder water-cooled cables. The current of the furnace head is transmitted to the conductive tie rod, consumable electrode, newly generated ingot, conductive copper base plate, conductive furnace leg, and finally back to the power supply through conductive carbon brushes, where the furnace head and melt position are composed of 4 groups of coaxial conductive copper furnace legs.
9)Melt power supply
The furnace is designed to allow use of the power supply at the frequency of power supply.
Primary main inlet voltage and frequency: 6kv AC/50 Hz
Thyristor or saturable reactor is used to control the power supply.
10)Weighing system
The weighing system with high precision, temperature compensation and electrical shield shall be used.
High precision electronic measuring system with high resolution, allowing fast melt speed calculation, shall be used.
Carrier frequency technology shall be used to feed the signal into the load cell, and receive the modulated signal to avoid noise interference and zero point drift.
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:Shuichan Road, Baoshan, Shanghai, or the place designated by the bidder
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website (http:/ 点击查看>> ), and regi 点击查看>> make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platform(http:/ 点击查看>> ) could also provide theinformation about tendering project of our company (exceptinvitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:2022-07-31 to 2022-08-05(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is 1, 点击查看>> CNYor 点击查看>> USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
2022-08-25 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
1、The bidder shall be a corporate founded within or out of the territory of PRC under applicable laws or a branch thereof under its control.
2、The bidder or the equipment manufacturer shall, as of the bidding deadline, have the performance of 2 or more argon atmosphere electroslag furnaces for ingots ≥3t (using the melt power of dry type transformer with regulator and rectifier or watered cooled dry type transformer with variable reactor) in similar working conditions in and outside the country, and provide valid user documentation proving the stable batch production of high quality high temperature alloys such as GH4169 (IN718) or GH4169D (IN718Plus) or GH4720Li (Udimet720Li) for ingots of not less than Ф430mm.
3、The bidder (or equipment manufacturer) shall have been granted one of the valid certificates of ISO9000 series and above. Bidders as agent shall also have obtained the written authorization from the equipment manufacturer.
4、Due to the complexity and high technical requirements of the project, any bidder wishing to participate in this project shall contact the tenderee for technical communication and conclude the technical agreement before the bid opening. Before conclusing the technical agreement, the bidder shall provide the performance contract and valid user documents proving batch production. Bids from bidders who fail to conclude the technical agreement will be rejected. The signing of the technical agreement shall be completed under the organization of OBEI. Contact of OBEI: Ren Quanmin, Mobile: 点击查看>> , e-mail: @@@ ao 点击查看>> .
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is not accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:任全民
Tenderer"s mailbox: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
Tenderer telephone: 点击查看>>
12. Tel: 点击查看>> (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Fax:021- 点击查看>>
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager: (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Tel:021- 点击查看>>
E-mail: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
Bidagency address:No.8, 550 Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):China Construction Bank, Baoshan Baosteel Branch
Beneficiary:Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.
(略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛电渣炉1台变更公告
(略) :0721-2240A016-B26-687
(略) (国际招标网):0721- 点击查看>> B2687
上海 (略) (以下称招标机构)受欧 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其 (略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛 (略) 需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。
(略) :0721-2240A016-B26-687/01
标段名称: (略) 更新5t电渣炉2台项目工程5t保护气氛电渣炉1台
4)电极位置可进行"X"和"Y"方向调节,可以解决炉子外假电极焊接工序中出现电极和假电极不对中的缺陷。 (略) 按钮控制。相关调节是依靠操作人员的目视判断。 (略) 的指示器可显示电极拉杆与零位置的实际偏差。
5)可使用一套自动加渣小车提供控制的渣料量供应。开始投加和后加的渣料组成重 (略) 需的总渣料量。自动加渣小车采用采用移动式螺旋进料。
共 (略) 冷却水系统,分别对电源、水冷电缆 (略) 件进行冷却。
(略) 冷却水系统主要包括但不限于:不锈钢水箱、加热器、水泵(一用一备)、热交换器、水流量表、温度表、压力表、传感器、流量阀及水分配器等。系统采用不锈钢材质管道。
所 (略) 具备温度、压力、流量显示及可视流量指示器,报警、联锁控制功能,连接至 PLC 控制系统, (略) 水的监测,可以 (略) 故障,选用的流量检测仪器故障 (略) 产生任何影响。
结晶器组件上设烟气排放和气氛保护罩,用作屏闭车间内进入结晶器的潮湿大气。可通过一套多喷嘴的射流系统把干燥空气从电极和排放罩之间的环隙引 (略) 。
供电短网 (略) 分组成的,电源到炉头是由多组同轴馈电水冷电缆连接,炉头电流经导电碳刷依次传输到导电拉杆、自耗电极、新生成的钢锭、导电铜底板、导电炉腿,最终回到电源,其中炉头与熔炼工位由4组同轴导电铜炉腿组成。
一次主进线电压和频率:6kv AC/50 Hz
采用载 (略) 馈入称重传感器,接收 (略) ,避免噪声干扰和零点飘移。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
交货地点:上海 (略) 项目现场或招标人指定的地方
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录宝华智慧招标共享平台,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在宝华智慧招标共享平台公示。
宝华智慧招标共享平台(https:/ 点击查看>> )和中国招标投标公共服务平台(http:/ 点击查看>> ) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华智慧招标共享平台在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2022年07月31日起到2022年08月05日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2022年08月25日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在宝华智慧招标共享平 (略) 有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点:宝华智慧招标共享平台电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
3、投标人(或设备制造商)应具备有效的ISO9000及以上系列质量体系认证书之一,投标人如为代理商, (略) 投设 (略) 家授权函。
4、由于项目复杂,技术要求高,任何投标人希望参与本项目均应在开标前与招标人联系开展技术交流并签署技术协议,签订技术协议前须提供业绩合同、批量化生产的有效用户证明文件等;未能签订技术协议的投标人,其投标将被否决;技术协议签字必须在欧 (略) 组织下完成。欧 (略) 联系人:任全民,联系方式:(手机) 点击查看>> ,(邮箱) @@@ ao 点击查看>>
10. 本项目不接受联合体投标。
招标人邮箱: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
招标人电话: 点击查看>>
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线: 点击查看>> (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
传真:021- 点击查看>>
电话:021- 点击查看>>
电子邮件: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
招标机构地址:上海市 (略) (略) 楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protection
Changethe description
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:0721- 点击查看>> B2687
Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Baowu Special Metallurgy Co., Ltd(Hereinafterreferred to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in 5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protectioninviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:0721-2240A016-B26-687/01
Bid sectionName:5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere Protection
1. The name,quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:5t Electroslag Furnace with Atmosphere
Quantity:1 set
1)The furnace head enables the feeding of the consumable electrode. The electrode feed system is supported by the gantry structure of the furnace head and is placed on 3 or 4 load cells. It is composed of electrode ram and electromechanical drive system. The electrode ram is driven by ball screw and is equipped with a guide system.
2)The electrode clamping device is arranged at the lower end of the electrode ram. The electrode ram crosshead is composed of a pneumatic clamping cylinder. The melt current flows along the outer wall and through the contact flange at the lower end of the ram into the contact surface of the stub.
3)The electrode feed system is driven by motor and includes the components such as servo motor and a set of ball screws.
4)The electrode position can be adjusted in "X"/"Y" direction to solve the defect of misalignment of electrode and stub in the welding process of stub outside the furnace. Adjustment is controlled with button at local station. The relevant adjustment is based on the visual judgment of the operator. The indicator at the local station shows the actual deviation of the electrode ram from the zero position.
5)An automatic slag feed trolley can be used to provide the controlled amount of slag. The starting and subsequent slags make up the total amount of slags required for the remelt process. The automatic slag feed trolley uses the movable screw feeding.
6)Closed-loop cooling water system
Three closed-loop internal cooling water systems in total, which cool down the components such as the power supply, water-cooled cables and mold respectively.
The closed-loop internal cooling water system mainly includes, but not limited to, SS water tank, heater, water pump (one for normal use, the other for backup), heat exchanger, water flow meter, temperature meter, pressure gauge, sensor, flow valve and water distributor, etc. The pipeline of the system shall be made of SS.
All cooling water branches shall be equipped with temperature, pressure and flow rate display, visible flow indicator, alarm and interlock control, and shall be connected to the PLC control system, to achieve the monitoring of each water circuit and timely detection of water circuit failure. Failure of the flow detection instrument selected will not have any impact on the water circuit.
The cooling water inlet temperature of the mold can be controlled automatically.
7)Flue gas venting and atmosphere protection hood system
The mold assembly shall be equipped with flue gas venting and atmosphere protection hood to shield against the humid atmosphere entering the mold in the workshop. Dry air can be introduced into the mold through the annular gap between the electrode and the venting hood through a multi-nozzle jet system.
8)Full coaxial large current feeder system
The power supply network system is composed of multiple parts. Connection from the power supply to the furnace head is enabled by multiple groups of coaxial feeder water-cooled cables. The current of the furnace head is transmitted to the conductive tie rod, consumable electrode, newly generated ingot, conductive copper base plate, conductive furnace leg, and finally back to the power supply through conductive carbon brushes, where the furnace head and melt position are composed of 4 groups of coaxial conductive copper furnace legs.
9)Melt power supply
The furnace is designed to allow use of the power supply at the frequency of power supply.
Primary main inlet voltage and frequency: 6kv AC/50 Hz
Thyristor or saturable reactor is used to control the power supply.
10)Weighing system
The weighing system with high precision, temperature compensation and electrical shield shall be used.
High precision electronic measuring system with high resolution, allowing fast melt speed calculation, shall be used.
Carrier frequency technology shall be used to feed the signal into the load cell, and receive the modulated signal to avoid noise interference and zero point drift.
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:Shuichan Road, Baoshan, Shanghai, or the place designated by the bidder
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website (http:/ 点击查看>> ), and regi 点击查看>> make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website (http:/ 点击查看>> ) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platform(http:/ 点击查看>> ) could also provide theinformation about tendering project of our company (exceptinvitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:2022-07-31 to 2022-08-05(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is 1, 点击查看>> CNYor 点击查看>> USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
2022-08-25 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
1、The bidder shall be a corporate founded within or out of the territory of PRC under applicable laws or a branch thereof under its control.
2、The bidder or the equipment manufacturer shall, as of the bidding deadline, have the performance of 2 or more argon atmosphere electroslag furnaces for ingots ≥3t (using the melt power of dry type transformer with regulator and rectifier or watered cooled dry type transformer with variable reactor) in similar working conditions in and outside the country, and provide valid user documentation proving the stable batch production of high quality high temperature alloys such as GH4169 (IN718) or GH4169D (IN718Plus) or GH4720Li (Udimet720Li) for ingots of not less than Ф430mm.
3、The bidder (or equipment manufacturer) shall have been granted one of the valid certificates of ISO9000 series and above. Bidders as agent shall also have obtained the written authorization from the equipment manufacturer.
4、Due to the complexity and high technical requirements of the project, any bidder wishing to participate in this project shall contact the tenderee for technical communication and conclude the technical agreement before the bid opening. Before conclusing the technical agreement, the bidder shall provide the performance contract and valid user documents proving batch production. Bids from bidders who fail to conclude the technical agreement will be rejected. The signing of the technical agreement shall be completed under the organization of OBEI. Contact of OBEI: Ren Quanmin, Mobile: 点击查看>> , e-mail: @@@ ao 点击查看>> .
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is not accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:任全民
Tenderer"s mailbox: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
Tenderer telephone: 点击查看>>
12. Tel: 点击查看>> (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Fax:021- 点击查看>>
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager: (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Tel:021- 点击查看>>
E-mail: @@@ ao 点击查看>>
Bidagency address:No.8, 550 Long KeShan Road, Bao Shan District,Shanghai, China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):China Construction Bank, Baoshan Baosteel Branch
Beneficiary:Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.