招标编号( (略) ):4081-*M0108
上海 (略) 安徽分公司(以下称招标机构)受欧 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其马钢新特钢项目配套检化验中心项目金相设备所需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投 (略) 上电子投标。
*(1)9台金相显微镜,其中正置材料显微镜6套,放大倍数范围50x~1000x。正置材料显微镜3套,放大倍数范围25x~1000x。均具备明场、高级暗场、偏光观察功能。配置原厂摄像头进行显微拍照。搭配计算机、图像采集软件,可对拍摄好的图像进行处理。金相显微镜的品牌型号为康帕斯Optika A-600、布莱特BRIGHT M100、蔡司Axio Imager.A2m、 莱卡Leica DM6M或技术指标相当于以上品牌、型号的设备。
*(2)1台体视显微镜,体视显微镜的品牌型号为康帕斯Optika S8、布莱特BRIGHT MSS360、蔡司SteREO Discovery.V8、莱卡Leica M205A或技术指标相当于以上品牌、型号的设备。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录 (略) ,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在 (略) 公示。
(略) http://**)和中国 (略) http://**) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在 (略) 在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2022年09月29日起到2022年10月11日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2022年11月01日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在 (略) 成功递交所有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点: (略) 电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
10. 本项目不接受联合体投标。
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线:* (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
网上购标方法:具体操作方法详见 (略) “操作指南”。
招标机构地址:安 (略) (略) 8号马钢生产指挥中心主楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
Equipment of New Special Steel Inspection Project of Ma "anshan Iron & Steel Co., LTD.
Changethe description
The deadline for submission of bidding documents is changed from 09:00 on October 20, 2022 to 09:00 on November 1, 2022.
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:4081-*M0108
Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in *A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.inviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:4081-2240A005-M01-708/01
Bid sectionName:*A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
1. The name,quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:Metallographic Equipment
Quantity:A batch.
*(1)A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
*(2)1 set of Stereoscopic microscopy, the brands and models of stereomicroscope are Optika S8, bright mss360 and Zeiss stereo discovery V8, Leica m205a or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:site of Masteel Testing Center No. 2 operation area offinished products.
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website http://**), and register.Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website http://**) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platformhttp://**) could also provide theinformation about tendering project of our company (exceptinvitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:2022-09-29 to 2022-10-11(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is *CNYor165.00USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
2022-11-01 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
(1)Qualification requirements for bidders to be manufacturers: 1) Manufacturers outside China must be registered in their localities; 2) Manufacturers in China must have a business license. Qualification requirements for bidders to be traders or agents: 1) Overseas bidders shall be registered locally; 2) The traders or agents in China have valid business licenses; 3) All traders or agents within and outside China shall obtain the manufacturer"s authorization;
(2)The bidding product (of the same brand) has the supply performance of metallographic microscope equipment since January 1, 2019 (including, subject to the contract signing time), and the photocopies of relevant performance contracts. (The name of goods, technical parameters, signature and time of signing in the photocopies of the contract shall be clearly legible. If necessary, the technical agreement or the owner"s certification materials, website screenshots and other supplementary certification materials shall be provided);
(3)Suppliers are not on Baowu Group"s prohibited list.
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is not accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:岑国瑞
Tenderer"s mailbox:*@*asteelprocure.com
Tenderer telephone:*
12. Tel:* (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager:唐王忆 (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Bidagency address:No.8 Jiuhuaxilu, Maanshan , Anhui, P.R.China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):Maanshan Branch, Bank of China
Beneficiary:Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.
招标编号( (略) ):4081-*M0108
上海 (略) 安徽分公司(以下称招标机构)受欧 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其马钢新特钢项目配套检化验中心项目金相设备所需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投 (略) 上电子投标。
*(1)9台金相显微镜,其中正置材料显微镜6套,放大倍数范围50x~1000x。正置材料显微镜3套,放大倍数范围25x~1000x。均具备明场、高级暗场、偏光观察功能。配置原厂摄像头进行显微拍照。搭配计算机、图像采集软件,可对拍摄好的图像进行处理。金相显微镜的品牌型号为康帕斯Optika A-600、布莱特BRIGHT M100、蔡司Axio Imager.A2m、 莱卡Leica DM6M或技术指标相当于以上品牌、型号的设备。
*(2)1台体视显微镜,体视显微镜的品牌型号为康帕斯Optika S8、布莱特BRIGHT MSS360、蔡司SteREO Discovery.V8、莱卡Leica M205A或技术指标相当于以上品牌、型号的设备。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录 (略) ,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在 (略) 公示。
(略) http://**)和中国 (略) http://**) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在 (略) 在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:2022年09月29日起到2022年10月11日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:2022年11月01日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在 (略) 成功递交所有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点: (略) 电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
10. 本项目不接受联合体投标。
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线:* (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
网上购标方法:具体操作方法详见 (略) “操作指南”。
招标机构地址:安 (略) (略) 8号马钢生产指挥中心主楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
Equipment of New Special Steel Inspection Project of Ma "anshan Iron & Steel Co., LTD.
Changethe description
The deadline for submission of bidding documents is changed from 09:00 on October 20, 2022 to 09:00 on November 1, 2022.
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:4081-*M0108
Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.(Hereinafterreferred to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in *A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.inviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:4081-2240A005-M01-708/01
Bid sectionName:*A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
1. The name,quantity, technical specifications and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:Metallographic Equipment
Quantity:A batch.
*(1)A total of 9 sets of metallographic microscopes, including 6 sets of positive material microscopes, with magnification ranging from 50X to 1000X. 3 sets of positive material microscope with magnification range of 25x~ 1000X. All are equipped with bright field, advanced dark field, polarized light observation function. Equipped with the original camera for microphotography. With computer, image acquisition software, can be taken good image processing.The brands and models of the metallographic microscope of the bidding equipment are Optika a-600, bright M100 and Axio imager A2M, Leica dm6m or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
*(2)1 set of Stereoscopic microscopy, the brands and models of stereomicroscope are Optika S8, bright mss360 and Zeiss stereo discovery V8, Leica m205a or equipment with technical indicators equivalent to the above brands and models.
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:site of Masteel Testing Center No. 2 operation area offinished products.
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website http://**), and register.Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website http://**) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platformhttp://**) could also provide theinformation about tendering project of our company (exceptinvitation of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:2022-09-29 to 2022-10-11(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is *CNYor165.00USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
2022-11-01 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
(1)Qualification requirements for bidders to be manufacturers: 1) Manufacturers outside China must be registered in their localities; 2) Manufacturers in China must have a business license. Qualification requirements for bidders to be traders or agents: 1) Overseas bidders shall be registered locally; 2) The traders or agents in China have valid business licenses; 3) All traders or agents within and outside China shall obtain the manufacturer"s authorization;
(2)The bidding product (of the same brand) has the supply performance of metallographic microscope equipment since January 1, 2019 (including, subject to the contract signing time), and the photocopies of relevant performance contracts. (The name of goods, technical parameters, signature and time of signing in the photocopies of the contract shall be clearly legible. If necessary, the technical agreement or the owner"s certification materials, website screenshots and other supplementary certification materials shall be provided);
(3)Suppliers are not on Baowu Group"s prohibited list.
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is not accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:岑国瑞
Tenderer"s mailbox:*@*asteelprocure.com
Tenderer telephone:*
12. Tel:* (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager:唐王忆 (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Bidagency address:No.8 Jiuhuaxilu, Maanshan , Anhui, P.R.China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):Maanshan Branch, Bank of China
Beneficiary:Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.