上海 (略) 安徽分公司(以下称招标机构)受中冶华天 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其马钢长材产品产线规划配套改造—特钢公司精整修磨能力配套改造项目-相控阵超声探伤设备所需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。
探伤设备数量:2套,一套用于φ16-60mm;一套用于φ100-200mm。φ100-200mm设备技术规格:1.检测圆钢规格为φ100-200×(4000-12000)mm;2.探伤精度: 纵波:Φ1.2mmFBH平底孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ1.6mmFBH平底孔(Φ160-200mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ2.0mmFBH平底孔(Φ200mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。Φ0.7×12.5SDH横通孔(Φ150-200mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。横波:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。Φ0.7×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ150-200mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。0.5(深)×0.2(宽)×12.7mm(长)表面纵向矩形刻槽(Φ100-200mm)。φ16-60mm设备技术规格:1.检测圆钢规格为16-60×(4000-9000)mm;2.探伤精度:纵波:Φ0.7mmFBH平底孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ0.5×6.4SDH横通孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距表面3mm和1/2D);横波:Φ0.5×6.4SDH横通孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距表面3mm和1/2D);0.3(深)×0.2(宽)×6.4mm(长)表面纵向矩形刻槽(Φ16-65mm)。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
交货地点:境外部分为上海港,境内部分 (略) (略) 马钢整套设备安装建设现场
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录宝华智慧招标共享平台,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在宝华智慧招标共享平台公示。
宝华智慧招标共享平台http://**)和中国招标投标公共服务平台http://**) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华智慧招标共享平台在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:**日起到**日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:**日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在宝华智慧招标共享平台成功递交所有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点:宝华智慧招标共享平台电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
10. 本项目接受联合体投标。
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线:* (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
招标机构地址: (略) (略) 九华西路8号马钢生产指挥中心主楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Ltd Project of Finishing Line PA Ultrasonic Inspection System
Changethe description
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:4081-*E1808
Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinahttp://** to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Ltd.(Hereinahttp://** to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).inviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:4081-2240A013-E18-708/01
Bid sectionName:Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).
1. The name,quantity, technical http://** and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:PA Ultrasonic Inspection System
Quantity:2 sets
Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment: 1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length 4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length 4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:Overseas part:Shanghai Port,Domestic part:The place where the construction of the Complete Facility will be executed, being Masteel Maanshan Anhui Province , P.R. China
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website http://**), and register.Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website http://**) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platformhttp://**) could also provide http://** about tendering project of our company (excehttp://** of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:** to **(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is 1,500.00CNYor250.00USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
** 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
(1)The project does not accept agent bidding;
(2)The Bidder must be the manufacturer of the bidding product.Qualification requirements for The bidders as manufacturers: 1) Manufacturers outside China Customs must be registered in their localities; 2) Manufacturers in China Customs must have a business license;
(3)Since January 1st, 2019(including, subject to the contract signing time),the bidder should have the performance of supply ofequipment for Bars PA Ultrasonic Inspection System.The bidder must have the photocopies of relevant performance contracts. (The name of goods, technical parameters, signature and time of signing in the photocopies of the contract shall be clearly legible. If necessary, the technical agreement or the owner"s certification materials, website screenshots and other supplementary certification materials shall be provided);
(4)Due to the complexity of the project and the high technical requirements, bidder who wishes to participate in the project should contact the tenderee , and shall carry out technical exchanges and sign the technical annex before the bid opening. Otherwise, the bidder will be rejected.(tenderee: Xiao Hongtao, phone number : *) ;
(5)The bidder is not in the prohibited list of Baowu Steel Group Corporation and China Minmetals Group.
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:肖红涛
Tenderer"s mailbox:
Tenderer telephone:025-*
12. Tel:* (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager:唐王忆 (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Bidagency address:No.8 Jiuhuaxilu, Maanshan , Anhui, P.R.China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):Maanshan Branch, Bank of China
Beneficiary:Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.
上海 (略) 安徽分公司(以下称招标机构)受中冶华天 (略) (以下称买方)委托,就其马钢长材产品产线规划配套改造—特钢公司精整修磨能力配套改造项目-相控阵超声探伤设备所需的下列货物进行公开招标,邀请合格投标人进行网上电子投标。
探伤设备数量:2套,一套用于φ16-60mm;一套用于φ100-200mm。φ100-200mm设备技术规格:1.检测圆钢规格为φ100-200×(4000-12000)mm;2.探伤精度: 纵波:Φ1.2mmFBH平底孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ1.6mmFBH平底孔(Φ160-200mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ2.0mmFBH平底孔(Φ200mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。Φ0.7×12.5SDH横通孔(Φ150-200mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。横波:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ100-150mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。Φ0.7×12.7 SDH横通孔(Φ150-200mm样棒,距表面5mm和1/2D)。0.5(深)×0.2(宽)×12.7mm(长)表面纵向矩形刻槽(Φ100-200mm)。φ16-60mm设备技术规格:1.检测圆钢规格为16-60×(4000-9000)mm;2.探伤精度:纵波:Φ0.7mmFBH平底孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距底面5mm和1/2D);Φ0.5×6.4SDH横通孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距表面3mm和1/2D);横波:Φ0.5×6.4SDH横通孔(Φ16-60mm样棒,距表面3mm和1/2D);0.3(深)×0.2(宽)×6.4mm(长)表面纵向矩形刻槽(Φ16-65mm)。
2. 交货地点和交货时间:
交货地点:境外部分为上海港,境内部分 (略) (略) 马钢整套设备安装建设现场
3. *凡确认投标的投标人请登录宝华智慧招标共享平台,务必在开标前注册为其会员并通过年检以获得投标资格,中标情况将在宝华智慧招标共享平台公示。
宝华智慧招标共享平台http://**)和中国招标投标公共服务平台http://**) (略) 的招标项目信息(邀请招标除外),有兴趣的投标人可以登录查看。登录后,投标人可在宝华智慧招标共享平台在线购买招标文件,进行投标和开标活动。
4. 购买招标文件时间:**日起到**日止。
5. 招标文件售价:招标文件英文版及中文版一套(电子版),若中文和英文版有冲突以中文版为准。
6. 投标截止时间和开标时间:**日09时00分(北京时间)。投标人应于投标截止时间前在宝华智慧招标共享平台成功递交所有电子投标文件。
7. 开标方式:一步法。
8. 开标地点:宝华智慧招标共享平台电子开标大厅。
9. *对投标人的资格要求:
10. 本项目接受联合体投标。
12. 未领购招标文件的不得参加投标。
13. 客服热线:* (有关投标人CA办理事项的咨询)
招标机构地址: (略) (略) 九华西路8号马钢生产指挥中心主楼
收 款人:上海 (略)
Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Ltd Project of Finishing Line PA Ultrasonic Inspection System
Changethe description
Tendering No. (China International Bidding Website)No:4081-*E1808
Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.(Hereinahttp://** to as Tendering Agency) is commissioned by Maanshan Iron & Steel Company Ltd.(Hereinahttp://** to as tenderer) on Open Tendering for the following goodsrequired in Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).inviteseligible bidders to online e-bidding.
Bid sectionNo:4081-2240A013-E18-708/01
Bid sectionName:Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).
1. The name,quantity, technical http://** and fund sources of goods fortendering:
Thename:PA Ultrasonic Inspection System
Quantity:2 sets
Number of UT equipment:2sets,one set for bars of diameter 16 to 60mm;another set for bars of diameter 100 to 200mm.Technical http://** of φ100-200mm equipment: 1.Testing bar size φ100-200mm,length 4000-12000mm;2.Test sensitivity: Longitudinal wave:Φ1.2mmFBH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ1.6mmFBH(Φ160-200mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ2.0mmFBH(Φ200mm bar,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars ,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.5SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface).Shear wave:Φ0.5×12.7 SDH(Φ100-150mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.7×12.7 SDH(Φ150-200mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);0.5(depth)×0.2(width)×12.7mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ100-200mm).Technical http://** of φ16-60mm equipment:1.Testing bar size φ16-60mm,length 4000-9000mm ;2.Test sensitivity :Longitudinal wave:Φ0.7mmFBH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 5mm close to the bar surface);Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);Shear wave:Φ0.5×6.4SDH(Φ16-60mm of bars,in the bar center and 3mm close to the bar surface);0.3(depth)×0.2(width)×6.4mm(length)longitudinal surface notches (Φ16-65mm).
Fundsources of goods:Cash items
2.Deliverytime and place:
Deliveryplace:Overseas part:Shanghai Port,Domestic part:The place where the construction of the Complete Facility will be executed, being Masteel Maanshan Anhui Province , P.R. China
3. *Thebidders who have confirmed to participate the bid must log on ChinaInternational Bidding Website http://**), and register.Please make sure you have registered and passed through the annualreview before bidding. The awarding will be publicized on ChinaInternational Bidding Website.
BaohuaE-bidding website http://**) and ChinaTendeing & Bidding Public Service Platformhttp://**) could also provide http://** about tendering project of our company (excehttp://** of tendering), interested bidders may login to viewrelevant information. After login, the bidder could purchasetendering document and bid online.
4. Time forpurchasing Tendering documents: Starting from:** to **(Beijing time).
5. Salesprices of the tendering document: One complete set of TenderingDocuments both in English and Chinese ( electronic versionincluded). The Chinese language shall govern in case of anydiscrepancy between Chinese language and the English language.Salesprice is 1,500.00CNYor250.00USD
Alltendering documents will be sold per bid package (or section).After purchasing the bid, the bidder can download the tenderingdocument and the template of bidding document. The tenderingdocuments sales are non-refundable.
** 09:00(Beijing time).
7. Bidopening method :One-step of opening。
8. E-bidopening place:Bid opening hall on Baohua Intelligent Bidding Integrated Platform。
9. *Requirementsof Bidder’s qualification:
(1)The project does not accept agent bidding;
(2)The Bidder must be the manufacturer of the bidding product.Qualification requirements for The bidders as manufacturers: 1) Manufacturers outside China Customs must be registered in their localities; 2) Manufacturers in China Customs must have a business license;
(3)Since January 1st, 2019(including, subject to the contract signing time),the bidder should have the performance of supply ofequipment for Bars PA Ultrasonic Inspection System.The bidder must have the photocopies of relevant performance contracts. (The name of goods, technical parameters, signature and time of signing in the photocopies of the contract shall be clearly legible. If necessary, the technical agreement or the owner"s certification materials, website screenshots and other supplementary certification materials shall be provided);
(4)Due to the complexity of the project and the high technical requirements, bidder who wishes to participate in the project should contact the tenderee , and shall carry out technical exchanges and sign the technical annex before the bid opening. Otherwise, the bidder will be rejected.(tenderee: Xiao Hongtao, phone number : *) ;
(5)The bidder is not in the prohibited list of Baowu Steel Group Corporation and China Minmetals Group.
10. Thisproject no consortium bidding is accepted
11.Information about the tenderer:
Tenderer contact:肖红涛
Tenderer"s mailbox:
Tenderer telephone:025-*
12. Tel:* (consultingfor bidders CA affairs)
Onlinetendering document purchase: please refer to "HELP" for details onBaohua tendering website.
Bidmanager:唐王忆 (contactproject leader for commercial, technical problems of tenderingproject)
Bidagency address:No.8 Jiuhuaxilu, Maanshan , Anhui, P.R.China
When purchasing the tendering document, the payment in RMB shall be made bythe third party, and the payment in foreign currency can be remitted to the corresponding foreign currency account.
Bank account(Foreign currency):Maanshan Branch, Bank of China
Beneficiary:Anhui Branch of Shanghai Baohua International Tendering Co., Ltd.