(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集
International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou”
Supplementary Publicity of Prequalification Assessment Results
(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集活动已于 * 日完成资格预审, (略) 选出了8家入围单位。
The prequalification assessment of International Tendering of “Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou” has been concluded on October 19, 2015. After Technical Review Committee’s assessment, eight prequalified tenderers are selected.
由于排名第7的“SWA GROUP”和“ARUP”联合体因自身原因,放弃参与本次国际征集活动,现按资格预审文件“四、资格预审办法”的约定及 (略) 的评审结果,依次递补排名第9的“ (略) 西南交大 (略) ”和“阿特金斯顾问( (略) )有限公司”联合体作为“入围单位”。
The consortium formed by “SWA GROUP” and “ARUP”, ranked No. 7, has decided to waive its participation in the tendering for its own reason. As a result, according to the stipulation in “Article 4 Measures for Prequalification” and the evaluation results released by the Technical Review Committee, the consortium ranked No. 9, formed by “SOUTHWEST JIAODA CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN CO., LTD.” and “ATKINS CONSULTANTS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD”, will fill the vacancy in order of precedence.
Hereby the publicity is made.
征集组织单位: (略) 区交通项 (略)
Responsible Government Department: Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office
征集代理单位: (略) 有限公司
Tendering Agency: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
October 23, 2015
(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集
International Tendering of
“Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou”
Supplementary Publicity of Prequalification Assessment Results
(略) 市跨江桥历史文化环境艺术提升方案国际征集活动已于 * 日完成资格预审, (略) 选出了8家入围单位。
The prequalification assessment of International Tendering of “Proposals for Improving the Historical, Cultural and Aesthetic Environment of the Cross-River Bridges of Guangzhou” has been concluded on October 19, 2015. After Technical Review Committee’s assessment, eight prequalified tenderers are selected.
由于排名第7的“SWA GROUP”和“ARUP”联合体因自身原因,放弃参与本次国际征集活动,现按资格预审文件“四、资格预审办法”的约定及 (略) 的评审结果,依次递补排名第9的“ (略) 西南交大 (略) ”和“阿特金斯顾问( (略) )有限公司”联合体作为“入围单位”。
The consortium formed by “SWA GROUP” and “ARUP”, ranked No. 7, has decided to waive its participation in the tendering for its own reason. As a result, according to the stipulation in “Article 4 Measures for Prequalification” and the evaluation results released by the Technical Review Committee, the consortium ranked No. 9, formed by “SOUTHWEST JIAODA CIVIL ENGINEERING DESIGN CO., LTD.” and “ATKINS CONSULTANTS (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD”, will fill the vacancy in order of precedence.
Hereby the publicity is made.
征集组织单位: (略) 区交通项 (略)
Responsible Government Department: Guangzhou City Center Transport Project Office
征集代理单位: (略) 有限公司
Tendering Agency: Guangdong Provincial Machinery & Electric Equipment Tendering Co., Ltd.
October 23, 2015