招标项目编号:0712-* 项目名称: (略) -储氢材料及储运专用材料智能检测设备购置 项目名称(英文):Sinopec (Dalian) Petrochemical Research Institute Co., LTD. - Purchase of intelligent testing equipment for hydrogen storage materials and special materials for storage and transportation 招标人:中国 (略) 招标机构:中国 (略) 招标机构代码:0712 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标
招标项目编号:0712-* 项目名称: (略) -储氢材料及储运专用材料智能检测设备购置 项目名称(英文):Sinopec (Dalian) Petrochemical Research Institute Co., LTD. - Purchase of intelligent testing equipment for hydrogen storage materials and special materials for storage and transportation 招标人:中国 (略) 招标机构:中国 (略) 招标机构代码:0712 招标方式:公开招标 投标报价方式:线下投标 招标结果:重新招标